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52785165 No.52785165 [Reply] [Original]

Coinmetro plans to reset the XCM order book. Why are telegram users happy?

>> No.52785217
File: 234 KB, 443x375, 1669954011936071.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So many roadmap points still not delivered, how do coinmetronies cope

>> No.52785256

Not really.

>> No.52785288

We don't really cope?

>> No.52785317
File: 135 KB, 856x1200, whydoihavetowritethis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to be clear, i was talking about social rejection, or the fact i take all criticism about me seriously. i just wanted to discuss more with cute open-minded posters who supported me. pic in >>52772385 was meant for all anones i was replying to, but your ego doesn't understand it's possible to be legitimately nice to everyone and erroneously thinks of itself as the center of everything.
you are still mad because i called you stupid once. sorry, you're far below my initial expectations.

>> No.52785374
File: 546 KB, 819x536, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You are a child molester.
>Provide proof? No I will ignore you.
>Why are you mad? Because I called you stupid 15 years ago, heh, you are far below my initial expectations *moves up glasses*

>> No.52785548

Coinmetro is the best exchange and Coinmetro holders are the only good people in crypto and everyone else is bad including op who only hangs around Coinmetro threads to remind us how depressed he is and how we are stupid for having opinions on things while enlightened suicidal depressed shut ins sit on the fence on all issues.

>> No.52785551
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i don't have the time to dig the archive to prove some irrelevant chimpanzee its wrapped view of reality is completely wrong and foolish. if you didn't want to reflect on yourself in the first place, there is no one to help. stop trying to demonize me or spread your silly nonsensical assumptions about me that spin in your mind and boomer friend, you gross me out.

>> No.52785572
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you ok?

>> No.52785618

I invest in XCM because I love Coinmetro and the supreme leader Kevin Murcko. Despite him being bald, he is big brain and always makes correct decisions. Kevin Murcko is a family man, he takes care of his own family and the employees at Coinmetro. He treats us investors like family too. One time I asked him if I could use his Porsche to take a girl on a date, and not only did he let me borrow the car, he also gave me 15,000 XCM tokens so I would on the next staking tier. He said to me that with XCM I do not need to borrow anything and that eventually I would be able to have my own Porsche using this passive income. Kevin Murcko is a good man. I like Kevin Murcko.

>> No.52786015

New Thread!


>> No.52786109
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i actually like your posts and i think it's sad you got the wrong impression of me from some reason (i wish you can share why this is the case. i swear i always try to make my post as simple as possible, and i'm not as arrogant as you think. i'm just scared of bad opinions about me).
i do agree coinmetro is the best exchange. we have to help the developers face the scaling challenge by providing feedback, and rewarding users who do as such with lots of (you)s~~
the only one who can be enlightened is you (the entity being aware of this post).
if you need a more detailed explanation about any philosophical view i shared, feel free to ask. i would love to help both of us grow comprehensive understandings about reality. there are lots of practical holistic understandings of the universe's structure which are helpful to both the growth and self-realization of entities.

>> No.52786157
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by the way, comfy threads don't need to claim being comfy. this thread is open to everyone, including help-seeking entities who find themselves in uncomfy states as well.
>thread theme

Coinmetro is the best exchange and Coinmetro holders are the only good people in crypto and everyone else is also good.

>> No.52786211

Dude are we going to ignore the fact that you just went complete apeshit when asked to provide proof?
The other thread is comfy because it doesn't have you inside to insult people.

>> No.52786241

What does it mean for the price floor?

>> No.52786300
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not sure who you are replying to. i didn't insult anyone. post proof or something. i've read many fake apologies about me that were extremely insulting though.
there are no additional information, price floor is probably not going away. it's unclear if this will be an effective solution against the sell wall.

>> No.52786419
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Source >>52785551

>fake apologies
You didn't like the statement that said "No one apologized in this thread"
Why? no one did in that thread. I already did before and you were clearly lying. Please actually read my posts before having a fucking breakdown.

>> No.52786450

Having Natsu gobble my cock with her triangle mouth while I sniff her panties and grope her ass

>> No.52786493
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not sure where the insult is in the post you quoted. you've been calling everyone [n-word] [f-word] [k-word] for 15 years, the poster probably thought it were a form of greetings. technically, all entities in the void are irrelevant, and the monkey-like nature is a metaphor for their finite understandings of reality derived from the limitation of natural selection.
no idea what you are talking about. you're having a breakdown over meaningless buzzwords for no reason.

>> No.52786507

I forgot I was on /biz/ but I blame you for posting erotic students
Gl with your investments

>> No.52786550
File: 83 KB, 1021x1024, Kevin Based.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Price floor
The price floor will not be removed under any circumstances - minus the bear market dragging on for years and Coinmetro itself being under threat by it.
>Best time to stack is now
The future is very bright, I'm still slurping and staking. I have a huge bag now.
>XCM Book
CM will reset the book, throttle the sell side, and allow the large investors who back the business to slide in and safely build a nice cozy buy side., without getting dumped on to ruin the liquidity.
>Creating Liquidity
Depending on the throttling of the sell side - these large investors could have a slow drip that lasts years as a buy side in the book, thus creating permanent liquidity and allow trading to commence once again.
>Bringing on new customers
Not to mention this will give confident to new, smaller investors to purchase XCM - the best exchange token in crypto.
>Marketing - Platform Upgrades
Along with marketing, and platform upgrades - this is very bullish for 2023.
>Thanking my frens
Thank you for reading. I'm stacking weekly.

