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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 49 KB, 1024x1024, IMG_20221113_151600_609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52662350 No.52662350 [Reply] [Original]

Eich turned out to be a disappointing failure. All the tools at his disposal and he couldn't make his shitcoin moon. What a pathetic loser.

>> No.52662388
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It'll come back someday, maybe

>> No.52663012

I still like him but man, has he dropped the ball. Again, today, on Twitter, I've seen him Retweet obscure shit about why such and such Covid medicament should revoked or whatnot. LET IF FUKN GO, JESUS. At this point, I'd be happier if someone else takes over the project.

And yet for some reason I'm still not selling my BATs. I've married these bags. And Brave is still a good browser.

>> No.52663337

>Again, today, on Twitter, I've seen him Retweet obscure shit about why such and such Covid medicament should revoked or whatnot.
It's literally the most ridiculous shit I've ever seen. If only he cared as much about his fucking company.

>> No.52663691

he tweets about Brave often

possibility of Brave OS

>> No.52664571

Twitter insider here. Elon is serious about the Tesla phone. It’s pretty much a forgone conclusion around the office that Brave would be the default browser. I’ll update here when I get more details

>> No.52664620
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The Bear market hurts, man. Stop fucking us Bobo.

>> No.52664651

He can't even make a fucking swag store and you really think they are going to make an OS?

Shut up

Can't just blame it on the bear market. Luke was spouting off about how this would be a "bear market gainer" and then they literally just don't release anything the entire time.

>> No.52664694
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I agree. Still an uphill battle with the market, but thus far they've only overpromised and underdelivered. Believe in the project - just disappointed.

>> No.52664707

Also the growth stats have been fucking atrocious. Everything has stagnated and they aren't innovating at all. The search engine blows fat cock because it gives the same censored bullshit results as Jewgle. They might have their own index, sure, but either they are censoring it or Google has curated the narrative so heavily that even a totally independent indexed search engine spits back the same propaganda trash anyways.

But then again, if that were the case then DDG and Yandex would give similarly shitty results

>> No.52664730

>But then again, if that were the case then DDG and Yandex would give similarly shitty results
(They don't btw, they are much better than Google/brave search)

>> No.52664758
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>you can use BAT in our swag store
>but not the BAT from the rewards account
Thank you for playing

>> No.52664760

John faggot is notably absent from any thread with a picture of Parker

>> No.52664772

Did they launch the swag store? Where is it?

Wasn't the entire fucking point of it to test out pay with bat?

>> No.52664812
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Those sideburns

>> No.52664823
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Here https://store.brave.com/
But its offline. Wtf happened? Last time i checked, might be half a year ago, it was fine.

>> No.52664904
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> decentralized e-commerce platform
>but first you have to go to centralized exchanges of our choice that we have a deal with

>> No.52665038

This is the old one, not the "new" one they're working on.

Who knows what the fuck is going on there. If Eich had any balls he would do exactly what Elon is doing. No more work from home, everyone back in the office and oh by the way half of you fucking niggers are fired for never accomplishing anything. People that work at this company clearly don't give a fuck about innovating. A bunch of work from home lazy fat fuck trannies might work for a publicly traded company with unlimited blackrock dollars getting thrown at it, but not for this.

I think Eich might actually fail and just run out of money. I can't imagine how many miles away from profitability they still are at this point.

>> No.52665070
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>I think Eich might actually fail and just run out of money. I can't imagine how many miles away from profitability they still are at this point.
Be sure to ask about it today during the community call.


2PM, PST. Be there or be gay

>> No.52665096

Yeah no thanks I'd rather neck

>> No.52665249
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To each their own

>> No.52665808

Brendan dyke is a fucking NIGGER

>> No.52666345

What did Eich do specially that failed?

