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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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52815477 No.52815477 [Reply] [Original]

It's getting bad, rentcels.

>> No.52815497

The lease said ‘no pets’ and they tried to Hide their two dogs and cat. Fuck around and find out rentcels. Hope the landlord charges the the deceased’s family for clean up of the blood and missed rent too. Dying isn’t an excuse.

>> No.52815520

can i get a quick rundown?

>> No.52815529

rentoid sisters, how can I avoid this?

>> No.52815538

Attack is the best form of defense

>> No.52815542
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The best defense is a good offense.

>> No.52815545

mao sucked landlord cock.

Also I can't overpower a landchad :(

>> No.52815549

If it was in the lease that he could murder them then I don't see what the issue is.

>> No.52815552

it would be better if all renters just stopped paying and lived outside..

>> No.52815555

You can't.
My house my rules.
Everything in that house is mine, including you and your anus.

>> No.52815568

I rented out a small townhouse for a few years and being a landlord and dealing with renters is the shittiest job you can have. Honestly renting should be illegal and if you can’t afford to own your own home then you should just have to live in a walled of government facility for retards or be homeless.

>> No.52815617

renties btfo and seething checked

>> No.52815628

I have sympathy for the tenants. Almost everybody says no pets these days because of niggers.

People need to have pets. If it keeps going this way, prison is going to seem an equivalent option to renting.

>> No.52815632

I assume more than one is needed per body since this happened in Amerilard land.

>> No.52815638

The landlord had to stich together 3 xxl suitcase just for the woman.

>> No.52815642

>People need to have pets
Why are white people like this? Having animals in the house if extremely disgusting...

>> No.52815655

The problem with allowing pets is that every pet owner thinks their little kitty or puppy is the best behaving animal in the world. Then it claws, shits, and pisses all over your rental and when they leave there’s thousands in damage. Want a pet? Buy a your own house and let it piss and shit there.

>> No.52815664

Humans are animals, bogan.

>> No.52815679

Babies and kids do the same.

>> No.52815694

White people do smell like wet dog, that's true. Probably from kissing their "furbabies" on the lips lol.

>> No.52815747

>People need to have pets.

the fuck they do, especially if they're poorfag apartment people, that's animal abuse

>> No.52816995

Lol communists are retarded. Even in your fantasies I will still end up being the bureaucrat in charge of your housing development. You’ll be paying me bribes to get your heat fixed

>> No.52817043

but dead tenants cant pay rent. something else going on here

>> No.52817057

It's Seattle, they probably haven't been paying rent since 2020 and haven't been evicted.

>> No.52817118

Why are white people like this?

>> No.52817157
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>> No.52817463
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You too poor to buy diapers?

>> No.52818313

How soon should you get new tenants after killing the last ones?

>> No.52818318

Don't do anything to piss off your landlord.
>Don't be transphobic
>Don't stand against immigration
>Support Israel
>Support jews

All landlords are far-left, so basically don't do anything to anger the political left.

>> No.52818362

No, I'm actually a landlord, and I'm tired of crayon marks on my walls and glow stickers on the ceilings.

But I'm not a nut that's going to murder anybody over it like this kook.

>> No.52818391
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Only wh*toid cumskins like pets. Most landchads aren't wh*te, which is why we don't allow pets in our buildings

>> No.52818430

I'd get a pet out of spite and chop the landlord cuck's arms and legs off if he tried something and feed it to the animal

>> No.52818485

do it

>> No.52818528
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landlLORD here, this is true

>> No.52818535

thats fucking stupid renting is for people who move

>> No.52818636
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Based. These rentcucks can't and won't do shit about it

>> No.52818660

>wanting pets at all
cringe onions behavior.

>> No.52818669

>going to prison for the rest of his life
What sane man would pick the latter? Landcel is the one that will suffer

>> No.52818709

woah shit, the tiktok breifcase murder has been resolved?

what a fucking trip

>> No.52818929
File: 99 KB, 400x258, Surprise! You're Dead!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

surprised there's not a popular Killer Landlord horror franchise by now

>> No.52818937

Based Chad landlord. Give an inch and they'll take a mile. I love the look of fear on their faces when I raise the rent (again).