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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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52819748 No.52819748 [Reply] [Original]

if "hodlers" were allowed to stake before everyone else does that also mean that they are allowed to unstake before everyone else does. I imagine the sell pressure will be quite high once you can unstake your apy gains and it will tank the market...thought?

>> No.52819752

>he thinks we're planning to sell

>> No.52819756

No idea what it will look like but this is always possible with these type of lock-ups. Perhaps it will be a staggered unlock? cute piggu desu

>> No.52819760

This is the wrong webm.

>> No.52819927

I don't eat any animal with a higher IQ than the current Bobo. Poor Piggy.

>> No.52819951

This is why the effective amount LINK being 'taken off the market', while true in the most literal sense being it can't be sold, is actually essentially closer to zero than closer to millions.
Few people, essentially no one was going to sell at these prices anyway short of a literal financial emergency or something.

>> No.52819993

You mean the earned rewards right? Why would they not want to keep earning more free money?

>> No.52820003

lol you still dont get it do you?

>> No.52820012

My kids might sell my link after i die of old age, I can’t control that. But it’s not being sold while I’m alive.

>> No.52820026

4,75% from 25 000 000 is 1187500 so this is yours high selling pressure?

>> No.52820071

Sell pressure won't be high because slashing won't be introduced by that stage.

>> No.52820102

The staking meme is a meme to give desperate bag holders like you can find in this thread some copium.
You've got to be financially retarded to have bought link at under $1 and not sold when it went upwards of $40.
The idea that staking takes tokens "off the market" is stupid. Anyone who hasn't sold now wouldn't have sold anyway so those tokens are essentially "off market" anyway.
The idea that you 4% apy to lock up an asset which can essentially go down 80% in that time is the dumbest idea ever.
Anyone locking in their tokens for such pitiful apy is deserving of the absolute justing they're going to get over the next 24 months

>> No.52820117
File: 128 KB, 800x800, Eric.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brb gym

>> No.52820238
File: 222 KB, 512x480, 1670744624295323.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52820286

I bought under a dollar, sold over 40, staked for the apy in a bear market and comfy airdrops, and kept some over to sell when it pumps in the mean time.
If you're not retarded you can have the best of all worlds. It's not difficult just don't be a mong.

>> No.52820415

Congrats to you, there's too many married to their bags though.
The idea of staking in a bear market doesn't make much sense to me as youll literally be able to have more by just tethering up and buying again in a year but each to their own I guess

>> No.52820523

why is there a parody gif of an already extremely niche gif and why is it such a beautiful woman
man shes pretty

>> No.52820602

Why did the pig copy this beautiful womans tiktok?

>> No.52820662

It's fake. The original is Zelensky doing it.

>> No.52820798

now do the pig on the machine gif