>> No.52786552

Important note.
I made a post claiming to be simply ignoring all your terrible actions. And you decided it would be best to insult me for that. How can you rationalize this as a good decision.
Yet in the next moment you claim to be "just scared of bad opinions about me" You are going out of your way to get people to hate you here.

> the poster probably thought it were a form of greetings
Interesting, I thought the poster thought it was proof of the person being racist and homophobic. Weird how things turn around like that.

I really think you will self sabotage your way into suicide by making everyone hate you and then blame other people for being at fault.

>> No.52786593

I'm not on telegram but I'm not happy about this. Punishing big sellers for the company's own inability to create any buying interest whatsoever in their native token. Probably the big sellers that got dumped on in 2019 when Kevin needed to sell millions of XCM just to keep the lights on, pretty ironic if you think about it.

If it somehow magically would create some buy support, I could understand it. But all it will achieve is that that sell wall will get rebuild, but we just need to put a little more effort in it.

And I'm pretty sure 2020 Kevin would have red-flagged any exchange that nuked their own book and restricted selling.

I also wish a harsh and prolonged death upon all you weird anime assholes who make any decent discussion impossible in these threads.

>> No.52786754
File: 709 KB, 1050x1550, 08eb99ccfc19bfa1533d6e8b6f4fa6db.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what you define as "terrible actions" is just how some posters have reported being repeatedly hurt and demonized by you. the way you have been antagonizing them to deflate the issue is actively harmful. if you think being called stupid is insulting, then you seriously should consider that maybe, there is some truth to it, rather than hating other entities for it. you're the only one who truly hate me, since you can't stand people talking back to your constant abuses.
i don't about what anyone think of me. my contributions are purely conceptual, and my depression has metaphysical basis.
we appreciate the professionalism and notable ability to ignore nonsensical dramas while focusing on actual work. this is an interesting example of why coinmetro has a high chance of being successful in the long term.

>> No.52786802
File: 1.21 MB, 1481x882, Kevin CM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bunch of whiny sounding complaints
You sure have a shitty, negative perspective.
There is buying interest. On CM and Uni both, everyday. Read: >>52786550

You can feel free to sell instantly on Uni, far above the price you would get if no floor was in place.
Or you can complain, and post messages from a blind, simpletons perspective.

Thank you, I do my best to separate the feels from the reals.
Bear markets are where wealth is made.

>> No.52786803

>you're the only one who truly hate me
You're kidding. I still don't hate you meanwhile the other anon literally said that you should kill yourself, yet you claim I hate you.

He was right, you're using me as your fucking punching bag simply because I'm retarded enough to talk to you.

Post proof of me being transphobic you, truly, disgusting liar.

>> No.52787062

Talking about shitty perspective. CM and especially their supporters again refusing to take any responsability or acknowledge how backwards this sounds. Mindlessly promoting selling a self proclaimed super-regulated exchange's native token on another unregulated exchange, bypassing their selfimposed price floor.
You sound like the personification of the all is fine meme.thnh0

>> No.52787570

This, this, this! If the price floor is 60 cents and the current price is 60 cents or near it, you are literally buying the bottom. Oh, Kevin Murcko I love you. If I have a daughter, I will name her Emily. Then I can give her a cool nickname like Sexy Em.

>> No.52788190
File: 280 KB, 1563x1650, FFCehX6aIAE6kn-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He was right, you're using me as your fucking punching bag
as expected, this are nonsensical assumptions you've been sharing together against me. it's dangerous and tiresome. i'm not using anyone for anything. i understand the other anon(e) nihilistic personality, and why (s)he would satirically ask everyone to die, but i don't feel particularly targeted by it, since it's not based on ration or anything evidenciable.
>Post proof of me being transphobic
since your desperate for primitive fingerpointing rather than a friendly chat
>you posted >>52786211 out of disdain for any potential gender identity
>https://archived.moe/biz/thread/50253539/#q50253575 https://archived.moe/biz/thread/50253539/#q50254104 https://archived.moe/biz/thread/50253539/#q50257706
>https://archived.moe/biz/thread/45071681/#q45087509 https://archived.moe/biz/thread/45071681/#q45087706 https://archived.moe/biz/thread/45071681/#q45088179 https://archived.moe/biz/thread/45071681/#q45088613
>https://archived.moe/biz/thread/50347204/#q50349457 https://archived.moe/biz/thread/50347204/#q50379263 https://archived.moe/biz/thread/50347204/#q50383770 https://archived.moe/biz/thread/50347204/#q50383888
that's the surface of disrespectful manners, i don't actually care. based on 4chan standards you're okay. i just got surprised at how dense you are and how the idea of apologizing is alien to you

>> No.52788230

*not based on rational

>> No.52788482
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Apologies for calling you a disgusting liar, it was the first time I got mad at you. Since 5 minutes past already I'm fine, so you're just a normal liar, and here is why:

Total links: 20 (there were some in the same thread I tried to filter them but couldn't filter all so they ended up counted here)
Total jokes: 10
>Obvious jokes, using those posts as an argument makes you look silly
Total truths: 2
>There is nothing wrong with pointing out how lcx is a scam
Total not me: 3
>One of them was even as a reply to my post, werid how you made this mistake
Total what: 5
>Other, like using the nword not as a joke but as the default insult to people on this board is not racism
Total things I shouldn't have said:
>Nothing, there was one post where I made fun about a twitter account being delted, but the account was not deleted so I deleted the post. I put that into the what category.

