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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52909951 No.52909951 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a dev for one of the projects shilled/fudded here over the last two years or so.
I used to shitpost on /g/, /x/ and /pol/ back in the day, I took a six years or so break from 4chan, and have been lurking on /biz/ for the last two years, enjoying what you guys shitpost about my project.
This is my first post in over 8 years.

>> No.52909967

did any of the fud affect the price?

>> No.52909979

Not really.
I think the FUD angle for trying to make the price go either way is just a meme.

>> No.52910022

What project is it?

>> No.52910026

not gonna name it and not gonna doxx myself

>> No.52910067


>> No.52910102

based dogbat dev

>> No.52910109

nice bait, not biting

>> No.52910110

then nobody cares, retard

>> No.52910114

>then nobody cares, retard
>posts re

>> No.52910117

It's a Discreet dev he said it on tg

>> No.52910126

you have a better chance at doxxing me if you stop shilling random shit as bait

>> No.52910136

Look the only 2 projects that anyone actually gives a fuck about on here that consistently fudded are ICP and link

>> No.52910141

fake and gay

>> No.52910243

Was the project launched 8 years ago?

>> No.52910248


>> No.52910514

thoughts on www.captchacoin.net

>> No.52910543

wtf is this scam?
not even worth being called a phishing attempt
so low effort

>> No.52910787

no one cares you narcissistic fuck

>> No.52910803

>no one cares you narcissistic fuck
>posts re
yup, I can see that

>> No.52910816

wen moon

>> No.52910819

So,how long ago was this project of yours launched?

>> No.52910820

We have had devs of billion dollar marketcaps tripfag here with proof so its not too special if you dont share anything.

>> No.52910873

february/march '23
2-4 years ago
just doxxing myself achieves nothing
I'm here to give you the right answers if you ask the right questions

>> No.52910915

is your project in the top 100 crypto marketcaps

>> No.52910923

>Works for rubic
Thinks he's a dev

>> No.52910939

I bet its Kevin from Avalabs the narcisstic fuck

>> No.52910949

I saged this thread fuck you OP nobody thinks you are cool

>> No.52910981
File: 843 KB, 1486x721, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you tried having sex? im trying to put it together you got the fuckin anonymous picrel and the dev larp its just im not understanding

>> No.52910988

is your project legit ? what do you think about crypto personally, do you think it will finally take off or will get squashed by next financial crisis and regulations considering its mostly scam and speculative projects right now.

>> No.52910997

>Hurr durr durr I'm a cool dev for a bigggg project AMA so I can give useless vague answers that are a complete waste of your time

>> No.52911699

not working for Rubic
wron again
neither do I
what is... the "sex"?
>>Hurr durr durr I'm a cool dev for a bigggg projec
never claimed that, just open to answer questions
I only see statements for the most part, so what do you expect me, to contest them, or what?

>> No.52911714
File: 9 KB, 296x249, not_boomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you charlie lee. that would be cool. i hold litecoin

>> No.52911719

as I said, I won't doxx myself

>> No.52911723

what coin are you the most bullish on?

>> No.52911729

what will be the narrative for the next bullrun?

>> No.52911735

What solutions are the devs in the blockchain space working on currently?

>> No.52911741

Why should I care about what you have to say?

>> No.52911742
File: 66 KB, 916x910, 1580928353609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you feel about litecoin having better 100 year viability due to the security flywheel effect created by dogecoin merge mining? was this always your intention or was this just a nice coincidence?

>> No.52911750
File: 47 KB, 645x380, 6584864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

better 100 year viability than btc*

>> No.52911767

omg it's Sergey

>> No.52911785

>what coin are you the most bullish on?
right now? none.
>what will be the narrative for the next bullrun?
>self regulation standards for defi
>and another L1 race
>What solutions are the devs in the blockchain space working on currently?
see above
>Why should I care about what you have to say?
that's for you to decide
>how do you feel about litecoin having better 100 year viability due to the security flywheel effect created by dogecoin merge mining? was this always your intention or was this just a nice coincidence?
wrong person to ask, I don't hold LTC or DOGE

>> No.52911801

>not in top 100
oh so you're a nobody? cool /thread

>> No.52911822

>everybody is somebody
the whole point of not being doxxed is litteraly to not show who I am

>> No.52911824

> truebit
> Kadena
> API3
> Sushiswap
is it one of these?

