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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 95 KB, 899x557, social-100k-square-v2_b8d6583c-e18f-4ee3-9b16-9187c02f15a1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52747822 No.52747822 [Reply] [Original]

>22 years old
>Only make 65k per year in the year 2022

Does anyone else that makes around 45k-65k feel like a complete loser and left behind? My last job was in this range as well. This is the highest paying job I've ever had and I'm thankful it's at least hybrid remote as going into an office everyday ruined my mental state.

But I see everyone else making 80k-90k starting out of college and most other young adults in their 20s are easily making low six figures in fully remote jobs. How is everyone getting 100k+ fully remote jobs?

>> No.52747834
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I'm 32, and I make $49K a year.

>> No.52747856

>65k a year at 22 waaaaahhhh
I made 43k a year at 28 with a masters degree. millenials unironically got career justed so hard, and now you hear zoomers pretending they're us when they're basically having it as good as the boomers did

>> No.52747875

if ur such a millenial why didnt u just buy bitcoin when it was $1 then retard

>> No.52747876

Genuinely, yes. I thought I would be making 100k by now.

>> No.52747891


Im 35 and make 100k a year but I saved a lot and have around 7 figure net worth but still feel poor

Might kms not sure. Whatever you do anon, save and invest as much as you can

>> No.52747933

When did you start making 100k? And why are you still working if you're worth 7 figs? If I ever reach 7 figures I'm not waging for any amount. I'm fucking off to a cheap country and retiring.

>> No.52748027

Im 42 and dont make much more. I think everyone is lying anyway. Who really trusts retarded zoomers anyway

>> No.52748078

>22 cs degree. Starting made 70k
>23 now. 85k. Do nothing 1/2 remote

Just change jobs after a year. Worked for me. Id move again in another year if this job wasnt at a top globohomo company where i get retarded good benefits and do absolutely nothing. Better get a fuckin raise tho 1/2 thru next year

>> No.52748133
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>Made 94K YTD
>Cannot afford a house

>> No.52748139

Started making that amount at 30

>> No.52748159

>22 years old
>Only make 65k per year in the year 2022
You little shit, don't worry about not making enough money. You make a lot of money compared to others, just focus on ways of getting more money or being happy (or both).

>> No.52748174

kek this at age 28 I made like 60% of what you were making, although I only had a bachelors degree not a masters. thank goodness for crypto

>> No.52748204

It is a bunch of bullshit. 100k is the magic number, so the zoomers ape that. I make six figures!

Few people make 100k and above. Don't worry.

>> No.52748217

>54k AUD
>no gf
>no friends
>live with parents
>circumcised 4.5 incher
I don’t know why I keep going desu

>> No.52748237

Bro im 35 and divorced. Thank God I bought my own house so the ex-wife was only entitled to the appreciation on it for the time she lived with me. She didn't get my retirement accounts either. Grass is always greener on the other side. The guys lusting for a wife have no fucking Idea what they are wishing for. Its a disney movie fantasy.

>> No.52748239

not only that I never got promoted in 10 years. I have no chance to ever become manager, some 68 year old boomer holds that job for 20 years and will retire just in time for these faggot zoomers to get the job early. like boomers did. and yet the zoomers whine like they have it bad. the only bad thing is working with all the Chinese but zoomers even love that.

>> No.52748248

>make 150k
>wife gives me shit and says how it's so little
>complains she has to refrain from buying anything she wants like purses, clothes, makeup, jewelry
>we never don't have money in our account and have 200k liquid assets and 300k equity
>feel like a failure and want to just run away from life
Yeah its not THAT much but I still make good money and this woman still finds fault.

>> No.52748253

>155k ish after allowances
>no gf
>not a virgin but only because of escorts
>few friends but not deep
>homeless/ live with parents

Money does not resolve all issues
Working hard to earn money is unironically just a cope for avoiding other aspects of life

>> No.52748259

Get a load of all these poor proles. I thought everyone on /biz/ was an ubercapitalist and enjoyed shitting on wagies? Lol.

>> No.52748261
File: 35 KB, 700x661, happy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A friend of mine is making $250K (working for some private equity firm) and feels poor because he overheard some slobby intern claiming he's buying a football team... There are always richer people than you anon. Comparison is the thief of joy.

>> No.52748265

You're literally me. But I love jesus and he loves me so I'm chill trading my coins autistically

>> No.52748277

Deranged and angry at shadows, is what you are.
Keep punching at air you are bound to hit something eventually anon!

>> No.52748339

I still shit on wagies while being one myself. It’s a coping mechanism I think.

>> No.52748364

Why doesn’t she just get a part time job for her stupid slurgy expenses? Past 5 years old most kids spend their time at school, and homes don’t need that much cleaning if
1) every cleans their own rooms and does their own dishes
2) everyone’s are school and work all day

>> No.52748370
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>first job out of college 65k
>changed jobs made 77k
>changed jobs again, make 91k

>> No.52748391

This is the way. Just job hop every year then you can feel confident asking for a small pay rise because in your previous job you earned XYZ and eventually you’re making big bucks. At least I hope this is the case.

>> No.52748445

The posts "shitting on wagies" are the same mentally unwell anons when they're having their weekly delusions of grandeur.

>> No.52748506

I'm not the self-loathing one, poorfag!

>> No.52748601

Because then she realizes she has to work 1000 hours just to buy a purse

>> No.52748654

I'm 25 and I make 50k a year.

>> No.52748687

In a high cost of living area I understand your dilemma. It's not enough to get ahead and buy a property on your own in a reasonable amount of time in a coastal area or mega city. You'd have to get pretty aggressive with crypto.
If you're in flyover country you're fucking fine. You don't have to commute and you have it better than most workers in modern history for that fact alone.
This post teaches a lesson about FOMO and believing everything you see online. Keep in mind you already make well over median salary in america.
I started at 75k with a lern2code degree and i'm at 96k now hybrid/remote in the midwest after 2.5 years. Some larpers love to drag me down for this but you and I are both better off than most people that browse this site.

>> No.52748706
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If only you knew how bad things really are.