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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 173 KB, 1000x1300, Coinmetro threat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52931513 No.52931513 [Reply] [Original]

Coinmetro bread

>> No.52931638
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Copy trading SOON

>> No.52931653
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yeaaaaaaaaaah or maybe not

>> No.52931731
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Kevin is still holding my XCM hostage
He will not remove the peg and fix the book because coinmetro is insolvent and XCM is worthless

>> No.52931745
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Yes, but at least the new exchange UI looks cool, right?

>> No.52931757
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>my XCM
Guess again gay boy. Thanks for playing.

>> No.52931947

Why don't you sell on uniswap?

>> No.52931964

>resets book
>sell wall reappears immediately
wow who guessed it? anyway... coinmetro is a scam and you are all bagholding trannies

>> No.52931976

I'm not a tranny.

>> No.52932065

I'm not a bagholder.

>> No.52932193


>> No.52932248

That's just plainly untrue

>> No.52932264
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Waifuism is ironic weeb bullshit but more importantly I don't care what someone who seems to be unable upload a png to 4channel dot org thinks.

>> No.52932440


>> No.52932733
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>> No.52932777
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I hope Ignium don't exit scam before the DNA bonds mature. I didn't realise how much of those I bought when they were cheap.

>> No.52932864

I don't get why people sold them for cheap as if they were shares... they are fucking bonds they need to be repaid. People just threw away money

>> No.52932874
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maybe people just really disliked him being in the anti-ai gang

>> No.52932909
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Book could easily have been throttled like this months ago. Instead we've had half a year of mostly a handful of whales slowly selling. The majority of the bagholders who want out- all the gobshite slavs with €300 in who won't shut the fuck up- could have sold and fucked off by now.

Now we'll wait another few months for changes to XCM tiers, another few months for investor buybacks, another few months for something that brings trading volume to the exchange. Everything perfectly timed so that any sense of enthusiasm dies down in-between and is completely wasted.

I love Kevin and the idea of Coinmetro- but their consistent inability to follow up on anything successful is depressing. TRAM 1.0, Quant hype, and Kadena could all easily have been massively beneficial to the visibility of the exchange, if they had been better managed. Instead there was a shrugging of shoulders as copy trading managers ran their portfolios into the ground, QNT turned to LCX, and KDA ecosystem industriously churned out fuck-all but scams. There's this bizarre fatalistic attitude to these things, when Coinmetro could (and should) be doing everything it can to see them succeed. It may have been too soon for those- but what happens if (for example) THT manages to capture a potential AI zeitgeist in 2023? Is it just a fun little moon for a while and then THT announces a partnership with Coinbase and everyone fucks off again?

I have decided that every hope I have for Coinmetro in the future should automatically be quadrupled in terms of how long it will take. I look forward to the €1 party in 2025. In the meantime, I am begrudgingly returning to wageslavery.

>> No.52932944
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because bro, ya sell 'em at 33% of what ya bought 'em for and get a guaranteed 10x on [redacted] and you have made a cool 3x. Gotta cut them losses bro.

>> No.52932993
File: 155 KB, 600x450, shocku.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you went long on CNNY Futures you'd be up 10x today.
>Suggests reduction of age of consent from 16 to 15
>Wants to legalize buying of sex

>> No.52933045
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>> No.52933068

This can't be real.

>> No.52933082
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>why isn't coinmetro saving her
It's over

>> No.52933124
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>Instead there was a shrugging of shoulders as copy trading managers ran their portfolios into the ground,
It was much worse than that. The way the tram was set up meant managers had financial incentives to make more frequent risky trades and Coinmetro themselves are to blame for what happened.

>> No.52933137

>The way the tram was set up meant managers had financial incentives to make more frequent risky trades
How was it set up? Trading fee reward?

>> No.52933146
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I love how true this always is, I dread the day when nonbagholder anon is a bagholder once more so that, this beautiful symphony of a 4chan post chain, will never play out again.

>> No.52933168
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It's been a long time since everyone stopped calling me burger flip anon and started calling me cunny anon. I am starting to think that I was wrong about the whole thing being an elaborate plot of renaming me to pizza flipper anon and making it seem like a natural development.

>> No.52933199
File: 205 KB, 2270x2093, 5Q5W357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How was it set up? Trading fee reward?
The managers get paid client fees in addition to their own gains for opening and closing successful trades and when they opened and closed a losing trade only lost their own collateral. It's been a while and I might be remembering wrong.