>> No.52911840

the more you ask me, the more frustrated you will become

>> No.52911856
File: 67 KB, 1000x800, Eguh95TVgAAeTZJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok that's a yes

>> No.52911871

no, and it's completely irrelevant either way

>> No.52911879

State your project, you phony, or leave.

>> No.52911884

will your project moon? what do you think

>> No.52911890

>break from 4chan
did you transition to even bigger faggot?

>> No.52911908

Who the fuck cares? You're not a bitdao dev so no one gives a shit.

>> No.52911910

february/march '23
missed you too, anon

>> No.52911934

ah... the covert shilling

>> No.52911940

Is moon going to be overall crypto market or concealed to to “your coin”

>> No.52911954

have u ever been in a fistfight

>> No.52911970

both. market will start recovering and we're taking advantage of it

>> No.52911992
File: 179 KB, 512x512, 966516103606565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got 'im
we're getting closer boys

>> No.52912000

Thank you for creating Bitconnect. It has helped me become independently financially independently.

>> No.52912014

stop fake doxxing me to shill your bags. nobody cares

>> No.52912030


>> No.52912035

Does the team developing your project believe it is legitimate, or is it intended as a scam?

>> No.52912044

do u have any guns? if so what kind

>> No.52912051

100% legit

>> No.52912067

no guns

>> No.52912113

is it coreto btw

>> No.52912131

don't make me repeat myself

>> No.52912158

Statera gets fudded more than the 2 of them combined.

>> No.52912166

Rather a humorless fellow aren't ya son.

>> No.52912177

pretty much so, yes
humor gets you doxxed around here

>> No.52912254

missed one

>> No.52912337

>is your project legit ?
>what do you think about crypto personally, do you think it will finally take off or will get squashed by next financial crisis and regulations considering its mostly scam and speculative projects right now.
crypto is here to stay. scams will always exist, there will be regulation in some form eventually.
crypto will adapt and move forward.

>> No.52912348

>privacy centric
What on ramps do you recommend? Any custodians other than yourself? I'm only asking so I don't get viewed as a flight risk or have some "plausible denuability" if I get reviewed.

>> No.52912389
File: 178 KB, 1000x1000, 1653784473503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how many cocks do you suck for free?

>> No.52912399

not sure. this is the main issue preventing defi from reaching its true potential rn.
once a good on/off ramp solution emerges, cexes will become obsolete.
that is the layer regulators will target the most once self custody becomes the standard.

>> No.52912403

>I'm a dev so I know everything about the entire market but also I'm only giving you opinions

Still useless

>> No.52912412

how many do you?

>> No.52912421

>go back

>> No.52912459
File: 34 KB, 600x612, 02fcf6401a1b939a64c1fd86dfa6be22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bigger dev for the projects that were shilled and fudded on here.
ask me any question, i'm practically perfect and played on the football team, also i made out with hot bitches, shit was so cash.

>> No.52912467

>Oh he pushed the enter key twice go back

Annoying child faggot

>> No.52912478

Hello fren. Please please tell us when will your amazing project pump? Is the bottom in? Do you have a giant penis? Why is the other dev so gay?

>> No.52912495

>not gonna name it

>> No.52912504

what is your progress in the last 6 months? on your best metric.

spacing was never the issue

>> No.52912515

negative answers are still answers

>> No.52912535

>the main issue
I hate the fucking antichrist. Without PoW (and even with) there's no way to easily and widely distribute. I'd argue that gift card like systems are your best bet. Have them represent tokens and pin to services and food (particularly food). Follow regulations for corps instead of banks. Idk if OSRS and WoW ever got nailed hard by the SEC. I'd check out the rules around gift cards for restaurant chains, carbon credits, and UT/MR points.

