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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 20 KB, 387x462, pixeltrumpnft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52902556 No.52902556 [Reply] [Original]

wtf is this shit anons? seeing these for 89 ETH, 69 ETH, 68 ETH, are these going to be the new cryptopunk rip offs? how long until these start selling for millions per?

>> No.52903738

> someone lists something at completely unreasonable price
> anon goes “woooow what is this”
are the pajeets back?

>> No.52903801

any trump nft is worth $5k+ rn

>> No.52903818

Trump Cards are the new Bitcoin

>> No.52903828

>List a sock on eBay for a quadrillion dollars
>Price is now one hundred trillion (conservatively)
80 IQ people have been doing this since at least when the internet came into existence and realistically they probably did it thousands of years ago too

>> No.52903918
File: 266 KB, 533x535, 4A505602-54CA-4B43-BB74-FC5A97C07BB6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got the rarest Trump card of them all. Cost me 300 ETH

>> No.52904294

Yes unless there is a cheaper country you can buy shills in. Trump spares all expense.

>> No.52904424

>Zion don
I'm sorry but this is common