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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52691730 No.52691730 [Reply] [Original]

>Steam's shittiest indie games exit early access sooner than this

>> No.52691766

Chainlink labs shills will find a way to defend this.

>> No.52691778
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>Chainlink labs shills will find a way to defend this.

>> No.52691793

>Halving the lock-up time is bad because.... it just is okay?!

>> No.52691921

Labs shills don't want to defend this though. They were pushing that absolutely nothing was wrong.

This is just straight up good news. I feel like the response to this demarcates the people who were genuinely let down and those who are generally just fudding for fun.

>> No.52691926

>locking up the rewards in the first place was necessary because...it just was okay?1
>ETH is trash too so stop bitching and stake up your shit

>> No.52691939
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>This is just straight up good news
yes it is! instead of waiting a minimum 1 year for v1, slashing, reputation and the ability to withdraw our rewards, we're getting confirmation that the next "tentative" update is going to be another beta v0.2!
such great news indeed!

>> No.52692234

instead of waiting for all the features of the next version to release they're releasing them as they're implemented in more frequent intervals. you fudniggers just can't get out of your own way.

>> No.52692275

link wallets holding more than 5K dollar in link declined even further from upper 25K to now below 18K

>> No.52692306

Tell me you don't know what Star Citizen is without saying it.

>> No.52692307

Chainlink and chainlinkers fucking infuriate me.

>> No.52692325
File: 99 KB, 570x636, 1633734147891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the year is 2051
>Chainlink serves as the backbone for literally every aspect of daily life
>there are no more partnerships that COULD be announced as every major corporation is already publicly integrated with chainlink and operating nodes
>new developments are being made every single day to maximize the efficiency, speed, and accuracy of the oracle network
>the fourth industrial revolution, the singularity, the great reset... all of it was real: and every single datum, transaction, and contract is verified with chainlink.
>token price: $0.22
>24hr performance: -2.7%
>unstaking: soon
>then you wake up and realize it was just a dream
>Chainlink doesn't even exist in the future
>you own everything, you are very happy

>> No.52692336

good. sit on the sidelines and seethe the rest of your life for missing out due to low tier fud you actual npc

>> No.52692381

>source: my anus
are you debating the official roadmap of Chainlink? kek

>> No.52692421
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>> No.52692447
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yeah but chainlink is star citizen

>> No.52692456

how does this change the fact that you won't be getting any new features for 9-12 months instead of knowing that the next iteration will have every feature announced? what you posted literally means nothing, they just added a v0.2 ffs, nothing prevents them from going v0.3, v0.4 etc all the way to the original v1
jesus christ, you people are beyond retarded

>> No.52692498

keep moving those goalposts sweaty

>> No.52692612

lol the irony
keep sucking Sergey's incompetent limp dick tranny

>> No.52692648
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aww did your fud script run out of talking points? cue the impotent reeeeee posts

>> No.52692772

>engage with my incompetent shilling attempts!!111
you just dismissed my entire post proclaiming it's "goalpost moving!!" the fuck do you want now?
it's useless arguing with paid shills
>did your fud script run out of talking points
again, the irony

>> No.52693081

Yeah I don't really get how you can spin this. The most you can say that it's nice that they actually acknowledged the feedback from their token holders... sort of. To me it just seems like confirmation that we're only going to get withdrawal capabilities in 2023, and that's pretty sad. I'm just not buying the whole story to be honest. I refuse to believe it takes a year to add withdrawal functionality into the staking contract. This is the team that's supposed to have world class talent. I just don't get it.

Also I'm still waiting for the ambassadors to explicitly explain why a lockup is even required for v0.1. No one can actually tell us why, it's just insults and nothingburger statements and speculative nonsense.

>> No.52693129

>ETH is trash too
That's not what its ranking says.

>> No.52693148

>This is the team that's supposed to have world class talent
Is it? This is a team of amateur coders taking on their first job in blockchain. If you want a professional team look at ETH. There's no dead weight there.

>> No.52693177

>If you want a professional team look at ETH.
bro, don't look up what's happening with ETH staking, PLEASE for the love of god don't do it.

>> No.52693235
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Well, in their own words they claim to have top-tier developers. They've recruited talent from top tech companies who should be more than competent to implement these features. I think it's just a huge copout to always handwave the obscene amount of time we have to wait for the most trivial feature because "smart contracts are hard!" I get it. You can't afford certain risks with smart contracts. But don't bullshit us into saying that it takes a year to add withdrawals to a contract.

>> No.52693262

You're replying to someone who said ETH is doing staking better than Link.

>> No.52693294

Whatever, he can think whatever he wants about ETH. I'm talking about LINK.

>> No.52693305

>he can think whatever he wants about ETH. I'm talking about LINK
Yes, you and your ilk are piling up on a rank 20 coin, even though the current rank 2 coin is doing the exact same thing except a lot worse.