The Yuru camp movie is weird. There is a timeskip and they are all old enough to drink and drive cars. This is an unusual development in a girls doing nothing show.

>> No.52933209
File: 47 KB, 640x475, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has short hair in the future? lol long hair fags can't catch a break.

>> No.52933238

I have 4 episodes left of Yuru Camp S1. Saving it for next time I'm in my depressingly cold apartment alone.

The cutest girls look good regardless. It is well known that only the cutest girls can pull off short hair, but less well known is that they look even cuter with longer hair.

>> No.52933241

She has waist length hair in both.

>> No.52933260

explain >>52932777 I am blind?

>> No.52933273
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>less well known is that they look even cuter with longer hair.
Actual heresy, delete this shit

>> No.52933296 [DELETED] 
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>> No.52933323

>It is well known that only the cutest girls can pull off short hair, but less well known is that they look even cuter with longer hair.
You don't let your fringe grow to waist length when growing out your hair.

>> No.52933366
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>fringe grow to waist length
I have no idea what any of this means

>> No.52933405

No grow hair in front of eyes when grow back hair.

>> No.52933442

bangs? I'm in the bangs gang, while gang banging she lets her bangs hanging
why waist length though? Waist is where the tummy is?

>> No.52933484
File: 11 KB, 236x271, 46a740954cce906ac7381a513983adce--photo-booths-pipes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Americans call fringe "bangs"
>mfw americans call chocolate globbernaughts "candy bars"
>mfw americans call motorized rollinghams "cars"
>mfw americans call Merry fizzlebombs "Fireworks"
>mfw americans call genocide 'Thanksgiving'
>mfw americans call wunderbahboxes a "PC"
>mfw americans call meat water "gravy"
>mfw americans call electro-rope "power cables"
>mfw americans call beef wellington ensemble with lettuce a burger
>mfw americans call fart tornados "bar mitzvahs"
>mfw americans call twisting plankhandles "Doorknobs"
>mfw americans call french toast "pussy bread"
>mfw americans call breaddystacks "sandwiches"
>mfw americans call their hoighty toighty tippy typers "keyboards"
>mfw americans call nutty-gum and fruit spleggings "peanut butter and jelly"
>mfw americans call an upsy stairsy the "escalator"
>mfw americans call tossin' the thimble in the tipper "Archiving the Thread"
>mfw americans call Montezuma's Revenge "Water"
>mfw americans call bobby buggies "police cars"
>mfw americans call hosh posh jerpee tosh "lingo"
>mfw americans call buzzy fuzzy trundlies "electric razors"
>mfw americans call cold-on-the-cob a "popsicle"

>> No.52933490

I thought they would announce their bankruptcy but it was boring

>> No.52933502
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Our punishment must be more severe
Makes sense. Irregardless, the fact that they had this product- which was their only real USP at the time, and seemingly 80% of their trading volume, and was generating huge enthusiasm (via the trading volumes)- and yet apparently never even bothered checking in on what the traders were actually doing is really not great. Leaving it up to individual projects, traders, etc, when you're Binance and have many, many hundreds of listings and dozens of products is a workable strategy. When you're Coinmetro and you have a tiny handful of products with a tiny number of offerings and maybe one stand-out unique listing at any given time- it absolutely isn't.

Another example- has anything listed via Ignium (whatever the portal is called on Coinmetro) been successful (in terms of building and achieving tangible goals- I know the profit horizon is long-term)? If yes, where's the follow-up and news?

There's this general attitude of building a product, or enlisting a project, then sitting back and wistfully watching it blow off course. Like a boomer parent stood back sipping a beer whilst their kid repeatedly falls off of their new bike. Because of this, copy trading now looks like a rodeo for cowboy traders, Ignium looks like a portal for vapourware scams, and genius early listings like PRQ and KDA look no better than SafeMoon. This is the one thing that Coinmetro fuck up harder than anything else.

>> No.52933663

It's even worse, still, Coinmetro is one of the best exchanges.
Short hair only works in 2D, it's not viable in real life.

>> No.52933685

Buy HEX y'all.

>> No.52933724
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>it's not viable in real life.

>> No.52933725

How much do we all realistically and seriously think XCM will be worth in the future? Can it reach $100+ just like BNB?