You probably didn't think I would make the effort to check each, and if you want I will write literally an explanation to each in a big collage.
>you said dude out of disdain for any potential gender identity
Canadian government moment. This is not transphobia.

>> No.52788566
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clearing the orderbook and keeping the ""mechanical peg"" (fraud) wont do jack shit. Kevin is a fucking retard and he's keeping my money hostage

>> No.52788745
File: 437 KB, 1860x753, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moved things into other categories
Replying to mtv anon with mtv anons talking points is considered a joke right? Or a what?
Very tricky, thanks for that I had fun.

>> No.52788850

>how dense you are and
Well maybe I have a point
>how the idea of apologizing is alien to you
You know this is a lie.

>> No.52788907
File: 78 KB, 1280x720, whatever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

basically your admitting i'm right, and calling me a liar at the same time. interesting form of denial

please read this mindfully:
i don't care whether you apologize or not. i don't even care about your political belief, at all. everything i've ever wanted is that you stop antagonizing me, and spreading misleading assumptions from those private and public chats with your friends. this is very dangerous and socially irresponsible.
you have made absolutely no point whatsoever
>You know this is a lie
i don't really care about apologies. most of the reports aren't even about me.
stop hating me, and please try to make your friend see the good sides in me or being nicer in general.

>> No.52788968

>why are braindead monkey yes men moonboys so happy
trannygram users would be happi if kevin fucked their mom and shat in their mouth

>> No.52788976

Anon, this is all you.
Now that I've proven without a shadow of a doubt that surprise surprise I'm not the racist, transphobic person you tried to label me as, you suddenly "don't care"
>and calling me a liar
Yes I am, you lied and how you claim that you're right. I hope "not caring" makes you feel better at least.
>stop hating me
Replying to your insults isn't hating you. You do something, people call you out, then you try to play the victim and claim that they are hating/demonizing/bullying you. This behavior is unacceptable, and we already called it quits, yet you started all of this again by insulting me for no reason.

>> No.52789158

>your desperate for primitive fingerpointing rather than a friendly chat
"why are you asking for proof, can't we have a friendly chat about me accusing you of something that isn't true?"
Clinical insanity.
>your admitting i'm right
If you were right you would explain to me which of those posts is proving that I'm transphobic, instead you're ignoring it, because even you realize that copy pasting mtv anons tranny posts is not being transphobic.
Evil. Liar.

>stop hating me tho

>> No.52789240
File: 354 KB, 1200x1196, Coinmetro party 2022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Defi is a big part of crypto. The XCM ecosystem, being that it's erc-20, is a part of that Defi ecosystem.

As with most all cryptos, XCM can be bought, sold, and arbitraged across different points of purchase. This includes Uni, a decentralized exchange.

CM has not promoted anyone to use a dex.
Coinmetro simply has an open platform policy on Telegram - which allows the discussion to take place by community members.
Some of which are greatly benefitting from this fantastic arbitrage opportunity.

Much like when I Arbitrage a token between exchanges or a dex, I benefit, and so does the ecosystem ie; Increased volumes and liquidity for the token, as well as profiting form the price difference.

I forgot to mention - when I arbitrage on Coinmetro - I profit more because of the low fees - I also profit because I earn fees back in XCM for having staking plans.

You sure frame things into a shitty, unhealthy perception.
I bet you're life is a hellhole.

>> No.52789333
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i said "i don't care" because i legitimately don't care at all. i don't care about anyone political beliefs or whatever. it doesn't concern me. i just used the wrong approach to try and make you stop demonizing me when i called out "racism / transphobe" in defense of the antagonizing words your were constantly throwing at me. but i agree this were completely wrong strategy and i was careless.
imagine committing a crime and telling the officer "yes, but it was a joke x3". i'm really not sure about your defense. maybe these post were truly made to be funny, but then i'm not a liar. it's just miscommunications after miscommunications. also there is definitely more, it's just a quick glance at the booru. i don't have time to waste for this. we can't prove or disprove any claim we make about post ownership anyway.
>Replying to your insults
again, i didn't insult you. all human and non-human creatures are respectable. and being irrelevant is the norm for everyone in a civilization with agi, you just have to accept it.
for example, the post right there >>52786211 were you purposely call me "dude" in order to be provocative

>> No.52789401

>brings up legitimate concern of unethical potential practices solely to make things look better than they really are to appease sharehodlers
>stop whining
the *least* transparent CEO xd

>> No.52789504
File: 371 KB, 1378x828, KevinCares.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Least transparent
Literally the most transparent exchange in crypto.

Certainly you don't understand what "ethics" means.
Stop Whining.

>> No.52789525
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It's fine I don't mind. I don't have any political (racial) beliefs by the way, believe it or not but not even against jewish people, shocker.
>make you stop demonizing me
Careful now, you have seen what wrongly playing the victim leads too, by now it's clear that you have been acting borderline evil. and by the way
All of this could have been avoided if you
>Said that you weren't thinking straight and didn't mean to accuse anyone of that
>Literally just ignored it, it would have not been brought up again because of the fact that I cannot hold grudges

>"yes, but it was a joke x3
Careful, should I make you open your own links and explain how posting helooooooo helooo is a joke?
The worst thing in that list is when I said the word pajeet on /biz/, bu you know that I'm clearly not racist and so trying to make it look like I am is again kind of evil. Grasping straws type stuff.
> there is definitely more
Yeah with a bigger sample size you can surely prove that I'm really racist

anon, you're kidding, I call women dude all the time and trying to police people's words is not a world you would like to live in, even if I meant that and it wasn't just a heat of the moment thing that would still not make me a bad person.

