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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52999376 No.52999376 [Reply] [Original]

I'm starting to think /biz/ is 4chan's endgame

>> No.52999380

What do you mean by this?

>> No.52999387

Despite the janny's best efforts, /biz/ remains my top funposting board

>> No.52999395

no it's always been /x/ and /pol/

>> No.52999400

/biz/ made me realize jews are based and are the objetively superior race
the other boards cope and seethe because they aint them

>> No.52999415

he means that eventually biz will become the supreme board, I heavily doubt this because it takes months of lurking to understand the jargon here for the uninitiated, and financially illiterate.

>> No.52999420

biz made me realize just how evil the jews are. It isn't their social engineering that's the problem its the absolute scale of the economic fuckery they control.

>> No.52999421

/b/ -> /pol/ -> /biz/

>> No.52999422

Do you think /biz/ is the hardest board to get into? I think so compared to the other ones.

>> No.52999424


>> No.52999429

It’s /fitbiz/

>> No.52999453

You guys must be high. /biz/ is financial illiteracy incarnate.

>> No.52999455

It took me 3 weeks of lurking just to understand what the fuck cartoon bear & cow have anything to do with business.
and then 2 more weeks to understand what cartoon frog has anything to do with this shit

>> No.52999466

If you can’t filter out the shit yeah it’s bad but there are golden threads once in a while that mog all the other boards

>> No.52999523

....arent they all just shitposting ?

>> No.52999524

I still don't understand wtf cartoon frog represents

>> No.52999579

it's always been /pol/. nothing else. just /pol/.

>> No.52999593

Lurk moar

>> No.52999614

It was /b/ only for a long time and you're a sickening newfag to suggest anything otherwise. /b/ got cointeledprod alla modern /pol/ and the anons scattered into the winds, only to communicate through symbolism and memetics. Are quite a few on /biz/? Yes. But there are just as many on /mlp/. /pol/ while being influential in it's peak still will never be the definitive board because it owes it's existence to /b/s success a decade + prior to it's existence.

>> No.52999671

We could also look at /pol/s success as an extension of /b/ if you'd like to. That's what really moves and changes things. In the background lurching, there's always a /b/tard pulling the strings where there isn't already a Jew or otherwise occupying force in a particular forum. It will always be the ones who learned how to deal with memetic insanity from a young age that will rule. Whether they found that through Kabbalist lectures passed down or through anons dropping breadcrumbs to anyone around to listen, there are very few other groups of people capable of memetically impacting the world. And I do mean literally memetically. Thought is vibration and vibration is life. Your shitposts unironically will trigger anons into making new decisions. You have to be conscious with your words, weve been here long enough we can spot each other's typing styles. Be empowering. Also, stop posting everyone itt you guys will ruin the board. Literally just don't fucking post and the quality of discussion will go up. Im so serious. Literally don't post and only let anons who have an intelligent thought to say speak. If you don't know something USE THE ARCHIVE. This board will only be educational if you take care of it.

>> No.52999673
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That was the case. There is no reason to browse this site other than /biz/

Until 2020. Then it turned to shit.

>> No.52999679

Was my exact route too

>> No.52999767

>I'm starting to think /biz/ is 4chan's endgame
its my endgame and like everything else ive come to learn about myself and the world through 4chan, its a place ive come to reluctantly.
from all the possible timelines and futures the world had to offer, upto and during the early years after i started posting on imageboards, theyve all been converging into one inevitably shit neoliberal faggot and nigger ridden mutt hellscape where everyone is expected to live in misery and poverty.
and the only way out is to buy your way out, not in 5-10 years but right fucking now, the holocough and its fallout changed everything.
now whenever ive found myself browsing other boards i used to post on every day, pol, tv, x etc, within minutes of clicking around, theres some post of an anon in a massive crisis or some brainlet take that shouldve been resolved in the persons life years ago, that makes me realise just how fucking futile all of it is. and thus i find myself coming back here.
unironically almost nobody on here has any idea just how bad things really are

>> No.52999778

I just want to live on a yacht with my magic internet money

>> No.52999781

>unironically almost nobody on here has any idea just how bad things really are
We know. Now quit demoralizing. You don't overcome an obstacle by surrending.

