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52884974 No.52884974 [Reply] [Original]

What are the financial implications of sugaring? Anyone here have experience?

>> No.52885001

sugaring? like waxing? silky smooth skin will be the consequence.

>> No.52885011

omg! boss babe alert! she's enjoying herself, eating sloppy food, and SHE's the one who's the prize! that is soooooo me, i love being 36 and single

>> No.52885014


>> No.52885023

Imagine wanting to communicate with women.

>> No.52885024

giiiiirl me too, we are living our best livesssssss

>> No.52885028

It’s really some shit that women who are older and worth less than a younger girl can become so entitled.

>> No.52885438

Faggots ywnbw

>> No.52885498

In her 20s she was shopping out of her price range and is why she was insecure about her date like ring her. Most likely just got used for an easy lay.

In her 30s her only option for dates are desperate beta cucks, she knows she has the power but deep down is coping and seething that it has come to this and she can no longer ever date a high value male ever again

>> No.52885659

I hate most women too much to bother dealing with their bullshit.

>> No.52885741

This + she’s a coalburner.

>> No.52885878

The one on the left then if there's no other options the one on the right

>> No.52885897

somebody post it

>> No.52885901

go read r/sugarlifestyleforum and r/diabla if you want to seethe

>> No.52885906

left: desirable but single by her own choosing
right: undesirable and single by society's choosing

>> No.52885940

Always dump them as they get that over 30 attitude and trade them in for the fun younger model. Plus watching older women seethe is an added bonus.

>> No.52886334

I feel bad for these women. Seriously, there is an entire generation of women marching to their deaths alone and without anyone to love them. It's not exactly their fault either if you believe in the concept that women are naïve and childlike. They just do what they're told. It's the fault of the evil corporatists that are driving society for their own profit and. God help us all

>> No.52886393

I'm so happy that I have a girlfriend and am not single. I got lucky and found someone who isn't entitled or a whore which is 99% of all single women. Good luck out there folks

>> No.52886413

Imagine being this autistic

>> No.52886419

Get Laineyballed in the ass until you bleed.

>> No.52886450


>> No.52886475
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>> No.52886546

Men could just get rid of their retarded maximum age requirement and date these women, it would solve the incel problem too

>> No.52886688

You can't just mess with biology like that. Men want to have children. The whole dating young women thing isn't just because younger women tend to be more beautiful, it's also that they have more utility and can bare children with less risk. This criminal society sold women a lie and has set them up to be mines for fucking capitalist pigs. Everyone is left worst off in this culture. Us middle class and poor men lost our women to these capitalist thugs long ago

>> No.52886710

Not really, if you just stop watching so much porn you'll find 30 year old women attractive.

>> No.52886726

>still searching in your 30s
jesus christ she thinks she has a choice? lol!

>> No.52886750

Yes, just pay the original retail price for a car with over 300K miles.

>> No.52886816
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>Hoes got filtered.
Not my problem.

>> No.52886833

Define young. I've seen men claim girls as young as 16 are used up. Consensus by conservatards is max is 25, which is when a woman reaches her maturity. It's actually between the ages of 25-28 that is the most optimal childbearing age because it pairs the least potential for genetic problems by comparison of pregnancy risk. So, she's ideally in the early 20s to early 30s range. Yet, studies show men of all ages on dating websites universally find 14 year olds attractive. Men don't want optimal births, they want control. Your sperm lowers in quality by the time you reach 28. Men don't have forever either, but we ignore this and invite all sort of shit into the gene pool because you want to larp as aged wine.

>> No.52886906

Checked. How old is your girlfriend/wife?

