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File: 125 KB, 1024x1024, christen_ager_hanssen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52949913 No.52949913 [Reply] [Original]

This man is Christen Ager-Hanssen, he's one of the wealthiest people in Norway, a multi billionaire since the early 2000's who also owns their largest newpaper.
He's got a 40 year history of investing and entrepreneurship mostly focused on tech/internet companies.
And he just became the CEO of nChain, Craig Wright's nChain. He didn't just take a hands off approach and throw some money at the company, no believes so strongly in what the company is capable of that he's taking his 40 years of contacts and power and using it to help grow that company and by extension Bitcoin SV.

>> No.52949951
File: 56 KB, 450x437, bitshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have 0 BSV. The only people who own that shitcoin must be BTC maxxis who got it airdropped and are desperately trying to shill some alternative narrative to pump their bags.

They did this in 2017 with BCH when it went to over 5k. It's at $100 now.

All bitcoin clones are shitcoins starting with KING SHITCOIN (ticker: BTC).

Anybody shilling you BITCOIN or BITCOIN SV in 2022 is a fucking slimy maxxi.

>> No.52949988

half of the retards on here probably know more about crypto than he does

>> No.52949993

Bsv is a scam. And some norway fag wont change that.

>> No.52950000

that means he knows more than half of the retards on here

>> No.52950059

This guy sunk FlyMe near year 2000 and let stockholders hold the bag. I know his son Casper since school.

Whatever you do, stay away from this conman

>> No.52950164

It's not what you know but who you know and this guy knows a lot of very important people. Imagine the types of business contacts you could create over 40 years in the tech space. And it's not just the tech space, you don't go that long in tech without creating some good contacts over to the finance side of things. The amount of projects being built on Bitcoin SV is going to explode next year.

>> No.52950597

I think you meant BTC is a scam- "store of value". Its only value is if more people keep buying. It has no other use than speculation. High fees. Small blocks. Been totally taken over by banks to protect their interests.

>> No.52950682

what a trustworthy and soulful face

>> No.52951028

his plan is to destroy bsv

>> No.52951087

Based ager-hansen, his mission is to make nchain the fastest company to reach 1 trillion market cap

>> No.52951213
File: 135 KB, 810x1199, CryptoScumbags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

physiognomy is real, just look at that slimy motherfucker. Looking like you'd slit an old ladies throat for 50 bucks must be a pre-requisite for BSV involvement.

>> No.52951237
File: 70 KB, 680x453, 1659367320609902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Been totally taken over by banks
as opposed to being taken over by billionaire pedophiles?

>> No.52951362

wow the cryptoleaks retard is now in charge of BSV, you really can't make this shit up kek

>> No.52951409

Im not shilling any coins here, just stating I think BTC is a ponzi kike scam.

>> No.52951434

Kek this faggot was algo shiller but then hopped on bsv i wonder what he's going to choose next

>> No.52951473

it doesn't, what a waste of quads

>> No.52951955

AgerHanssens went after the wrong guy (Emin). Emin took a private jet straight to scandinavia with some elite turkish wrestlers and i have it on good authority that he put a glock in AgerHanssens mouth threatening to blow his brains out. AgerHannsens has been silent about it since that incident.

>> No.52951990
File: 385 KB, 900x900, niggers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AgerHanssens went after the wrong guy (Emin). Emin took a private jet straight to scandinavia with some elite turkish wrestlers and i have it on good authority that he put a glock in AgerHanssens mouth threatening to blow his brains out. AgerHannsens has been silent about it since that incident.

>> No.52952004

Norwegian dude is cool af.
He'll get the job done.

>> No.52952816

wow totally not a scam

>> No.52953596

big change, hearing rumours he wants to grow fast- in contrast to previous boomer ceo's

>> No.52953621


He was a billionaire when he was born, but he's had business failure after business failure and now is far from a billionaire.

BSV is perfect for him-- a final scam to bankrupt a morally bankrupt silver spoon idiot.