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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 141 KB, 1005x1179, 1C078C31-4B28-484C-9BD2-678118D39321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53043349 No.53043349 [Reply] [Original]

About to pull the trigger on pic related

>> No.53043360




>> No.53043363

What's the percentage of coloured folk in the vicinity?

>> No.53043368

Back in the 90s you could buy that shitheap for about £70k if that. London house prices are a joke

>> No.53043376

Very Jewish part of London mixed in with blacks

>> No.53043381

It's hackney. It's like %55 white

>> No.53043389

400k crumpets for a disintegrating crackden surrounded by niggers? no thanks

>> No.53043396


What is this, like 45% above the London average?

>> No.53043407

Literal shithole even smackheads wont stay

>> No.53043424

So 400k for land
That's all you are getting with this

>> No.53043425

That's a steal, with better camera effect they could slap another +£50K for that bad boy.

>> No.53043433

nothing most depressing than British houses

>> No.53043439

Enjoy getting mugged by chavs

>> No.53043486

Not bad for London. If you can get some paint on there, redo the wall, put some chipping down and then windows/flooring/walls inside and a cheap bathroom and kitchen you've made yourself £200k gross, perhaps £140k net. Gems like this are rare to find, I'd be interested but I don't live in London and prefer to project manage and do hands on bits myself.

>> No.53043529

Chavs would be getting mugged by the blacks lol

>> No.53043621

Too late, I just had my offer accepted.

>> No.53043625


400k for a burned out crackhouse

>> No.53043627

You should come live in Australia.
Youll get a two story house on 600m^2 block of land for that same money in brisbane

>> No.53043629

It's about the London average

>> No.53043636

Too hot in your country and the beer is too expensive

>> No.53043656

We have ac in every home. Throw aolar on the roof and wont even cost a cent to run it.
And home brewed beer is fun to make and drink.

Good luck with reno fren.

>> No.53043690

>posting your address on 4chan

>> No.53043728
File: 794 KB, 2496x1424, lakeview 3 bed condo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Assuming you want to live in a city (given picture) - You can get a pretty nice, fully renovated condo in a good area in Chicago for that price or less, pic rel.

This city, imo, is really undervalued taking the rest of America into consideration.

>> No.53043749

I didn't have ac in Perth and I died last Xmas

>> No.53043752
File: 23 KB, 976x112, Screen Shot 2022-12-28 at 14.00.30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>north london

good luck getting anywhere, not getting stabbed, and having kids go to a school with 99% pakis and blacks.

Also I hope your only interests are shopping at poundland, eating at greggs and drinking at revs.

>> No.53043757

>stamford hill
enjoy getting mugged by jews

>> No.53043768

probably run over by a blind fat chabadnik in a citroen people carrier. who you gonna call the shomrim?

>> No.53043776
File: 696 KB, 2500x1414, englewood crack den.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i-it's because of the crime!

No if you want a ghetto house, you can go wayyyyyyy cheaper. This is the cheapest livable one I could find, and it's a whole house rather than a condo

>> No.53043781

It's a heirarchy of crime and debauchery

Only for £400k! Just 200k of renovations needed!

>> No.53043786

Ouch. Perth is a hell hole.

Here you go
> 4 bed
>3 bathroom
>2 garage
>Solar already installed
>900m^2 block
>$749k AUD

>> No.53043803

>Australians preaching to anyone else about cheap real estate
Wtf m8

>> No.53043809

That is pretty nice, I've only got 2k nzd though I'm a rentoid till I die

>> No.53043811

>tfw you spend 30 years paying off what a nigger gets for free

>> No.53043816

sad but at least youre a rentoid in new zealand

>> No.53043826

Can someone explain why bongs glue houses together?

Couldn’t they at least put like 1 meter of space between each home?

>> No.53043830

I wouldnt call it "cheap"
You just get more for your money. Proably be equally as fucked deal if buying in sydney or pozbourne

>> No.53043836

>go to fuck with Anon IRL
>he hasn't even moved in yet
>get mugged and raped

>> No.53043848

It's cheaper, less walls to build

>> No.53043916


I'd buy it for 400k Mexican Pesos.

>> No.53044017

Over population.
And if they keep importing niggers they'll literally be paying a million pounds to live in pods kek

>> No.53044050

I've always wondered about those NPCs who buy shit for ridiculous prices. There's no way they could be real, right?