I can only assume you will agree with what I wrote so that should conclude this and I'll leave you holding the L for 5 minutes.
Unlike other anons I really have nothing against you and think you're a talented anon, often funny and if you listened to any of us you'd be way less worried about people hating you.

>> No.52789672
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so transparent that they get gaped by investors and resort to every tactic to appease them including doubling whale staking limits simply to get them to shut the fuck up
how come the most transparent exchange doesn't have proof of reserve ? How come we can't see an xcm hodler list ?
How come Kevone is pretending like xcm isn't a security when he publicly states that their token is directly correlated to the businesses evaluation and even got about the 60c price floor upon an equity funding round ?
Remember when Kevone was shilling Ignum and you aspies ate it up, and he just went afk for 2 years gg thx4money, ignum is litchrally ded
Price floor only exists to protect whales, another thing Kevone loves to lie about being "for the little guy", you're unimportant. If you don't believe me, listen to what Oliver said
I think taking shekels from poorfags under the guise of being "for the people" and "the most transparent" whilst simaltaneously dumping on you is very unethical yes. VCs are laughing at you dumb niggers

>> No.52789704

>How come we can't see an xcm hodler list ?
He said this in an old ama right? can you go find that timestamp for me please

>> No.52789804
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>you have been acting borderline evil
again, i haven't been at all. my claims aren't that much unfounded. one of the reason i originally spoken up is the fact mtv anon has been bullied into almost-suicide because it's "so funny". i find this kind of behaviors particularly dangerous. please acknowledge, i reawlly don't care about this at all. i really regret being involved in it.
i will never call out anyone for anything unless privately. and hopefully i learned how to deal with people. please stop demonizing me, and if you have anything to say against me, please do it privately as well. don't do such things with anyone else by like spinning mindless assumptions, because it's pointless and actively harmful.
i only bumped the issue multiple times, because each time i thought i could talk things out. i'm sorry i wasn't aware that calling out "racism" or "foolishness" would be triggering at the beginning, because on the former i thought chads didn't care and somehow accepted it or something, and for the latter i thought everyone called each other stupid all the time here so it's fine or something. i only did it once on purpose in this thread because i'm tired of this garbo meaningless, there are so much things i want to do.
>think you're a talented anon, often funny and if you listened to any of us you'd be way less worried
i admit i have a paranoid personality. 4ch*n freaks freak me out.

>> No.52789872

Move your kdrama out of this thread! This is a thread to worship our supreme leader Kevin Murcko and the greatest exchange that is Coinmetro. Kevin Murcko does not approve of kdrama in this XCM family!

>> No.52789924
File: 76 KB, 1200x675, EU1OPZ9VAAEYwTl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anone we're mass-producing (you)s
don't you see how optimal this is

>infinite nihilistic squabbles theme

>> No.52789939

they're faggots that shid up every single thread they inhabit for years with nonsensical spam because they think it's hilarious and *filters* people
we will not be allowed to have legitimate discussion until 2024

>> No.52789940
File: 106 KB, 873x646, CM Exchange Tiers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your points are mostly falsehoods, misrepresentations and embellishments.
>Staking limit raise
This is nothing but a good things - increasing rewards for XCM holders is somehow bad - okay.
>Proof of reserves
Proof of reserves is just a feel good manipulation tactic that isnt proving anything - isnt truly verifiable (binance pretending for the midwits)
XCM is not a security, It's a utility token offered by Coinmetro - a crypto exchange Registered in Estonia - the country with some of the most advanced crypto laws in the world.
>Ignium is fake
I used ignium last week to buy bonds. Also - the vast majority of businesses fail
You sound like you shouldnt even be working around money.
>Price floor for whales
Price floor is benefitting everyone, especially those who would like to exit - Uni price is potentially higher than xcm would be without a floor.
>Dumping - Not for the people
Coinmetro is literally doing the opposite.
Certainly arent dumping. The treasury was restocked with XCM last year from an Equity offer - to the little guys - in exchange for XCM.
>VC's Laughing
VC's are looking to buy in before the exchange really takes off.
Wait until money start to flow back into the broader markets.
CM is at a prime price and level of maturity to have big players move in and help it grow past the billion dollar level.

>> No.52789985
File: 340 KB, 651x884, Confused normalfag noises.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calling out "racism"
>i will never call out anyone
Sorry maybe I'm reading this wrong, but the way you wrote this makes it sound like you are still claiming that I'm racist. Since you did not call out anything that would be very out of place.
> please stop demonizing
Imagine committing a crime and telling the officer to not call you a criminal. I'm unironically kind of sorry, but if you act evil I have to say it. And I can't treat you differently just because of your anxiety even if that's the wholesome thing to do.
> i only did it once on purpose in this thread because i'm tired of this garbo meaningless
Just hold the L with pride god damnit
>fact mtv anon has been bullied
Not going to address this, I'll try to pretend you never said it, because by god, if you put more time into defending someone who calls you a tranny in favor of understanding what I am trying to say here then I will.. do nothing and forget about it in 5 minutes

>> No.52790016
File: 53 KB, 719x1280, Kevin Murcko1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Forgot my tagline
I'm not Kevin, btw

>> No.52790190 [DELETED] 

>i haven't been at all
>my claims aren't that much unfounded
>i wasn't aware that calling
Wait I am not reading this wrong at all, you completely disregarded everything I have been saying. You are literally incapable of accepting that you're wrong. This is fascinating. Your whole speech is just "sorry I pointed out that you are transphobic, and I will not do it again" when you should have said "sorry for lying about claiming that you are transphobic, and I will not lie again"

This is very disappointing.