>> No.52666351

issued a cashgrab shitcoin with literally no chance of succeeding

>> No.52666428

there is literally an equation he published which explains price stability

>> No.52666911
File: 157 KB, 370x246, 1661764325400291.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you lying faggot. In January 2018, the fat scammer tweeted that BAT would outperform BTC
> How about 10 BAT in one year from today, you pay me if BAT:BTC >= 0.00015 (max to date is 0.000145), else I pay you. Safe if BAT is worthless as you contend. How can you lose? ;-) - Brendan Eich @BrendanEich · Jan 24, 2018
> https://twitter.com/BrendanEich/status/956237347649069057
Not only has it lost massively to BTC but it's less than 1/3 of it's USD value.

>> No.52666942
File: 60 KB, 430x456, 1664377565103255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, BATTies invested in a:
> FAT LAZY BOOMER FOUNDER who never made money despite being early on the Web so he created money grab token to scam low IQ investors in crypto
> Have not developed anything in 5 years
> (1) BRAVE is a fork of Chrome with adblock built in instead of a plugin
> (2) BAT is an ERC-20 token that every scammer creates with a few lines of copy pasta code
> (3) SEARCH was a company that was acquired after collecting free money from low IQ crypto investors
> Now instead of developing utility the lazy and idept team is fiddling with NFTs, Newsfeeds, Video Chat, Integrating Shitcoins into the Wallet, etc

>> No.52666973
File: 278 KB, 828x1792, 63F2FA71-5596-4671-8751-85E13A3435CD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There’s my guy

>> No.52667031
File: 15 KB, 294x171, bat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> 57 Million Monthly Active Users on Brave
> 1 million in revenue in September
> Number of successful businesses that make 1.7 pennies per month per user = ZERO. ZERO!!!
> User growth stalled / in decline.
> Inability to monetize Brave through BAT after a half decade, earning 1.7 cents per
> Large Brands bought ad campaigns and never came back. Ford, Coke, Chipotle, Paypal, every major advertiser has abandoned Brave. No bluechip advertiser in months.
> Taking Digital Ads and stripping away what makes them valuable (data that helps advertisers sell products) essentially means BRAVE ADS = WORTHLESS

>> No.52667045
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What this shows is that Brave downloads and usage have no bearing on the token. Glorified Ad Blocker. Token used for money grab gimmick. A fraction of the users actually turn on ads - people will pay NOT to view ads.

BRAVE users != BAT shitcoin holders

Brave fans:
Love privacy
Hate big tech
Hate ad industry
Hate government
Probably use Linux, free software

BAT fans:
Don't care much about privacy (use public ledger crypto, rationalize KYC)
Love nu-big tech (web3)
Love ad industry (it'll cause BAT to moon)
Love government (regulation and institutional adoption will make BAT moon)
Probably less tendency to use Linux and free software

BATTies OFICIALLY got scammed.

>> No.52667048

You know he was already the OP but just switched his VPN? Hes been here the whole time.

>> No.52667063

Doubt it's VPNs. Pretty sure he just has 3 devices. Easy enough to have a desktop and laptop on the same desk, and then phone post. Or something similar.

>> No.52667075
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But BATTies are so retarded, they interpreted this as meaning BAT will hit a minimum of $40
> The math that gets us to a $40+ BAT within 2 years - BATTie fag 2 years ago
> tl;dr: BAT "value" may increase by 2,000x within two years, whereas $40 per token is only a 100x increase. Believable?

>> No.52667110
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>Won't load BAT rewards to in app wallet.
>Can only KYC to Gemini and Uphold
>Gemini is bankrupt
Yup. BAT has a great business model.

>> No.52667436

All the scenarios in the plebbit post are highly plausible. What’s your point Parker Bankman Sneed

>> No.52667644

>their browser is built by google
>their search engine is built by tailcat
the only thing they've tried to build themselves is self-serve and they couldn't even do that. wonder whose OS they'll buy kek

>> No.52667909

None of that is me (Parker), the guy doesn't even talk like me. I've generally stayed out of your threads, as you people asked, but unfortunately, it's not so simple as one schizo with a VPN.

>> No.52668095

Fuck you.