>> No.52933741
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>their only real USP at the time
Most exchanges have zero USPs.
>seemingly 80% of their trading volume, and was generating huge enthusiasm (via the trading volumes)- and yet apparently never even bothered checking in on what the traders were actually doing is really not great.
It got released without proper testing or risk management. Whoever was in charge of it fucked up on what would have been the first thing they should have checked: Did the managers have a way of extracting client funds through bad trading strategies. I don't agree they should have advertised it. They never should have released it as it was at all.

>has anything listed via Ignium (whatever the portal is called on Coinmetro) been successful (in terms of building and achieving tangible goals
Backify and Encryptogen did what they were supposed to do. It is a money raising platform not a "build ur dream company with decentralised money" platform. Tangible was also technically a very limited success since they paid out their bonds but never raised much money due to launching during the covid crash. MD agency, despite having a partnership with Microsoft failed to generate investor confidence.
>Ignium looks like a portal for vapourware scams
All penny stocks are vapourware scams.
>This is the one thing that Coinmetro fuck up harder than anything else.
That is more than one thing. Working had mindbroke you.

>> No.52933800
File: 174 KB, 528x321, bagholdercope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The more popular it is the more gets burned thus spiraling the token into hyper popularity reaching 1 Million per token?

>> No.52933814

>Short hair only works in 2D, it's not viable in real life.
I don't know. Short hair is never objectively (in as much as such a thing can be) hotter when taken in isolation, but it can add to an overall 'look' that is sexier. For example, longer hair will look better on a mature woman, but certain styles of short hair can be combo-ed with power dressing for an overall MILF look that makes me want to commit unspeakable acts of sexual depravity.

>still, Coinmetro is one of the best exchanges
That's what makes it so fucking annoying though. LCX will never onboard LINK, PRQ or KDA before anyone else notices them. LCX will never build a viable copy-trading platform (even if only at the second attempt...). LCX will never offer MARS. Coinmetro does all these things and then fumbles the easy part. If they were just a bad exchange then I wouldn't bother complaining about it.

>> No.52933834 [DELETED] 

Short hair is never objectively hotter when taken in isolation
I don't like you anon, please align with my opinions, it will make me feel better

>> No.52933841

>Short hair is never objectively hotter when taken in isolation
I don't like what you are saying anon, please align with my opinions, it will make me feel better

>> No.52933980 [DELETED] 
File: 117 KB, 884x434, 2022-12-19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you, as expert in getting banned, think this hypothetical ban, which was certainly not mine, for a post about the current state of the cryptosphere, was just?

>> No.52934119
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XCM value is realistically downstream of MARS, particularly since XCM yield itself (and possibly buyback percentages) will almost certainly be reduced over time. So you have to ask yourself how sustainable yield offerings are for big crypto projects (LINK, ETH, ADA, MATIC, whatever) in the long term, and then how much of that Coinmetro can capture, and then do the math on how much of that is distributed to XCM holders. I suspect XCM's target value is not absurdly high, and that it will get there rather slowly, but with the corollary that it will be far more stable than anything comparable that we've seen so far; since it will be dependant on the success of the aggregate of all of the MARS projects- not the actual/perceived fortunes of Coinmetro itself. I like to think of it as eventually approaching a de facto crypto ETF.

>Most exchanges have zero USPs
Absolutely true. My point though is that a USP that isn't supported properly is equally worthless.

>I don't agree they should have advertised it. They never should have released it as it was at all
Second part is fair- and you clearly have a much better understanding of how it worked than I do. As for first part- when I talk about 'support', I don't mean advertising (which I think is overrated in crypto, particularly for the type of repeat-user client CM is after- anyone who bangs on about ad spend just doesnt get the market). Coinmetro has a number of people on staff who were/are actual traders. They could have very easily looked in on what Harald (who was basically the entire problem as far as I can tell) was doing. Same goes for keeping tabs on Kaddex or whatever. I completely get that it isn't CM's responsibility- but when they have chosen to go the route of a limited number of products/projects on offer, hands off doesn't work out. And if they want to go truly hands off, then list dog coins, it's no worse for their reputation.

