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File: 52 KB, 738x967, 1668992285290440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52664577 No.52664577 [Reply] [Original]

>make over $200k WFH
>30 years old
>don't want to cuck myself for a landlord to live in his shithole
>don't want to get a (((mortgage))) and pay $750,000 for a $500,000 house
>mostly been flying/driving to random cities where i can find stuff to do and cheap airbnb's
>stay with relatives during holidays or when i have to get back home
If I got married I'd probably just bend over and buy a house, but I don't see the point in overpaying for some boomer's real estate bags so that he can retire in Naples while I'm single and have zero obligations. On the other hand I'm basically homeless at 30 and not setting down roots anywhere. What kind of way is this for a man to live?

>> No.52664767
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Time to retire to Thaland and bang ladyboys for the next 5 decades.

>> No.52664822
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Build 90s/2000s Japanese shit boxes, it's way more fun and fulfilling than buying a super car, way cheaper, and you learn a ton of new skills. Plus if you fuck it up they're pretty much disposable compared to super cars.

Pic kinda related but rx7fc3s are super inflated, I would try ls swapping an rx8 because they're dirt fucking cheap, the suspension/handling is great but the engine is dogshit.

>> No.52664895
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currently the proud owner of two 80's shitboxes, one V8 and one I6. I'm already down this road

>> No.52664930
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Here's a cool rx8 racecar, idk what prices are like now but you used to be able to pick up really good condition ones for 3-4k because the apex seals in the engine needs to be replaced every like 60-100k miles which the labor to do so would cost as much as the car so people dump 'em.

>> No.52664938

I'm having the same thoughts. I am based in London and have thought about moving to Budapest or equivalent with 1/3rd the rent, wait out global economic carnage, then return to London and buy a property at a major discount.

>> No.52664945

Very based, I'm currently working on a 1988 fiero ls4 swap with a six speed

>> No.52664976
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kek i'm LS swapping my XJ this spring
I would 100% move to a developing country if i did not have a lot of family

>> No.52665066

im in the same exact position, ive been at my parents for the last 6 months, im so bored but i dont know what to do, every option is dog shit now

>> No.52665101

you need a house with space to do this kind of shit

>> No.52665129
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>you need a house with space to do this kind of shit
kek not if you have relatives in the suburbs

>> No.52665641

You will have an opportunity to buy a house soon. Home prices will go down in the short term and mortgage rates are heading down long term. Buy when prices are low and then refi when interest rates go down. You’ll have to stomach the interest payments for a while but it’s better than being a rent cuck for your entire life. Soon everyone will be priced out of buying a home. You will own nothing… did you forget?

>> No.52665733

>people are unironically expecting a housing crash worse than 2008 that results in prices dropping more than 30%
You dumbasses really need to open your eyes

>> No.52665753

Just get a girlfriend bro. You will be so much happier....kek...

>> No.52665998

>>make over $200k WFH
>>30 years old
get an 18 year old stay at home girlfriend

>> No.52666156

I live with my parents and have taken over their garage with project vehicles. I’m 31 years old and never kissed a girl.

>> No.52666583
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>make over $200k WFH
fucking how. tell me right now you bum

>> No.52666885

just buy so- oh

already said it
the homes there are cheap. Just do that.
rent em and keep traveling until you get bored.

>> No.52667509

>If I got married I'd probably just bend over and buy a house, but I don't see the point in overpaying for some boomer's real estate bags so that he can retire in Naples while I'm single and have zero obligations. On the other hand I'm basically homeless at 30 and not setting down roots anywhere. What kind of way is this for a man to live?
Where do you live OP? Getting a house is not so bad, just don't do it in California, Washington, FL or some overpriced shithole city

>> No.52667899

Adelaide real estate is relatively cheap despite housing inflation across the board in this country. Most liveable city. Lots of ways to get connections at companies or corporations. Small enough you’ll get to know everyone.

>> No.52668507

move to UAE

>> No.52668838

everyone on this board is a lying larping faggot if you hadn't figured it out already

>> No.52668863
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then tell me how to larp 200k a year into my bank account faggot

>> No.52669183

almost same boat. 170k 190k with bonus and then 90k side consulting work from home. 33 years old.
I'm moving to SEA and buying a condo or going rural and buying land and putting a trailer on it and just invest in bitcoin/dividend etfs, and reits till i can retire.
got 90k saved up and can get condos in thailand/philippines for that easily. About the same for rural land and mobile home to put on it

>> No.52669250

how did you start side consulting? want to do this but not sure how to start

>> No.52669307

Based, doing the same here in Thailand, shopping for condos

>> No.52670039
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Would trade being popular with ladies for having parents and being able to live with them.

>> No.52670054

move to balcans

>> No.52670351

same situation. Mortgages are so fucking gay, every single parasite from the bank jew to the real estate agent to the goverment siphons a fee from you. It's so fucking shit. But renting is also cucked

>> No.52670460
File: 52 KB, 910x518, Screenshot 2022-11-29 at 8.21.34 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this email got from my (((landlords)))

I've been renting for 10 years and this place is the most hyper-capitalist apartment complex I've ever been in.

Think you have it bad? Realize that I will have literal Blackrock investors in my apartment this week, watching their wagie / paypig (that's me) WFH.