>> No.52886910
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Janet was in her 30's and single.
She had decided it was time to try and have a baby, but when she visited the fertility clinic, she was confronted with a reality she wasn't prepared for — she was infertile.
As if that weren't bad enough, her doctor also informed her that she wasn't as attractive as she thought she was. He held back the chuckle as he strolled past her straight to his chair.
Albeit, it didn't last too long. She returned home that evening feeling defeated and despondent. It was just the time for some Netflix series and a good bunch of weed to save the day.
While trying to make dinner, Janet noticed her refrigerator was empty except for an egg carton perched atop two loaves of bread. It made her realize just how far away motherhood really seemed.
Tears streaming down her face, Janet collapsed onto the kitchen floor with a loud thud.
Just then, Mr. Tyronezaur, her pet pitbull, ran into the kitchen and proceeded to have a taste of poor Janet before anyone could intervene.
The moral of the story? Not all eggs are still in the same crate.

>> No.52886916

>tfw i dont cultivate a feeling of hatred towards women because im mentally stable

>> No.52886979

>I've seen men claim girls as young as 16 are used up
No one has said that. Stop blatantly lying tranny.

>> No.52887000

>i hope they'll like me
>i hope i'll like them
holy shit just pick a man already or you'll still be dating in your 40s like a teenager. talk about arrested development.

>> No.52887027

Women don't understand that a man wanting to fuck them isn't the same thing as a viable partner for raising children. Every post wall roastie can get a date and sex whenever she wants, so this gives the false sense that they have unlimited time and options with men

>> No.52887055

this person cant imagine things in their head

>> No.52887059
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as my net worth grows, so does my misanthropy
im just about beyond blackpilled now
just opt out, use your hand and do it quickly, like taking a piss, so your mind will be free from these demons for a few hours
my only hope in life is that as i get older, my test levels drop and so does my sex drive, then i'll be able to enjoy my last few years hopefully in complete peace and solitude

>> No.52887112

How can this not be the way people think from like ages 8 and over?

>> No.52887167

So I’m going to be the only person actually answering OP’s question instead of commenting on the stupid pic

I’ve had two sugars. Neither of them resemble a prostitute or escort in any way, they are normal girls who I suppose are like 50% sluttier than average.

I met the first when I lived in my previous city. She was kind of nice, but mostly a selfish girl who enjoyed pitching ideas off of me because she considers me intelligent. It felt transactional at key times, but for the most part we became legitimate friends and she still calls me to this day. We’ve known each other for like 4 years at this point.

The second sugar I only met two months ago. She’s 24 and has an absolutely beautiful body, petite and cute. I don’t know what to make of it, but we’ve been hitting it off extremely well since the beginning. She literally just comes over and we have sex and cuddle the whole night and morning. It’s been an amazing experience, she’s going far beyond what her expectations are as a sugar. It feels like there’s a legitimate relationship here too, but it’s still too early.

She moved a lot further away after the first month together, as she warned me about. But she’s still visiting me next week and we talk every day. She’s never requested or mentioned money to me in person it’s always by text after she leaves. I seriously don’t think this should be considered an average sugar experience, I think I hit the jackpot.

>> No.52887205
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>I've seen men claim girls as young as 16 are used up
I think men will lower the bar as they age. I was browsing /r9k/ when I was in high school, and I remember thinking that college women were complete whores, unironically no better than porn stars, when compared to the high school girls (which is still largely true). Now that I'm nearing my 30s, I've noticed that sentiment I had seems to fade every now and again because college women seem so much younger to me now. It's starting to make more sense now why older men think they've hit the jackpot when they get a girl in her mid-20s or early 30s.

>> No.52887269
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>> No.52887277


>> No.52887284

> Mr. Tyronezaur

>> No.52887324

Which men claim 16 is used up? Most men probably want a wife that's between 14-16 years old but they won't admit it because this society is so anti common man. I personally think that women should only be wives and mothers and start at a very early age. 25-28 is not old by today's standards but that is like past a woman's peak. I'm not sure that's the best time for pregnancy but it's better then them having kids at 40 for sure. A woman should have a child as soon as she's fit and they are fit pretty damn early. Women are evolved to have children at a young age because child birth is brutal and they need to be fit to have children. And if women are having children early that means men are too. It's not a man's fault, it's the fault of this society

>> No.52887325

aging white roastoids are the worst

>> No.52887342
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>4. Hoes PH balance is all fucked up. I can see why >2. has to be a rule. Bitches pussies taste like salt and copper.