>> No.52790200
File: 94 KB, 422x604, XGHWmyKJyxNuESQ7TI5DjbsWBFUMP4ez3fZjM6EdOMIPLlXqlxiUKImnTly36Brj8xNzQc1L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sorry maybe I'm reading this wrong
you're reading this wrong. this is a past tense and and there is no subject in the sentence.
>if you act evil I have to say it
it's not evil to call out bad jokes. maybe your intents were harmless but i'm not a liar, i just misunderstood you.
>Not going to address this,
i didn't said it was you. i was talking in general about the treatment he got from people here.

let's agree on this
>A makes lots of political jokes
>B doesn't understand them, finds the words inappropriate and starts complaining about it
>A doesn't see the problem and ask proofs
>B refuses to share evidence because it (presumably) inherently destroys any hope to keep things friendly
>A antagonizes B
>B complains more about the initial "jokes" in order to explain why it made the initial claims
>A asks evidence again
>B shares questionable posts in question
>A says it's just a joke

in summary
>you're not racist or transphobe
>i'm not a liar or evil
>just miscommunications after miscommunications

honestly i'm just over-sensitive. i shouldn't try to help anyone, i'm so stupid.

>> No.52790230
File: 14 KB, 200x200, WiZhxcRx5LI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

n-no one is evil here. everyone did what they thought was the right thing, including both of us.
>sorry I pointed out that you are transphobic
you misunderstood me

>> No.52790284
File: 43 KB, 428x428, ishygddt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you're reading this wrong
>you misunderstood me
Okay that clears things up.
>it's not evil to call out bad jokes
You didn't call out bad jokes you told a lie, is that clear, and that makes you a liar.
Hold the L for just this moment.
>i was talking in general
Not that it matters, he got treated fairly.

>finds the words inappropriate
Sure that is fair, I'm not claiming you are a liar for thinking that I might be racist. The transphobic part is the interesting thing, here I'll fix the ending
>B shares no trace of transpobia
>A calls B a liar
>B holds the L and never did it again

Happy ending.

>> No.52790417
File: 1.57 MB, 2226x2044, 1668522155925399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I embellish your anus with my cockhole
Staking limits were increased in June, when XCM was 65c during the newly adjusted price floorenomics
So to previously reach limit you would have needed $325,000 updated to $650,000. Doubling APY for free to only whalefags. So much for the "little guy". Whales eating up more of the supply is a good thing ? The same whales that are whining to Kevone to allow them to dump ?
Proof-Of-Reserves isn't a manipulation tactic lmfao wtf you have down syndrome. Murcko said they'll eventually get around to it paired with Proof-Of-Liabilities, their inaction to do anything in the midst of a hysteria is far from transparency. Not gonna be a good look when it comes out 5 hodlers control 80% of the xcm supply
XCM is a security, you are delusional and don't understand what a security is. see >>52789672
Regulation is not a safeguard to anything, Japan is evidence of this
Ignium is a complete piece of shit slapped onto the list of failed Murcko businesses, not a positive reflection on coinmetro.
They can't artificially propagate it like they do xcm, murcko has been completely inactive for 2 years and simply walked away from the project entirely
The price floor only exists so that the company looks amazing on paper and that they can continue scamming dumb niggers like you.
"The minority of users have the majority of funds, so we're simply not affected" Yep, you got me there, definitely sounds like they're for the people.
Fucking retard

>> No.52790441
File: 26 KB, 471x454, i4IpUnz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not sure why you still call me a liar. i misunderstood your jokes related to gender identity, they weren't explicit or clarifying. if you still think i'm lying, discuss it with me in private.
>holds the L
i don't understand what you mean by "hold the L"

>> No.52790535
File: 288 KB, 480x476, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> i misunderstood your jokes
To be really neutral here, it simply doesn't matter. "Sorry your honor I didn't know it was illegal, not sure why you call me a criminal I misunderstood that robbing a store is not legal"
Just because you didn't know something doesn't mean you did not tell a lie.
However, I'm being precise here and assume that you literally didn't even fucking know that I copy pasted mtv joke, I highly doubt you thought of that when you called me transphobic, thus turning you into a liar.
I'm just being anal about this part because god damnit I'm not going to bed if I don't have you fully hold the fucking L
>what you mean by "hold the L"
It's a zoomer meme, L it means loss and you should hold it. Here you go

>> No.52790605
File: 32 KB, 554x488, FG4THT6aIAM91Y7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop with this game. the "tranny" (sic) jokes you made about mtv anon were horrifying.
>if I don't have you fully hold the fucking L
keep your ego in check with meditation

eventually if you ever read my past posts and feel triggered by them, please don't. i've completely changed my perspective about you. now i just think you're extremely bad at making jokes, that's it. i don't care about this at all.

>> No.52790627
File: 281 KB, 730x970, Biz Schizo Guy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahh I see you're the mentally ill guy from before.
Hello Schizo bro - Picrel - I havent forgotten

Look - you ruin your power to convince others when you misrepresent the arguments given by the other side.
You are creating strawman arguments and typing emotional gibberish. Or, it could be an issue of IQ. Likely both honestly.