>> No.53044078

>Stamford Hill
You know it's a Hasidic ghetto there, right?

>> No.53044097

>hasidic ghetto
Call me crazy, but if you have to live in a city as dense as london - they would probably be decent neighbors no?

>> No.53044102

Jews are moving to canvey island should be ok

>> No.53044149

Yeah, they are ok, I used to live quite close. They keep to themselves and there isn't much crime. They have their own ambulances and any problems in the community they usually resolve themselves. A lot of the shops, facilities, schools there are for that community, so OP needs to be cool with that.

>> No.53044216

>OP needs to be cool with that.

T. Stamford Hill shomrim

>> No.53044276


>> No.53044305

Good price for the area, how much will it cost you to fix up? I'd guess you'd need £35k for windows alone.

>> No.53045933

damn, that actually is a really nice spot/price. Sucks having a monthly HOA fee, but $229 isn't terrible. When my shitcoins moon I am handing to the windy hot-dog city.

>> No.53046007

>but $229 isn't terrible.
it is terrible and no one is going to buy it

>> No.53046139
File: 379 KB, 1248x817, crazy high HOA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$229 is actually fairly low. What you really need to avoid are the older (50s-90s) highrise construction near the loop. In those buildings you can see 4 and 5 figure MONTHLY HOAs. I have no idea why anyone would buy in that area when you're effectively renting the property you've already purchased.

My HOA is around the same - $249 for a 2 bedroom - but that pays for
>common area utilities
>landscaping in the summer
>snow removal in winter
>collective property taxes (building is a co-op, which significantly lowers my property tax bill)
>roof fund (builds up over a set number of years until a new roof is required)
>common area laundry (I have laundry in-unit but some units dont)
So it's honestly worth it.

>> No.53046175

Yup. Total rebuild.

>> No.53046209

>pull the trigger
You mean literally? You doing a drive-by on a trap house my nigga?

>> No.53046285

I swear Lori is paying feds to shill chicago

Do not fucking do this for the love of God

You have no gun rights, full of communists, literal purge law goes into effect Jan 1st

Unless you're OK with dying a horrible death

>> No.53046448

>literal purge law goes into effect jan 1st
struck down by courts, not happening lol retard

>> No.53046478
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>> No.53046480

Post source fag

The law was signed like months ago

>> No.53046497

also for the record literally everyone hates lori, can't wait to vote that ugly bitch out

>> No.53046517

Sounds like strong cope, she'll get in again

>> No.53046548

No shot. 4% approval rate

>> No.53046574

meanwhile im looking for a place like this

>> No.53046576
File: 64 KB, 2666x2083, _125441618_optimised-uk.interest_rate-nc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are your hands cold anon? If not, I'd like you go put them in the freezer compartment for five minutes.



The baggies.

Pick them up.

>got mine for £47k. In ya face cock guzzlers!

>> No.53046595

Black ladies count the votes

>> No.53046619

Imagine how glorious these neighborhoods must have been when they were 100% white. Take me back bros

>> No.53046640

>Can someone explain why bongs glue houses together
Actually makes sense over coming decade or two given the inevitable rise in fuel costs that'll occur. Only has two external walls.

>> No.53046655

It's not overpopulation, it's overregulation. 90% of the country is undeveloped but you can't convert (unused) agricultural land into residential land for some reason. Overpopulation/niggerfication will happen eventually but it hasn't reached critical mass yet.

>> No.53046668

Meant for

>> No.53046681

>less space dedicated to useless lawns to maintain
>more efficient with building materials
>more space dedicated to the actual meat of the house
It's clearly the superior method of building.

>> No.53046685

I was idly looking at prices for houses in my hometown of paignton.
I had this crazy idea that a small town would be a more reasonable market.
Prices for anything viable there start out around 600k

>> No.53046726

>90% of the country is undeveloped but you can't convert (unused) agricultural land into residential land for some reason
It's to forced the prices up on the fat mortgage portfolios. The fattest being the dutchys own by the crown. You may also find the beech axing interesting.

Quick summary, they closed down 2300 rail stations in a few years to shoe the wagies back into the towns to work for mr globalist man.

