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52859776 No.52859776 [Reply] [Original]

>still holding XRP and ETH
i hope your anus is prepared

>> No.52859858
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>The country of the free

>> No.52859894

fuck. the xrp and eth companies had better watch out, their ceo's are going down

>> No.52859898

This faggot won't do shit

>> No.52859942

is he going to go after ronaldo this time? bald faggot know he's about to get raped in FTX hearings and is trying to puff his chest out

>> No.52860012
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>> No.52860269


>> No.52860293

Looks like a literal rat

>> No.52860870
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>> No.52860946

It's the glassy bugman eyes

>> No.52861068

I'm getting fish vibes

>> No.52861082

ETH isn't a security. He has already made this clear.

>> No.52861131

This bald nigger is losing power by the day. The CFTC were the ones to bag the Bankman. It should be telling, not even the gov trust this faggot to get anything done.

>> No.52861164

My exchange, BIGG Digital Assets, is fully compliant and regulated.

>> No.52861201


>> No.52861219



>> No.52861251
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the day when XRP gets banned and ETH gets commodity status will be the most satisfying crypto happening in crypto history. maybe we will finally witness the inevitable mass suicide of XRP shizos.

>> No.52861270

Ethereum is confirmed an unregistered security, CFTC doesn't want it

>> No.52861284

the more the sec talks about crypto the muddier the waters get. pos eth is a security

>> No.52861293
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>CFTC doesn't want it

>Ethereum is confirmed an unregistered security
You'd have to confirm in court that ETH devs promised people they'd make the price of ETH go up.

>> No.52861315

holy cope schizo. look at the bright side, you may be able to sue for being defrauded when you were sold unregistered securities

>> No.52861349

>holy cope
You said CFTC doesn't want ETH, yet they literally just called ETH a commodity just yesterday.

>you were sold unregistered securities
But I never bought any XRP.

>> No.52861370

>yet they literally just called ETH a commodity just yesterday.
In an official and major court filing, no less.
Hell not even just a filing, the actual complaint itself.

>> No.52861396
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If Steve Buscemi and that bitch from The Shining had a baby and it was born with fetal alcohol syndrome it would grow up to look like this demon.

>> No.52861433

ok now tell me you don't know anything about regulatory and legislative procedure without telling me with a twitter screenshot

>> No.52861442

>ETH is not a commodity, CFTC said so

>ETH is a commodity

Just hide in a corner somewhere.

>> No.52861451

consider medication schizo

>> No.52861466

Imagine still posting after getting btfo so blatantly.

>> No.52861493

Eth is a security lmao

>> No.52861503

based self-aware poster

t. not the CFTC

>> No.52861514

You don't have any idea what you're talking about

>> No.52861517

And neither does the CFTC, I guess?

>> No.52861524

based retard, keep stacking eth

>> No.52861549

>based retard
That's no way to talk to the CFTC, cripplet.

>> No.52861708

>You'd have to confirm in court that ETH devs promised people they'd make the price of ETH go up.

>> No.52861723

Timestamp it pls.

>> No.52861945

>doesn't timestamp it because there's literally nothing there

>> No.52861957

Howey test is literally:
> 1 investment of money
> 2 in a common enterprise
> 3 with a reasonable expectation of profits
> 4 to be derived from the efforts of others.
Now take Ethereum ICO. You have:
> 1 an investment of money, i.e. Bitcoin,
> 2 in a common enterprise, i.e. Ethereum ICO,
> 3 with a reasonable expectation of profits (duh)
> 4 to be derived from the efforts of others i.e. Ethereum devs.
This is is literally what SEC sued Ripple for, and XRP was delisted on all burger exchanges.
It's obvious that ETH is more of a security than XRP is.
If SEC wins against Ripple, it's obvious ETH is next, because SEC will simply use SEC vs. Ripple to claim ETH is a security, because XRP is.
If SEC loses against Ripple, it's obvious ETH is next, because SEC will simply demonstrate how ETH meets the criteria which XRP doesn't.

>> No.52861999

>> 3 with a reasonable expectation of profits (duh)
No, not "duh".
You have to prove it, you have to show the devs telling peoplet hey'll make the price go up.