>> No.52934285
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>Backify and Encryptogen did what they were supposed to do. It is a money raising platform not a "build ur dream company with decentralised money" platform.
Doesn't cut it. Crypto (Digital Assets, I guess...) is all about narratives. It's fucking cool that Encrypgen (and to a lesser extent Backify) exist and are building. Throw it in the newsletter. Coinmetro seemed to expend a lot of time and effort (at a time when resources were massively constrained, and probably resulting in other platform offerings not turning up until after the bullrun, if ever) putting together this platform and whatever infrastructure and regulatory firepower was needed to support it. Then it was more or less just dropped after a few months with nothing further said. As you rightly identified, even the fact that Tangible didn't work out but is paying back everything is a massive success given the current state of the market.

It's this attitude of things just happening in isolation, and their subsequent success or failure being left to the winds of fate that gets to me. Coinmetro chose to put a lot of (very limited) effort into the tokenised bonds platform. It's a terrible waste to just say 'there you go, see how you all get on' and turn back to another six months of sell wall discussions. That's the failure.

>That is more than one thing. Working had mindbroke you.
Utterly broken. At it's core though, it is one thing Im talking about, with a myriad of presentations: Coinmetro sets up an open goal and then wanders off every fucking time. They do the hard work of building a product or finding a gem project, but then fail to diligently support and extract the appropriate narrative value.

I can't anon, I feel too strongly about this

>> No.52934374
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> how sustainable yield offerings are for big crypto projects (LINK, ETH, ADA, MATIC, whatever) in the long term
It's over
>a USP that isn't supported properly is equally worthless.
They are gathering data at least. They shouldn't have let customers lose money with beta products to gain data but it wasn't a complete waste of time. Realistically the problem seems to have been having an open beta instead of a closed beta.
>Harald (who was basically the entire problem as far as I can tell)
Harold exploited a vulnerability Coinmetro built. He is a cunt but not the person who should be blamed really.
>keeping tabs on Kaddex
Should they keep tabs on every project built on every chain they support? If KDA wasn't a ghost chain you wouldn't expect them to care about one bad project on a chain they support because it wouldn't even be possible.
>they have chosen to go the route of a limited number of products/projects on offer, hands off doesn't work out. And if they want to go truly hands off, then list dog coins, it's no worse for their reputation.
Most of crypto is scams. Some scams slipping through their net is not a reason to completely abandon the net.

>> No.52934462
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>hoighty toighty tippy typers "keyboards"
lost here
don't forget about margin, protocol staking, integrating native chains, good tokenomics and all the future stuff
did you write this
>XCM is never going to moon fast and hard again. But it has a powerful buyback mechanism which should deliver steady gains. It's hard to fully quantify MARS returns- but I like the way that it will increasingly function as a de facto crypto ETF, particularly once LINK and ETH are onboard. Park money in XCM and automatically accrue a broad, curated portfolio of crypto projects. I like that a lot, I think it's potential and appeal to passive investors is drastically underrated.
I like how holders are better at explaining the cm potential than their marketing team

>> No.52934535
File: 235 KB, 1920x1080, [VCB-Studio] To LOVE-Ru [OVA03][Ma10p_1080p][x265_flac].mkv_snapshot_15.36_[2022.11.14_22.12.58].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Coinmetro chose to put a lot of (very limited) effort into the tokenised bonds platform.
And raised 2.5 million Euro for themselves and 900k for Ignium because of it. That is the thing that stopped them living month to month if you have forgotten so it is hard to call it a failure. It absolutely helped them get more VC money too by showing they raised it from existing users. As Kevin says when you are a startup you are just trying to survive to the next fundraising round.
>They do the hard work of building a product or finding a gem project, but then fail to diligently support and extract the appropriate narrative value.
They are building stuff to the bare minimum and then building something else. They seem to have stopped this since they grew the team and now once they are finished updating the exchange maybe they will finally start finishing the unfinished work. Or maybe they will just do nothing for six months while telling us everything is fine.
>I like how holders are better at explaining the cm potential than their marketing team
I liked that two years ago. At this point it is just sad.

>> No.52934608

>It's over
Kek. I do often wonder...
>Realistically the problem seems to have been having an open beta instead of a closed beta.
This seems like the truth. But instead they went ahead and trusted a manager who was openly hostile to CM. Kinda asking for it, really. Also, looking back to early 2021, I don't think Kevin was as forthcoming as he could have been with regards to where the explosion in CM volume was actually coming from. They seemed happy to play it off as a huge surge in users. At which point they really needed to be paying more attention to the sustainability of the whole thing. It was no longer a little experiment, but a huge part of their narrative. Almost two years later, CM volumes are an order of magnitude less than they were back then.

