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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52822179 No.52822179 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.52822196

I can be at jonnys front door in 3 hours. What do?

>> No.52822229

tell him he is a neigher

>> No.52823547
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it wasn't supposed to end like this

>> No.52823583

I'm so grateful I only had like 1000 of these little fuckers. There was a time I contemplated selling some of my LINK for more. Traded them in at around 44 cents for like 56 LINK. Is what it is I guess.

>> No.52823589

Why buy a token to stake Link when could just buy Link and stake it natively without involving a third party.
Only a Yorkshireman would think this was a great idea

>> No.52823602

it was the promise of a cut of all staking revenue that drew people in, anon. Linkpool at one time was poised to be the biggest node operator, so anons were estimating billions in revenue and math-wise it made some sense. What they couldn't have predicted was Johnny being shit at business and then also diluting the fuck out of their holdings and making them way less valuable in general.

>> No.52823640

No, I clearly remember a big talking point was how nolinkpoolers wouldn't be able to stake and them laughing at us.

And I told them in every thread that we would be able to stake day 1. Get fucked retards.

>> No.52823663

Pay a street nigger to beat our boe Jonneh & Eric. Film it and make them beg forgivenes.

>> No.52823673

What exactly did linkpool do to rug?

>> No.52823707

Nothing. Linkpool combined with other node operators to become a larger pool and created a new token they all share.

>> No.52823712
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Not your poop, not your corn.

>> No.52823748


Just because you guys keep using that word doesn't make it so

>> No.52823762

>Linkpool combined with the other 11 biggest nodes to become a large cartel and creating a new token that incentivises the undermining of the chainlink network

>> No.52823771

Lpl faggots laughed at link stackers because they won’t be able to stake without lpl. For being complete fucking retards they were obnoxiously cocky.

>> No.52823780

it’s a meme you dip

>> No.52823785

What would you call it then? No cope answers

>> No.52823821

>doesn't make it so
except that it 100% does make it so. Token holders weretold they would be receiving a share of revenue and that promise was reneged on. If that is not a rugpull, what is?
Either you're coping severely or you're one of the team who is struggling to come to terms with your guilt. Either way, it was a fucking rugpull.

>> No.52823827


>> No.52823842

Jonny, you have already proven to be a machiavellian greedy piece of shit, no need to deflect.

>> No.52823892

No amount of your brainless shitposting will have any impact on the success of stake.link.

>> No.52823926

I understand it Jonny. If I had grown up and ever had to actually live in Great Britain I'd be an asshole too.

>> No.52823976
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lol. lmao even.

>> No.52824037

Its just nice to see a project get more hate than Bancor DESU.

>> No.52824067

The best part is all the poolies seething about how this is bad for Chainlink. From "pool's closed enjoy never staking faggots" to "guys we're in this together this is bad for both of us" lmao.

>> No.52824094
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The best is yet to come

>> No.52824108

LPL holders told me for 5 years that I'd never be able to stake and the "pool's closed". I staked 14k on day 1 from two wallets.

So glad I didn't fall for the "buy our token to stake your token" meme.

>> No.52824224

What would you call a company that stops dividends?

>> No.52824228

I still hate Bancor more, Mark

>> No.52824256

Nice try jonneh, what else would you call removing a revenue share, and token swapping with an insta 50% loss, then a further 90% dump

>> No.52824257

>what would you call a company that stops doing the very thing that gives them any value?
Sounds like rugpull to me

>> No.52824308

Why do people think I am mark?

Can't I just like Bancor?

Also have you heard about Carbon? Its gonna be amazing.

>> No.52824348

kill yourself

>> No.52824601

That was just the 12 year old discord trannies that owned like a few tokens

>> No.52824615

whoever this guy is: YAGMI

>> No.52824741

>Why buy a token to stake Link when could just buy Link and stake it natively without involving a third party.

To be fair, none of us knew Chainlink labs was going to open their own staking pool.

>> No.52824764

Jonneh did

>> No.52825334

it was
LPL fags strayed from the one true token

>> No.52825759

didnt read never selling my poolies

>> No.52825823

get back to the gym Eric your drunk

>> No.52825898

I had the same amount, but feel pretty sadden for those that lose big. It’s also pretty bad news for the rest of linkies, because of sergay association with them. Huge red flag, sergay. Address the problem or fire theses guys

>> No.52825899

With schadenfreude being a function of prior smugness multiplied by level of rekkage, this is definitely one of the best in /biz/ history.
Does anyone have that infographic they used to pass around speculating on the millions they would make?

>> No.52825941

Fuck Bancor I hope those filthy kikes die

>> No.52825948

We would have made millions of the horse rimmer didn’t rug us lmao

>> No.52825950

Can we please stop with the linkpool threads I just want to forget this project and not be reminded of how they fucked me every day

>> No.52825966

>we would've been rich if our wildest dreams played out like we hoped
bitconnect people feel the same way

>> No.52825980

Why? People need to know chainlink is a scam

>> No.52826279

I lost a lot more because I had more wealth.
It makes sense to make a lawsuit against them because they can't take back the ownership of the company they sold through this token and force people to migrate to a scam diluted protocol with no future and heavy taxation.

The way this protocol has been designed it's easy to see why Linkpool failed and why this protocol will fail too.
They have no understanding of market dynamics, morals, and fair economics and the company is run by mediocre people who lack a drive for success and a vision.

Another competitor to this protocol will appear upon the release of staking v1.0 and that will be the end for the Linkpool node cartel which will get diluted into oblivion by new entrants with more capital and no reason to try to preserve the older cartel.
These new nodes entering the market will create healthy competition to the current cartel of KYC nodes.