In the case of XRP, that proof is ample.
In the case of ETH, that proof is non-existent afaik.

>> No.52862061

You seem to be confused. We're here to laugh at dumbfucks who bought unregistered securities, not spoonfeed disingenuous cultists. Literally watch the video here >>52861708 or fuck off and stop posting why are you embarrassing yourself like this

>> No.52862067

bitcoin isn't money, cucklette

>> No.52862078

I bought eth for gas because the networks fees are paid in eth. It's not my fault that it shot up in price and I wasnt expecting it. It wasnt marketed to me.

How is that a security?

>> No.52862106

the Howey test doesn't care whether your security has other uses. Sorry anon.

>> No.52862124
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>And Esau was a designing and deceitful man, one who hunted after the hearts of men and inveigled them, and Esau was a valiant man in the field, and in the course of time went as usual to hunt; and he came as far as the field of Seir, the same is Edom.
>I have loved you,’” says the LORD. But you ask, ‘How have you loved us?’ ‘Was not Esau Jacob’s brother?’ the LORD says. ‘Yet I have loved Jacob, but Esau I have hated, and I have turned his mountains into a wasteland and left his inheritance to the desert jackals.
>And the house of Jacob shall be a fire, and the house of Joseph a flame, and the house of Esau for stubble, and they shall kindle in them, and devour them; and there shall not be any remaining of the house of Esau; for the LORD hath spoken it.
>And Esau was forty years old when he took to awife Judith the daughter of Beeri the Hittite, and Bashemath the daughter of Elon the Hittite: Which were a agrief of mind unto Isaac and to Rebekah.
>Esau marries Hittite (Canaanite) wives to the sorrow of his parents.

>> No.52862135

Howey doesn't explicitly require money. Could be anything.

>> No.52862134

not holding novacoin.finance

>> No.52862137
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>It's obvious that ETH is more of a security than XRP is.
so why did everyone delist XRP and nobody delisted ETH? Ripple didn't just do an ICO, they are still continuously dumping XRP on the market and there is no alternative process to generate XRP like with mining or staking. the only thing they have against ETH was the initial ICO, while the remaining distribution and the nature of coin generation within the protocol is not modeled as a security (in contrast to XRP). that's why XRP is in court and ETH is most likely going to be classified as a commodity in the end.

>> No.52862147

They delisted XRP because of the lawsuit. The same will happen to eth afterwards.

>> No.52862152

> I bought eth for gas because the networks fees are paid in eth.
Which is why SEC agreed that XRP bought off an exchange is not a security.
SEC is arguing is that initial sales of XRP were an unregistered security.
The worst case which can happen is that Ripple will pay a fine, but /xsg/ gets a ruling saying that XRP HELD BY SCHIZOS IS NOT A SECURITY.
Schizos will now have an asset which has a clear legal status, and which runs on XRPL which is decentralized and not controlled by one authority.
Schizos will literally have Bitcoin without the energy waste.
Now if SEC sues Ethereum Foundation there is an issue of Ethereum Foundation having a control over network, i.e. rolling back transactions.
The switch to proof of stake just makes the matter worse.
Ripple suit is relatively dumb, and look how long it takes. Suit against Ethereum Foundation will go on for years, and Ethereum will stay delisted until it fades into obscurity.
t. bought XRP after SEC sued Ripple.

>> No.52862173

>Which is why SEC agreed that XRP bought off an exchange is not a security.
this is not true. Unfortunately there is no way to "unsecurity" something. Us exchanges are not allowed to hold or trade unregistered securities. This also true for secondary sales.

>> No.52862177
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what if the SEC just has ripple burn their portion of the supply like the coin can already do
what if xrp owners just do it themselves

>> No.52862193

>Eth is a security
Oh no. It was dead anyway

>> No.52862198

>Unfortunately there is no way to "unsecurity" something.
Which is why XRP was delisted and remains delisted.
(A) If the court rules in favor of SEC, then there is an issue of separating "tainted" and "untainted" XRP.
(B) If the court rules in favor of Ripple, the issue disappears, because it was never a security to begin with.
Primary investment thesis for XRP is that (B) will happen.
Secondary investment thesis is that (A) will have to be solved somehow, because it fucks over innocent people, i.e hodlers.