>> No.52912547
File: 87 KB, 600x959, 671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Please please tell us when will your amazing project pump?
2 more weeks
> Is the bottom in?
yep 14 days
>Do you have a giant penis?
only me
>Why is the other dev so gay?
they're too busy sucking cock

>what is your progress in the last 6 months? on your best metric
we only have 336 hours worth of progress at the moment, but it's best to wait around that much time to see what our best metrics could possibly be.

>> No.52912553

If any anon attempts this model. Stay on top of policy and procedure. You can't be trust less with the org (just the ledger) and you'll need to dismiss people who might get you into hot water with the SEC. 100% written policy. SOC type ii audit.

>> No.52912568

new solutions will emerge over time. adoption will happen throughout multiple channels.
on/off ramping and masking complexity will be key for normie adoption.
once critical mass is reached, prepare for a shift.
don't become rigid, else you'll get left behind.

>> No.52912595

and people said I had no humor

>> No.52912615

How stupid is the FTX situation and all the investments it managed to get considering you know how a non scam company is run? Were those investors stupid who didn't do their due diligence or in on the scam?

>> No.52912636


>> No.52912685

hard to prove either way. probably people on both sides. some interests were at play almost certainly, but some were just collateral damage.
depends on why you want either. just gambling? or do you actually use it for someting?

>> No.52913216

what are your thoughts on binance FUD lately?

>> No.52913276

DEX project?
Smart contrats?
wich chain or is layer 1 ?

>> No.52913350

I think it's suspicious. it's just a gut feeling, but it looks like it ties a little too well into the FTX storyline.
either CZ is running a FUD campaign that he knows he will completely disprove, winning the narrative, or someone's trying to retaliate against his involvement in the FTX shitshow.
or maybe people are just concerned.
but I think there's more to it
>DEX project?
>Smart contrats?
time will tell
>wich chain or is layer 1 ?
not a layer one. full stop.

>> No.52913451

>what is your progress in the last 6 months? on your best metric.
Whats yours, nigger? This is the most pompous full of air thread I've ever read and the board has been spammed by mossad for months now. This thread is somehow even worse than that. Congrats.

>> No.52913506

Richard heart lurks here for fucks sake as with every other major crypto dev. Op you aren't shit. Chinese intelligence monitors this fucking board. If you're actually a high paid dev and you're arrogant enough to think you're alone enough on here to warrant a thread, I have a bridge to sell you.

>> No.52913559

cleared 2x more milestones compared to prev six months
users doubled
ecosystem expansion by more than 4x
and much more
basically we just became better

>> No.52913578

Wow you went from 2 users to 4. Time to make an anon thread bragging about it while actually refusing to disclose any information.

>> No.52913584

I am nobody
anon said so

>> No.52913624

its fractional uprising studios you fucking retards.

its a NFT production studio where members participate in competitive concepts to win fractional ownership of 1/1 community NFTs. There is music, animation, irl skits, memes, etc. Team is connected to Netflix and other big names in the production space.

That has to be this guy.

@fu_studios on twitter

it all adds up

>> No.52913659

Oh. I did more volume than that jackass.

Shit thread confirmed. Of course it's a nigger from California.

>> No.52913746

are u personally invested in any other project? if so, which one?

>> No.52913788

this is for you

>> No.52913872

mostly L1s and some shitcoins

>> No.52913936

Is not a matter of being rigid or flexible, its a matter of getting squashed. Until things break through (like you said) and deal with a round or two of getting smacked, you'll need to be "rigid". Businesses should all be lean and adaptable, but those adaptations must be well documented and "compliant" in this day and age.

>> No.52914046

wise words indeed

>> No.52914795

>february/march '23
Most people seem to think 2023 will be a recession year. Why do you think there’ll be mooning of any kind Q1?

>> No.52916297 [DELETED] 

why did you come back? you were out!