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File: 35 KB, 657x527, agew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52732640 No.52732640 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.52732652

me too but everything has a price, and i'm not paying for that, at least for now.

>> No.52732664

shower and touch grass
worked for me

>> No.52732718

I don’t know how to talk to girls even when they clearly like me

>> No.52732731

I know how to talk do talk but they never want to be with me

>> No.52732744

Get drunk, but not too much.
Always worked for me

>> No.52732769

I am thinking of making a company where every worker including me will work for 1500$ a month.

>> No.52732778

just grab on they pussy i heard that works good

>> No.52732811

Never understood this meme.
I was drunk/tipsy countless times, still a kissless virgin. The "drink and suddenly you'll know how to interact and magically become a charming life of the party pussy slayer" meme makes zero sense to me

>> No.52732828

I have premature ejaculation, so why bother for 12 seconds bj?
At least my dick isn't dry being a cutcel so I can edge to porn
>inb4 noporn, nofap, jelq, kegels, reverse kegels, cocaine, SSRis, getdrunk, weeedbro, cum and go again, fap before date, etcetcetcetcetcetc
tried all, the only thing that works is a numbing cream, and then escorts at least weekly to try to trick my mind into lastling longer, however, they are going to ban escorts soon, it's rigged

>> No.52733024

Bro you have to have sex every day

>> No.52733080
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>majority of my workplace is zoomer girls
>some of them obviously have a thing for me
>nothing ever happens because we're both too retarded to just make a move
i'll just be forever alone i guess

>> No.52733100


Been there bro. Now I am actually the exact opposite. I am going into rehab for sexaddication, these whores took almost all of my money, now I am left with 1k link and some pocketchange, 30 years old. Its fucking over for me.
My advice is, talk to a therapist and try to get rid of your sexaddiction. Its either that or make soo much fucking money that whores become cheap.

>> No.52733109

I did to and then I grew up and realized how terrible women are. Now I just use and abuse them

>> No.52733134



>> No.52733137

Women owe me sex

>> No.52733153

I'll be honest, I grabbed a chick by the pussy back in freshman year in college while I was hammered drunk in a dorm room with some friends. She took me back to her dorm and sucked my cock. True story.
Women are very unpredictable

>> No.52733160

Send the most wholesome one a drunken message. This is relationship advice, and I may be held liable for this message.

>> No.52733188

I just want somewhere to live

>> No.52733195

Grabbed ass all the time. Have been kicked out of bars for it but if you are attractive and they are receptive they come around.
Not enough to just have a gf anymore need someone I'm very physically compatible with. Still miss this one jewess who really did it for me.

>> No.52733217

This is literally me anon. You work at a restaurant?

>> No.52733249
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i want love in my life

>> No.52733394
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just look at this bitch
do you SERIOUSLY think its worth it to drink smoothie just to have her as gf? i swear to christ it isnt
im so fucking tired to not have any freedom just to have somewhere ot put my dick sometimes
it is NOT worth it anons
girlfriends are not unpredictable. you know exactly what they think, want and will say, they will never surprise you or make you happy
they will try, and you have to pretend to be really happy when they buy you a shitty christmas present and if you arent it will just be stupid
swear to christ i think modern relationships just are fucking gay, its larps trying to be like our grandparents but it will never work out

its so fucking meaningless it is not worth it. I swear to jesus of the lord christ

>> No.52733596

That's why you just have fun with them and don't get emotionally invested. Always fuck other women.

>> No.52733698

This. You get into a long term thing and you'll last as long as anyone else. "premature" is an evolutionary adaptation for those who aren't regularly getting any, it doesn't mean you are different or defective. Same reason female ejaculation requiring relatively long times (or force). It's all just ape holdover shit. Society as we know it is absurdly short lived on the evolutionary scale. As a species we really aren't fully adapted to this yet, there are ton of hold over proclivities that lead to pendulum swinging instabilities.

>> No.52733735

I just want a Billion dollars.

>> No.52733750

where do you work? i need this alpha pls

>> No.52735020

>have sex after a million tinder dates etc
>get rejected because you last 12 seconds

it's more realistic that i become a millonaire and can fuck 200€/h escorts daily

>> No.52735096

same. and every once in awhile I go for it and spill spaghetti everywhere, and then some girl gets to go touch herself to my failure

>> No.52735412
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I think the same but then I'm reminded that love is simply insanity, we like to idealize it as this only GOOD thing, but in reality it's more like this blinding frenzy of passion that leads you to flip between extreme bouts of feeling and play an unending game of deception in between. But this is just the experience of life. What does this mean? It means no matter what you're going to suffer.

>> No.52735505

I just want to be single again. The grass is always greener...

>> No.52735555

When you're tipsy enough you just grow the balls to make a move, like kissing her.
I am a pussy and can't do shit otherwise. So if I don't drink, either the girl kisses me or I just don't do anything.

>> No.52735608

I had gf and the grass was pretty fucking green on that side

>> No.52735628

Huh, then I'm a pussy no matter the amount of alcohol in me, sober or drunk never approached anyone whatsoever.
Also checked

>> No.52735638

What coin is that

>> No.52735649
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I wish I had had adults who had actually helped me be normal instead of a terrible boomer parent who deliberately stunted me because she hated the idea of me growing up, permanently fucking me over.

If I ever have kids I will buy my king son a mercedes and make him lift and learn how to change tires so he can bang all the chicks in highschool. Not the girls though, I am spiteful to most women.

>> No.52735660
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There is no we're, it comes down to you to make the move.

>> No.52735661
File: 233 KB, 960x1280, IMG_20221205_025018_793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this one or older?

>> No.52735665

i made a move on two zoomer girls one of them i went out for tea with the other one rejected me thursday kek. my job has forced me to be more social but at my core im still too socially retarded to make any moves past the first date it seems

>> No.52735675

But she doesn't want you. Now back to work.

>> No.52735688

If they're buying a Christmas present, it should be lingerie for themselves.

>> No.52735756

i unironically don't. i do want a woman to bear my children and be a tax-advantaged investment, but who will neither live with me or enjoy any exposure to my assets

>> No.52735761

Very based

>> No.52735789

you can get away with a lot if you have a symmetrical face and enough balls. in fact, i'd say that straight-up groping a girl in public is less of a faux pas than failing to act if she's into you

>> No.52735803

>that guy from twilight on the wall
2012 was a halcyon year and we never knew it until it was too late.

>> No.52735888
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literally me

>> No.52735930

this is perfect

>> No.52735962

no you don't. you want your idea of a gf. what you should aim for is a bpd fuckpiece that you see a couple times a month.

>> No.52735972

lower your standards anon. i wanted a girlfriend and for some reason thought my pick of litter should be the topshelf premium girls. after being rejected numerous times i realized i didnt actually like them anyway and i wouldnt say i lowered my standards but i stopped putting so much emphasis on looks. my gf now isn't a model, she hasn't been beatin with the ugly stick either, slightly chunky, but awesome and hilarious.

>> No.52735991


>> No.52737610

They obviously have a thing for you but they never made the move because... they're just too shy you got it anons. You're chads and the women are all merely trembling before you hopefully they can muster up the courage to ask you beautiful 4channel posters out

>> No.52737693

It's not a "meme" small doses of alcohol work as a nootropic.

>> No.52737711

So I should become like Druk then?

>> No.52737717

this but unironically go get em bros