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File: 472 KB, 762x952, bat-brave-just-lion-beanie-baby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53009037 No.53009037 [Reply] [Original]

Mostly just becauïse I think it's funny. The other reason is just out of sheer boredom. I know more about Brave/BAT than 99.9% of people on this board, so I can easily make shit up that sounds legitimate without anyone knowing that it's total bullshit

>> No.53009043

nice life

>> No.53009085

Fud. Anyone that actually knows anything about the project knows it's a solid long term investment.

>> No.53009123

I only buy topnetwork
Bat is gay

>> No.53009710

Why? Couldn't you, maybe, do something else? They're just a fucking browser after all.

>> No.53010006

So the vBAT/KYC situation isn’t problematic and you got me all worked up for no reason?

>> No.53010606

You did the right thing. Brave team deserves all the shit for ignoring BAT.

>> No.53011905

Im buying more BAT later today lol. merry christmas pathetic no BAT nigger.

>> No.53013015

You will perish along with the rest of the BAT niggers

>> No.53014749
File: 776 KB, 828x1792, DB09D150-9F9C-44F3-86E9-202D14002607.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dead shitcoin. Meanwhile RLC will for a 50x next year

>> No.53014927

>goes as far as to screenshot his post being posting it
>still doesn't notice his ESL-tier posting
Poo in loo.

>> No.53015010

why did the brave search engine go shit recently? i get 1 result and about 20 ads

>> No.53015185

>fag ID

>> No.53015202

>ESL poster

>> No.53015260

Maybe I am, but the bear market gainer is fucked for the foreseeable future and Brave will do nothing about it besides dump more BAT on the open market.

>> No.53015276

Completely agree.

>> No.53015955

>so I can easily make shit up that sounds legitimate without anyone knowing that it's total bullshit
Is that what you call repeatedly saying "nuh-huh!!" to people flatly refuting your bullshit. It's not clever it's tedious and annoying.

>> No.53017142

im buying more BAT

>> No.53017420

You’ll lose all your money. BAT has guilt, it has shame. It’s scared to reveal itself. It’s hiding behind a facade of fixed supply

>> No.53018244

It's not looking good. Volume is drying up and Brave is still dumping UGP. If they were to liquidate all their bags then BAT would reach its ICO price. No matter how I look at it, BAT has nothing to be excited about.

>> No.53019100

>Volume is drying up and Brave is still dumping UGP
They hate you. They despise you. They’re openly hostile towards you. They’re a globohomo towken. They will aggressively dump on you until you own nothing and be happy with the 5¢ you get monthly from browsing.

>> No.53019178

>1 post by this ID

>> No.53019591

BAT will dump itself right out of the top 100 soon. I can’t think of one company that hates their token, hates it’s holders and hates crypto more than Brave.

>> No.53020833
File: 76 KB, 576x653, cia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We honestly need like 1 simple, legitimate and easy to understand use-case for BAT that will excite reddit midwits. Then we shill the fuck out of that use-case for a year straight

the glaring issue now is that any use-case for BAT will involve getting KYC'd which is inherently anti crypto

>> No.53021240

>We honestly need like 1 simple, legitimate and easy to understand use-case for BAT that will excite reddit midwits
They had 5 years. Now it’s just an old token with one foot in the grave.

>> No.53021607

i dm'd like 5 of the brave team members asking them wtf happened with bat and only 1 of them responded

>> No.53021754

What was the one response?

>> No.53022052

>KYC'd which is inherently anti crypto
So are CEXs, but that's where consumer money is

>> No.53022087
File: 2.43 MB, 581x5330, bat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah so i went on a little fishing expedition and asked a handful of the team some questions just to try and get a feel for whats going on. this is the only response i got. what do you guys think of the response

>> No.53022108

the first thing that is obvious when he starts going through the roadmap items that are completed or being worked on, is that not on them has anything to do with BAT

>> No.53022143

if i get any responses from any of the other messages i sent, i will post them here. i sent them a few days ago

>> No.53022192
File: 65 KB, 606x900, bepis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually really like his responses and it gives me a tiny miniscule little hit of hopium

>is that not on them has anything to do with BAT

Pay with BAT absolutely does and is debatably the only thing that matters. "Reprioritize" is definitely some vaporware gobbledygook language but if Brave actually makes any meaningful progress on paying for useful things with BAT, we're back in business

>> No.53022738
File: 129 KB, 1024x1023, fun party.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im buying more BAT regardless of what anyone says.

