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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 188 KB, 907x759, sam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52693289 No.52693289 [Reply] [Original]

It's time to forgive him.

>> No.52693316

it's all right Sam we forgive you, everybody fucks up stealing money sometimes

>> No.52693339

The fact that mainstream media openly shills for this sneaky kike makes me hate him even more

>> No.52693360

Ah jeez okay, look at his lovable rat face how can I stay mad

>> No.52693371

Why are the psyops so obvious these days? I thought the men behind the curtain were supposed to be clever and subtle but they have gotten to the point where they are shouting down at the masses with a megaphone "listen to we tell you, or else!"

>> No.52693383

What's a few billion between friends?

>> No.52693395
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Because they know that 70-80% of the people believe their lies no matter how dumb they sound

>> No.52693399

to humiliate you

>> No.52693403

Jesus will forgive you.

>> No.52693407
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Because the know that 30-20% of the people are on to them but won't do anything about it anyway

>> No.52693408


>> No.52693422 [DELETED] 

/biz/ mods are jewish supremacists and they ban everyone who says a negative word about judaism

>> No.52693431

Screwing up is when your actions unknowingly affect others, this kike had intent and is getting a pat on the back from his (((industry friends))) for scamming goyim.

>> No.52693508

...and ultimately demoralize you into inaction.

>> No.52693544

>a white screws up and gets a DUI without killing anyone
>jew screws up and steals billions of dollars from gentiles
>awwwww he messed up and admitted it, lets give him more gentile money!
If he doesn't get at least 10 years in prison I give up on this society.

>> No.52693555

This latest batch of kikes is embarrassingly dumb and ugly.

These aren't the communists of old. These modern heebs are spoiled brats who have enjoyed impunity their whole lives. They didn't face any scrutiny like their former kikecestors. They're too inbred and fkn stupid to hold onto power that was literally handed to them.


>> No.52693554
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>> No.52693598

>he still believed in this society up to this point

>> No.52693606

unironically true
gas the jannies

>> No.52693628

He is no different than the government and we all love the government

>> No.52693645

we love the government and the jews
that is why we invented crypto to love them onto extinction

>> No.52693661

Just imagine a world where huge financial crimes could land you in maximum security prison.

>> No.52693673

perfectly said.

>> No.52693692

le sorry merchant

>> No.52693732

I would believe him more if he sold his properties in Bahamas and lived in one room apartment.

>> No.52693737

>being able to afford a one room apartment

>> No.52693778


His entire grift was pretending to care about ethics and altruism and now hes actually trying to double down on his lying bullshit

>> No.52693789

Nobody on /biz/ and nobody you know has lost money to Sam. So why are you so angry at him?

>> No.52693933

everything he did was wrong
he pumped the top and dumped the bottom
meanwhile trying his best to harvest liquidations

>> No.52693971

SBF should be violently fucked in the ass 1 time for each $1 he has stolen

>> No.52694116

>I mean
Because they’re the children of the Jews that created the original psyops. They’re millennial shitbags that have no clue what they’re doing

>> No.52694155

Nope but some nigger who stole 3 times for a grand total of a couple hundred bucks is a menace to society and in jail for life. Steal 30 billion and hand a bunch of it over to your family, friends, and politicians? 6 months probation, maybe.

>> No.52694164

It is truly maddening. He's quite literally crying out in pain as he strikes us.

>> No.52694215

fuck off kike

>> No.52694239

Yes, ready for his death penalty!

Isn't it in his jewish book to cut off the hand of a thief?
In that case cutting off the head of a liar who stole from millions is the minimum.

>> No.52694252

Maybe all of these articles aren't so much trying to save face for Sam but to try to make normies not even more alienated and disinterested in crypto than they already are. Ever think of that? Crypto needs normies money.

>> No.52694298


my guess is all the doomer shit everywhere really has truth to it & elites know it, contributing to this DGAF attitude

>> No.52694352

kek this hook nosed creature will never spend a single day inside a cell

>> No.52694363

When in doubt, there is no doubt.

