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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53045309 No.53045309 [Reply] [Original]

All Linkies are ordered to attend this mandatory thread about Chainlink by Sergey. It is of the utmost importance where I will deliver a special announcement about the state of LINK and what will happen in 2023. You have fifteen minutes to open a tab and a tab on your can of choice.

If you hold even >0.0 LINK you must attend! OR ELSE!

>> No.53045332
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I don't have any cans of soda, just a bottle of vanilla coke.

>> No.53045361
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>I will finally have sex when LINK moons

>> No.53045364
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100 staked link poorfag checking in pls no bully

>> No.53045370

Henlo ser am og linkie ico buy 2015 ser.

>> No.53045387

Is he bleeding from his ass or is he just licking his ass with his red tongue?

>> No.53045404
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>what will happen in 2023
crab towards $3

>> No.53045410

I hold Link and I have never been more depressed :(

>> No.53045495

can we contain all LINK threads into the /GME/ general? the holders seem to be very like-minded and it would clean up the board tremendously.

>> No.53045570


>> No.53045577
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>> No.53045586

Thank you for attending Linkies. All Linkies who decided to ignore the mandatory meeting will not be receiving their Secret Society rings when we all arrive on the citadel - Then the war for control of the mothership begins. Until then! I have an announcement:

In order for 2023 to be successful for Chainlink Labs, and by proxy, us bagholders in the next bullrun, we must ensure that Chainlink has new great marketing liken to 2017/2018, so that when Generation Z comes into the market, they will see a fresher face to LINK. I know that many of you are weary, or depressed, or upset about how LINK has behaved. But I tell you dear anons - I have bought into LINK not because I want to make money, but so I could baghold a selected favored coin of this board so I can be here with you. But if I am to buy in only to participate, this is not enough! In 2023 and 2024 you must create new palatable ideas for the next wave and discard the anger, discard the uncertainty, discard the fud. At this point anons will only hold themselves back. Zoomers are an optimistic generation, like nothing that has come before us now. They are willing to tackle the world even though the previous have made a serious mess of things. They are more patient, less lead poisoned, and kinder than any of us before them. Let them lead by example, and let us make marketing geared towards their collective philosophy.

Below this post I want you to write what you will do for LINK and how you will help fulfill the anonymous prophecies anons before you created! I will start:

I pledge to create an animated series to support anons on /biz/. The show will be quality, funny, but most importantly, informative, so that viewers can enjoy an actually good cartoon that /co/ would respect, and also because they learn about systems in crypto, and how LINK is good. I will also be fair, and showcase BTC, ETH, and other coins on how they work, weaved into fun comedic storytelling where it's not entertainment - Not learning!

>> No.53045594

This is a link board

>> No.53045652


This I pledge to you anons, not because I want to get rich, but I would like to see /biz/ be right. And for you to be right, for our ancestors to be right, for us to be right, we must let go of the negative fud, and start to develop productive, mischievous, and compassionate actions. A list of ideas below:

>AI Stable Diffusion
>Meme Imagery
>3D Models

This may not be the message Linkies will want to hear, they may even be offput by the idea of helping "undeservings" make it, or "normalfags" to not be allowed on the citadel, but the only thing you're doing with your fud and your anger is alienating away the compassionate zoomer generations that will buy bags right along with you. Change the course Link philosophy is current trending towards, and we will manifest our own destiny like the American settlers out West did in the 1800's. Good luck, anons, but most importantly - Resolve to change your personal agendas for the better.

>> No.53045657

Nah fuck everyone. They've literally had 5 years.

>> No.53045698
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>discard the anger, discard the uncertainty, discard the fud

>> No.53045715

it's entertainment - Not learning*

>> No.53045758

The reason I hold link is because I have no practical skills that can contribute to society.
I suspect the vast majority of link (LINK) holders are in the same position.
We appreciate everything you do and will be cheering you on from the sidelines.

>> No.53045768

I will change you for the better, and you will like it. This I pledge to you. The script for the show will be open written by all anons, even those who might not hold, so that /biz/ can have a whack at collaboration and productivity, instead of butthurt and fud. Much like AVAXchan anon uses Stable Diffusion and is very willing to help his frens, I must do the same with this. LINK philosophy will change because we must demand it change, to get ready for the absolute ATH smasher come next bullrun.

>> No.53045785

Zoomers are retards, if you wanna market link towards them make link a dog coin.

>> No.53045789

No you will be contributing to the cartoon episodes by helping give input on the scripts. When small example clips are posted the scripts will then be written in thread for each episode, with direction from myself and other anons, all working in cohesion not on discord or telegram, but by the work of sole anonymity.

>> No.53045803

Zoomers are compassionate and empathetic, they are not retarded even if they are being subjugated to the stupidity of the previous generations.