Of course, that does lead to the hope that a well-implemented TRaM 2.0 (of which the initial managers are one of the most crucial parts no matter how watertight the system itself is- not something to be left to the vagaries of the fucking market) can really turn things around.
>Should they keep tabs on every project built on every chain they support? If KDA wasn't a ghost chain you wouldn't expect them to care about one bad project on a chain they support because it wouldn't even be possible.
They should make an effort to, when they're so fussy about which chains they choose to support.
>Most of crypto is scams. Some scams slipping through their net is not a reason to completely abandon the net.
Sure. But you don't just put the net in place and leave it to do it's thing. You check up on it every now and then, hold up a juicy catch to prove it's working. Perhaps you find a turtle stuck in there and give it a little helping hand.

For all my negativity, I do like that this year is the first time that Coinmetro has actually felt like more than one person making decisions and taking the initiative.

>> No.52934656

>They seemed happy to play it off as a huge surge in users.
No I think kevin was playing it off as a huge selling point for tram, not users, he kept saying "look what we can do with one trade now imagine more"
>They should make an effort to
They are not listing kaddex, what more should they do? retweet the fraud that happened? make blogs about how lago rugged.

>> No.52934844
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>this year is the first time that Coinmetro has actually felt like more than one person making decisions
I've been DMing kevin all links to the 4chan threads since February, I think that might be it. But the only time he replied was when I accidentally copy pasted the wrong link so I sent him to an anime called Cat Planet Cuties and before I could edit the message he was instantly online and started typing, he made fun of me for streaming and watching dub, to throw insult to injury he then gave me oddly comprehensive breakdown on how eris is not best cat girl and how hideki tojo from hdxd is better, never wrote him after that. Weird.

>> No.52934885
File: 191 KB, 800x1566, HD-wallpaper-anime-anime-girls-digital-art-artwork-2d-portrait-display-vertical-mossi-artist-kuwayama-chiyuki-dress-brunette-brown-eyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't forget about margin, protocol staking, integrating native chains, good tokenomics and all the future stuff
All exciting. But only if they don't just turn up in a tg announcement and thirty seconds of an ama, then get abandoned to find their own way home
>did you write this
Yes, that was me. I'm glad you like the explanation, it's my personal supraphysiological dose of XCM hopium :D
>And raised 2.5 million Euro for themselves and 900k for Ignium because of it. That is the thing that stopped them living month to month if you have forgotten so it is hard to call it a failure.
I did forget! Great point desu
>They seem to have stopped this since they grew the team and now once they are finished updating the exchange maybe they will finally start finishing the unfinished work.
This is the hope- margin directly leads to TRAM 2.0, etc. But they've failed to do this so many times before that I'm trying not to set myself up for another year of disappointment.
>At this point it is just sad
It is. Coinmetro has a great narrative- really the perfect one after everything that happened this year- and it does a terrible job of even recognising it, never mind selling it.
>No I think kevin was playing it off as a huge selling point for tram, not users
OK. And two years on we have an order of magnitude less trading volume. Something great was dangled in front of everyone's eyes, it wasn't carefully managed, it blew up, and- even if we accept the positive spin that an awful lot was learned (and I can believe this)- it hasn't been followed up upon in anything like a timely manner. If we accept the idea that TRAM 1.0 was really a beta, why release it long before TRAM 2.0 could be developed? Again, where's the follow-up?

>> No.52934905
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The best cat girls are the ones that aren't really cats but are given cat like features during dramatic moments like Nagatoro or Aika from Aria

>> No.52934925

>really the perfect one after everything that happened this year
Bummer that the floor kind of paves over everything lol, I don't even feel like shilling with the sell wall being there.
If I was a weeb I could have wrapped that post up more elegantly like you just did but, alas I am not one.
>where's the follow-up?
Other things were more important I have to assume.