>> No.52999872

>You don't overcome an obstacle by surrending
nobody ever overcame an obstacle pretending it wasnt there.
youd have to be an elite level npc to not be depressed about the state of the world but at no point have i expressed my own demoralisation and if youve picked that up from my post then maybe youve still got much of your own work left to do.

>> No.53000209

/b/ -> /adv/ -> /biz/
Was my route.

>> No.53000277

>he's offended over being called a faggot, now he's calling me a faggot

An ohm to how nothing truly changes. Being depressed is a psyop just like being a faggot. Man up.

>> No.53000282

Yes because most boards are of hobbies that can be easily googled when it comes to the jargon, /biz/ is in itself it's own hobby and ecosystem. Understanding financial jargon doesn't help because everyone is wrong when it comes to finances. Nobody can predict it and everyone is a scammer. Being right is impossible when so many are flat out lying as well. You can have all the math right but it doesn't matter if the fed decides to pump the markets with clown market shenanigans.

>> No.53000298

Frogposting is what every board does newfag. He is the manifestation of anonymity now. Before we had no image green face man in a suit to represent anonymous. Now we are pepe. The manifestation of chaos.

>> No.53000310

Of course. Money was and is all that's really needed in order to free yourself.

>> No.53000355
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Everybody shut up and check these digits

>> No.53000431

What a simple journey.
I was
/b/ (teenager) -> /adv/ + /r9k/ (college) -> /sci/ + /lit/ (late college, academic) -> /pol/ +/r9k/ (young adult) -> /biz/ (working adult) -> /g/ + /v/ (consumer) -> /fit/, /fa/, and /biz/ (self-improvement phase).
I am currently in the last phase. /fit/, /fa/ and /biz/.

>> No.53000433

This journey took me 15 years, by the way.
Fuck this entire fucking website.

>> No.53000435

Impressive. Now check these.

>> No.53000477

/biz/ is s-tier, some of the shitposting here has made me obscene amounts of money and made me cry from intense keks. This place is certified based.

>> No.53000818

That's nothing. Link 500 doll hairs EOY

>> No.53000826
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>> No.53000850

Don't think - just buy ;)

>> No.53000918
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Newfags talking about /pol/ but didn't even experience /new/. Even old r9k was miles above pol.

But stick around, the cycle will turn once again. Wagmi

>> No.53000963

>That was the case. There is no reason to browse this site other than /biz/
>Until 2020. Then it turned to shit.
Holy shit exactly what I feel like. The only reason I started browsing 4chan regularly was because someone on an incel forum shilled me Chainlink in 2018 and told me to go on /biz/ then I proceeded to go all in and capitalize on the recent bull run with other shitcoins. It went to shit after 2020 though exactly as you said. But whatever, I'm glad I only wasted 4 years of my life instead of a decade on this shithole website like many others have. All other boards are cancer, even biz is cancer now with all the lunatic politic obsessed schizos.

>> No.53000978

For me it was
8/pol/ -> 4cuck/pol/ after St. Tarrant -> /biz/ + /fit/ + /lit/ + nu/pol/
I miss infinity chan desu.

>> No.53001013

kill yourself jewish rat parasite

>> No.53001031
File: 835 KB, 1010x1715, 6E47F632-0771-412B-976B-D3FE02F5CB20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I still don't understand wtf cartoon frog represents
pepe is kek the god of chaos how do you not know this?

>> No.53001239

We are here forever anon.

>> No.53001249

/a/ -> /b/ > /g/ > /lgbt/ > /biz/

>> No.53001259

You’ll waste decades too haha
Check out some other boards now and then.