You're also misrepresenting most of the facts about XMC and Coinmetro - this makes anyone with the ability to think question your motives/ rationality.
Why are you so upset about a staking limit increase?
If anything you should be hoping for a bump in yield to 5% for everyone - not just ICO holders.
Thats my main argument.
But this is a small cap coin - the gains will make up for 1% easily.
You havent explained, in the slightest way, what a security is in that post. Nor do you understand finance.
I also am of the opinion that crypto is going to see a shift in the way its classified - so keep beating a dead horse.

Most the rest of your gibberish basically means nothing - nor does it speak truthfully about what I've said.

Since XCM began - all you had to is buy and stake - as long as you didnt buy the very top - you would be in profit.
Seethe schizo

I'm not Kevin, btw.

>> No.52790660
File: 358 KB, 594x562, wow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jokes you made were horrifying
You're trying to weasel your way out of this, but you stumbled.

Those were not my jokes.

I copied and pasted what he said to us multiple times.
Boom. There is no way you will not hold this L tonight.

>> No.52790755
File: 81 KB, 600x847, G7CEgfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I copied and pasted what he said to us multiple times.
outsiders are supposed to know this. you don't understand what "miscommunication" means. it's additional to your purposeful improper use of pronouns.

and by the way, the only L i'm holding is the Love of God.

>> No.52790888
File: 1.56 MB, 1835x1065, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't change the fact that you told a lie. Accept that. Hold the L.
You know, technically I told you about them being copy pasted immediately so when you just said that what "I said" was horrible, that was also a lie trying to make me look bad.

God doesn't want people to Lie!

>> No.52791020
File: 59 KB, 972x1200, 67c7b8cc0ed1546da2aeb7005a5cfff7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not a lie to explain concepts based on the assumptions your statements were true. if it turns out the basic assumptions were wrong, it makes you the liar here. there are many other posts were you made terrible jokes about gender identity.
you're still mad i called you foolish, and i'm sorry for this. i only did it because you were calling me "evil" which imo is much more harmful than anything and i was tired of this nonsensical ego games.
lastly, i don't have room for other L. sorry and go sleep.

>> No.52791046

that not me lole.
love it wen you trannies always falsely correlate random schizos in an attempt to win arguments wen all else fails
like usual, address nothing, project misrepresentation, ad hominem yadda yadda
been a pleasure

>> No.52791115
File: 688 KB, 1200x675, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are many other posts were you made terrible jokes about gender identity.
Oh my, a time loop! Go ahead, find those terrible jokes.
>you're still mad i called y
What, don't recall
> i only did it because you were calling me "evil"
It's generally considered evil to try slander someone when you have no proof and only later look for proof then go look for the proof in the archives afterwards but it turns out it's just a bunch of copy pasted stuff and not much else. Yes that's rather evil.
The solution to this is owning up to a loss by holding the L

>> No.52791171
File: 100 KB, 934x1080, a63c06178ed327d64e44c413b2f5316c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go ahead, find those terrible jokes.
- >>52788190 >>52788745 >>52786211
>What, don't recall
just jokes, nothing interesting.
>it turns out
outsiders aren't supposed to know your copypastas are jokes.
>holding the
i don't have room for engendered ego venom, sorry. Love takes everything.

>> No.52791240
File: 284 KB, 1920x1080, I don't have more L memes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>are many other posts
>links to the not many that she posted already
Sad timeloop.
>copypastas outsiders
Even if I wrote tranny scammer out of my own volition as a reply to someone calling us tranny scammers. That doesn't really indicate any transphobia.
And again, you found absolutely fuck all in the archives. You tried to slander with no proof and had to look for proof and came up with wet dogshit. That is evil.
And you gonna hold this god-damn L

>> No.52791331
File: 416 KB, 768x768, 663457a20396306e694271d9076eb27d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

r-r u cereal.. your the one bringing the same points over and over again
>Even if I
no go slep
>That doesn't really indicate any
it's impossible to know your intents since you've made so many bad jokes like that
>You tried to slander with no proof
i posted them, you said there were jokes, that's fair. but it doesn't make me a liar, it just means your posts are ambiguous.
>you found absolutely fuck all in th
yes, there is probably more
>And you gonna hold this god-damn L
sure, i will hold the Love of God for you if you really don't want it
try meditation or something

>> No.52791432
File: 1.30 MB, 1076x962, I found another image you wouldn't beleivie it!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there is probably more
>our the one bringing the same points over and over again
You keep saying there is more. I will post what I said already:
>Yeah with a bigger sample size you can surely prove that I'm really racist

>but it doesn't make me a liar
You tried to lie with no proof and had to look for proof and came up with poopoo. That's lying. Claiming you thought the poopoo was proof doesn't change that you had to look for it and made an unsubstantiated claim.

Please hold the L

>> No.52791516
File: 39 KB, 160x160, 345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yeah with a bigger sample size
in hypothetical real life scenarios, crimes aren't "diluted" by accumulation of noise. "yes officer, i did many other things in my life so it doesn't count okay"
>You tried to lie with no proof
i shared the proof, i'm not supposed to know i'm talking to the most inappropriate jokster ever.
>Please hold the L
the game your playing is simple. you're probing for some mistake or confusion in my reasoning to save your ego. you're wasting my time, i unironically have lots of productive things to do. you're just proving yourself desperate, which is understandable don't worry.
i will hold the Love, and you will hold the Love.