Because of this corruption and theft Linkpool will lose all its reputation and will be avoided by every new market participant in favor of healthier and better run nodes.
The effect will also extend to the nodes participating in its node cartel through this protocol and attempting to tax by 20% the income of token lenders.

All the nodes participating in this protocol are corrupt by association and this extends to Chainlink Labs too for being a part of this.

I am really bearish for the future of this network now if this is what the protected nodes from the initial network supported by Sergey are like.
I really don't want to be associated with it in the future and don't want to build anything for it anymore.

Chainlink was an unrealistic hope for an utopia and all I get are rug pulls and the lowest from weak human beings.
I still didn't get an explanation from Sergey for the delay of staking and CCIP.
CCIP is still not released which will make Sergey into a liar at the end of this year once his promise of releasing it are voided.

>> No.52826339

staking v1.0 will never happen if the network participants are all bad actors. and the SDL cartel was founded by one. so the 12 biggest nodes are compromised... maybe not technically but on the human level.

>> No.52826371

>trusting a bong


>> No.52826454

Staking v1.0 will exist and will be the end for the current node cartel.
Yes as you said all the nodes associating with this SDL protocol are corrupt by association.

It seems this is the result we get from a monopoly created by the KYC process.
Staking should address some of these issues by allowing new entrants and thus giving alternatives with fresh nodes not associated with scammers.
The lack of competition is partially the cause of this.

It's a bit difficult now for me to understand and accept after having been healed from my unhealthy ego by the bear market, but the majority of people in our society is weak.
I once dreamed of being a developer because I thought it would give me control over the actions of processor and make me into a god.
But this was to hide the lack of control over myself, my life and my mindset I had.

I think this issue applies to most software developers.
By the very nature of the people attracted to this new industry the base we can expect is weakness and corruption.

If there is a final hope to have it would be for staking v1.0 to make the creation of a node a 1 click operation pushing this cartel into irrelevance once their negative implied staking reputation has to compete with infinite competitors.
The space may then heal and have a healthier growth.

>> No.52826460

>forced token migration in order to release your staking rewards to date
>migration requires you to sign a ToS that includes a clause against bringing any legal action against Linkpool (not enforceable btw)
>new token completely removes the revenue share component which is the primary reason most people owned LPL in the first place
>new token dilutes existing holders 2:1 (1000 LPL becomes 500 SDL)
>meanwhile the total supply is increased from 100m LPL to 260m SDL, so LPLsisters are diluted a further 2.6:1
>more SDL was given for FREE to chainlink labs (20m) than the entirety of third-party LPL holders after conversion (25m LPL = 12.5m SDL)
>SDL has no supply cap and additional millions will be printed for any node operators who join the cartel
>this all occurs the DAY BEFORE STAKING launches, which is what LPL holders have been eagerly waiting for for YEARS

it was very impressive in how ruthless Linkpool was in completely cutting out their retail tokenholders after 4 years of faith and loyalty on the very day before staking went live. Its almost as if they designed a way to inflict maximum pain on their tokenholders and arrived at this.

>> No.52826510

They tried to hide the problems until the last minute and were forced by the staking release to attempt a plan to steal from their investor what was due.
They hoped people would migrate through time pressure and give up on their rights.

True scoundrels.
I thought this was only something which could come out of the mind of a psychopath like Sam, but it seems there is no limit to human cupidity and weakness.

Token holders will eventually recover their rights for the 25% of company ownership they sold through this token even if it takes years.
They won't outrun law if they pretend to continue to be a honest node operator and this condemns their business to bankruptcy.

Link holders will eventually become wealthier and the more power they gain the more power they will use to get justice.
Johny will go to a prison.

>> No.52826512

Short sighted overly emotional crybaby that felt resentment against the community because they called him a horserimmer. Now his reputation is up a horses ass and he fucked himself more in the long run.

>> No.52826787

things that never happened:
Alright m8, is that Barclays?
Aye lad.
Give us a loan willya, I've fucked me companies financing right up I tell ee.
Promising fundamentals m8, bang tidy let's 'ave it.
vs what happened:
Hello, this is Chaim-link, he brew we help you today?
Alright m8, giz a job and you can have all this money I found on these cunts on T'Internet
Oy Vey My Boy!...

>> No.52826803

Chainlink is legit, linkpool was a scam

>> No.52826828
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but the horserimmer worked @CLL since 12/2018
and CLL holds 20 million SDL
and they all act like nothing happened
total gaslighting

>> No.52828038
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>With schadenfreude being a function of prior smugness multiplied by level of rekkage, this is definitely one of the best in /biz/ history.

An even bigger insult to injury is if Chainlink decides to do a BUILD airdrop with Linkpooler's stolen funds.

>> No.52828077

damn straight

>> No.52830028

We'll see after baby staking though

>> No.52830196

Take him to Kleros court, bro

>> No.52831938

>True scoundrels
i am sorry you have to go through this my brown friend. best to leave chainlink to the side for a while now and start looking into other projects with tokens/contracts where founders can not rug

>> No.52831947


>> No.52832075

he's gonna get fucked by IL once SDL drops like a shitbrick that it is

>> No.52832933

There is no project like this.
The only project which could be considered closer to it is Bitcoin but even there you have a group of developers being controlled by external interests.

I will take Linkpool to court yes even if the procedure takes years.
They will not survive this.
Nobody will trust them after this and they destroyed their reputation permanently.

>It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you'll do things differently.
Warren Buffett

>> No.52832986

Write a message on his door.
Make him know someone knows where he lives so that he may never have a good night of sleep again.

>> No.52833368

>Chainlink is legit

The guys who brought you Linkpool, FTX, Celsius, Bancor, BlockFi, etc. are legit??? FUCK no