>> No.52668445

>I've generally stayed out of your threads, as you people asked
>as you people asked
>you people
You people? What do you mean by you people? YOU PEOPLE? Are you some kind of no-batty supremacist and we are dirty niggers with our bat?

>> No.52668641

Somebody call me a dirty filthy nigger because I hold a fuck ton of bat?


>> No.52668678

>Bro, we injected you with heckin science juice that made countless drop dead and many more developed major health issues
>just move on and go back to watching tv, lel

>> No.52668703

Who gives a fuck, only the retards got the vaccine anyways. Anyone with half a brain knows that almot everything from big pharma is a scam.

>> No.52668745

>covid is over bro
>i mean
>just get over it already

>> No.52668783

Tell us more about your favorite essential oils.

>> No.52668835

hey, Steve Jobs, nice to see you have /biz/ in the afterlife

>> No.52668889
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I love you turtles, since you are a real BAT nigger at the end of the day. Even though your politics suck drag queen story cock. Here is a comprehensive protocol from frontline covid MD's to keep you off the died suddenly list. dont be a bitch about it.

>> No.52668903

forgot link

>> No.52669082

So I can't withdraw the hundreds of BAT I've accumulated for two years? I hope this isn't true lol, otherwise I'm nuking Brave from every device. Fuck Brave if they let this happen,

>> No.52669154 [DELETED] 
File: 1.84 MB, 1080x1920, 119816625_838916757429317_5732073935714228089_n.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup, BAP! <3

>I've generally stayed out of your threads, as you people asked
Fill me in, lad.

I'm quite fond of bergamot, jasmine, ylang ylang, budo sanso (really bold/spicy), and lavender. How about yourself, lad? Good to see you around.

>> No.52669176

Sold my bag a long time ago, but im still using brave on all my devices as a daily driver.

Might pick some up later.

>> No.52669185

lol. lmao even.

>> No.52669222
File: 215 KB, 875x1000, damnsmile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> >>52669082
> Pic related

>> No.52669235

>it's not so simple as one schizo with a VPN
not always, but sometimes yeah, it totally is

>> No.52669278

That webm is fucking huge

>> No.52669322


by the way can anyone explain to me why the fuck I am seeing ads on this website now? What is this fucking bullshit? The entire point of this fucking browser was to block the fucking ads

>> No.52669341

Well, at the very least, spamming the same copypasta over and over isn't my style. You're not going to get any interaction that way, as it doesn't accomplish anything.

Similarly, becoming a jannie just to nuke threads is very low IQ. There's more effective ways to wipe out threads that take much less effort. But the entire board has become infested with the most retarded jannies imaginable.

>> No.52669393

Go back to your monero threads faggot nobody cares about you

>> No.52669449

As you wish.

>> No.52669483

Fuck you faggot. I’ll DM Parker right now, get your IP address and have you swatted. Try me nigger

>> No.52669610

Anyone who takes the vaccine is a conspiracy theorist. They believe that some scam liquid in a needle is better than your bodies natural response. Vaxxers should be fucking banned on social media and their assets seized.

>> No.52669835

people still unironically own this 2017 sack of shit?

>> No.52669970

I do. I'm a huge midwit though and I wish I was never born.

>> No.52670106

"The Sunk Cost Fallacy describes our tendency to follow through on an endeavor if we have already invested time, effort, or money into it, whether or not the current costs outweigh the benefits."

Me owning BAT basically.

>> No.52670900
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I’m a deli Jew. I’m like Meyer Lansky in his prime (I’m the type of kike you don’t like but I’m the kike you need) and BAT is the only coin I hold. Anecdotal, but it’s the only token that makes sense and the only crypto app I actually use and by use I mean I use it every single fucking day. In fact, I’m using it right now. I know for a fact I’m not the only jew that feels this way.

>> No.52671185

>dcg holds bat

>> No.52671269
File: 243 KB, 1900x1080, BraveBlockAdsCustom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use the custom ad block function, it works perfectly. Just as good as with an adblock plugin.
The ads on 4chan are not that obtrusive, but it`s very easy to block them.
The feature is also useful to get rid of annoying elements, sometimes even mitigate paywalls if the site has weak design.