I make 140K/year, but I moved to South Dakota recently to get away from high rents on the coasts. There is no escape, really. This South Dakota place that I'm renting is actually owned by people in California/Utah.

Even Thailand is being bought up by hedge funds.

LAND OWNERSHIP is the only solution.

>> No.52671041

>200k wfh

DOnt even care if I make this much 50k wfh would be good enough how do I do

Someone explain to a brainlet

>> No.52671129

These investment companies buying tracks of houses like.. I work in construction I’m letting you lot know NEVER BUY A HOUSE THATS SAT EMPTY FOR TOO LONG. Seriously you’re going to be inheriting a host of issues. Stay clear of any property bought up by a large investment company that then let it sit. Houses degrade man. OP why not pay to have your own house built? That’s legit “hire an architect to get something custom to then shop the construction out to a good local GC” money you got this bro

>> No.52671505
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>fucking how. tell me right now you bum
technology consultant at a huge consulting firm. there are hundreds of guys like me just at this one company. I hopped/got recruited to this job after ~6 years at another large company where i started as a software engineer and moved to the business side
>everyone on this board is a lying larping faggot if you hadn't figured it out already
i am not lying, if i was lying i would have made myself much richer
>Where do you live OP?
i'm from a wealthy east coast metro area, not NYC. i wouldn't buy a house somewhere far from my family, at least not while some of the better ones are still alive, although i do prefer the flyover states over anywhere else
>move to UAE
>move to balcans
see above
>50k wfh would be good enough how do I do
see above, you just need to be qualified and be good at interviewing.
>OP why not pay to have your own house built? That’s legit “hire an architect to get something custom to then shop the construction out to a good local GC” money you got this bro
i would still be vastly overpaying

>> No.52671542

dude just kill them and bury their corpses DEEP in the woods

>> No.52671713

how to get a career as a technology consultant

>> No.52671848

i explained my path in that post you retard, but here you go
>be good at something in tech
>start a career doing that
>be good at interviewing and talking to people
>become qualified to be a consultant
>get a job as a consultant

>> No.52671880

Shitty attention larp but you guys responded so you get what you deserve.
there should be a tax on shitty larps.

>> No.52671949
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i wish it was a larp

>> No.52672023


poorfags just get a stock 2015 gtr

>> No.52672182

>drive far into the woods
>shovel for 8 hours straight in the middle of the night
>two flashlights appear in the distance
>oh shit oh shit
>they are from Blackrock(TM)
>"sir have you signed the perpetual burial site lease for these bodies?"
>"sir you have not paid the appropriate blackrock digging license this is private property"
>you consider adding them to the hole
>tfw you know two other rent-seekers promptly will appear if you cap them as well

>> No.52672277

Rotary motors are dogshit cool idea but they always have issues and nobody works on em

>> No.52672303

flip ens names
are some im looking at fren, some anons are making bank on these things

>> No.52672505

never mind sounds gay

>> No.52672586

They’ll never listen. They’ll never learn.

>> No.52672717

>$200k WFH

you have absolutely nothing to complain about. You earn way more than enough to buy a great house in most cities.

At that point OP, if you don't want to buy a house, just rent a normal apartment. I mean shit you can even get an expensive apartment like $1.5k per month and it's not a big deal because you make so much money anyway.

you're literally lucky as fuck dude, if you can't figure it out idk what to tell you. I make 43k per year and just got my first WFH job. If I made 200k per year I would literally only have to live with my parents for barely a year or more before I could buy a nice suburban 3 bed 2 bath house with cash. You have it so fucking good

>> No.52672808

im actually interviewing to become a big 4 consultant myself, but in industrials after 7 years of working in industry. is the lifestyle really as bad as they say? the money is alluring

>> No.52672818
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Brodie got the motherfuckin anklet thoooooooooo and now they know where he at where he gooooo

>> No.52673174
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>is the lifestyle really as bad as they say
if you're an associate yes, manager and above isn't bad. i would never work at a big firm as a lower level grunt. Of course the work is meaningless and soul sucking, you're a worker ant and nothing more.
>just rent an apartment
there's nowhere that i want to live

>> No.52673203

Live in a nice apartment with a good property manager.

>> No.52673247

Not everyone works at Taco Bell. I make over 200k and it really isn't anything special. It is just a middle class wage. I'm a pharmacist, but there are nurses at my hospital making over 200k/year.

>> No.52673270

>there's nowhere that i want to live

have you traveled much? What about a nice little beach town somewhere? Or a fun city?

>> No.52673280

LOL Email back telling them to fuck off posthaste and than change the locks. If any cunty landlord tried that with me I'd take the bastard axe to them. Your country must fucking suck if landlords think they can just show some cunt round your home.
Lemme guess, America? Hahaha.

>> No.52673360

>your home

It’s their home lmao he’s just a rentoid he doesn’t own shit.

>> No.52673467
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live in my parents house with me and we'll build a comfy basement for us to play vidya in

>> No.52673517

People on here say I'm lying all the time when I say I make 60k in one CS job (plus 50k in the other) when I have no full-time work experience besides those two starting just this year. 200k really isn't that crazy for WFH jobs. My mom's fiancé works 3 full-time jobs (in part for the government) and makes half a million now.