>> No.52935020
File: 183 KB, 800x1191, HD-wallpaper-anime-anime-girls-cup-blue-eyes-long-hair-brunette-mossi-artist-ichinose-shiki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They are not listing kaddex, what more should they do? retweet the fraud that happened? make blogs about how lago rugged
Honestly, I don't know. I don't know the facts of what is going on at Kadena, so maybe I'm a million miles away from the truth and throwing around nothing but gross ignorance. My feeling is that Kadena would have benefitted from some bizdev support- they seem to be very weak in that area (possibly because they simply dismiss it). Could the team at Coinmetro have looked in on Kaddex (and whatever the other project was- I think there was another?) and called out the shittyness early? Could Coinmetro have identified problems in need of a solution and worked with Kadena to put out a call for KDA projects that meet them? Those sorts of things. Again, I know Kaddex isn't CM's fault at all. But when you have one (or, at best, a handful) of promising projects associated with your exchange, just looking in and noting that things aren't going great doesn't seem like enough. KDA fading into obscurity will be a blow to CM.
>Kevin is taking a break from a lifetime of intensive micromanagement to watch catgirl anime, forcing him to finally hire competent subordinates
Based. You've probably added a solid decade onto his life

>> No.52935067

You're saying that as if cm could have any impact at all into what kadena >wants< to do, let's get that perfectly straight, they wanted to do this, kaddex and lago was entirely preventable, it's the ceo of kadena eco that is entirely responsible for this shit.

>> No.52935068

>If I was a weeb
Post top 5 haram anime.

>> No.52935184

To Love Ru
Armed Girl's Machiavellism
Akashic Records of Bastard Magic Instructor

>Strong runner up, but some only because they were my first ever shows:
No game no life
Infinite Stratos
Heaven's Lost Property
Problem Children Are Coming From Another World, Aren't They?
The Misfit of Demon King Academy

>> No.52935244
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I've only seen 3 of those. Weeb

>> No.52935319

>You're saying that as if cm could have any impact at all into what kadena *wants* to do
Based on what I've read/heard from the Kadena team, they have a real fucking laissez-faire attitude towards this kind of thing. I'm not sure it's so much a case of them particularly wanting to do it, just not being terribly thoughtful towards the consequences of that initial project being so utterly shit- and here is where a more experienced advisor could have been helpful. Although, funnily enough, the apparent KDA attitude is not particularly different to how CM have been about bad TRAM managers or underwhelming Ignium launches. Of course, I don't know that that is fundamentally true, and fully accept that the Kadena CEO could have actually had his heart set on Kaddex.
>I don't even feel like shilling with the sell wall being there
I feel you. I hate how all discussion is now around the sell wall, and specifically how it encourages baggies to attack Coinmetro in the hopes of bullying their way to a buyback. So I simply shill the exchange, not the token. Anyone who wants in to XCM has plenty of time anyway.

>> No.52935383

>I'm not sure it's so much a case of them particularly wanting to do it,
Kadena eco CEO is the very person that hired kaddex people (his friends) he knew abou the fraud they just do not give a fuck about you knowing, apparently they barely tried to hide it. He's spitting in your tea and you go to the company that made the teaware to complain.

>> No.52935400

Great tea though, fantastic in fact. Just a shame about the spit, maybe it will dissolve over time, or something

>> No.52935606
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>Other things were more important I have to assume
That's my exact point though. Everything has to be far more joined-up. You don't just release a beta product, move on to something else, then sit and watch on the sidelines as some cretin runs it into the ground and puts a dent in the reputation of the exchange, and one that drags on for (at least) two years as they seek restitution. Then leaving you with unhappy users and no replacement product for (at least) two years. TRAM 2.0 should have been closer, or the TRAM managers much more closely supervised (which seems like the easy solution to me, it was only two guys, and only one making silly volumes of trades), or the whole thing should have been a closed beta as the other anon who knows more than me suggested (but again, in this case, why do closed beta two years or more before final product? Waste of time. Unless Coinmetro simply had no idea in advance quite how much work TRAM needed to be viable- and then that makes the open beta decision look even worse...).

I do personally think that Coinmetro were reasonably taken by surprise by the popularity (and profits) of Kadena staking in 2021, and essentially executed an unplanned pivot of the entire business, dropping everything to focus on exploiting that (leading to MARS). But Kevin has never admitted this (he implies it was always the plan). If the unplanned pivot wasn't a thing, then CM needs to do much better in the future to capitalise on and support new products. More depth, in favour of breadth. If the unplanned pivot was a thing, then there's greater cause to be optimistic that CM will be able to appropriately support and follow-up upon new products and projects going forward. So maybe some hope for 2023, TRAM 2.0, and an eventual coordination of effects to bring down the sell wall.