>> No.52862208

>what if the SEC just has ripple burn their portion of the supply
A big smile every a schizo's face, as big green dildo goes deep into his ass.

>> No.52862215

Why would the SEC force a burn? That's not their business.
What would that be supposed to achieve?
Whatever that does it does not not make XRP a security.

>> No.52862243

So now that ETH schizos are the same as XRP schizos, can they be contained to the same general thread?

>> No.52862247

>Why would the SEC force a burn? That's not their business.
If XRP sold by Ripple is an illegal security, then XRP held by Ripple is also an illegal security, simply because it's an unsold portion of the scam.
Then it's logical the court would order it destroyed or frozen indefinitely.

>> No.52862257

>We're here to laugh at dumbfucks who bought unregistered securities
But a lot of us never bought XRP.

>Literally watch the video here >>52861708
Literally give the timestamp.

>> No.52862266

By "untainted" XRP you mean the XRP they didn't sell as unregistered securities?
Then seperating will be easy.
What do you mean by fucking over innocent people? Protecting innocent people from securities fraud takes precedence.

>> No.52862290

Listen fat, xrp will come out on top. No question. December 15th. Check em mother fucker, CHECK EM

>> No.52862310

Also, the supposedly innocent people didn't buy XRP as an investment anyways right? You wouldn't want to claim that by delisting the people would loose out on their expected profit would you?

>> No.52862315

> By "untainted" XRP you mean the XRP they didn't sell as unregistered securities?
> What do you mean by fucking over innocent people? Protecting innocent people from securities fraud takes precedence.
If you bought XRP on Coinbase etc. and kept it there your assets got frozen. John Deaton and 70k hodlers are suing SEC over this.
Deaton also filed an amicus brief with the court in SEC v. Ripple saying that the court must consider this very issue.

>> No.52862326

I just want something to happen with this case. It's been so fuckin long.

>> No.52862328

Coinbase shouldn't keep the assets frozen. People should be able to use XRP for whatever it can be used. But it shouldn't be tradable on us exchanges because it's an unregistered security.

>> No.52862330
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>free of shitcoins

>> No.52862350

>You wouldn't want to claim that by delisting the people would loose out on their expected profit would you?
That's exactly the thesis of Deaton's amicus brief and class action suit.
XRP is naturally deflationary (tx fee is burned), so SEC lawsuit cock blocked people from gainz from operation of XRPL.
XRPL is not controlled by Ripple, but SEC lawsuits caused XRPL usage to drop plus XRP on Coinbase is frozen and can't be sold.
Deaton thus argues that SEC action actually harmed the very people it claims to protect.
Note this will not fly with ETH, because ETH ledger is (A) controlled by Ethereum Foundation and (B) ETH is inflationary.

>> No.52862377

>SEC lawsuit cock blocked people from gainz from operation of XRPL

>XRP on Coinbase is frozen and can't be sold.
That's coinbase's decision.

>> No.52862387

So that's a checkmark on howey prong (3).
>Deaton thus argues that SEC action actually harmed the very people it claims to protect.
The SEC's job is to protect all investors not just the few people who invested in XRP.

>> No.52862472

> How?
I explained that:
(1) XRPL usage drop because people don't want to be involved with XRP, hence less gainz from deflation
(2) Even if there was no impact on XRPL operation, there is an unjustified asset freeze
You may think this is retarded, but this is Deaton's filing, and the courts will now consider this.

That's a good point, and the judge will have to consider that.
But remember that schizo thesis is literally "Give me a ruling... any ruling!"
The ruling will set /some/ framework for XRP, people will simply adapt to it, and SEC will fuck off for good.
So what will SEC do? Attack the next target.

>> No.52862477

keep in mind your xrp on coinbase can be sent to any xrp address still so it's not "frozen"
you just can't turn it into any other coin, can just send to a different wallet (or send to a wallet on an exchange that still allows selling xrp which there are many)

>> No.52862486

>(1) XRPL usage drop because people don't want to be involved with XRP, hence less gainz from deflation
And this is the SEC's fault?

