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52844941 No.52844941 [Reply] [Original]

DESU anons I am NOT enjoying suddenly seeing Jonneh in the official discord as a team member within 24 hrs of (allegedly, gotta dodge them CL legal bots) stealing his clients' investment.
Why the FUCK would I buy anything that has that behaviour as a fucking hallmark lmao.

>> No.52845919

He's been a team member since Chainlink were 12 employees, that horserimmer has done more for the ecosystem than you.

He gave market.link away for free, he created NaaS for free, he gave away 30% of his company's revenue for 4 years for 700 ETH. ICO holders are still up, even with SDL prices and halving

>> No.52845932

situations are always sad for coins when the remaining cope is that something is still up from ico after years

>> No.52845955

Scammer. Chainlink will have to fire him and get out of stake.link to make things right. Otherwise they're just hypocrites

>> No.52845962

Are you talking about chainlink or Lpl?

>> No.52846752

>He gave market.link away for free, he created NaaS for free, he gave away 30% of his company's revenue for 4 years for 700 ETH. ICO holders are still up, even with SDL prices and halving
fuk right off with that bullshit.
market.link - gatekeeping, probs subsidised by CL as they bleat about it all fucking day
naas - worthless business, probs subsidised by CL
700 eth - yes, like I said, he stole money. Would it help if I believed 30% of the precisely fuck all this man honestly earned came to about 14 million dollars? I mean I can try...
Tongue a horse.

>> No.52846907

He is going to buy hair transplant with the money from LPL paypigs

>> No.52846952

i heard he already signed the promissory note with bosley

>> No.52846962
File: 155 KB, 626x527, 6A911167-E8BA-4DFD-AF48-A24E5AD4E55C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jonny set back the system tremendously. How do we know that CL themselves won’t deprecate current token model and shift to fuck their investors? The entire premise of math>brand is put into question due to this horse fellatio enthusiasts greed
>tfw no buyback, switch to profit share or any attempt at reasonability. Instead linkpool faggots unilaterally eviscerated their community
>tfw only ever bought because of generous rev share with an “elite” node
>tfw never sold and had too much exposure, believed their lies ardently and held
Jonny and Eric I would spit on your mothers for shitting you out

>> No.52847452

Lpl pretty much ruined my faith in chainlink in general. I'm honestly expecting to lose the link I early staked. Actually really regret staking, I did it right when the window opened but now I seriously fear they are gonna fuck me over like lpl did.

>> No.52848023

LPL’s biggest mistake was letting LIDO frontrun them

>> No.52848090

cope jonneh, none of this excuses your rugpull

>> No.52848098

>How do we know that CL themselves won’t deprecate current token model and shift to fuck their investors?
you aren't an investor. you have no rights.

>> No.52848177

I stake a tiny bit, just in case but the whole thing seriously stinks.

>> No.52848265
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Team is big

>> No.52849131
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That is Jonathan posting. Reminder, he started the smug posting here and rugged anons. pic related. no it is not fake. he has been shitting up the board for years

>> No.52849152

whats that stinky links? you should have bought RLC a real coin for real men

you fat fuk stupid chainlink lab employee

>> No.52849254
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im so demoralized by this linkpool situation. i agree with the green text >>52846962
how could they do this. i was never one to actually think chainlink was behind celcius, bancor, etc. but now probably their closest ecosystem partner again effectively swindles link from the earliest of community (this can be considered a loss of link because everyone that bought linkpool did so either with link or with money they would have just bought link with). something has to be done, and i hope they are planning something as Chainlink hasnt confirmed their association with this yet

>> No.52851089

How am I suppose to see this special NFT airplop that’s suppose to make getting rugged a fun and collectible experience.

>> No.52851157

>all women in charge

Hard fucking pass

>> No.52851702

Hes just a kid. Cut him some slack.

>> No.52851732

I want to 1 v 1 death match this thieving asshole in a dark alley. Duels need to be made legal again.

>> No.52851798
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brb gym

>> No.52852000
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Last warning

>> No.52852039
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It's pretty clear what happened. Your investment got siphoned and funneled into the other node operators + Chainlink.