>> No.52935630

Well, apparently I am just grossly ignorant then. I didn't pretend otherwise: >>52935020. It's a massive shame

>> No.52935652
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2023 is gonna be /myyear/

read https://ruudy.medium.com/the-kadena-ecosystem-is-rotten-to-the-core-cd355b635976

>> No.52935739
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>it was only two guys, and only one making silly volumes of trades
It gets better! The other one besides Harold was the community manager for PRQ and I don't think he had any prior trading experience. He ran a private tram and enough people asked to follow him that he made it public after making some lucky trades before losing all his gains in the first downturn he was actively trading during. He wasn't a dick like Harold just a stupid kid

>> No.52935807
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Is there any demand for traders that people can follow?

>> No.52935974
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>> No.52936010
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Thanks, will read now
Ha! Is this the guy who's actually a paramedic or similar? (Perfectly respectable as a career, but hardly conduicive to trading excellence). Again, not CM's fault that people decided to follow him, but it still makes a CM product look awful.

The way I see it, there's an 'easy' and a 'hard' solution to this sort of thing (but you actually want both). The 'easy' solution is human- have someone vet TRAM managers and keep tabs on them. This doesn't have to be publicised by the exchange (mostly because CM reasonably doesn't want liability) but should be done anyway, because shit traders are shit narrative. This can be amplified by simple restrictions like an initial limitation on AUM. The 'hard' solution is technical, and based around having a TRAM that simply doesn't allow managers to do moronic, irresponsible, or nefarious thing- like make money on trades that fuck their clients. Now, obviously the 'hard' solution is preferable over time, and scales with increasing numbers of managers in a way that the 'easy' solution doesn't. It may also be increasingly necessary for more technically-sophosticated managers. As CM expands, it will absolutely want a robust TRAM system that does this. But initially, how fucking hard is it to find a handful of good managers and check they aren't all in on Team Martingale?

There's also other 'soft' aspects to this that I really hope to see with TRAM 2.0. The most obvious thing that occurs to me is that TRAM users will have a tendency to beeline for whoever has the best trading profits (and likely in the short-term at that). CM needs to provide far more metrics in order to mitigate this. TRAM managers should also be far more 'personal'- arguably doxxed if public, with a contact/feedback channel for users (tg/discord), bios, possibly an intro/ama on YouTube or whatever. I also think that having (forcing?) users to split up over a number of managers initially will prevent Harald 2.0

>> No.52936049

I secretly hope Oli is reading this desu. I really don't want them to fuck up again

>> No.52936051 [DELETED] 

Seems to be deleted
I wonder why the person who posted this would delete his post

>> No.52936086
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Don't worry I already sent the thread link to kev

>> No.52936113

Kev needs hentai more tho

>> No.52936268

That webm is misleading. Colors is a wholesome anime.

Their is clearly a huge demand for Tram as v1 showed. People were prepared to follow unknown traders. If None of the complaints about tram being two years delayed really worry me because every other exchange is too incompetent to copy them. Coinmetro doing everything too late is better than everyone else doing nothing.
I searched their socials for paramedic and no. It was their original telegram janny.

The hard way isn't as hard as you think. Harolds way of extracting client money was a Martingale strategy where if he broke even on 50% of his own trades the client wins would make him money and client losses wouldn't affect him. A simple limitation where managers aren't allowed rapidly open and close trades would have prevented this. For example adding in a feature where you add a daily limit so if you give a trader 1000 dollars they only get access to 100 dollars per day and all trades must close within 10 days would make it very difficult to derisk client funds. Even if nobody used them having opt in features like that would make it clear that you are responsible for managing your own risk when using a trade mirror. Ideally you would have a reputation system where traders who are consistently profitable over longer periods of time are preferable to the fast gainz but that requires a lot of traders first.

>> No.52936332

xcm is an erc20, not a scam "chain" like bsc/bnb. where would the demand come from without derivatives or shit that larger exhanges offer without compromising the fake "for the people" mantra?

>> No.52937278

I give up, been trying to set this up but I'm simply too low IQ

>> No.52937563

guys I fucked up I've been carefully screenshotting every post here and sending it to kevin but I accidentally sent my entire anime folder, if he sells them to someone so they can pretend to be me It's over.

