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File: 175 KB, 1072x969, 20221219_014323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52930350 No.52930350 [Reply] [Original]

reminder binance will collapse tomorrow

>> No.52930363

Satoshi himself has spoken

>> No.52930525
File: 50 KB, 432x415, 20221219_194407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Imagine creating innovative tech for verification, but not being able to verify your own identity on it
May you forever cope, seethe and dialate

>> No.52931424

Funds are SAFU

>> No.52931435

ok Jew whatever

>> No.52931492

You know full well he isn't Satoshi you fucking dumb fucking faggot.

>> No.52931511
File: 74 KB, 690x379, cswira.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you explain these interviews from 2014 before he was even doxed out as satoshi?
> #TheBitcoinDoco Craig Wright interview
> #TheBitcoinDoco Craig Wright interview part 2
> #TheBitcoinDoco Craig Wright interview part 3
How do you explain he's the only one that knew bitcoin is turing complete? How do you explain he has the most blockchains patents in the world and many dated back before the shitcoin industry started? How do you explain he has the most knowledge about bitcoin? How do you explain many private persons say he has signed to them and how do you explain his family and friends testified in court they always knew he was satoshi? How do you explain the early e-mails which show he is satoshi?

>> No.52931523
File: 193 KB, 858x1280, satoshi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52931536

dumb fucking retarded fucking newfags you piss me off so much it's fucking insane go buy his bags and fuck off already

>> No.52931543

>ignoring the proof right in front of you because you are so brainwashed by 4chan or anime culture you hope it's some mystery japanese man


>> No.52931556

still wating for him to sign the transaction

>> No.52931564
File: 157 KB, 1492x1536, bsvbch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52931573

Still accumulating poor nigger?

>> No.52931607

creg seems to be familiarising himself with bankruptcy law. I wonder why?
>another day
>another -$20,000
>tick tock

>> No.52931612


time to pay

>> No.52931617

>he has signed to them
post the transaction. he signed onchain like satoshi would, right?

>> No.52931634

>for this con man to lie, he would have to lie

>> No.52931639

Dumb fraudman fudding binance, bullish.

>> No.52931659
File: 44 KB, 741x463, Craigs_mom_satoshi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He clearly is. Everyone with a brain knows it. I guess that excludes you, then.

>inb4 his mom said he was a liar

That's another lie that has been debunked, sweaty.

>> No.52931674

>My Mom says I'm Satoshi, so there
Good Grief

>> No.52931676

>Dr. Fraud is fudding binance
Very bullish

>> No.52931679

He already did, multiple times. For Gavin Andresen, for Jon Matonis, for Stefan Matthews, for Calvin Ayre.

Sucks you weren't important enough.

>> No.52931690
File: 252 KB, 537x669, 1596254052050.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine thinking $20k is anything but peanuts to a multi billionaire kek

>> No.52931697

I feel sorry for her. Obviously she wants to stick to him, but he's not making it easy. Just come clean, Craig. Don't let this become your life's lie. It will take a years or so to blow over and then you can start something new. Something that your mom can be proud of.

>> No.52931700

>My Mom says I'm Satoshi

Yes but not JUST his mom. Also his wife (under oath), and his ex-wife (under oath), and his uncle (under oath), and his sister (who literally hates him). All primary witnesses who would know.

>> No.52931720
File: 105 KB, 1066x655, 20221219_233006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looool retards trapped as Craigs exit liquidity from the previous cycle are now shilling BSV to freshly new retards.

>> No.52931763

What's the point of fudding anymore?

>> No.52931764

That's $20k per Diem
You'd think a multi-billionaire would realise, it would be cheaper just PAYING HIS DEBTS, no?
>unless he can't, of course
>because bankrupt cunt
>a-an, it's not just my Mom!
>my Uncle said it too!
oh, my apologies
no need for further proofs here then, we are all convinced now. If only there had been an easier way of proving it tho. Them damn Pesky Pineapples.

>> No.52931795
File: 747 KB, 1400x996, 1578667806931.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure craig haven't proofed it with intellectually yet. He knows every aspect of bitcoin. There's tens of hours him explaining it from every aspect. https://www.youtube.com/@TheoryofBitcoin/videos

>> No.52931811

>could have publicly signed once
>babbles shite for 10 hours instead
Yeah nah - sure smells of fat fraud in here. Again.

>> No.52931845
File: 338 KB, 664x994, CF1F1E98-ED91-4F8E-8D86-6429FE5C6EB6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52931846
File: 131 KB, 1024x781, 1559595415251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's not going to sign for you, sorry. There are many reasons for that.

>> No.52931857

no. theres only one reason. he doesnt have the private key

>> No.52931864
File: 3.06 MB, 1897x1078, 1521216700383.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes he does.

>> No.52931869

Yes, we can all probably think of one obvious reason why signing (or moving Satoshi coins) would be problematic for creg. Sucks to be, not the man you wanted to be for Mom.