>> No.53045861

Your drive is refreshing in these dark times anon. I will do the needful.

>> No.53045870

zoomers are the most retarded generation to have ever existed, they prove that regression to cavemen tier intellects is happening but at least they will won't breed and instead of humanity becoming fully useless sacks of cells it will instead cease to exist and that's a good thing

>> No.53045925

Yeah they're compassionate and empathetic about non-whites and trannys/gays because that's what they are.

>> No.53046070

Lets talk about meta self awareness for a moment. Society is being pushed to adopt hyper self aware positions as a way to cope with impending doom. It's both artificial strategy promoted by our authorities, but also organic because it actually feels good to feel smug and superior to others as an individual. Further with what you say, >>53045925, the only reason they adopt those policies is because they are empathetic and compassionate, yet have no examples to be that way towards Whites and European identities due to an artificial response from the media. Might you give them examples then, to be kind towards, instead of lashing out? How do you expect to correct this or at least even it out if you do not firstly try to begin with? The problem is White people are not utilizing their endowed empathy, something they are very good at. You've allowed your controllers and masters to twist you into an angry pretzel, so now that you see zoomers acting certain ways, you think it's pointless.

Everything starts atomized with the individual. You buy crypto, some of the most decentralized finance out there. Why not adopt the same mindset that you really can make a difference? Because they have made you insincere and not honest. Come back, White man. And as for >>53045870, yes it's true, globally we are regressing regardless of race and identity due to some kind of reverse Flynn effect. Monogamy has become archaic to many individuals out there, leading to degeneracy, leading to a breaking down of tradition and honor and love. But I ask you: Why accept the predetermined outcomes of what the masters want for you? Why not attempt to forge a way forward for the lost to follow? Zoomers are not stupid, but their children and childrens children will be if we, the protectors, the providers, the matured, do not try and stop it. Regardless of what you look like or who you are, it is a good thing to try and build people up, not tear them down.

>> No.53046069

Ok let's see some something then.
You're wasting time writing this manifesto instead of producing the content. Builders build, talkers talk.

Also I'm just saying, I'd rather see CLxSWIFT cross border CBDCs become an actual thing rather than some community made web cartoon allow some retarded zoomers to "make it." There's endless actually educational content for LINK already. It's laid out perfectly for those who care to look and rub a couple brain cells together. Chainlink Labs, and the network itself, doesn't need a new army of zoomer holders in order to succeed.

Make your cartoon if you want but it's really unimportant to me. Also we already had Chainlink Tonight which was funny and cute in its own way but ultimately had pretty much no impact. It has soul at least.

>> No.53046100

Am I still a "LINKIE" if I only bought 50 coins back in 2020?

>> No.53046109

The point is that collectively we can build to something better than this incessant fud on this board. It starts with you, not on some kind of bagholder identity of feeling morally superior to those who can't see subtle patterns and clues, but by being a participant in enlightening others to a better world. Again, the examples are examples, you can contribute in your own way. Just because I am going to make a cartoon does not mean it will necessarily do anything without collective contribution and productivity. If you do not want to help build up the secondary values of LINK, which all cryptos have - which is retail sentiment, then you can do so. But you will not be receiving your Secret Society ring. And just so you're aware, the reason I've made this thread is so that other anons are aware that I will be productive, signaling to them that they are not alone in being sincere and genuine. Something many people in todays world LACK.

>> No.53046122

Yes. If you hold >0.0 you are a Linkie.

>> No.53046153

You're a good one, OP. Use a trip and keep your words and we will help you. Fudders are retarded anyway, it's so useless and annoying to spam fud here daily, but they are ao metally ill and they have the time to spam all day long.

>> No.53046187

Thanks. They are being retarded but they are also showing creativity in some ways. It could be put to better use.

>> No.53046233

And I'm telling you that retail sentiment doesn't matter. Retail is not the customer for LINK. All the early breadcrumbs were right. Chainlink is not meant for "us." I.e. anons on 4chan.
When the vision becomes reality it won't matter what retail thinks.

And totally understand this is your prerogative to make the cartoon. Seriously go for it. All I'm saying is make it and then show us/get people involved. No need to blog about it before anything about it actually exists. You're wasting your own time and everyone else's and it's kinda cringe. If you make it and post it and people are interested and inspired then that is more powerful than whatever tirade you've got going on here.

>> No.53046346

If you need to know the state of the cartoon I am currently making a small pilot. I'd prefer not to release anything yet because it will be special. The direction of the story is setup to go through LINK history, and I've got a nice file with all the important information. But it will need specifics, and LINK holders will be able to contribute to a very informed script to help retail understand why it's important.