>> No.52852052

the ugly fucker is almost 31

>> No.52852099


>> No.52852147

checked, fucking ratface

>> No.52853643


>> No.52855676

give me my fucking money back

>> No.52856938

And then he sold 70% of his investors' stake in the company for cash and kept it all. And took their dividends.
You don't seem to understand. He's in deep shit. This is no different to a shareholder in a company selling their partner's shares.
That's why he nuked Chainlink Unofficial on the day that he signed the agreement to sell to the framework ventures sybil attack gang. Because we had years of communication there laying out exactly the nature of our agreement and the future of the company.
Beale pulled the ejection lever before the deal because what they were doing is illegal, and because more hands on the agreement means less chance of arguing for altruistic ignorance in court. If they were both in on it, it's collusion to defraud investors. If it's just Jonny "Taking the company forward" then they think they can argue it was just a mistake.
It wasn't. It's all documented.
Jonny either lost his funds and runway by bagholding and paying for operating costs (mis-managed) or he literally gambled the money away.

>> No.52856979

based Jonneh fuck you nazi scum that'll teach you to say mean things and wrongthink

>> No.52857063

Framework Ventures approached the node operators and offered them a deal to form a mafia under the LinkPool banner.
This isn't Jonny doing some tokenomics restructuring, he literally sold out to a VC sybil attack gang which he enabled by blowing all of the LINK and money he'd earned on donkey shows.

>> No.52857120


Not everyone is an ICO holder and many bought post ICO on the promise of profit share from an elite node. None of the points you made about making so many products for the ecosystem justify rugging investors. They are mutually exclusive and you should feel bad trying to justify this. I hope you think about this for a long time and aren't able to sleep at night knowing you stole from the common people. It's ironic to see a major node operator break a paper promise when their mission is to provide guaranteed promises.

>> No.52857210


The reality of the situation is that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
We have never been treated like investors and never got a roadmap or an explanation for the CCIP and staking delay.

Chainlink should have taken their distance with him as soon as they discovered this and instead are not doing anything.
The same applies to the new node cartel operators.

Chainlink started as a TradFi attempt to steal all the profits out of the crypto sphere and to get a monopoly on it.
They are the bad guys, which is the reason for all the bad treatment they got from every other participant in this space.

We are the idiots who talked ourselves into shilling this hot garbage and we have never been promised anything.

>> No.52857462

steady on there lads its just a couple a quid come on down the pub and we'll have a few pints n a lauff

>> No.52857549

>runs their crypto currency out of a discord server
Dog token levels of scam.

>> No.52857588

Water under the bridge mate what's a few nicker between frens come on down the pub n we'll talk about it man to man

>> No.52857793

'ello 'ello wot ave we ere Doctor Who on the telly innit?

>> No.52859952


Goddamn, this is way worse than I thought. Why do people keep letting VCs get their grubby hands involved?

>> No.52859986

He must of thought since Sam got away he can too. Must be scary right now though

>> No.52860171

never trust a guy that has a profile picture wearing a tux and sunglasses. complete knob

>> No.52860227

Framework are the least shit of all the VCs. I generally rate Vance as more of a human being than 99% of other VCs out there.

>> No.52860773

Welcome to Johnny's Barbershop

>> No.52860795

I suspect he also larped as the big lpl/link ratio holders.
Remember that anon with like 18k lpl/2k link? Probably him larping..

>> No.52860995

No doubt he was shilling and doing all kinds of bullshit on here which is even more illegal. The company name there proves that much.
He was clearly here before thats why linkpool was even launched and shilled on 4chan. Then we know matt was leaking shit constantly on here or maybe even huxtable himself

>> No.52861287

Read the LinkPool whitepaper, your "paper promises" are not documented

>> No.52861603

Now mat is back shitposting on tg and sucking jonneh off. Makes you think

>> No.52861804

we need to post about this on twitter, below chainlink, sirgay and chainlinkgod posts, not on this imaginary message board

>> No.52862447

Any evidence for this framework angle?