>> No.53022956

Not bad, although I wouldn’t call the Brave DEX done and it’s supposed to have BAT integration. I doubt anyone even uses it or knows it even exists for that matter. Why is it so hard to get their advertisers to accept BAT as payment for a discount in ad fees? I can use BAT to buy ice cream at Baskin-Robbins or washing machines at Lowe’s with Flexa, but I can’t with Brave?

>> No.53023017 [DELETED] 
File: 107 KB, 512x526, 1597082335502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just sent a response and asked him some more in depth questions. i'll let you guys know if he responds.

we need to start a campaign to start dm'ing brave employees and/or putting pressure on them regularly on twitter and reddit. we should be constantly asking them when more bat utility is coming. eventually they will have to start working on it when its all they hear about all day long.

we should put together a list of brave team members twitter accounts so that we can all ask them when BAT utility is coming. obviously not their personal accounts, but every brave employee that has a public twitter account.

>> No.53023866

Youre doing God's work anon. Bless you

>> No.53024257

They read these threads. They’re aware how disgruntled we are. Do we really have to harass them to do their jobs? Don’t they want a $40 BAT too?

>> No.53024295

>Do we really have to harass them to do their jobs?
Has NOT harassing them worked? In fact, I recall the only other time that we did harass them was in 2020 right after losing iOS rewards, and that bullying resulted in the BAT roadmap 2.0.

>> No.53024383

Ok fuck it. Let’s do it then. I already don’t like that they’re willing to force KYC the entire opted in user base without warning them so they can keep their BAT. Do they realize people are gonna go berserk? This isn’t a Japanese BAP situation. American users were given BAT from the beginning

>> No.53024527 [DELETED] 

brave team twitter accounts:


even a short message will do. ask them why they have not delivered on any of the BAT utility promises that have been made over the years. also start hitting reddit and discord if you have accounts there. DM's on twitter are probably going to be the most effective though.

>> No.53024940 [DELETED] 
File: 117 KB, 713x657, 1618001042559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


dig in boys. ask nicely and dont be a dick but lets get some answers ask the team about why there is never any utility being added for BAT

>> No.53025237

By the way Brave isn't a publicly traded company.

I feel themis is practically dead. I have almost no hope for it. Maybe in 2+ years I'll think of it again.

Although it's nice pay with BAT is finally coming but since I think it requires KYC what difference is it from pay with debit card?

>> No.53025812
File: 43 KB, 769x567, I HAVE ABANDONED MY COIN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Self-serve was promised as few days from release almost 5 years ago

Themis 2 weeks away for 2 years. Now abandoned.

"Pay with bat! 2023 our top priority!"
But you have to kyc. And no one wants to buy a bat hat

And for fucks sake. Fucking change the name of the fucking gay ass token. Holy fuck. You fucking retards

>brave attention token

For fuckssake. I put so much money into this thing. Seemed like the 150 iq play. I'm just a midwid.

Bat has less utility than 5 fucking years ago.

Agreed. Slowly converting my bat to RLC. Should have all in-ed 6 months ago

>> No.53026025 [DELETED] 
File: 520 KB, 1284x1677, AD1FC661-091A-4B57-8735-EA60E549799B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck jannies

>> No.53026186

regardless of anything said in this thread, Brave is the only web3 app that exists, alongside Metamask. everything else is a scam so I take comfort in this.