The problem with your philosophy is you believe Retail isn't necessary. BTC and ETH are massive because of retail adoption, which finance adoption is based upon. Although yes, we all hope SWIFT and banks will utilize Chainlink and we hope that the breadcrumbs and infographics really are true, the idea that you need to be obstinate or obnoxious and sarcastic to feel superior to others is just low minded. Notice how I use no trip, I use no indicator to who I am, and until now, there have been no threads seeking attention. The New Year is coming up, 2023 and 2024 will need to see Linkies change because at this point in time retail and anons have not yet learned how to be sincere. And I think we are going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. Link is going to be the monolith for society in the next century. We are going to be at the centre of that. It's a huge transformation for you to make. You are now going into a productive mode and Linkies will be resented because of our leading role.

>> No.53046374

what an absolute shit thread
all fields

>> No.53046436

Thank you for the bump, happy new year!

>> No.53046457

>thank you for the bump!
how fucking retarded are you

>> No.53046477

Sage was taken away, anon.

>> No.53046501

look again you absolute moron OP

>> No.53046506

Thank you for the bump!

>> No.53046513

thank you for being this much retarded, honestly
keep replying you brainlet

>> No.53046524

Appreciated, thanks for the bump!

>> No.53046530

oh no page 3

>> No.53046532

Nice op, good luck

>> No.53046535

My mom staked 1k. How does that make you feel?

>> No.53046546

Page 1? Every reply you make I take away more of your fud away from other threads. :)

>> No.53046824


>> No.53046876


>> No.53047921

Like I wanna fuck your mom.

>> No.53049065

Im a link holder and I have genuine FUD. Wanna hear It frens?

>> No.53049572

Proof of Human image board. Don't worry, I'm taking care of it.

>> No.53050947

Can't be bothered OP, the meme magic has gone from this place. Clearly powerful entities are bombarding our realm with psychic warfare and has made our safe haven a toxic wasteland. To all remaining loyalists, leave. Cultivate your spiritual energy with meditation and prayer. Gain strength as God wills it by picking up and placing down increasingly heavy objects. Sharpen your mind with a healthy ratio of consumption and creation of information and culture. Forgoe worldly possessions and instead continue to amass rarified truth, do not trust Sergey, believe in him.

>> No.53050962
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>> No.53051025
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I like your message op. God bless you fren

>> No.53053275
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i will dump my bags on zoomers and i will be happy.

>> No.53054091

based thread and a good idea, but imo most anons here are too demoralized to change their ways and be welcoming to zoomers. how can you expect anons to willingly spoonfeed newfags after they've been subject to paid fud campaigns for so long?

>> No.53054101

I could be your mom even though I have a penis.

>> No.53054165

Do you remember when anons used to say “lurk more newfag”? It they would simply lurk and learn before posting they would not be confused. Zoomers can not think before they speak so naturally they can not lurk before posting. Why spoonfeed them? There is no benefit to zoomers buying 10 tokens and asking if they are going to make it when you know they are just going to go all in on doge coin in 2 weeks after they get demoralized.

>> No.53054166

take your meds linkcel

>> No.53054192
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Shill me link

>> No.53054204
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Linkies knew where they stood
With their leader bearded plump
And long arrears to make good
When Sergey began to dump

They were not easily moved
Awaiting the foretold pump
Til every count be proved
As Sergey continued to dump

Their sweaty hands were shaking
Praying "it's only a slump,
Just wait until we're staking"
Yet Sergey continued to dump

Their voices were timid and high
In every throat, a lump
But all they could do was cry
As Sergey continued to dump

Delusions weren't quickly bred
Not every holder was a chump
But through the dismal years ahead
And every LINK thread that gets a bump
Sergey will continue to dump

>> No.53054474

the only argument for spoonfeeding newfags I can see is that without assblaster's spoonfeeding many og linkies wouldn't have the conviction that they do now. but that was a different time and the contemporary crypto crowd is even more retarded than before

>> No.53054496

Why in the fuck would I spoon any new nigger when SmartContract.com literally has an army of paid niggers that do this already?

>> No.53054541

And they do it poorly desu so poorly they might just be another discord tranny psyop
>bro lmao what if we shilled link like retards member the frog days adelyn's brapper lmao desu desu desu
I mean Sergey has already stepped in and stripped the community of every privilege.
Chainlinktonight was replace.
No new memes. I think you faggots honestly expect memes for free after telling anons to fuck off youre ruining the project
complaining constantly about chan culture because you cant monetarize it like you once did in 2018. fuck off and start a new community on leddib or twitter yeah all the good posters left for twitter but you still come here to rape anon's soul. Five fucking years I have been listening to your psyops and time's up niggers understand that. Give or gtfo

>> No.53055022

The team has never really engaged the "retail" community which has gotten it to where it is. Being normie tier and talking about Jonah Bergers work, the main thing link had going for it fell udner social currency - we all felt like insiders, smarter than the rest of the community and better/cooler than everyone else. We had the inside information which over time was undermined due to some area's being underwhelming and easily attacked (i.e. big brand names like oracle, azure, digital asset and ibm falling apart).
This made most link holders feel like retards and projected their anger back to the team for failing to fulfill the prophecies. In turn this lowered the social currency of link as is evident in the price.

