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52745599 No.52745599 [Reply] [Original]

Do you really need to be smart to get rich

>> No.52745645

yea unless you want to be a football player, drug dealer, MMA fighter, youtube clown etc

>> No.52745654

Unironically yes. If you're smart you can get a degree easily and get a job and climb up easily. If you're dumb and you brain is too shitty to understand basic things, you're fucked

>> No.52745719

define "smart"
there's obviously an IQ correlation, as on that chart, but it's weak
making money is not a hard concept (spend less money than you make on a product or service => profit)
it's putting in the work that is a differentiator; the vast majority of people are lazy, regardless of IQ

>> No.52745781

>spend less money than you make on a product or service => profit
Found the retard. Theres a lot more to that than what you say, retard. This isn't the stone ages where you build some small tool and sell it to another tribe for meat.

Just being a wagecuck can already be pretty hard depending on the job. But being an entrepreneur is even harder. Having to deal with taxes, legal stuff, marketing, getting customers, optimizing your business, having an competitive edge, hiring workers etc. But its not just being smart, its also about being disciplined and having balls

>> No.52745855

Yes, the odd dots are prolly people that are smart but couldn't bother finishing the iq test

>> No.52745864

>but it's weak
it's only weak because nepotism and clown economy. I bet countries with stricter social codes of honor there's tighter correlation of IQ and income

>> No.52745887

>Found the retard. Theres a lot more to that than what you say, retard. This isn't the stone ages where you build some small tool and sell it to another tribe for meat.
you can be as savvy as you want with your knowledge of tax law, marketing, etc. and if you don't make at least as much money as you spend on your business, then you're ngmi (unless you're explicitly defrauding your customers of course)
way to go off on a useless tangent, retard

>> No.52745888

>chart indicates most smartboys languish in shitworld with the idiots
What a blackpill.

>> No.52745921

being lazy AND smart is key to success anon.

>t. min/maxxer

>> No.52745938

The answer is basically that in a society as gay and retarded as this one, where actual imbeciles are hired for their vagina, there is no hard and fast correlation between smart and money. It is probably quite literally down to how hard you'll be willing to wage and if you can manage to catch lightening and buy shitty nitty gritty coin before all the other people do.

In a certain sense crypto, at least during bullruns, works better for retards. Because the retard fomos into poopoopeepee coin with all his money (which is like 200 bucks) and turns it into 200,000 bucks with minimum effort as other retards pile in.

Smarter people are probably more likely to invest cautiously, DCA'ing into Bitcoin with 100 to 1000 bucks a week or month for years and going in big with their 800 credit score on a loan in march 2020 before selling in august 2020, paying the loan and then riding off into the sunset with some nice profits

>> No.52745951


This chart isn't the best way to plot this. There's a much heavier cluster in that sub $30k zone for idiots than you think.

>> No.52746067

Maybe. You would also need to subselect for age. Maybe the ones making 30k are living in low cost states and only doing what they need to survive. Maybe they're under 40 and don't make much. But it's still pretty bad that so many are in the shitzone.

>> No.52746410
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>> No.52746873

I suspect iq test cannot measure some intelligence. Imagine the guy who is slow, but can solve most of the IQ puzzles, only taking way more time. Give this guy 30 years, and he'll figure out something in his life.

>> No.52747185


No such country exists, pull your head out of your ass, weeb.

Honor = Loyalty = Nepotism. Citizens in honor bound societies promote their clan members over outsiders. If anything the opposite is true, only in brutally individualist, wild west libertarian type societies can merit begin to be valued. No honor, no loyalty, only profit.


The missing measurement is social intelligence, and I don't mean EQ. The successful ones adapt by learning to identify smart people they can ask for help and then getting REALLY good at following instructions.

I met a kid who was maybe 80 IQ at best at a magic tournament. He would draft and build the worst fucking decks with absolutely terrible cards and had no idea why they weren't working. One day he asked for my advice on the format and I told him the most consistent colors to force. He brought his initial idea for the deck with those dog shit cards and I told him they are bad, and he subbed them out without question. A midwit would have defended their shitty card selection and not learned from what I had to offer. He went 2-1, only losing to me. He made one guy rage quit in embarrassment because he lost to a guy who was borderline retarded.

IQ tests your ability to come up with your own solutions. This kid clearly could not, but he knew who to talk to and what to ask to get the solution he needed. Doesn't matter if you're 115 IQ and can come up with your own ideas, you're 115 IQ and your ideas are probably suboptimal. You'll get beaten by someone with 80-90 IQ if they're willing to collect ideas from someone 125-130.

It's all about the quality of the ideas and information you are putting into practice. Nobody said you had to come up with it yourself. The higher your IQ the better you can synthesize your own ideas, but the less likely you are to ask someone else for theirs. This is what creates the relative balance in terms of wealth and income across IQs and the midwit dilemma as a whole.

>> No.52747346


Most jobs can be learned and done by most people. Only people pushing the bleeding edge of understanding can actually make use of their intelligence.

For most jobs it literally doesn't matter if you're better or smarter. You get 8 hours per day to do the job, most of the time the "better worker" is just the one that can do it faster. An employer doesn't give a shit if you can get your tasks done in an hour if they have to pay you for the full day anyway. If anything the better (faster) worker is more likely to get bored, leave, or push things off because they know they can slap it all together last minute.

Same reason why non-familial nepotism happens. Both candidates can complete the day's tasks, even if one is better. Of course the employer is going to go with the person they have personal experience with and know they can trust. A rando is a wildcard and introduces unnecessary risk to your operation.