>> No.53026710

>Brave is the only web3 app that exists,
You do realize web3 is a made up term to sell shit right? Nobody can define what exactly it is.

>> No.53026854

I keep buying BAT n word.

>> No.53026869

Buy More BAT

>> No.53026883 [DELETED] 

There are a lot of people working at Brave that are pissed off about BAT being ignored too. We're gonna have @bartbaker post a Twitter thread asking brave where the fuck our promised BAT utility is from the roadmap. Since he's got 1m followers it will have better visibility. When you guys see it make sure to like the tweets and give them engagement and then I'll post a thread on plebbit from my redditskindagay account and put pressure on them there as well. Give both engagement and don't let these niggers ignore us anymore.

>> No.53026884

rolling forBAT

>> No.53026890

Buy more BAT and then hang yourself.

>> No.53026914

If you ever want this shitcoin to moon then you better get on board faggot. Unless of course you like getting cucked repeatedly by brave as they continuously lie to you about all the supposed bat utility that's just around the corner. Self serve 2 weeks bro

>> No.53026918
File: 954 KB, 800x843, batship.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53026925

Im buying BAT regardless

>> No.53026934

Same thing I say despite the many FUD about privacy and web3 solution.

>> No.53026998

Sure you can ask people and get different definitions, but just because there isn't a concrete definition that everyone agrees on doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

>> No.53027102
File: 1.34 MB, 1415x3479, Screenshot_20221226_233251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think a lot of what makes Brave seem so fucking slow is they're focused on privacy/security and it stops or slows down devolpment. Gor example translate. IIRC they wanted to add it to the browser multiple times but because they didn't want to rely on a 3rd party like Google or Microsoft. They floated options like opt in to a 3rd party etc but eventually went with this https://mobile.twitter.com/brave/status/1565369528065966080

And here is another case where they are discussing a text to speech feature. (The tweet from the guy who asked for it was deleted so i didnt include it in the screenshot.) They're worried about security when 99% of other companies would say fuck and not worry about it unless it blew up in their face.

I think this, along with anti money laundering laws and potential SEC regulation is what has slowed or stopped most of the features we have wanted.

>> No.53028279

BAT makes me mad.

>> No.53028599


It's this + the fact that as a small business, they have to keep pivoting on things they were originally planning on doing (examples, releasing self serve but they don't have demand for it yet, releasing the swag store but couldn't find vendors that was in line with Brave's privacy policy so having to build their own).

They are basically putting themselves in a position to completely rebuild the browser but the issue with that is, the typical end user isn't going to notice the difference. They may have their privacy preserved but other than the lack of ads on most websites, what benefit does the "i-just-need-to-know-how-to-delete-my-history" layman see?

>> No.53028682

How? It’s not compatible with a lot of shit and it’s a long way from perfect.

>> No.53029103

Because millions of users. VBAT is disappearing. More than basically anything else. We are getting to the point where everyone is starting to know what Brave is, and what BAT is. They also have a search engine with hundreds of millions of searches per month. And yes it is still growing. They also have the crypto wallet built into the browser, while it's started out relatively slow it is the easiest to access wallet for anyone using Brave and will gain users in the long run. When/if they actually do some sort of swap rewards it could work out well.

When I look at BAT/Brave I see massive potential.

>> No.53029140

>When I look at BAT/Brave I see massive potential.
Same, but they keep fucking it up. I get it, the regulation Jews have them shook to death, but the cross platform tipping issue? How do you not see that coming and how have you not fixed it after nearly 2 years? That’s just one example, there are many more. Are they still actually gonna move BAT into Solana? I doubt they will at this point, but you never know.

>> No.53029187

It's over.

>> No.53029447

This. It’s very unlikely they can build any hype behind BAT anymore. They had it at the beginning of last year, but then began to entangle themselves with worst players in all of crypto. DCG not only owns BAT but they also own shares of Brave. Brendan’s hands are completely tied.

>> No.53029547

You are pissed about KYC because you fail to acknowledge TIDV. You will continue weeping untill you can't spend the money again.