So what's left that hasn't been beaten to death? How do we get social currency back?
Triggers, emotion, public image, practical value and stories.
As an example.
Public image has been harmed as the implementations were spammed on twitter for very minor projects, most of which are now dead. There hasn't been any wide celebration from the larger projects declaring how critical link is and how valuable the asset/service is (i.e. AAVE, Synthetix, SWIFT in particular as it's the feather in the cap). There needs to be a celebration by these teams declaring link as the golden goose because it's then --publicly visible--. All the talk about white label service is bullshit and is useless to retail and useless for capturing developer attention.

>> No.53055066

We had some great people tackling the emotion aspect (bizonacci comes to mind), but his work was for a limited audience and was working under the banner of social currency. There has been little mainstream push for emotion, Sergey has covered it briefly referencing enron / mathematically verifiable code but it hasn't been presented for the average 100IQ normie. The average retard isn't going to watch a tubby monotonous man in a plaid shirt talking on stage. There needs to be a charasmatic talker making easily digestible snippets on why smart contracts are better than tradfi and why chainlink solves all these issues and why people should be holding chainlink tokens.

>> No.53055118

>practical value
neet nodes could have been huge for this. imagine tens or hundreds of anon node operators creating dapps based on data feeds that are relevant to anon/neet culture. not shit like accuweather or token price feeds but random autistic endeavors that would help facilitate growth of the network and explore novel opportunities. you could have a parallel economy of neets creating services for each other that take advantage of trust minimized technology. I understand that its easier said than done and maybe its still in the cards for the future but its disappointing to see how participation in the network is walled off the way that it is

>> No.53055206

Weird way to spell Great Deal

>> No.53055266
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>AI Stable Diffusion
SD bro reporting in, what do you need fren?
Should I make LINKChan?

t. made hundreds of AVAXChans

>> No.53055505


>> No.53056018
File: 85 KB, 500x560, 1671303286273444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon I literally love this idea. I completely agree with everything you are saying and would like to utilize my unique psychic energetic gifts to help you. I will do my best to manifest the success if link.


>> No.53056055

I honestly really sincerely appreciate the effort posting. I only have 1004 linkies and I staked 500 but if it goes to 3 dollarydoos I'm buying another 1000.

>> No.53056085

>t. low iq faggot that spams biz with fud threads 24/7 trying to beg people to sell using moonboi logic

>> No.53056118

Wow Sergey Nazarov on /biz/ in the 2022nd year of Christ!

>> No.53057171

This thread was nice.

>> No.53057338

will the pain ever end?

>> No.53057552

Not so sure about spoonfeeding but just seeing ONE person trying to be hopeful and optimistic in any shape or form is refreshing.

Nowadays it seems that literally everyone is a blackpilled doomer, even the standard normalfag just talks about doom and gloom. Zero hope or optimism anywhere from any side.

>> No.53059463
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I agree. It's really fucking lame. People have survived through so much fucking insane shit. Linkies will flourish through the 4th industrial revolution. We don't have to succumb to the doomer propaganda. Sir gay will provide

>> No.53059491

:( Same

>> No.53059693
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Good thread.
To anyone new reading this through the FUD threads: You should definitely buy LINK. It WILL go up be it this year or 2028. You can have fun with your $1,000 "investments" in dog mascot meme coins while refreshing 3 times a day not to miss the pump&dump. When you're done playing around, LINK will be there to be a comfy long-term hold.

>> No.53060072

God bless you man

>> No.53060929
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I can repost some ancient cubes

>> No.53060950
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This one is nice
I was the oracle of seasons brother because my brother picked ages first

>> No.53060976
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>> No.53060991
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>> No.53061029
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Huh I thought I had more
They're somewhere

>> No.53061079
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>> No.53061284

Why not use this energy to create something positive on its own and not associated with this dump and LINK bag?
You could do much greater things than do free advertising for a project which failed us.

Imagine if we all used our time and energy to build useful projects and something useful in the world instead of wasting it shilling a scam on a basket weaving forum.

The one thing I learned from watching the multiple failures of Sergey is that even above average companies are horribly inefficient and full of incompetence.
What you are trying to do is prop up a failed company instead of creating something better on your own.

Why do you want to make Sergey extremely wealthy without creating something that will make you wealthy directly instead?

>> No.53061371
File: 66 KB, 1024x962, a38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello I have arrived
should I buy more? it keeps going down

>> No.53061481

You must believe in something. We choose Chainlink.