>> No.52694411

I guess they no longer feel the need to try. Which is pretty telling, as it suggests there is no fear of reprisal.

They know we know they're lying, they just don't have to care now

>> No.52694479

Where the fuck have you been? Imagine having faith in this system

>> No.52694483


Can someone make this into a news meme?

"Sam Bankman-Fried Lost All your Money, and That's a Good Thing"

>> No.52694544

They fucking had Madoff in cuffs within 24 hours after his sons reported him to the Feds!

>Madoff sons find out about fraud on 12/09/08
>Madoff sons meet with Feds on 12/10/08
>Madoff is arrested on 12/11/08

What the fuck is going on? I mean this dude is doing Financial TED talks and shit? He doesn't even read books but he is on the NYT Bookdeal summit?

What in the absolute FUCK!?

>> No.52694569

Apparently FTX was operated in the Bahamas, which has different laws than in the US. He probably will get off scot free, having picked the Bahamas intentionally in case something like this were to happen.

>> No.52694621


>Small shoulders

That's a woman

>> No.52694627

Everybody saying he stole the money doesn't make it so, that's the problem. Right wingers finally have their Mueller report and it's funny watching you guys squirm cuz subconsciously it's already setting in that maybe you just fucked up lol

>> No.52694658

Madoff stole from the wrong people
SBF stole from (you)
big difference fren

>> No.52694665
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The laugh you can tell he f8cked Novogratz from behind.


>> No.52695521

It's a good reminder that jews are an evil species and must be [Redacted]

>> No.52695682
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>I'm like super sorry

>> No.52695815

like, zoinks investors!

>> No.52695916
File: 119 KB, 634x696, 2DB0985A-3738-4BE8-952A-6EC74920C257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why did he have to invade russia in winter bros

>> No.52695951

that's how all falling empires are

first generations build their banking empires by being extremely charismatic and careful
subsequent generations, while still competent start getting cocky and slip up. their lack of ability forces them to rely on underhanded methods, greater scope is ignored
the last generations have completely succumbed to degeneracy and stagnation, all their power is inherited and mismanaged in every possible way

>> No.52695956

they ruined the education system to push propaganda instead of learning but it turns out their own kids went through the same system and came out retarded

>> No.52696019 [DELETED] 
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>silver keeps going up

>> No.52696055

>Nobody on /biz/ and nobody you know has lost money to Sam
This is utter bullshit. The whole market has tanked and this affects me directly, even if I never had money on FTX.

>> No.52696115

Hell, you don’t even need to go that far.
Conrad Black
Martha Stewart
Rich gentiles vilified for much, much less.
Even now, the media is screaming about Blumpf’s tax returns as if the IRS doesn’t audit him yearly.

>> No.52696200

It's the same as Lehman Brothers. I don't know why it's surprising.

>> No.52697336

>goyim get it up the butt
>case number: 6,009,000

hell why wouldnt jews pull off scams of epic portions on a daily basis when its just this easy

>> No.52697355
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>> No.52697393
File: 37 KB, 640x800, FB_IMG_1669063295744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got no time for brats, fucking freshly shaved pussy on the xMoney gaming platform is finally unveiled and crypto payments through the web3payment gateway is now possible.

>> No.52697428

This retard needs to be hanged and his dick sucked at the same time... Let him enjoy while dying

>> No.52697445

It's about time for Wikipedia to remove the 'Early Life' section.

>> No.52697465

Hey, I'm really scared... A lot has happened this year and I feel crypto will end soon.

>> No.52697483
File: 71 KB, 680x640, 1656892395029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's just a kid
just an innocent little boy
he was just joking around, come on give the child a break

>> No.52697485

Someone repost that summit jew list pls i forgot to save it the first time i saw it

>> No.52697509

This is scary... I feel rooting for PayPal Utrust and others are the most reliable payment options.