>> No.53030028

Wow, wtf there is no bottom for BAT.
New low incoming.

>> No.53030471

What is TIDV? I'm not exactly pissed about KYC. I think it's the best route for getting rid of vBAT that Brave can do right now and will help in the long run. Would rather have nothing be KYC but that isn't the way the world works.

>> No.53030674

I hate this coin so much. I just ranted on reddit. 9th 0
This is the

>> No.53030709

Fuck dropped my phone.
The other anons are right. We need to actively bother them on normie platforms. Twitter esp.

>> No.53031058

on-chain app support = other people's applications so they don't have to make anything themselves

>> No.53031522


get the brave team to see this so they start working on bat

>> No.53031874

Wow this is a great start. Thatsums it up well

>> No.53032194

Nice job. I always just assumed Bart was some random influencer who took the BAT, dumped it never to look back. Seems he actually gives a fuck about the project.

>> No.53032400

luke says to wait for the 2023 bat roadmap. ok, and what did you guys finish from the last 2 roadmaps? oh, nothing? cool.

>> No.53032553

kill yourself retard.

>> No.53032643

Ok how do you suggest we get the retarded bat team to do anything productive

>> No.53032678

incessant non-stop bitching and complaining until they are forced to release the greatest fucking 2023 bat roadmap that the world has ever seem. you will need to deposit a bat token into a machine when you wake up in the morning in order to breathe air that day. bat tokens to flush your shit down the toilet

>> No.53032761

>vpn is Guardian
>browser is Google
>search is Tailcat
it seems the only thing the Brave team has developed themselves is the brave wallet which no one uses

>> No.53033552

Nice post. Anyone at Brave reply with real answers and not some vague shit?

>> No.53033760

Nah it's over. Brave doesn't give a fuck about bat.

>> No.53034430

>Brave doesn't give a fuck about bat.
Let’s see how they respond

>> No.53034942

Advertisers are not flocking to Brave. It is a huge problem. Where are the Brave search partners that will buy up the inventory?

>> No.53036135

>Advertisers are not flocking to Brave. It is a huge problem. Where are the Brave search partners that will buy up the inventory
Should’ve started grassroots with self serve and developed partnerships with growing companies instead of begging large corporations to run ads.

>> No.53036444

Chart looks horrible. Recovery to 20 cents seems impossible now. Fuck BAT.

Brendan is not going away with this.

>> No.53036562

Trustless identity verification system for one eKYC to be used across third party apps according to owner's choice. End your KYC crisis with that and stop complaining under this board.

>> No.53036956

>browser is google

>> No.53037043

Who’s working on this protocol? BAT needs this shit like nobody’s business.

>> No.53037104

Why did you post a pic of Dr. J. Allen Hynek from The History Channel's 'Project Blue Book'?

>> No.53038123

Luke's response of "we talk about this on the weekly community calls!" is so cringe. I used to pretty regularly attend those calls but they're so depressing and uninformative I gave up.

>> No.53038367 [DELETED] 

Yeah what a cop out. I came to say that I dumped my 380k bat and I'm out and lo and behold, banned for a brand new reason that I have literally never even heard of, and believe me, I though I had been banned for every reason known to man for participating in BAT threads the past few years. I believe they made up this new rule just so they could ban me from posting in these threads. Good fucking riddance. Fuck the jannies, fuck Luke, and fuck Eich and his stupid fucking covid posts. Suck my dick you stupid shitcoin. Fuck you.

>> No.53038384 [DELETED] 
File: 16 KB, 719x75, IMG_20221227_194117_216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot to post this. They literally made this rule up on the spot to stop me from posting in a BAT thread. Fuck you, you cock sucking nigger.

>> No.53038817

I’m not even upset with Luke. At least he cares about BAT. Not sure he can do much when it comes to the founders. His hands are tied

>> No.53039088

All I know is that I ever sell my stack this thing will then immediately moon so I will hold out of spite.