>> No.53062079

Probably need LINKsan and AVAXchan out on a date

>> No.53062513

I once believed in this too, but that was because of my own weakness and because I wanted someone to save me.
The reason I am frustrated is because I wasted years of my life on something unproductive while other people were building things.

Even scammers like Johnny who rug pulled the community built something during that time.

If I had used this time and energy to improve my own life and create something which belongs to me I would be a lot happier right now.
I failed the commandment of control:

It’s the day of your birth. Before descending into earthly form, God throws a
twist in your incarnation. Instead of living as a human, you will live as a fish in
the Pacific Ocean. God gives you a choice: live as a shark or a guppy. Which do
you pick?
Let me guess.
The shark.
And let me guess why.
You don’t want to end up the shark’s dinner.
Give one hundred people the same choice, and you’ll hear a similar opinion: I
want to be the king, the master of my domain! You’d be insane to pick prey over
hunter, right?
Not so in the business world.
Most business neophytes skin themselves as guppies.
You see, whenever you co-opt your business to the uncontrollable and
untenable whims of any entity, you tell God, “I want to be the guppy!” Shark
status, relinquished. You become the cog, not the wheel. The end result is,
instead of painting your own big picture, you become a swab of paint in someone
Enter the Commandment of Control.

>> No.53062537

To ensure you’re on the top side of the food chain, the Commandment of
Control requires that your entire operation, from product development, to
marketing, to distribution, to other operational components, be within your sphere
of influence, or diversified from influence. It’s owning what you build, effectively
giving you black-swan insurance. It’s immunity against catastrophic events that
can derail your gig overnight. In effect, the Commandment of Control is risk
mitigation allowing you to sleep well as a shark.
Behind the Commandment of Control is a simple question, which reveals
your food-chain positioning: is there one person or entity that can instantly kill
your business with one decision? Are you fishing in a pond controlled by someone
else? And what happens to your business when that pond is taken away?
The Commandment of Control (and a productocracy) begs that this answer
be NO. If it isn’t, you’re at the mercy of the sharks, and your pecking order on
the food chain is demoted to prey.

>> No.53062600

Johnny and Linkpool just answered the question to what can happen to bag holders.
You can lose everything at the whim of a person who never saw you as an investor and never treated you as one, and you won't even be able to start a lawsuit against this.

Why do we have to sacrifice our time and energy for something like this?
They never wanted us in it.

In that case we should be free from it and not have to defend or promote it.

/biz/ was about making it.
It worked well in the previous bull runs with BTC and ETH, but somehow /biz/ got corrupted by reddit and market manipulators in the last 2 years and then became obsessed with Chainlink.
Don't forget that our goals differ.

I would be willing to dump all my remaining stack for Cardano if it meant I could make money.
This is how /biz/ should be.
Finding a way to exploit the system.

What are we doing when we bag hold an extremely manipulated shitcoin with an earlier absent and now horrible marketing?
How does that further the /biz/ group?
Why do we have to bag hold when TradFi is supposed to be behind Chainlink and use it as a trojan horse to steal everything?
Why do we not see this in the price and only get manipulation instead?

>> No.53062814

>This is how /biz/ should be.
There was so much more effort posting before. Lots of good arguments for and against Chainlink in long threads. Then people just forgot to keep at it and the memes made it into a qanon cult. We can still go back there when people start to make effort again

>> No.53062963

Maybe, but many left after /biz/ was taken over.
The reason there was no discussions is because jannies working for Nexo were deleting them during the bull market.
I still remember the Swift threads getting insta removed last year.

Why remain on /biz / if you can't discuss relevant topics?

I only wanted one bear market bounce to exit Chainlink and rethink my trading strategy, but the market manipulators decided for some reason to go max bear and want to force us to sell the bottom with no hope of recovery.

The Chainlink network usage is in a bear market compared to BTC which is growing:

It's funny that Sergey talked of token economics 2.0 because to me it looks like this was the v0.1 only.
He compared Chainlink to https and owning the internet, but if you had to pay to use internet for every transaction nobody would use it.
The same fate awaits Chainlink.
If you have to pay for it then people will create an open source alternative to make it free.

If they make it free to gain a monopoly they won't make money from it.

>> No.53062982

>Finding a way to exploit the system

This is how the founder of polychain made his money, kept flipping shitcoins for btc/eth. Linkies just thought it would go from $50 to $500 during the bull run and got washed

>> No.53063043

It should have gone to $100 at least yes.
The problem now is that the hype effect for Chainlink is gone and the network effect of adoption is missing.
Once the hype effect is gone the only way to pump a project is through real adoption which Chainlink fails to manifest and the network is regressing instead.

Maybe CCIP will cause a miracle, but something bad happened.
The Chainlink network was supposed to grow quickly and be profitable without all these additional features.

But what happened to the tokenization of assets and creation of smart contracts to replace administration?
Why is it not happening right now?