>> No.53001261

I've been on 4chan since 2009

please kill me

>> No.53001291

This is true. Only the merchant race is capable enough to be world leaders. Other races cope

>> No.53001301
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My journey was /a/ -> /m/ -> /fit/ -> /lit/ -> /vg/ -> /biz/
I drop into the other boards every now and then, maybe once a month. But /biz/ is my HQ.

>> No.53001379


For me it was


>> No.53001405

/k/ endgame = become one of the most pathetic cowards in the entire human history, defend your self delusions, but not your country.

/pol/ endgame = drop a shitton of redpills on newfrens and hope someone will do something about the tyrannical tribe someday.

/fit/ endgame = become disciplined, healthy, strong, attractive and respected, increase the chance of spreading your genes.

/biz/ endgame = use your counter-semitism expertise to win your freedom, create a better future for yourself and the people you care about.

>> No.53001416


lmao its just virgins being racists because they think its funny

>> No.53001434

Make it /b/ -> /fit/ -> /pol/ -> /biz/

>> No.53001443

It's unironically over for /biz/ even more so than for the botted up boards with 90%+ bot posts like /v/ and /pol/ and /int/

>> No.53001446
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Hello /pol/turd you are only right about the first one so let me correct your bullshit
>/pol/ endgame = become a bitter, poor, tradcuck who hates everyone and everything while being wrong about everything.
>/fit/ endgame = become a gay faggot who is obsessed with his own looks and other males.
>/biz/ endgame = Get scammed by all the worthless shitcoins posted on here, until you buy a shitcoin with a cult following and you become a schizo baggie who will never make it.

>> No.53001455


>> No.53001461
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Keep seething chud. You are the shit that destroyed this board.

>> No.53001531

He means that most oldfags eventually end up here.

>> No.53001563

/biz/ was created after /pol/ retards, /biz/ became popular after /pol/. The naive idealism of /pol/ is the early adulthood and the actually realistic economics of /biz/ is true adulthood. /pol/ is like a kid trying to imagine realism while /biz/ is actually trying to thrive in the real world.

>> No.53001577
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lmao not fooling anyone kikelstein

>> No.53001604

But i mean it doesn't matter anyway, seems like 4chan is dying as a whole and only the mentally ill cognitionally incapable of adopting new things that remain.

>> No.53001614

well done. however

>> No.53002577
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>> No.53002618

B, jenk (420ch), pol, fit, pol, biz

>> No.53002630

420ch munch board is kino

>> No.53002632

/pol/ tourist will always hold us down if we only could kill the weed

>> No.53002762

lurk moar

>> No.53002791

Lefties ruin everything but the positive side is that their childish personality means they have limited attention spans. We will rise again.

>> No.53002799
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/b/ -> /fit/ -> /sp/tv/sci/ -> /biz/ here

>> No.53002805

>1 post by this ID

>> No.53002831

what i dislike is the creation of new boards, the stuff about video games for zoomers is useless.
/tv/ must be split between actual tv and celebs
biz must be split between coins and actual finance
lit must be split between philosophy and literature
(putting humanities in /his// is stupid)

also remove all flags and IDs

>> No.53002932

IDs are necessary to shit on 1pbtid jeets

>> No.53003256

It is.
After this idk what happens.

>> No.53003750

fuck me I was gonna say "2020 seems too recent, I've only been on this board for a year or so" and then I realized I was here pre-2016 FUCK

>> No.53003776

/b/ -> /a/, /g/ and /v/ -> /fit/ -> actually left this place for a few years -> being even more of a crossboarding faggot -> /biz/
fuck /pol/ but also fuck niggers

>> No.53003796

the problem with /incel/ is that it opens a massive can of worms for gookmoot in terms of legal responsibility, see kiwifarms

>> No.53003808

Biz isn't 4chans end game because it's used as ad space by other biz lords to increase their profits. If /Biz/ focused soley on snowballing capital for small business ventures rather than tell you that the only way to be rich is get lucky on a random moon coin or start with a massive profit /Biz/ would be the engine of 4chan. Instead it's basically the section where small advertisements exist and 100% of the alt coin shit coins are scam pump and dumps that you'd be very very late to

>> No.53003829
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Are you me?