>> No.52931881

remember when creg edited that post from 2008 to try to prove he was satoshi and someone caught him in 4k with internetarchive?? I love clowning on this faggot and his scamcoin

>> No.52931895

>They are in a locked trust, with various made-up people
>The bonded courier is late in delivering them
>A tropical froot sneaked in behind my TV and stole them
>I drank 15 bottles of wine, and jumped up and down on the hard drive
>my dog ate them
any more?

>> No.52931904

If it doesn't collapse tomorrow would you show your naked picture? You can't just fud around without risking yourself.

>> No.52932057

So, these would be searchable, right? Anyone could find them?
You know, so they can actually verify that transactions were signed by SN....

>> No.52932082

Fund are safu

>> No.52932088
File: 764 KB, 944x1461, Conjuror's rabbit unknown V&A Explore The Collections.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why but of COURSE anon
Qu4osRym will be back with the links shortly, you can verify this for yourself, put your mind at ease as to cregs absolute authenticity. How clever of Dr Wright to think up a way of providing public verification when he was writing Bitcoin. Back in his uncles shed in Bagoo, Australia.

>> No.52932404

How long do you think he'll be before he posts the links?
I'm going for lunch in about 35 mins and would sure love to know that CW is, without a doubt, SN, a 100% honourable man and not a scamming charlatan like those legal people make out he is!

>> No.52932424

It's incredible. It's like he knows all the public information about this technology and can bloviate on the topic endlessly, yet when it comes to the most critical and private information these things are just...vanished. Super weird coincidence.

>> No.52932574

Like the Bondage Courier, Qu4osRym will surely deliva anon. We'll just have to wait is all. He's gotta take the back street route, avoiding Preying Pineapples.

>> No.52932589

Shoudda been @ >>52932404

>> No.52932612

reminder that ur coping

>> No.52932643

I hear those pineapples can be particularly savage when in the vicinity of bovine excrement.

>> No.52932645

YWNBAW. Sorry troon

>> No.52932667

creg has a speshiul brand of autism, one where you overlook small details such as private keys and stuff. Self-diagnosed - got a Dr. degree and everything.

>> No.52932671

rusty staples and coffee stains its over

>> No.52932723

Homeland security says Satoshi is 4 people, at best Craig wright is 25% of Satoshi. I assume they are all bankers though.

>> No.52932772

That would make him only 75% full of shit. And cregs your original HundredPercenter. Besides, who the fuck would willingly collaborate with this idiot, canadian stock scammers by side?

>> No.52932787
File: 232 KB, 2048x1152, 42358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you mean this, totally legit, not staged to look old, paper?

>> No.52932826

He is Aussie so only believe 10% of what he says.
t. Aussie.

>> No.52932859

>believe 10%
You believe what you like m8 - can't you reclaim your abbo via extradition or something? He's bringing shame upon your proud peoples.

>> No.52932916

lol, why so mad bro?

>> No.52932952

Makes me proud to be an Aussie when he can shitpost IRL and make people believe he is Satoshi.

>> No.52932962

lol Binance just bought Voyager for $1 Billion, they've got the money but that money won't be needed from Binance for years anyway since bankruptcy and insolvency for FTX will take forever. So yeah Binance will give you your 2 Billion, maybe in 2030. kek

>> No.52933394
File: 247 KB, 591x602, Screenshot_407.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>replying with this same debunked twitter shitpost year after year

It's all so tiresome

>> No.52933464
File: 115 KB, 558x613, Rusty_Staples.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least 0wn your own bullshit, faggots.

>> No.52933473


>> No.52933597

The picture posted is satirical rendition of what Calvin said. Yet every time it's posted you try to make people believe this white paper is claimed to be authentic.

So you can fuck off with your propaganda, faggot.

>> No.52933768

>you try to make people believe this white paper is claimed to be authentic.
isn this this a severe case of pot calling kettle a negro? Its a parody of what was actually beyond parody in the first place, yup. I note also, by the time it came to 'authenticating' this historical document beyond value (Norwegian trial), the, uhm, 'original' had disappeared. Now, theres a surprise. Not that even a copy could still display tell-tale signs of being a blatant fucking forgery (as per), such as use of fonts not yet invented, ded ppls signatures in A FUCKING SIGNATURE FONT, nope. creg would never make such mistakes, No Sir.
But anyway, this coffee and staple-stained number obviously convinced the ever-credible Calvin. Do you know what Calvin said, after he first got banned by the Securites Commision for TWENTY YEARS for stock scamming?
>“Two main lessons I learned from that - to pay a lot more attention to detail, and to be a lot more cautious about the quality of the people I associate with..”
as noted, parody? - who needs it.

>> No.52933844

my god, I never knew this man was so based as to deny not just himself but his entire family the blessing of God

>> No.52933877


>> No.52933888

>not following
his larp is so cringe
the entire "project" is him talking to himself, paying himself to transact with himself + 300 pitbull owners that consist the "bee ass vee community" of outcasts

>> No.52933891

creg maybe still posseses enough to self-awareness to consider his chances of meeting The Big G nominal by this stage. cregs also a fully ordained minister btw - got a degree in it and everything.

>> No.52934013
File: 8 KB, 221x250, 1652730773162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How do you explain [obvious falsehood]?

>> No.52934067

The usual schizo cope from you Greg, nobody cares.