>> No.53046738

You would think, but hasidic Jews arent your friendly neighborhood Rabbi. As long as you stay away it'll be fine, but be thick skinned because they might spit after they walk past you. They're the sect of Jews who unironically believe the goyim are rats to be exterminated, well one of them anyways.

>> No.53046761

What the fuck, what in the actual fuck.
I can no longer respect amerimutts after learning this, who the fuck buys a property just to be extorted. Someone is getting rich with that money, no building has such maintenance costs.

Jesus Christ mutts have some self respect.

>> No.53046801

>neighbour farting can be heard in living room
>Boomer TV on full blast makes your walls vibrate
>neighbours build an extension ruining your peace for a whole year
Really fantastic!

>> No.53046848
File: 857 KB, 1074x1079, Screenshot_20221228-173741.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fucking KEK watch the property tour video they posted unironically to their youtube channel


Its like something out of a fucking horror film. According to their website this actual hell hole sold for £538k 2 years ago

>> No.53046933

Looks pretty much what you'd expect after a fire.

How they expect to get $400K for what is essentially a brick box that needs to be completely gutted and rebuilt inside is anyone's guess

>> No.53046938

Also if you have an infestation of hasidic Jews, good chances they'll start to take over local politics and institute policies which have a tendency to force Goyim out. In NY hasidic neighborhoods Jews own all the land and exclusively rent out to other Jews. I've heard horror stories of hasidics controlling city councils and cutting off funding to non jew neighborhoods.

Basically you're fucked if they have political control (which I can guarantee they will be vying for).

>> No.53047041
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>> No.53047129
File: 1.03 MB, 804x920, Screenshot_20221228-174251.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is it now tbf, they probably make a good 200k out of it. Youve gotta wonder though, can you ever get the smell of burned down house out

>> No.53047155
File: 2.66 MB, 1080x1538, Screenshot_20221228-175704.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great neighbourhood too

>> No.53047167

Unironically living around hasidic jews made me a Nazi. You may think "heh heh funny looking hat men" NO, they are there for one thing: to breed, get on welfare, then get a high enough population to take over local politics and force all the goyim out. I've lived around them as a goyim, not fun.

In America they are spreading too, they dont care if you're white, a paki or black, you WILL have to deal with them.

>> No.53047228

>multiple bins

Has been turned into a flat the by a paki slumlord no doubt

>> No.53047291

>>neighbour farting can be heard in living room
>>Boomer TV on full blast makes your walls vibrate
>>neighbours build an extension ruining your peace for a whole year
>Really fantastic!
On the plus side, I have half meter thick stone walls, live 23 miles from the nearest city (think nukes / chimp outs) and have a train station 3 minutes walk away.

>> No.53047321

The brick wall in my terraced house is like a foot thick and is comfy to be honest if you are on your own bit of squeeze if you have kids though

>> No.53047329
File: 21 KB, 200x181, bobo-peeking-behind-door-thumbnail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>According to their website this actual hell hole sold for £538k 2 years ago
It's coming. Soon.


>> No.53047373

>How they expect to get $400K for what is essentially a brick box that needs to be completely gutted and rebuilt inside is anyone's guess
It's 482kusd technically but at this point, does it really matter.

>> No.53047735

Hey, I used to live there!
t. Leroy Brown.

>> No.53047773

It's well known in America that condos and timeshares are both scams.

The only people who buy these are idiots or people who don't give a fuck about money cause they're so loaded

>> No.53047909

nice is that for the top or ground floor?

>> No.53047944

why bother?

>> No.53047959

Chicago is a crime ridden shithole. Youd' have to be insane to WANT to live there. There is a reason big companies are leaving the city

>> No.53048287

Look Im not going to convince you to live there, it just seems exceptionally undervalued. It has all of the HUSTLE AND BUSTLE the IPAfags love. Crime is pretty much restricted to the south/west sides and there's still quite a bit of growth going on. Google just bought the Thompson Center in the Loop, for example.

>> No.53048485
File: 19 KB, 388x406, rs7kpks2sxq51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. Pearl clutcher who's never been to a city

>> No.53048971
File: 109 KB, 1110x1100, 1666976824899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's your money, your choice

>> No.53049138

It's a blank canvas. If you want a house that isn't a blank canvas you pay a lot more. If he's handy and can do a lot of the work himself and use mates in trades, he'll save a packet. Good move.