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52846494 No.52846494 [Reply] [Original]

BIZ is glowing harder than a bar of plutonium on Chernobyl morning.

Jannies are also in on it, deleted my thread calling this out yesterday

Only means binance is certainly safe despite the best efforts of the jewlluminati. Cope and seethe chuds, not withdrawing

>> No.52846527

the overlord lebanese have been planning it

>> No.52846540

Thread deleted in 3, 2, 1...

>> No.52846546

have sex

>> No.52846552

Funds are always safuuuuuu

>> No.52846553

Have sex incel

>> No.52846573

I do think Binance FUD has zero basis in reality
If you keep your funds in a CEX you are ngmi
Why the fuck do you want to be exposed to counterparty risks when you can take full self-custody writing down 12 words?
It makes absolutely zero fucking sense, you don’t gain anything by trusting a CEX, and even assuming the CEX is solvent your funds are still at risk of confiscation by government request
Not your keys, not your coins
Anyone saying otherwise is a glowie

>> No.52846600
File: 1.54 MB, 1600x1600, 1670618554876944.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I trust Binance more than I trust myself

>> No.52846616

You are not only trusting Binance, you are trusting your government to never fuck up, which is a lost bet since they cannot wait to fuck you over
All you have to do is write down 12 fucking words, it’s easier than remembering your Binance login

>> No.52846685

>BIZ is glowing harder than a bar of plutonium on Chernobyl morning.

you think the CIA cares about your internet magic beans?

>> No.52846734

Based solely on these two posts, I think OP might be right.

>> No.52846883

Get back to telegram you lebanese faggot

>> No.52846911

>cryptocopefags are stupid
For starters, Chernobyl was Uranium-fuelled.
Secondly, what did you convert your shitcoins to? That's right, hard currency. Most weren't lucky enough to get that option.

>> No.52847307
File: 138 KB, 1170x695, 88D0575B-EB44-4109-BB63-039CE853814F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> you think the CIA cares about your internet magic beans?
Thats what a glownigger would say, mr glownigger