>> No.52671285

We know.

>> No.52671310

I hold BAT, it just is one of the best coins

>> No.52671324
File: 55 KB, 1840x686, Unbenannt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it`s super useful

>> No.52671401
File: 761 KB, 800x843, bat down.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something I've slowly realized is that BAT holders are much more to blame for BAT's constant depressingly and horribly shitty price action than anyone at Brave ever was. Even the original LINK holders memed their token into a fucking twitter bot army

BAT holders just buy and whine. They barely create anything, very few even code, they don't create additional use cases or fun ways to use BAT. Check the BATproject reddit if you think I'm wrong, or any of these threads

>> No.52671444

Okay vaxie

>> No.52671586

On mobile dumbass. On desktop I use ublock in conjunction with brave

>> No.52671648

Faggots ITT as per usual. Shame BAT performed the worst compared to the BTC, ETH, and DOGE in my portfolio but oh well still gonna slurp these prices while i can.
Anyone who went in 100% on BAT was a fucking mad man.

>> No.52671720

Largely I agree. Barely anyone ever shills it. 88k batproject reddit memeber and often there will be less than 100 mentions of $BAT per day on twitter is common. Very few people shill it.

>> No.52671763

You'd think bagholding would motivate people to go shill their bags and try to create something out of nothing. Or even just fucking create useful communities to help other bagholders

nope, it's just a bunch of whiney pajeets crying and screeching at Brave. It's pathetic

>> No.52671778

Because we’re a bunch of poor pajeets trying to run BAT farms in the back of 7/11. Most of use don’t care about the price as long as we can get more BAT every month

>> No.52671876

>You'd think bagholding would motivate people to go shill their bags and try to create something out of nothing. Or even just fucking create useful communities to help other bagholders
We've tried that dumbass. There's only so much the community can do in regards to shilling something when the team won't give it any fucking utility or work on it at all

>> No.52671909
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every one of your 10 posts in this thread is so angry, you're in a bad place and you either need to find something else in life or shill BAT harder because right now you're doing an awful job at it

>There's only so much the community can do in regards to shilling something

100% absolute blatantly false and LINK is the only proof you need. LINK was shilled to $50 and there's absolutely no other explanation. BAT community has done a poor job getting the word out there and that's the truth. I mostly blame the OG BAT holders, the original whales. They were fucking cowards. the original LINK holders weren't afraid of the SEC or anybody, they pulled all the strings they could to make that coin moon and look what happened

>> No.52672150

Privacy is based, normies can't relate this.

>> No.52672336
File: 2.40 MB, 1296x862, Brave BAT panning for gold..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It motivated me. I skilled the shit out of it for months, made 30+ memes probably. And it was kind of fun. I put in the effort because I strongly believe stuff like that can have a cascading effect. You never know who you'll influence or how. Even if it isn't you directly influencing them.

On the reverse side I think all the negative BAT spam in these threads has a larger effect than most people here acknowledge. He's doing great job fudding only because he is consistent. Everyone who randomly decides to look into BAT and will see a seemingly well thought out FUD although a lot of it doesn't hold up under close inspection it muddies the waters. The strength is in how persistent he is.

>> No.52672375

I like your effort and your rationalism. You're one of the good ones

>> No.52672837

You can just make sure to take advantage of the bear market and also keep your assets in self custody.

>> No.52673271

Utility is key, that is why I only buy assets with real life applications like identity management, defi etc rather than some token that does not provide any real life solution

>> No.52673295

Someday we will have our day BATbros... someday...

>> No.52673852

anything on the call today?

>> No.52673964

28k more to go on gemini before it hits a record low on tokens held on the exchange. They will probably refill and then when payouts hit then even more will come off.

>> No.52675292

Exchange supply doesn’t matter as much anymore with all these DEX protocols