>> No.53063067

Fuck your psyop disgusting glowie. Ill keep owning a stupid amount of LINK and fud It everyday because you all had 5 years

>> No.53063100

Something happened in development, or the team got a threat from SEC. Only thing I can think of. The new 'TVE' metric shows the desperation, since TVL cratered.

The connections failed to manifest on top of that. Docusign seemed like a great fit but the advisor never proved his worth. Oracle flopped hard, and got swept under the rug. Heading into 2023, what or who is saying they will go in hard on the Chainlink product ecosystem? The Web3 projects don't add to the bottom line due to their pockets being thin

>> No.53063217

>If they make it free to gain a monopoly they won't make money from it.
They are making some parts of it free and open source bootstrapping this whole new system. They are also researching a lot because all of this is so new and if one wants to succeed it needs to be researched thoroughly. The bad news are that it seems they are in no hurry to make the token valuable and focus first on the "public good" and gradually setting the token economics.

I always swinged part of my link stack but even I thought staking and SWIFT news would at last give us some pump

>> No.53063544

I don't think it's necessarily development.
Developers always underestimate the difficulty of a task, and we got to see this coupled with feature creep of wanting too many things.
But the base function of Chainlink on which we made all these speculations was the minimal oracle function.

This oracle function is now implemented and fully functional.
However it is not being used by TradFi or the legacy world.

I know of one project which is doing tokenization and using both Docusign and Chainlink, and they are are building the future, which gives me a hint of how it will be once implemented massively and the advantages it brings.
However even they said that they are pioners with no competition and their capital under management is not in the billions.

Why do they not have competition for something so important?

The fed dumps were timed perfectly to destroy any positive price action.
I don't know what to say when the FED is actively shitting on Chainlink.

Even the last failed BTC breakout was caused by central banking fud.

I think their approach is a failure for a project building in the crypto space.
Other projects try to build quickly even if it causes problems, but this way they get more feedback and interest.
If Aave had waited for all their contracts to be super audited after years of testing they would be bankrupt now and replaced by a faster competitor.

It seems Chainlink Labs is not even working with an agile development method, but a much slower and older process based planning.
They are probably generating a lot of waste this way.

And yeah they really don't care about the token price.
The reality is that for the Chainlink network to be successful the token should generate the less friction possible in the system and reduce the costs to the minimum.

With this model the only way to make it profitable is with massive adoption.
If nothing changes Chainlink may really go bankrupt in a few years.

>> No.53063593
File: 357 KB, 1170x1732, D276A00C-1CCE-4242-BCC8-0D60A9B03F2E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it over? What is the point of staking if the price can’t even stay up

>> No.53063677

The point of staking was playing to the imagination of retail investors during the bull market who thought they had a source of passive income.
It's meaningless to release this feature now in a bear market after people realized it was a scam.
It took Sergey 2 years to react and learn...

It seems we are going for the $4 price point.
What I tried to prevent for half a year is finally happening now.
This is what should have happened earlier without my interference.
This failure cost me a lot.

The lesson I will learn is to not redo the same mistake of helping a shark by being a guppy.
Had I focused the energy on myself instead I would be in a better situation now even if Chainlink went to $0.

>> No.53063708
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>> No.53063943

This is why the project probably will fail. They are moving at a snail's pace and aren't fishing well. Was it just a rumor that they fired their entire enterprise sales team? They haven't landed any big fish that show what they're building in the real world. It's egg on their face after what was supposed to be their biggest year yet. They are responsible for their lack of enterprise abstraction layer

>> No.53064107


>> No.53064435

In 2018 and 2019 I saved 4k+ link memes. The team had not just free marketing but also marketing from anons who spend their own money on the token. There was genuine excitement then but it’s gone now.

>> No.53064928

Alot has been written about links shitty performance the last couple of years but if you just look at the chart it needed to retest $5. Sentiment is at an all time low meanwhile the biggest financial institutions on the planet are working with chainlink. This time next year link will be back at $50 and breaking out to a new all time high and everyone will be wishing for $5.50 so they can buy more.

>> No.53064931

ok so when does the team get arrested? Really looking forward to turning the page here and moving on, but just want to see justice done for the billions they stole.

>> No.53065153
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>> No.53065159

its over

>> No.53065170

Look at all those betrayed faggot bagholders

>> No.53065814

these have been unironically the highest quality posts I've read in LINK threads for a long time
thank you for saving this thread anon, that was wonderful

>> No.53066016
File: 118 KB, 1024x744, 1661220398451016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought 1500 chainlink in 2018 for 750 dollars and sold 500 at 29 dollars and was really happy about that i bought it because of the memes and I will hold as long as chainlink continues to make me laugh. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.53066019


>> No.53066053

Good posts returning. Nature is healing. One more big fat leg down and biz will be good again.