>> No.53003845

Lurk /b/ see habbenings. Get interested in habbenings and what will be the new thing. Go /Pol/ Lurk around a long time shit talk the jews. Realize that life is still happening while i shit talk on /b/ /pol/ try and get rich come to Biz see a bunch of shit coin advertisements go cook dinner flip on alex jones and go to bed

>> No.53003846
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This. Just because /biz/ has the highest levels of retardation doesn't make it better than normal retardation. Nothing will touch pre-2016 /r9k/, /b/, /fa/ or /pol/. This isn't edgy inside jokes, merely stupidity, but it has its moments.

more like /fit/ -> /pol/ or /biz/ -> /k/ or /g/

>> No.53003859

I don't take anyone who goes on /k/ seriously. That place is the biggest federal honeypot I've ever seen.

>> No.53003913
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This is accurate.
/fit/ -> /k/ /pol/ -> /g/ /sci/ /biz/ /int/
Getting scammed into shitcoin pump and dumps isn't a hobby lel
All of those make sense except /fit/, which is even more retarded now than in the GOMAD + SS era. Just get on a normal program and lift.
The downfall really started in 2016 with 4chan getting some credit for the alt right ascendancy in the US. Dumb rednecks and boomers came flooding in.
Plebbit is a great example of the downfall of a social media site. Normies and pajeets have come online in the last decade and ruined the cultural uniqueness of most social media. 4chan's dated UI keeps the counterculture alive but just barely.

>> No.53003941

I'm 22 years old. I've been on this site for 8 years now. Over 1/3rd of my life has been wasted because of this site and I couldn't be any happier

>> No.53003957
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You're here forever.
I won't pretend that this site has no cultural gems, but if you think you're engaging in any sort of serious self-improvement by being here, I have a bridge to sell you.

>> No.53003974

> If /Biz/ focused soley on snowballing capital for small business ventures rather than tell you that the only way to be rich is get lucky on a random moon coin or start with a massive profit /Biz/ would be the engine of 4chan.
Not even that, just continuously accrue more capital than you consume. Getting lucky helps but most western adults accrue sufficient capital over their lives to be landed gentry.

>> No.53004093

if your referring to end game being finding the way out of the financialy tyranny that the cbdc future is currently bringing to our doorstep, then your probably right. problem is that 99 percent of this board is shills trying to scam midwits and honest travelers looking for answers. it takes slightly above average 3 digit iq to filter through the chaff and shit.

mine as well.

eat a bag of flaccid cock trimmings schlomo

it already is for the truly initiated.

duh anon, thanks for joining the discussion.

sadly, in that order. problem is that it takes too long and we need more ppl here now. thinking ones preferably.

fit has its benefits as well. but too many of the sheep are too interested in tik tok thots and bing bing wahoo.

says the midwit iq that cant see the forest and the trees simultanioiusly.

stop drinking, smoking, fapping, and start fasting and reading books again. or atleast watch education related content instead of corporate main stream garbage that is designed to pollute ur brain and distract your from the truth.

>> No.53004104

pepe is all of us. obviouisly

>> No.53004115

aand the ones that do are preparing accordingly. dont lose sight of a semblance of hope anon. i was hopel;ess once, and then i stepped out of the shadows and felt the warmth of the light. keep on truckin nigger.

>> No.53004120

this is true for me.
i found /pol/ in 2014 and eventually came here because of all the reddit fags that came in 2016. im sure alot of anons did this as well
unfortunately i started lurking right before the bull run and missed it while i was still learning

>> No.53004127

best board.

>> No.53004135


>> No.53004242

>lunatic politic obsessed schizos.
This has been a thing for 10 years now.