>> No.52697541

>why do you want justice? Just go about your life, dont worry about it! Dont notice things.

>> No.52697542

Those in power and people who steal billions still like to eat lunch.
Make of that what you will.
Poor financial strategy ig you ask me.

>> No.52697568

Per his beliefs, a member of gods chosen is permitted to steal from the goyim

>> No.52697577

Oops, I lost a few billion dollars. It won't happen again. Promise!

>> No.52697581 [DELETED] 
File: 720 KB, 600x900, a real crypto jew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You didn't give your money to Jew BANKMAN, right?

>> No.52697605

You've got no balls lad, get your kinky ass down on metaverse, Building the Web3payments platform to bridge the metaverse has been amazing and get some lofty juicy experience.

>> No.52697694
File: 42 KB, 544x680, FB_IMG_1669538568883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pajeets becoming wiser is quite thrilling, all traditional payment problems are solved and dicks are getting harder by offering instant transactions and immediate crypto-to-cash settlements for the useless merchant

>> No.52697721 [DELETED] 

I really hate this bastard. I'll pull a trigger on his head.

>> No.52697753
File: 19 KB, 385x363, an5D9g0_700b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He should be hanged, drawn and quartered. If we had severe capital punishment like the old days stupid crimes wouldn't happen.

>> No.52697761

>we invented crypto
You didn't invent shit fat ass. Now get back into the foodline

>> No.52697845

It really points to a larger problem of some of these exchanges and how opaque they are with their holdings/solvency. He was a problem, but also simultaneously a symptom. If anyone listened to his Odd Lots appearance and still had even a shred of trust in him they absolutely deserved to be robbed.

>> No.52697944

That’s fine, I don’t really need it anymore.

>> No.52698355

>by being extremely charismatic and careful
Lol. Lmao, even. Gullible is the word you're looking for, dumbass

>> No.52698435

Even if you never held money on FTX, his schemes still dumped the market and gave it another black eye.

He probably killed the 2021 bullrun early as well. He likely dumped all customer funds during the pumps and funnelled tens of billions to his buddies in the Epstein island construction business

>> No.52698451

We would have hit 100k Bitcoin easily if not for the rat

>> No.52698705
File: 56 KB, 399x188, SBF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Forgive the scammer clown kek

>> No.52698762 [DELETED] 

Are goyim even moral agents eligible to 'forgive'? Im serious - forgiveness implies a moral existence, such that one can be wronged in order to be in a position to forgive that harm. I would posit cattle cannnot be morally harmed or mistreated. They are livestock, to be used. They can be misused, used inefficiently. Their use can cause moral harm to other jews but they themselves cannot be morally abused. You cannot morally hurt a car even if you chop it up to unusable pieces, merely you have wronged who made it or who owned it. So you see, not only did Brother Bankman-Fried not cause moral harm but also those he laboured on are not eligible to forgive.

>> No.52699810
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Oh he’s just so sawwy goys :(

Reminds me of these two jews when they tried to copyright the word “react”

>> No.52700770
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>> No.52700781

He said he's sorry, guys

>> No.52700793

>I don't know any of the facts, but -ACK!

>> No.52700806

Good post. Agreed.

>> No.52700814

Yep. My last bad was 30 days just for being anti-Semitic

>> No.52700830
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>> No.52700855

that's because you're normie trash. Crypto is fine. End of the day this is just noise albeit annoying as shit

>> No.52700865

wtf lmao

>> No.52700972

they're still more than effective to the wider public. humanity is still just as dumb as always even if technology advanced. 4chan is one of the few places you'll have people questioning things and that's just because 4chan as it's core is contrarian.

>> No.52701000

in what world do you live. the rules have never ever applied to the rich and powerful. yes the middle class is more occupied on shitting on lower middle class and lower class citizens to feel better about themselves then to actually bother doing something against those in power.