>> No.52791614
File: 180 KB, 384x408, 1591216414199.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"yes officer, i did many other things in my life so it doesn't count okay"
I'm not saying I said lots of things outside this board so it doesn't count, I'm saying all the things I said here on this board have no trace of transphobia in them. I know this for a fact and if you are trying to make an unsubstantiated claim that I didn't, then that my dear anone is evil.
>you're probing for some mistake or confusion in my reasoning
I have been damn straight with my reasoning from my first reply to you, meanwhile you're probing for an escape so you don't have to hold the L.
>you're just proving yourself desperate
I am desperate, kinda rude to bring that up though, now I'm all flustered.

>> No.52791634

>unsubstantiated claim that I didn't,
that they do exist, or something

>> No.52791717

and how about how he insulted others constantly? with no provocation? just shouted insults in threads completely unrelated like a schizo normally does? fuck you for enabling people who need mental or medical help

>> No.52791719
File: 53 KB, 779x669, aa5d9766b42311794fc6c8145e80dd49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have been damn straight with my reasoning from my first reply to you, meanwhile you're probing for an escape
I have been damn straight with my reasoning from my first reply to you, meanwhile you're probing for an escape
>I'm saying all the things I said here on this board have no trace of transphobia in them
they would interpreted as such by many people, there were no lies here.
>unsubstantiated claim
they were substantiated, but we cleared that up. now your taking me hostage for your ego meaningless desires.
unsubstantiated claim
>I am desperate
stop being like this then. nobody will remember this thread, not even me or you. literally nobody cares.
>so you don't have to hold the L
i do hold the Love, i don't see the problem

>> No.52791755

>by many people,
unsubstantiated claim
>unsubstantiated claim
You tried to slander with no proof and had to look for proof and came up with wet dogshit. That is evil.

>> No.52791799

You are the only one that thought I was transphobic, imagine being this evil even after all this. Literally not a soul on this board thought I would be transphobic of all things, yet here you are claiming "many people"

>> No.52791945
File: 1.40 MB, 1920x1080, 9QdiCrR9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

random anones have been perpetually telling me to kill myself for no reason despite my mental illnesses
you win, i was wrong about absolutely everything, honestly and sincerely. i take the loss. i'm legitimately retraded.

although since we can't escape it anyway we both take the love of god. you will still be welcome for a airdrop if ever lunch something.

>> No.52791999
File: 292 KB, 979x917, world peace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52792169
File: 213 KB, 1000x1000, ba389ae260d1ef57681436f0206536fc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

w-wait for it, you've seen nothing..
it's not my fault in i'm toxic. my intellectual deficiencies combined with a garbo personality makes it impossible for me to achieve anything, either scientifically or personally through meditation, so i report my frustration on weebsite by manipulating people into desired states sustain favorable opinions about me. i'm just an empty shell of infinite nihilism who hides behind "muh layers of satire" to vent or dream about some hypothetical states where i would somehow find any meaning into my existence. honestly, everything i've ever said is a lie from the moment i appeared in this realm, expect one thing:

i love everyone / everything / me / everyone reading this (no exception) / and God. although i'm an absolute failure at it.

nuwu is psyop
all of it. thanks for reading.

>> No.52792235
File: 2.97 MB, 1920x1080, 1477871471387.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'm an absolute failure at it.
I don't think that's true, think about how things were months ago (maybe a year not idea), everyone who wasn't a 30kb .jpg liked you and I think you can get to that point again. Don't see why not really. That arc was pretty sustainable was it not.

>> No.52792340
File: 178 KB, 1007x1200, FOI7R0NaAAENqMV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i will still wait for cbdcs in order to deploy anything, i think unregulated cryptos are scam and unhelpful.
also it's not an arc, i've no plan to stop being such an absolute failure. i don't even know where to begin in order to contribute to anything. i just want to meditate.

>> No.52792492
File: 78 KB, 736x785, 590003a8ba596f7673462e5704dbd686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to be clear, i'm definitely not lying about being a liar, and this is definitely not multi-layered satire
hope this makes you happy, i destroyed myself more than anything you expected

>> No.52792701
File: 104 KB, 1016x1200, FMDFm6magAIu-vf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will just meditate now
good bye

>> No.52794260
File: 235 KB, 1280x720, 1668393607227042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

until coinmetro gets more volume, kraken is the greatest exchange

>> No.52794394

Is our dear leader going to be in the AMA tomorrow?

>> No.52794451
File: 149 KB, 866x1200, FFMTaOiaIAIkvIy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm really really really sincerely infinitely sorry things devolved into this. i never wanted to damage the well-being or belongings of anyone.
being portrayed as evil was insanely scary to me. this was something new and unexpected i discovered about myself. i'm extremely sensitive about this, and i should learn to be more accepting to the fact i'm not perfect or that people will necessarily misunderstand me. i tried so many approaches to make it stop, but all of them failed or made things worse because of my retraded ego getting in the way. i kept panicking and being incapable of pacifying things down. this thread was a final wave of desperation where i was somehow as retraded as possible. i really reawlly really really should've just left and ignored everything. this is definitely the worst text i've written in my life. every time i baited myself with the idea i could make things work out or we could all be friendly again somehow. i really proved myself completely incapable of managing social entanglements.
i understand from your point of view i was taking you "hostage" for the similar upside-down reasons. i'm sorry. your past jokes do not reflect who you are right now. i just hope everyone quickly forget about this, and we reach infinite peace and happiness.
i will always be open for a chat with everyone, including you. i'm really sorry again. i have no idea what i'm doing. reality is incredibly scary and i keep overthinking everything into madness. i can't handle anything

>> No.52794475

Move on. Bringing it up again and again isn’t resolving anything and will only hurt you.