And then you probably wonder why Link is rank 20.

>> No.52693359

Nah they are the same. Early access garbage that is incomplete and shitty is released on steam all the time with promises of features to be implemented in the future that never materialize.

>> No.52693413

Uh oh. Link developers are those work 1 hour a week types while they chronically masterbate and play vidja otherwise.

>> No.52693417

>If you want a professional team look at ETH
holy shit that was a good one. died laughing

>> No.52693425

stopped reading there. seethe and cope tranny

>> No.52693490

I mean, I wouldn't even be surprised if this was partially accurate. I work for a company that's basically 100% remote and everyone slacks off. Wagies have benefitted immensely from WFH, but even I have to admit that it gets absolutely insane with how much we get away with doing nothing at this point.

>> No.52693558


Nice. I had no issues with staking but it's good to hear the outcry is pressuring Chainlink to communicate more and be more transparent and shorten the length of time people have their linkies locked up.

>> No.52693604

no that's your own implication Zach, that since ETH, da number 2 glubtocoomrency is shit, LINK should get a pass for emulating that failed piece of shit
this is what you've resorted to
>LINK fucked up

>> No.52693605

chainlink is bigger than video games. all of them combined. literallly

>> No.52693639

>Link should get a pass
Absolutely not, but it should get a proportional amount of shitflinging.
Hell, I'd settle for the exact same amount of shitflinging, even though Link is so much smaller and the staked dollar amount is so much lower.

>> No.52693716

I'm the biggest fudder here but we need to make this sound worse somehow

>> No.52693735

so you admit chainlink is a failure and you are disappointed?

>> No.52693799

>board is filled with link holders
go fuck yourself Zach

>> No.52693816

Board is filled with ETH holders too.

>> No.52693835

We have no reason to believe that the existence of v0.2 means v1 is coming out any later than initially planned

>> No.52693849

source? why do I constantly see LINK threads then and almost never any ETH threads? aren't you this guy reposting the same retarded screenshot every time?>>52693282
where are all these ETH threads from the holders in the archives? the only threads I can remember from heart are the "out of my way niggers" when it pumped

>> No.52693883

Good things take time, sometimes longer than expected. Not that you should know it op if you spend most of your days playing "muh roguelikes" and not changing the defintion of decentralized trust.
Let the working people work, go back to your games.

>> No.52693926

>I feel like the response to this demarcates the people who were genuinely let down and those who are generally just fudding for fun.
I wasn't fudding for fun, dummy, I was fudding to try to discourage other people from staking so I'd have a better chance to get into the early access pool myself.

>> No.52693979

I doubt you will have trouble staking.
Unstaking? Withdrawing your rewards? That’s another story.

>> No.52694070

>This is just straight up good news
this is terrible news, not only do they admit they made a mistake and are now in panic mode to rectify it, putting in more steps means the final v1.0 date is shifted back
before we could at least believe that H2 2024 we would have staking and this would line us up perfectly with the next macro crypto cycle
but now with the work to process more intermittent versions it will be pushed back beyond the next top
which means that we are going to miss out on another run
at the end this is another pointless version that does nothing for the project that sucks up time and effort away from the main event
and as stated before just watch when they announce v0.3 in 9 to 12 months in nov 2023
i dont get how anyone cant see how this is terrible news

of course you will shout me down as a fudder, but screencap this post and just watch in 1 and in 2 years
everything we have seen from the team is lies pushbacks and delays at this point expect nothing but the worst possible outcome from sergey

>> No.52694172


>why do I constantly see LINK threads
Because fudders can't stop talking about it.

>> No.52694213
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>> No.52694227

where are the ETH threads shill? go make a screencap of them

>> No.52694248

>But mommy I want it now like my pew pew bing bing wahoo videogames by EA!

>> No.52694359

Just kill yourself already you miserable faggot!
Nobody loves you just die already!

>> No.52694385

>where are the ETH threads
There are always ETH threads, you retard.
A few weeks ago when ETH kept pumping half the catalog was ETH threads.
Same around the time of the merge.

>> No.52694408

then it should be fairly easy for you to create a collage showing them, exactly like you did for Shangai fud

>> No.52694423

nice counter argument
screencap it for reference in a year and see how pink you turn

>> No.52694440

>like you did for Shangai fud
Buddy got his threads and/or ids mixed up

>> No.52694460

buddy, you claim this board is filled with ETH holders
prove it

>> No.52694496

Bullish af

>> No.52694564

>you claim this board is filled with ETH holders
>prove it
What the absolute fuck am I reading

>> No.52694593

how new are you? haven't you seen the shills posting entire collages of fud threads about chainlink?

>> No.52694651

That has nothing to do with you asking to prove that /biz/ is full of ETH holders.