>> No.52701033
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I'll deliver his soul directly to Christ.
I leave the big decisions about forgiveness up to Him.

>> No.52701045

Not as bad as /tv/. They permaban you from every fucking board for saying sex shit about actresses.

>> No.52701069

really? 18th and 19th century wealthy jews were constantly mingling with european nobility, often finding rank in their courts and assisted in financing their ventures
that's how they got where they got

>> No.52701085

4channel is really going downhill that bad huh

>> No.52701200

Hahahaha what fuckery were all these assholes involved in that even after the scam went out and they lost capital in it they're still forced to go

"hey now, mistakes happen but hes a good kid"

>> No.52701227

Anyone that still doubts Hitler has to be low iq.
>viciously rob unsuspecting people
>get caught
>yo im sorry guys haha
>media title: Crypto genius simply misunderstood, he dindu nuffinks

>> No.52701230

It was literally a mistake and it could happen to you too antisemites

>> No.52701245

because they can afford it?
what are you going to do about it?
that's what i thought.
it's them reveling in the powerlessness of the common person.

>> No.52701266

No. It's just /tv/.
They're attacking there because it's the most normal seeming board on paper. A board about what's on tv (tranny shit) so trannies try to be mods there and succeed because no one applies to be a janny because who wants to do that? Well... people with an agenda, that's who.
So they attack blue /pol/ and enforce the stupid rules that shouldn't be rules (like no racism). Or they'll just ban you for replying to off topic threads, that one really pisses me off. It makes me glad that all fed operatives on this site will be unemployable useless faggots who will die less than penniless because let's be honest. If your job is to patrol here, you're not the best of the best. You're a meat servo.

>> No.52701345

jesus fucking christ
can the ETs that cleanse planets arrive already??!?!??!?!?!?

i mean this is like super beyond levels of WTF

>> No.52701361

It’s ok, sam, I forgive and shall should everybody. Just a human and whites like all of us

>> No.52701366


>> No.52701380

1. Users send $ to FTX Exchange, but actually goes to Alameda (Bankman's trading account)
2. Alameda uses FTX coin as collateral for loans
3. Binance tweets cause deserved panic
4. FTX price crashes, and Alameda's collateral now worthless, margin called
5. Alameda fire-sales and goes bust

>> No.52702541
File: 192 KB, 1500x1213, 511e7f00-2ad0-11ec-9e87-317f6cdf83db.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meat servo

>> No.52702771
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>This pedophile never raped , tortured and murdered a kid YOU know. Why would you care?

This is what you are saying.
Pic related

>> No.52702820

I won't have my money stolen by a jew because I am an antisemite. See how that works?

>> No.52703661

That's fucked up but we got reliable dexs where we can stake and earn 2nd income basically.
For instance
>Metastaking UTK in maiar for 25%

>> No.52703680

we need to talk about Jewish privlege

>> No.52703698
File: 8 KB, 259x194, images (95).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck the jewelry there is no point in talking about that shitbags.
We have to embrace the development of web3 crypto payments and it's getting a lot of traction in thus sphere.

>> No.52703736
File: 177 KB, 774x576, sbf.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess he meant well and was altruistic when he took ALL of his customer funds and gave it to his poly girlfriend to gamble with but making sure her gambling company can't get liquidated on top of that.

Must feel great to burn through 9bln of customer funds, be totally inept of actually using those funds for anything other than gambling and still be lauded as an altruist by fellow investors and industry leaders.

>> No.52703920

That video
Was he off his meds or something?

>> No.52704067

Effective Antisemitism is a lifelong commitment.

>> No.52704087

i was never upset though

>> No.52704108

>{Jewjerseyian sigh}..... hhhhhhhhhhh.... tut..... he gan and got himself caught takin' the goy coin..... {shaking of head}

The only thing he screwed up was getting noticed.