>there is an unjustified asset freeze
By Coinbase.

>You may think this is retarded
Oh it is.

>> No.52862680

Hilarious how the fud is now modifying to put ETH and XRP in the same basket.
They must be losing the case badly.

>> No.52862689

We are the good guys, they are literal hellspawns.

>> No.52862723

>So that's a checkmark on howey prong (3).
Additionally, there is distinction between:
> (A) profit derived from the operations of Ripple the company
> (B) profit derived from the operations XRPL the decentralized ledger
Deaton argues that even if SEC was justified in prosecuting (A), SEC caused people to lose gainz from (B) it had no business it.
Ripple does not control XRPL. Heck, SEC even runs an XRPL node (at least used to).

With ETH, the problem is that Ethereum Foundation controls the ledger, and ETH investors won't be able to use that argument.

So no US citizen can sell XRP, unless they go through "shady" overseas exchange like Binance.
How did SEC protect the investors again?

>> No.52863062

>So no US citizen can sell XRP, unless they go through "shady" overseas exchange like Binance.
>How did SEC protect the investors again?
The SEC is protecting investors by deterring them from buying into security frauds like XRP. Your gainz argument is so stupid. It's like saying:
"omg dude we could have made so much money with our securities fraud if the SEC didn't shut it down. Now we have to move to other countries because we cannot run our scheme in the US anymore"

>> No.52863460

I have told you every single day to get the hell out of XRP.
I told you at 50c
I told you at 40c
I'm telling you again at 30c
What you believe about the future of XRP isn't important at the moment because there's a cost benefit analysis to it.
Think of it this way - if XRP ever moves to where it might be going back to 3$ then you'll see it because you're autistic schizos who spend their entire life looking at the XRP stock price. So there's no FOMO here. That hallowed 2k price that will never happen, you will see it long before any one else so you can just buy back in.
We love to shitpost and schizopost on /biz/ but the SEC stuff isn't a game nor is it some cheap lawsuit. They are going to win and your coins will be worthless.
There's literally no reason at all to stay in XRP. You'll see the price movement before anyone so you won't miss the big gains if they were to come, you are gambling that the SEC case will fall apart which it won't because the vast majority of their evidences comes from Ripple staff themselves bragging in emails, and you are holding a shitcoin that has no intrinsic use case in the next few years because the SEC has bombed its reputation and other alternatives are available. There's no reason for an enterprise company to take the chance on XRP.
Seriously, this is the season of goodwill so I've reverted from the usual shitposting to try and cut through the propaganda and reach those who are still holding out hope of a conspiracy or miracle. It's not real. You are throwing away your money and your families money. Stop being a laughing stock. Get out now and if you see the price revert then you have loads of time to get your "2k EOY" dreams and buy back in. But you never will because this project is dead.

>> No.52865096

>Ready to take action against other crypto companies violating U.S. Securities Laws
>bad for XRP
If anything this makes the Dec 15th Ripple settlement rumour seem more credible.

>> No.52865181
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XRP is the standard. Non-XRP holders on suicide watch :D

>> No.52865274

Still needs to be proven, we can still buy xrp in the US and now there is a direct onramp using credit cards I hear that US customers can even make use of.

>> No.52865293

They are coming for link. It will wreck the price next year but never sellers will be rewarded in 2024.

>> No.52865362

Good. We need security laws to handle scams like Chainlink to protect the average person

>> No.52866010

PoS is a security, he literally said it himself as soon as he got into office and stopped shilling ETH to his students

>> No.52866312

>Another "shake them off" thread
You guys are doing a good job.
Hopefully the SEC case will not end this year.
Must be March. 3 months to accumulate for XRP.

>> No.52866371

Still all in xrps.
Fuck eth, though.

>> No.52867148

Lame duck

>> No.52867176

They wont delist eth anywhere eth is too big for that retard
Half of crypto needs eth
Also fuck off with your mutt bullshit

>> No.52867222

Bitcoin isn't money. It's a commodity.

>> No.52867321

Don't forget LINK. Staking is illegal.

>> No.52867331

That's why most courts interpret that prong as investment of wealth instead of money. This case will not be decided on a nitpick.