>> No.52887406

wtf is that

>> No.52887420
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>> No.52887445

where did you find both these sugars?

>> No.52887493

bitches who get into a relationship under the guise of a sugar situation but withhold sex and only try to extract the maximum dollar amount possible from their mark

>> No.52887506


>> No.52887557

Is this an actual female on biz? Kek this bitch must be 30+ and single to be this salted
>men don’t have forever your sperm is fucked up
Retard men regularly father children into their 50s lmao. The fuck are you talking about

>> No.52887574

> it would solve the incel problem too
that's assuming the women in question would be willing to date below their social status
like the pic says, >i hope i'll like them

>> No.52887590
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>> No.52887643

Can confirm. My dad knocked up a 30yr old when he was 52. Child is of reasonable intelligence. I might even be dumber. The studies she's referring to are prob from the university of Tennessee or some other third tier midwit institution

>> No.52887687

lmao what? ape dudes are legit getting chicks pregnant into their 50s u goober

>> No.52887706

Site called sugardaddymeet

>> No.52887730
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should we tell our sugar daddy i'm a cuck, reddit?

>> No.52887753
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>> No.52887760

go fuck yourself, nigger cuck

>> No.52887812

not that anon but while men can father children til old age, sperm quality does decrease with time and it seems the likelihood of psychiatric and physical problems in the children increases

>> No.52887927

Doesn't mean sperm quality goes down. Can also just be the kids getting depressed cause daddy died on a heart attack fe (which is mainly caused by lifestyle choices which add up over the years)... Or simply the measurability and/or awareness of these psychiatric deseases increased over the years (studies started 1971)... Don't know how many people were diagnosed with adhd in the 80s

>> No.52888029

HAHAHA you forgot
>more tattoos
>male shirt
>longer nails
>more makeup
>more wrinkles

>> No.52888132

increased dna fragmentation and decreased motility with age are measurable in the sperm itself, also miscarriage rates increase with the father's age (even if you limit it to pregnancies where the woman is under 30)
the effect of paternal age is probably less severe than the fertility dropoff in women though

>> No.52888147

Neither of those studies have anything to do with sperm quality. Just general studies on paternal age. Obviously having Dad way older than normal has a higher chance of affecting your psychological state/health, but even that doesn’t really say much without controlling for income, age of paternal death, all kinds of other factors.
Additionally fucked up sperm will just fail to create a child/fertilize the egg, it’s not going to cause birth defects to my knowledge. And from what I understand, aging just lowers the quality of sperm via sperm count, not actually damaging sperm. That’s caused by other genetic factors. Sperm “quality” is way too vague to mean anything here.

>> No.52888785
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I hate women

>> No.52888991

What city for the second SB you mentioned? Also ppm? How do you feel about the current Seeking market right now? Good or worse than a year or two ago?

>> No.52889195

Not going to get specific for geography but most major cities have decent selection. The market right now is worse than a few years ago, I feel like maybe a 40-50% reduction in the numbers versus a few years ago.

Not sure where those types of girls went otherwise. Maybe sugaring is so much more common they can find an arrangement off site and never sign up? I don’t know. Just glad I lucked out for the time being

>> No.52890316

>Imagine being wealthy enough to be a sugar daddy
>Imagine being so dumb that you just don't date girls from Moldova, Thailand, & Colombia as it's cheaper

>> No.52890337

It's massive cope. Obviously no one liked them in the first pic, so they blame it on everyone else and flip it around to confirm their bias. It's so pathetic and lacking self-awareness.

>> No.52890387
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His dad died at the age 98 in 2020