>> No.52694745

his thesis is that there is a disproportional amount of fud for LINK compared to ETH, and this is based on fud threads
so how do we conclude this is disproportional without establishing that ETH holders are equal or greater than LINK holders based on thread count?
fairly simple

>> No.52694747

This is the most ambitious project ever in this history of Crypto and early investors are in line to get filthy rich, and all we have here is these fucking Jealous JAPS talking about "Oh it's taking too long" for this project that is going to reshape the entire industry. "Oh we have to lock up our lottery ticket for a couple of years before we can cash it out"

You all can fuck right off from this project. We don't want you! We don't fucking need you!

>> No.52694785

I know this may be odd for a newfag to fathom, but /biz/ was massively into ETH years before Link even existed.

>> No.52694802

by this same logic the board is filled with btc maxis

>> No.52694829

It is, but we were talking about holders, not maxis.

>> No.52694842

>more semantic nuanced pilpull kikery
bro fuck off with your bullshit
how the fuck is the fud disproportional when the entire board talks about link constantly and eth gets like 1/10th of the amount of threads?
fuck off

>> No.52694856

>eth gets like 1/10th of the amount of threads
It doesn’t

>> No.52694888

prove it you maggot
I bet you there are more threads about LINK than ETH right fucking now

>> No.52694914

>right fucking now
Oh sure, but not on the whole.

>> No.52694929

thanks for conceding slimy bitch

>> No.52694959

Hey you shitbirds! I demand to immediately receive information from you as to why Chainlink is not going to be a massive success?

You fucking saddlesores. You are some backwards country rural peoples too aren't you? Are you already pissed this morning?

>> No.52695066

Thanks for the input botstein.

>> No.52695139

>they're releasing them as they're implemented
v0.2 is just v0.1 with unstaking, you just know it. no new development

>> No.52697272

Aboriginal you're confusing v0.2 with v2 kek, we're years away even from v1 l, that was the point

>> No.52699525

This lockup period thing is pure fud. I'd gladly lockup my principle for 10 years, and just take the rewards. I meant what I said about never selling. I've been planning this for years and these idiots are like
>B..but what if you want to sell your stack?
I don't. I never did. And I never will. Generational wealth incoming. Thank you and goodnight.

>> No.52699825

the answer to this is abundantly clear to me
chainlink labs has a very long term vision and they're taking baby steps in front of the regulators
this is what eric was talking about at smartcon, but legal must still be advising they take staking slowly
the issue is that chainlink labs still holds over 51% of tokens and they're still capable of censoring the network, it's not nearly fully decentralized yet which puts them in a grey area with the howey test

>> No.52699985

You being a cuckold doesnt refute any of the criticisms though

>> No.52700005

Thats all just your projected fantasy. In reality youre seeing a group of idealists run into reality and are now scrambling to damage control their lack of execution. Hence Sergeys stupid tweet yesterday

>> No.52700041

I hope staking is still available when I get home from work. I wish they released on a Sunday or something. NEETs are gonna fill the pool and leave us wagies to suffer.

>> No.52700067

I'm not here to refute criticisms because I know they're bs and I know you know they're bs. I also know that you hold Link but not enough because you lost a load of it being greedy and all you do is type this crap all the time and I really dgaf because i'm going to be stinking rich soon enough and you'll still be cleaning toilets or whatever it is you do when you're not in your bedroom in your mother's apartment. How about them apples?

>> No.52700141

This is what I feared so I booked the day off work so I wouldn't miss it

>> No.52700199

Can't you do it at work from your phone? You can use Ledgers and Trezors on Android

>> No.52700356

>Sergey makes Chainlink the anti-hype coin for 5 years for we still have to wage for a living and still haven't made it
>"throws us a bone" by giving 4.75% APY on our LINK but opens up the pool during American wagie hours
I fucking hate this fat bastard.

>> No.52700665

Disgruntled Official Chainlin Labs Ambassador here

This hole pick up the pace malarkey is just nonsense tripe

The team fudamentally owe you dumb n-word niggers nothing.

You just sit on ass and complain anyway.

Not like us Official Chain Link Labs Ambassadors.

We get an official badge and an Avatar. COPE

As Rory's Wife's black son is my witness slow and steady wins the race.


>> No.52700753
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Seriously fuck the literal cult members who were defending the long ass lockup you faggots would literally suck sergeys dick and lick his ass clean.
Calling us bulgarians because we genuinely disagree and dont agree to locking up our money for 3+ years?
I was really not gonna stake because of this, now that its more reasonable I will stake half my stack so around 14k link.
9-12 months is much better then 1-2(3+?) Years. Seriously fuck you cultists who treat sergey like a demigod

>> No.52700801

Yeah yeah whatever Bulgar. Just stake your LINK for an indeterminate period of time with no accessible rewards and shut up

>> No.52700984
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Go eat sergeys turds freshly minted from CL labs HQ. Feel free to roast us on how much were missing out on his turds and how you get them all to yourself