>> No.52704131


>> No.52704139

>He probably will get off scot free, having picked the Bahamas intentionally in case something like this were to happen
>in case something like this were to happen
>in case

>> No.52704151


>> No.52704431


>> No.52704476

We all know these funds ended up in mossad black budget accounts

>> No.52704503

99% of all normies have never even heard of the guy, he is going to get away with it since he has friends in the right places

>> No.52704507

no big deal bud, it was only 500k for me
that was only like 10% of all the money i had
let's take stims and play video games buddy
i totally won't slit your throat when you take a nap on that bean bag

>> No.52704512
File: 225 KB, 1763x929, yeyey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck yo jewish ass

>> No.52704520

smartest post itt

>> No.52704667

They have arrived ages ago, and you are reading their tweets.

>> No.52704707
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>You gave your money to a jew.
>You gave your money to a jew in a financial field.
>You gave your money to a jew in unregulated financial market.

Everyone who did this is at fault for shit society.

>> No.52704770

>we are living in the worst timeline
wait for nukes :3

>> No.52704827

Aww the little chosen is all sad about being caught stealing? This fuck is a criminal who should be in prison the rest of his life

>> No.52704987

I watched the itvw yesturday before going to bed.
Shit was like:
> I'm sowwy
> didn't see it coming
>FTX USA and FTX JPN are totally solvent guise
> it's Caroline's fault but my responsibility
> we're degen young adult traders who play board games and don't take "illegal" drugs
> I'm so vewy sowwy uwu
He's going home scot free isn't he?Creating a new line of legal defence so that his name will be in the law books forever.
Meanwhile we hear shit like amazon deliveries in private jets, use of crypted chat that auto deletes messages after a while, no accountability whatsoever, 200$ a day food allowance for employees, Hundreds of millions in housing for employees.
I don't understand why they suck his dick, the guy is a pathological liar and an ego maniac.

>> No.52704998

>he thinks you can invest without letting a Jew handle your money at some point
Lmao. Lol

>> No.52705014

>It's time to forgive him.
I think he just had no idea how to run a company. He just enjoyed the technical/trading aspect but slacked off on keeping track of accounting details properly. It's like he had ADHD and a short attention span and was trying to multitask too much all on his own.
Then the company grew so fast, with billions of dollars coming into a bank account. Basically turned into an unmanaged slush fund and he couldn't deal with the complexity of the accounting so just put his head in the sand and hoped that everything would turn out alright, instead of hiring a proper accounting department to stay on top of money movements. I mean look at his fucking spreadsheet of the balance sheet of the company. That's was so amateurish, he had no fucking idea of what was going on because the company was too complex to manage for him, he was just a autistic weirdo who totally mismanaged everything..

It's kind of like how guys on here do thousands of trades in a year, then their tax office suddenly tells them that they have to calculate all the capital gains of every single trade, but you didn't keep track of all that shit so you just put a guestimate on your tax return and hope you don't get audited. FTX was that times a thousand.

>> No.52705031

Yes, that's exactly the idea Sam's lawyers are now trying to project. That he was incompetent and there was no malicious intent. We see what you're doing you rat bastards.

>> No.52705051

Are you jewish too ? Or maybe simply the best goyim every jew would ever dream of ?

>> No.52705089

Its time to string he and his ilk up

>> No.52705215
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Sorry (for getting caught)

>> No.52705243

The proles stopped caring and just want their Bing Bing Wahoo

>> No.52705259

>inb4 a Tr00n nuke hits this thread

>> No.52705286

I literally cannot understand why he hasn't been killed, but Epstein was?

>> No.52705296

This rat will get away and the victims will do nothing about it.

>> No.52705526

Surely it's coincidence that 'well-intentioned incompetence' is the explanation with the least consequence in terms of criminal liability, no? And obviously, it's entirely believable that quants and MIT grads can't into arithmetic.

>> No.52707416

6 million anons killed themselves because of his scam

>> No.52709108

there is truth in this

if anything it seems SBF screwed over other jews, including blackrock

>> No.52709767
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I'm sowee