>> No.53005473

>The naive idealism of /pol/ is the early adulthood
/pol/ is boomer central, most of them are just stupid, not naive

>> No.53005806

Dumb frogposter

>> No.53005825

/b/ -> /x/ -> /3/ -> /pol/ -> /biz/

>> No.53005856

2012 fit / fa -> 2015 pol -> 2017 biz

>> No.53006077

this is where we funnel in more suckers for our ponzi

>> No.53006749

Yup..das rite.

>> No.53006779

If you frequent k you need to take ur meds and if you frequent vg or v you need to get a personality. The only top tier boards on this shit site are fit biz lit and OCCASIONALLY pol, mid tier is g sci and fa the rest is shit

>> No.53006782

It’s doesn’t matter anymore. I’m growing

>> No.53006799

That would depend on which frog.
Apu , the Honkler, or Pepe.
And then there's the sub variants of Pepe
Sad Pepe
Reeeeee Pepe.
Concerned Pepe.
And.my personal favorite Tuxedo Pepe.
Lurk moar. You will become richer nazier and smarter

>> No.53006814

Kikes plz...

>> No.53006817


Same. Came in 2017, got into LINK, made my money. Board got worse and worse during the last bull so I left. Now I am back and it seems to be decent again. Biz is always best during bear. Thats when we beat the competition, get the bets placed and sell during bull, while warning newfags who dont listen. They make the next batch of bear-fags.

>> No.53006820

i was a /a/ nigga back then and i still am, /a/, /tv/, /fit/ and /biz/ are my homes

>> No.53007196


Fuck you. I've been here since 2010 and I'm still a newfag.

>> No.53007206
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>for the uninitiated
For you.

>> No.53007217

Yeah same. I was lifting before I ever went on /pol/, fit is a bunch of faggots lifting 6 days a week with no idea what they’re doing. I lift 3x week and bench in the 400s. Fuck /fit/

>> No.53007240
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>shitpost on /v/ and /b/ in 08
>begin shitposting on /tv/ and /g/ as well
>posting on /k/ too (back then it was still good)
>end up on /pol/ and after getting really redpilled about the jews I go to /biz/
>got in before ETH took off and made it

>> No.53007279

masterful pooh & klaus bait and digits

>> No.53007347


>> No.53007386

I don't even notice the jargon, hard for me to assign a difficulty to it

>> No.53007398

Most of this board is financially illiterate, unironically

>> No.53007400

/chem/ (420chan) > /qq/ (420chan) > /biz/

After I stopped being a science stoner, I started chasing money and trying to learn the game rules

>> No.53007412

That is apart of it
Both of those are dog shit and filled with Jew worshiping retards

>> No.53007416

the goyim seethe, but this is the truth. All the seething replies are bagholders.

>> No.53007453

/biz /pol/ /fit/
all a real man needs

>> No.53007467

/pol/ is dog shit and if you still go there rn you are a fucking moron. Just stay there zoomer nigger

>> No.53007570

I'm pre project chanology anon and pol has saved my ass many times over the years, its the fastest news source and if you can filter through the shit it allows for trading advantages too.

>> No.53007585

no you aren't faggot. If you actually were you wouldn't be using nu/pol/. Saved your ass? LMAO

>> No.53007601

where did you pick up on hopelessness? I'm not hopeless at all
and where did you pick up on depressed lol
me saying how bad things are doesn't upset me at all, embrace you spineless cowards

>> No.53007708

/mu/ -> /pol/ -> /biz/

>> No.53007735

bitch don't know about my epic fail guy or duckrolls

>> No.53008019

We're just mentally strong faggot.

>> No.53008075

I've got the strange feeling after /biz/ we will eventually end up in /x/. I found myself lurking there the other day and unlike my younger days i found myself rather comfortable there

>> No.53008089

This. 8ch was legit even though glowing very brightly.

>> No.53008201

wow look at you being part of the community. lets hope that is a good thing.

>> No.53008254

I know I'm not an oldfag, didn't claim to be one. Pretty sure I'm cancer not newfag kek