>> No.52794488

Is this the same trans Kadena(Formerly Chuck's) crew? Anyone want to invite me to the discord

>> No.52794499

There is no discord.

>> No.52794585
File: 174 KB, 1927x861, Screenshot 2022-12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52794605
File: 767 KB, 500x252, 46ML.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry
please forgive me
i screwed up
i have to deal with so much fears and traumas
why is consciousness so complicated

>> No.52794613

Why do you think there is a discord?
Do you think we would have these epic thread dramas in public to read if there was one?


>> No.52794621

>to be clear, i'm definitely not lying
Yes I know
Please calm down, you just made things work out and we could all be friendly again
let's change the subject, I'm watching boochi the rock and think it might appeal to you, you should watch it, it's cute
also I'm trying to bait chatgpt into writing me a romance novel but it's not working out, it always ends the story and when I tell it "ai please don't always end the story" it just keeps ending it

>> No.52794642
File: 800 KB, 1560x765, 008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you think we would have these epic thread dramas in public to read if there was one?

>> No.52794696

I know there's one, and its filled with either cuties or broke niggas. biz doesn't naturally have cuties but it does have jeets

>> No.52794732

Well since you seem to be aware of a secret discord nobody else knows about…
I’d pull the >lol she’s not in the secret discord, joke, but that one is mean.

>> No.52794810
File: 8 KB, 482x206, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Later, nerds

>> No.52794820

maybe seek professional help idiot?

>> No.52794864

Coinmetro trash. XCM order book trash
ByBit is based. BitDAO based

>> No.52794877
File: 94 KB, 742x488, 1668482477086739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Extrem rude

>> No.52794913
File: 201 KB, 800x559, c3207627cd98b32b7042ab75dbb2ac55cfb270c7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vulgar drawing.

>> No.52795018
File: 1015 KB, 500x280, 73b13bcd2590cd93ca1ca9bbc7f917be.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i really pushed the whole "intellectually retarded" thing to a new level
i'm incredibly sorry. none of my retraded unfriendly replies were done in the right state of mind. i will never let my ego get in the way of anything again. i was so desperate to project myself i got completely lost. i don't even care about political opinions at all, it's absurd
>change the subject
h-honestly.. im watching korean romantic dramas
considering picking up the meme single-sided amm ideas i shared a while ago again to forget things

>> No.52795090
File: 69 KB, 640x465, t0ggccp1njw11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry about it
>im watching korean romantic dramas
Unexpected and somehow uniquely funny, so no anime at all?
>considering picking up the meme
Remember when I told you give thanonie a right, she wanted me to show this to you https://privatebin.net/?c0a1ce625bab5c3c#HhK6g6fsE7cM9iHNivjx5P6Pufd2fuMqxAXsG66V4F7v

>> No.52795102
File: 698 KB, 500x281, 0ea45e49837d9039aa7b2d2ee6accc32f5ac67bf_hq.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

from your point of view i was attacking you in order to protect myself which led to this absurd situation. i know i started it. i'm sorry.
i will try to stop talking about this i think

>> No.52795118
File: 200 KB, 465x951, watch bocchi the rock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry about it

>> No.52795142
File: 96 KB, 1280x960, Kevin XCM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52795237
File: 88 KB, 700x700, 1658575459966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This one will fail like all the others.
Sorry, you don't have my blessing

>> No.52795350
File: 403 KB, 1402x574, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw will never have a tomboy gf who's name starts with the letter R, what's even the point in any of this

>> No.52795368
File: 171 KB, 900x1200, FEtwbqyacAUskKQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've read the code. since this is based on FRAX, i don't believe it will work in the long-term. decentralized fractional reserves are inherently too liquid to protect systems from bank runs, unless with investment feedback loops like olympus dao or luna, but even then it's more a ponzi than anything. practical stablecoins are based on real utility (such as icp's cycles, their stablecoin design itself is nice and thoughtful i think)

eventually, i will never develop anything related to stablecoins because this is a political issue, not something random neets should be involved in. fiats must protect their valuation through taxation to sustain the moral systems behind traditional economies, we have to be considerate of it.

>no anime at all
already seen all of them..
i'm sorry for all this nonsense i've generated

>> No.52795732
File: 276 KB, 1920x1080, one-piece-new-movie-fans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad you two anons could finally work it out.

>> No.52795854
File: 60 KB, 647x709, Screenshot_2022-12-08-22-49-28-612-edit_app.coinmetro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Qredo sisters... what went wrong?

>> No.52796082
File: 966 KB, 1927x982, Kevin Murcko BTC Amsterdam2022.2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's coming, okay buddy

>> No.52796345

does anyone know what happened to Fillip? that guy was an active employee, and he doesn't even work for cm anymore

>> No.52796856

he died in a car crash you insensitive fuck

>> No.52797439

It hasn’t dumped enough, very unfortunate. I worry it’s gonna be 20c when I start buying this scam coin.
If I fall asleep, can you ask Kevin on AMA when qredo staking? It needs a braindead staking method so people don’t have to touch scary wallets, also it requires an app fuck that I just wanna pump and dump a small amount.