>> No.53066097

Fuck me I ain't reading all that. what's the tldr?

>> No.53066333

Newfags are just volatility at this point

>> No.53067421
File: 82 KB, 1397x783, newlow22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No posts about LINK making a new low. That was the going hopium for the past few months and now that's gone too. Thank god for muh staking! Epic supply shock from the 114 LINK staked!
I literally think it's over. From now on I'm flipping to full salt-posting to cope. What the fuck do I do now? What an unimaginable piece of shit.

>> No.53067434

inb4 some bs about the May/June wicks. The point here is it closed lower.

>> No.53067681

bready based fuck crypto I hope it all burns

>> No.53068861
File: 228 KB, 352x500, 1617048175961.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Based optimist. We can do it!

>> No.53069153

Shut up fag, I will fud what I want to and you can not stop me.

>> No.53069250

Yeah the company does not give a fuck about the token.

>> No.53069258

It's up to the artist's interpretation. I for one also bleed from my ass so that's what I saw immediately. This dude eats shit >>53045361 so that's probably what he saw

>> No.53070006

That's a lot of text and I respect you for writing it but I'm not gonna read it, thanks. I bought link sub 1$ and the amount I invested isn't relevant to my income. Why would I ever sell?

>> No.53070432

big redeem

>> No.53070539

Don't mistake this for fud.
My stop loss on this shitcoin is $0 and I won't sell to the market manipulators even at that price.
I would rather sent it to the null address at that point and destroy the supply than let them steal it from me.

If Chainlink went bankrupt and went to $0 I would be free finally from this nightmare again and could restart my life on a healthier basis.
Many have the same thoughts.

The debacle of the Linkpool rug pull and the community behavior tells me everything I need to know about the state of this project and its community.
People rejoicing in the failure of a project of the ecosystem and the main protagonists of the betrayal having the full support of the Chainlink community paid shills and Sergey.

What this means is that they haven't suffered enough if they have the luxury to think like this.
A monster of greed and hatred has been created and needs to be deflated.
Maybe after Chainlink goes down to $4 they will wake up and wish Linkpool didn't rug pull and fail on the day of the staking release.

>> No.53070588

Anons put effort into it because they thought the devs were putting in effort as well. Just looking at Sergey himself prioritizing his own wealth over the project tells you everything about their priorities. Over half a billion dollars of investor money siphoned off into his private bank account, jesus.

>> No.53070593

lmao you LPL tards are coping hard

speedruning the 5 stages of grief I see

>> No.53070613

Just bought more stinkies, seethe, cope, dilate discord tranny fudders.

>> No.53070616

Last time we were heading for a multi year bear market defi came out of nowhere and gave us the bullrun. I don't see there to be anything like that coming now. Retail has been scammed to death so they hate everything to do with crypto. Our only hope is that SWIFT would actually use link in some near future. Before that is only pain and sorrow god knows for how long. Better to focus on other skills for now

>> No.53071127

You are in luck then because you will suffer too from the after effects.

There are too many unknowns to make a future prediction.
Swift will not use CCIP before 2024 in the best case scenario but even that may not fix the broken token economics.
The only 2 features Sergey said were coming out "soon" were DECO and CCIP.

What's needed now is massive adoption by the real world with features like tokenized assets and regulated DeFi allowing legacy banking to use the current DeFi system.
DECO may help in this and enalbe many new use cases thanks to the added privacy allowing off chain data to be used for on chain transactions.
Maybe this is what's still needed to start the adoption curve.
And maybe it will come out next year...

They really gave a death blow to the crypto industry with FTX.
Not only was it the main attack vector to cause all the bankruptcy chains, they made paper bitcoin to steal the money out of the real token, and then they gave a final hit with their ponzi death making crypto look like a ponzi despite this being caused by TradFi corrupted behavior.
They tried to paint crypto as a corrupt failed system but they only projected their TradFi ponzi system onto it.
People need to realize this.

>> No.53071247

There is one final problem in all this.
The staking feature has been established not as a token economics feature but as a decentralization feature.
When you look at what they are testing in the v0.1 those are all features to create a form of self measuring "trust" for nodes that can work in a decentralized way without the current KYC node system.
And this feature got delayed to the end of 2024 in the best case.

1-2 years initially changed to 9-12 month until the v0.2 means they were fucking with us for their initial 1 year estimation and it was 2 year in reality.
Then they made a comment like this will increase the time until the v1.0 because they have more testing to do and the process is impacted.
The natural thing to expect would be that both phases until v1.0 take a similar amount of time which is then 9-12 months two times.

Until staking v1.0 is released the Chainlink network can't scale for massive adoption.
This could become a bottleneck for future growth.

But what do we see from their priorities?
DECO comes first, then CCIP and later staking.

this means that they don't see staking being a required feature that would slow down the network growth until the two previous features are released and even then have no reason to believe such a massive demand would happen.

