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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52972901 No.52972901 [Reply] [Original]

Extremely bullish.

Can't wait to earn DUST from staking ADA when the privacy blockchain Midnight releases.

Cardano is so freaking based.

>> No.52973117


>> No.52973237

Where are the dapps Charles

>> No.52973238

being built

>> No.52973249
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>any day now

>> No.52973250

Top network

>> No.52973264

They are here with 1 peer rewieved tps my fren!

>> No.52973275

Hydra heads have 1,000 tps each. Hydra is being rolled out next year

Cope more

>> No.52973380

insane price action dude, get in now before you are priced out!

>> No.52973391

this unironically

>> No.52974103

Cardano is basedano

>> No.52974215

Yes, two more week and it ll be usable!

>> No.52974437


1. bonds - https://www.optim.finance/#
2. lending/borrowing/synthetics - https://app.indigoprotocol.io/
3. dex - https://muesliswap.com/
4. dex - https://minswap.org/
5. lending - https://app.aada.finance/

Those are the ones I use anyway. So easy to arb also, Cardano noobs are so new.

>> No.52975446
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Stablecoins, WBTC, and WETH coming into existence in Q1 will play a crucial role in creating a thriving DeFi ecosystem. If they have attractive ROIs available, it will inevitably create a supply shock that skyrockets TVL on Cardano. Almost nobody will see this coming, just like no one saw it coming when it went from $0.03 to $3 back in 2021. Inb4 pic related.

>> No.52975609

Yeah of course .... everyone will go into Cardano old fartshit stuff when in 2023 new innovative stuff like SUI or Quai network or Zetachain or Fuel or LayerZero or Aleo etc.. etc.. will launch.

>> No.52976007

Sure, some "new tech" plays are worth accumulating, but it's honestly not even close to the ROI received on DeFi, especially as we enter a crab market.

>> No.52976258

Yeah, perhaps multichain DEFI dapps + crosschain infrastructure projects are the best bet for the future.
+ blockchain based gaming stuff
The L1 + L2 space gets very over crowded - sucking away liquidit from each other.
Perhaps it will be worth to pick up stuff like AAVE or SNX or GRTor Illuvium etc.... after the bear is over.

>> No.52976709

the dex only swaps cardano ecosystem tokens. no one wants any more fucking retard tokens. no erc20s, no cardano crap no bnb tokens. your dex is fucking useless. full of useless crap. no one needs bonds, no one needs collateralized lending,. there is nothing of value on cardano. and its proof of stake. fucking scam

>> No.52976736
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>cardano haqs THE tech
>I'm going to be so rich
>it's price is so low

>> No.52979218

This but unironically

>> No.52979267 [DELETED] 
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>> No.52979705
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ok but what are you holding in the meantime? Cardano time is similar to Valve time, 1 year = 1 month of dev time to them. i'm accumulating VINU

>> No.52979729

whatsapp normie single mother status tier.

>> No.52979734

Will they also lock you up for 2 years?

>> No.52979740

>1 year = 1 month of dev time to them
You get it.

>> No.52980555

Based black anon

>> No.52980590
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dapps when?

>> No.52980705

>Hydra heads have 1,000 tps each
Hydra head is a centralized actor. If you want high tps with your friends, you have to go to the same hydra head. It doesn't mean the system will handle 1000000 general tps.

>> No.52980761

>It doesn't mean the system will handle 1000000 general tps.
Yes it will
Right nao

>> No.52981152

>Yes it will
You literally can't have that with Hydra.

>Right nao
But you can't even implement a basic swap contract in Plutus.

>> No.52981483

Wrong pajeet

>> No.52981558
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>next year
>being built
>this month
>next month
>in a couple of weeks
>ironing out the bugs

>> No.52981677
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Right h-----!

>> No.52981737
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>> No.52981909

>Extremely bullish.
Extremely bullshit.

>> No.52981957

All crypto is useless. Time to grow up.

>> No.52982077

kek, ha ha ha! Wonder if Charles has seen this.

>> No.52982153

I'm Charles

>> No.52982208

I'm Charles

>> No.52982220

Charles, they're roasting you, bro. That bouncy fat is a little cringe in front of those poor Africans.

>> No.52982924

I'm a gigachad i don't care about some internet niggers lamo

>> No.52983015

Kek. If everything was certain you wouldn't be a gambler

>> No.52984381

Anyone fudding Cardano and Charles is an enemy of humanity. Charles is the only non-pozzed crypto CEO that openly shits on WEF. Compare him to globohomo stooges like Vitalik or Sirgay that are being shilled here on a regular basis. All of the "charles is le redditor and cardano is reddit vaporwave" FUD is the final /biz/ filter, made by globohomo faggots and smoothbrains. Just wait for the pajeets and retards, until they flock here with their dApps FUD, talking about polygon having 60 thousand dApps. Doesn't matter to them if Cardano actually has few hundred usable dApps and Polygon has 60 thousand pieces of broken pajeetware that do nothing. The number is bigger, so it must be better, right? This man makes local LINKfags and ICPbaggies seethe like nothing else.

>> No.52987127

>just wait

>> No.52988225

No I'm Charles

>> No.52988257

Charles would thank you for the description

>> No.52988679

bullish when cardano still has less than 60 dapps compared to polygon which is a much younger chain and is powering over 50k dapps?

>> No.52988709

>50k dapps

Where did you pull this number out of your ass? Literally no chain has 50k dapps, not even Ethereum.

This is how I know Polygon is a jeetchain

>> No.52990276

Kek, seethe more

bnb tokens, erc20. hahahah

>> No.52990501

I'm Charles and I thank that anon

>> No.52990578

I am in love with the Cardano community, soothing news always, recently loaded more ADA, MATIC, OCEAN and ORE. I believe the next bull run will be explosive

>> No.52990704

Never trust the soγ face.

>> No.52990723


>> No.52990733

Cardano community is pajeet free

>> No.52990763

Sell all of this retarded pajeet shit for XRP and actually make it

>> No.52992899

>brown hands typed this

>> No.52994864

Kek. How's that even going
I've been staking only stablecoins recently. BUSD on Binance and USDC and USDT on SpoolFi. Someone said middlewares are better, Binance APYs are fucked

>> No.52994966
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>y-y-you just wait... next year I'll be able to stake my shitcoin of choice and earn some other useless shitcoin
>very sure this is the first chain that allows this
>sundaeswap was just due to bad code
>yes, this is a 2014 coin but we will soon have alice sends tx to bob usecase going live
>10b mcap is nothing, we will be #2 soon
kys quickly OP

>> No.52995014

Smelly pajeet

>> No.52995790

This is pajeet tier green text, gtfo our board Sandeep

>> No.52995804

lmfao say the pajeet rat bastards shilling garbage bullshit
literally go drown in the pile of shit outside your house

>> No.52995838
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yup baggies, keep holding your groundbreaking shitcoin. ad hominem will get you far

>> No.52995845

Go find a street to shit in Ranjesh nobody wants your smelly coins

>> No.52995899

post pic of forearm shitskin

>> No.52995952
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>needing bloated smart contracts to even have tokens

>> No.52997937

Based cardanorinos

>> No.52999848

Xrp is on every Chad's top list after their victory over the SEC. I also like to diversify my portfolio with metaverse gems like Mana, Senate and Ride that have potential for profits