>> No.52938073
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>check out trannygram
>some tranny posting twinks masturbating and was left there for an entire hour
>whoopsies sorri i mis-clicked
>delete trannygram

>> No.52938423
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WHAT, this confirms that this guy is paid

>> No.52938457
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as a EUROKEK i'm a huge simp for coinmetro
it's the only exchange that's actually fuckin regulated, eastonia is a eu member that has CLEAR regulation on crypto, most countries laws don't even talk about crypto
>regulation bad
well fuck you you are just so fuckin wrong the biggest problem with centralized exchanges is that they are all fuckin scam artist while decent well respected players in finance don't wanna touch crypto because it's competition to regular finance
as a europoor cointmetro is like your regular bank/branch where you do your finance, you know all the employees, your mom banks there, your cousin banks there, your classmate banks there, you all know which worker you'd fuck
i love coinmetro with all my hearth
>muh volume
use limit orders retard
>eastonia bad
you are a retard that knows nothing about eu law
coinmetro is the best right after a hardware wallet and pen and paper

>> No.52938482
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>muh volume
>use limit orders
volume is a lack of people using market orders.
>coinmetro is the best
What about kraken

>> No.52938493

not well regulated
yes that is a bad thing when you are not on the chain

>> No.52938500

>not well regulated
What does that mean, why are they not "well" regulated?

>> No.52938537

>volume is a lack of people using market orders
what i meant to say there is if you are worried about getting a bad price because your volume is so big that it changes the price on the exchange just use limit orders
you know on small exchanges you can literally change the price if you dump/pump enough because there are not enough orders in the order book on the opposing side

>> No.52938563

did you know that cm now has decent liquidity on most pairs?
You can market buy $3Million worth of ETH and only move the book by 2%
It's a relatively recent change

>> No.52938616

>not well regulated
eastonia has very clear laws on crypto plus coinmetro is based (haha) in THE FUCKIN EUROPEAN UNION WHICH IS THE MOST BUROCRATIC SHITHOLE IN THE WEST
coinmetro is the only exchange that gets the importance of regulation and uses it as a selling point
they are literally licensed as an online bank with the eastonian central bank, there's no exchange that comes close to that

>> No.52938627

cool i didin't know that i just throw in my dca every month lol

>> No.52938699

Kraken is registered in Italy https://www.organismo-am.it/elenchi-registri/operatori_valute_virtuali/index.html
> there's no exchange that comes close to that
Coinbase also uses the same bank

>> No.52938790

>Coinbase also uses the same bank
what does that even mean? is kraken registered with a central bank? do you even know what that means?
>Kraken is registered in Italy
damn if that's true that's pretty good for real, although i can't find the word "kraken" on the site you linked and even if search for "kraken" nothing comes up

>> No.52938811

to be fair i don't speak italian por favor quattro formaggi forza italia mamma mia

>> No.52938832

I got the link from the kraken website, they were registered in the UK but brexit happened.
> registered with a central bank? do you even know what that means?
You're suggesting cm is licensed with the eastonian central bank? do you have proof?

>> No.52938853

why do- you- type-like- such a- retarded- fucking-faggot-

>> No.52939014

FUCK you are right shit
i'm a RETARD

>> No.52939023

i'm still keeping my coinerinos with them, they are wholesome cute and REDDIT

>> No.52939139

Is investing in XCM basically investing in Coinmetro because the value is tied to the company? What are these Ignium bonds? How comes I couldn't attend the shareholder meeting that Kevin recently talked about in the last AMA?

>> No.52940721

Why has this coin been talked about for years?

like i dont get it, whats so good about it? coinmetro just looks like a shitty average exchange

>> No.52940753

>coinmetro just looks like a shitty average exchange
Explain why you think this? What exchange do you consider "better"

>> No.52940867
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>leddit spaci
it's less than average, bordering on fraud even, same as all the other scamxchanges
the only reason it's talked about is because there are three literal trannies and a janny that keep these threads up alongside kadena
these faggots think that just because you can invest in the exchange itself that suddenly makes it the best even though they're manipulating their native token no different than binance or ftx
they also think price floorenomics is genius, as is "staking" alongside "MARs" which is a known scamcentive if you paid the slightest attention towards DeFi in the last few years
and if you believe crypto "regulation" will save you, you're delusional and I advise you to take a gander at what happened in Japan (ADA / FTX)
top jej

>> No.52941161

>they also think price floorenomics is genius
The fact you feel the need to make things up makes me think your life is in shambles.

>> No.52942739

Coinmetro is the best exchange and Coinmetro holders are the only hood people in crypto and everyone else is bad.

>> No.52942756
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>> No.52943691
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How will this affect xcm price and coinmetro exchange growth?