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File: 267 KB, 2327x1080, 20221225_150954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53013224 No.53013224 [Reply] [Original]

Twitter data breach - 400m users

RIP Elon

>> No.53013232

Unpopularopinion: we need to (and can easily) crack down on this. We have the NSA. Hack these dark web operators, send in specops to their locations, round them up.

>> No.53013238

Inside job?

>> No.53013242

>dude just hack the mainframe xDDD

>> No.53013246

I bought the twitter verification thing is my credit card details safe?

>> No.53013256

Without a doubt

>> No.53013257

no its over anon

>> No.53013263

meh i doubt it, there's so much fucking auditing when it comes to employees reading data, wouldn't be hard to figure out who did this if it was an inside job.

>> No.53013266 [DELETED] 
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US three letter agencies. Remember who had to go out in the public space just this week to claim the twitter files were lies..

>> No.53013269

>I handed over all my private financial details to a half-arsed shitfest run by Elon Musk
>am I safe?

>> No.53013275

I hope this faggot gets life in prison.

>> No.53013285

It's a carcrash
If anyone was ever responsible for data security, they were probably fired a month ago.

>> No.53013292

100% fucking sure

>> No.53013308
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nothingburger, happened in 2021

>> No.53013310

Agreed, Elon should be locked up for life.

>> No.53013313

go to /g/ with the off topic threads leftypol

>> No.53013341

>phone numbers and email addresses

>> No.53013367

Hell is too good for people who ruin the lives of innocents. All those people's info being held hostage for fast money.

>> No.53013389 [DELETED] 
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>> No.53013451

Popular opinion: death sentence for hackers.

>> No.53013470

torture before death

>> No.53013487

WHy the fuck not

>> No.53013491

What site is this?

>> No.53013498

This. 99% of this data was already in past data breaches according to haveibeenpawned.

>> No.53013502


>> No.53013516

I bet there's some juicy celeb nudes in one of those accounts' dm inbox.

>> No.53013532

>2021 leak getting reposted
democrat antifas are really desperate

>> No.53013545

>waah waah space man BAD so we're extorting him
>Don't you think of your REPUTATION and CREDIBILITY

lol, lmao

>> No.53013550

What website is this?

>> No.53013595

I wouldn't pay this faggot a cent

>> No.53013688

The guy who was banned and the trannies, same pattern as the old attacks

>> No.53013702

Th US federal government is an open tyranny

>> No.53013708

and multiplayer game cheaters

>> No.53013734

to all you kikeniggerlovers here this "hack" happened last year and gained only traction right now because of a jewish "investigative" journalist

>> No.53013738

this is what happens when you fire over 95% of employees. Those engineers and hr employees were there for a reason. Couldn’t have happened to better site though

>> No.53013752

The data is from 2021....

>> No.53013780
File: 191 KB, 584x478, 6EB88D2B-20F6-497A-BDFD-D346CEFDB4FE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elonjeets are working overtime on damage control. Imagine defending a billionaire for free.

>> No.53013792
File: 47 KB, 500x727, 1604758240685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine being a nigger and hating "the rich"!

>> No.53013794
File: 1.32 MB, 1438x3774, 20221205_080109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glownigs consildidating their power before the great reset

>> No.53013816

Why do you do it for free?

>> No.53013823 [DELETED] 
File: 85 KB, 602x585, (((who))).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why do trannies love to suck mutilated kike dick for free ?

>> No.53013839

>newfags dont know what site this is
>newfags dont know what raidforums was
kekekek you mouth breathing redditard crpypto jeets
>waah waah spoonfeed me I'm a big retard baby
haha, no. but here's a hint: the name of the site is in the post from op's picture. it fills me with great joy and pleasure that some spastic brown redditard coomer will suffer trying to figure out the site name by rubbing his two rotten brain cells together. please don't spill the beans if you know. the suffering of these leeches is like coke to me.

>> No.53013848
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>> No.53013876

It was the NSA that did it. It's not a coincidence that as soon as Elon fucks with the glowniggers, suddenly all his shit gets hacked.

>> No.53014088

Musk cocksuckers are also lying fucking shills?
Imagine my surprise.

>> No.53014117 [DELETED] 
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Because commie ilk like you try to spread their agenda to impressionable shortsighted people

>> No.53014163

1 data = 1 data

>> No.53014173

>We did it Reddit?

>> No.53014176 [DELETED] 
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Nothing to see here goy