The only bullish thing is the extreme fud from paid shills.
As long as it remains there is hope...

It's sad when the most bullish thing about your project are corrupt whales trying to steal from retail investors.
This is also our final opportunity.
They suppressed the price to this extent.
Then they can also pump it even if Chainlink was the worst scam on this planet they managed to pump the FTX scam.

It's good that we don't need to worry about the project fundamentals anymore.
The only thing which matter is the next distribution phase of this cabal once their accumulation ends.
They may do a final capitulation dump wick to liquidate the remaining Aave borrowers and create a new lower low.

>> No.53071263

>The only bullish thing is the extreme fud from paid shills.
anon, I don't think they're paid

>> No.53071270

>They tried to paint crypto as a corrupt failed system but they only projected their TradFi ponzi system onto it.
>People need to realize this
Yea I don't know if there are still people educating these ideas like Andreas Antonopoulos. Used to watch all his videos.

>> No.53071330

You can believe me that they are.
There is a will behind every action and this fud does not bear the will of a group of individuals with different opinions coping, but that of a great evil with only one goal.
To make /biz/ sell.

You should take a look at the different board to see what it means for something or someone to live rent free inside someone's mind to create a life on its own.
You can feel a form of obsession and dedication from their efforts which is completely lacking here.

Even fud written by chatbots would be of higher quality and have more life in it than this repetition of sentences with a strong form of hatred in it.
Their goal is not to share an emotion and a feeling, but to inflict despair and hatred.
Only monsters, psychopaths of the world cabal behave this way and what you see are people obeying their orders to propagate their sick thinking.

>> No.53071347
File: 394 KB, 1600x1200, FFE09B3B-6017-4207-87E0-BA6CCA956CE2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Link chart looks like there are absolutely no bids, only offers for this absolute shitcoin

>> No.53071370

Link has been reduced to pathetic gme/xrp schizo cope delusion ddwjst

>> No.53071386

I don't believe you because I'm a 5 year old holder and I'm one of the most harsh critics myself and constantly getting accused of being a paid fudder

>> No.53071395
File: 253 KB, 828x366, 3FED452C-7E6A-4B19-B274-8ED5A732664E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw a delusional link baggie talking about a “supply shock” to the link supply like their shitcoin is some strategic resource that the market requires at any price. They’re just as bad as GME baggies, maybe worse

>> No.53071443

half is link holders venting merited frustrations, the other half is people taunting the delusional for sport and fun

>> No.53071461
File: 1.28 MB, 1920x1080, 1582 results found.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's being manipulated

>> No.53071525

I had a huge bag of LINK initially. Then diversified into their partners like ALBT, then further into other alts. Never been happier, kek.

>> No.53071563

Just coming here because free pizza. I sold months ago

>> No.53072815

Like these anons said. It's just autists venting their frustration. Just how this basketweavin forum has always been

>> No.53073751
File: 122 KB, 900x900, 1672394587714.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3 for the oldfags with stacks to protect,
7 for the chink lords with their shills and schemes,
9 for the redditors, doomed to be rekt,
1 for the Big Mac and his marines,
In the land of /biz/rael where the dubs are chekd.

One coin to link them all, One coin to reign them,
One coin to see them all, and with oracles chain them,
In the land of /biz/rael where the dubs are chekd.

>> No.53074190
File: 425 KB, 1920x1920, Polish_20210912_221010588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are 100% paid fudders and they're also from India. I found pic related a while back but every time I post it the thread mysteriously dies (sorry OP)

>> No.53074659
File: 924 KB, 1125x2188, 3FFC2405-ED74-437F-A96E-85C72B1415B1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait…CCIP didnt come out in 2022??!??

>> No.53074682
File: 609 KB, 1125x1995, 233AC579-1804-4DA6-AED5-08F0A14F90C7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need help. It may be too late tho

>> No.53074728
File: 744 KB, 1125x1516, 7341023F-14D6-449A-A644-F31A537B3511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At this point Link is worse because even though it was grossly overvalued, at least GME has actual stores with actual products that give them actual revenue. Chainlink on the other hand creates vaporware and infographics, and has zero revenue with really high costs. The only benefit from investor standpoint is if you needed capital losses or enjoy cults.

>> No.53075887

The token and the entire project is a work in progress, before that process is concluded the current token price is entirely irrelevant.

>> No.53075977

It is currently in extended closed testing.
>Swift will not use CCIP before 2024 in the best case scenario but even that may not fix the broken token economics.
The tokenomics aren't "broken" because they aren't fully implemented yet in any way, shape or form. Staking is in beta with only 22.5m of the roughly 500m link tokens available staked so there is no pressure on token sales to drive prices up.
This is the result of being extremely early, unfortunately.