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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 123 KB, 1622x848, get_to_work_men.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52654658 No.52654658 [Reply] [Original]

why wont you lazy men get to work?

>> No.52654682

I identify as employed

>> No.52654697

Majority still have savings from the last money-printing episode.

>> No.52654698

unemployment benefits + comfy

>> No.52654708

work where

>> No.52654732

I've never seen Dave so unhinged. He lives in his own bubble while giving advice to poorfags in the real world. Sad.

>> No.52654753

I do, I still enjoy some delicious boomercope however.

>> No.52654774


>> No.52654776

he is so butthurt at 6:00

>> No.52654834

Dave really likes to treat his male co-hosts like shit

>> No.52654871

ya his co host is constantly walking on egg shells around him.

>> No.52654971

They aren’t allowed to have sex

>> No.52655028
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Boomers voted for
> mass immigration
> woman in the workplace
And wonder why no men is working

>> No.52655030

Guy has let his ego grow to middle-eastern dictator levels. I would put money on some type of fall from grace in the near future. Guy talks to his own people and the public like they are lower then dirt. Anyone who uses the word "Should" to much , run for the hills. Don't see this working out well.

>> No.52655064

that's not work, that's exploitation.

>> No.52655143

*Ahem* your grandparents would've called it an "opportunity" you spoiled millennial.

>> No.52655169

Explain why it is exploitation.

>> No.52655193

nice jew joke

>> No.52655240
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Amazon steal wages from it's employees. That why there IS a lawsuit settlement against them which Amazon lost.

>> No.52655430
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Because work, for many, went from being a means-to-an-end, to the sole reason for your existence. Except even that means jackshit as of recently. Economy went to shit, inflation made everything go up in price, and you have to either be DINK or very financially-sound to afford a decent house.
Why bother participating in a scuffed game?

>> No.52655440
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cuz fuck you boomers

>> No.52655457

They are completely out of touch with reality.
Men are dropping out of society because it's fucking shit. Even if you get a halfway decent job all you really have to look forward to is living with roommates until your mid thirties, and banging some used up roastoid past her prime.
The last person I need to hear getting on their soap box is Dave fucking Ramsey who thinks it's a good idea to kick your kids out of the house at 18 and have them work at Cracker Barrel to make ends meet.
Taking advantage of people in dire straits economically so that they can pay them the lowest possible wage to extract the highest amount of labor while removing any and everything that makes a company feel even vaguely human. Working at an Amazon warehouse is how I would imagine it's like to work for an AI.

>> No.52655474

it's no joke to say ai already runs amazon

>> No.52655584

Jesus Christ.
Amazon is extremely wealthy, why are they penny pinching this hard?
I realize 5 minutes of lost labor is a lot of money at scale but it's fucking Amazon.
I can't imagine working for a company that breathes down my neck while I stand at the time clock waiting for the exact millisecond to clock in.
Some days I don't even wake up until 5 PM and just log my 8 hours WFH that day.

>> No.52655602

the market can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent

fuck you

>> No.52655619

>Amazon is extremely wealthy
that's why they wealthy

>> No.52655633

Amazon did not get wealthy from micromanaging their employees punch in.

>> No.52655680

I have enough money for food and free entertainment is way more enjoyable than what the real world can offer me.

>> No.52655681

Good meme it’s not the boomers fault though. It’s the millenials who are too stupid to find a way around their rent cucking traps.

>> No.52655723

Think about it if all the niggers got nice houses and shit we would lose our place and status as whitey. It’s literally just suck it up through shit jobs then after that you’re home free. Mexicans are a different story.

>> No.52655787

yea, the got wealthy by dumping products cheaper than everyone else until all their competition died

>> No.52655789

shut up redneck you lost your house for gambling, doing hard drugs, drinking beer and not paying your mortgage on time. you in particular are worse than a nigger. go spread your propaganda in /pol/

>> No.52655799
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Things were dogshit in the wake of the great financial crisis, and difficult enough to get a foothold then, but holy fuck if you're a young early 20something trying to start out now, it's nightmare mode.

>> No.52655804

>It’s the millenials who are too stupid to find a way around their rent cucking traps.
it's either rent or live your mothers basement for most millennials. 90 percent of jobs don't pay enough to afford a house

>> No.52655847

>suck it up through shit jobs then after that you’re home free
I had to do 1.5 years of unpaid internships until I got my first job. Then my job sucked for about a decade and I quit. It's a pretty typical story

>> No.52655881

It’s not an easy pill to swallow but it’s true. I had to work with hatians and Mexicans on a job site for three years being the white mule to get where I am now.

>> No.52655930
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Actually their margins are razor thin, and this is a trillion dollar company so it's like if you had a $1000 investment and it only gives you a few bucks a year. But also some years it loses money. So yes, they have motivation to squeeze and even commit fraud like the wage theft.

>> No.52655933
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Because they live in the city. You can’t tell me that unrestricted land isn’t dirt cheap and you can plop an rv on it like nothing. Want a shed? Beater car to get around? Out the door for like 10 grand all of which you can finance.

>> No.52655944

if you work a necessary job to improve society, you get to rawdog prime pussy of your choice in a lineup for 7 days out of the month
vote for me

>> No.52655967

>had to work with hatians and Mexicans on a job site for three years
I'm a game developer not a construction worker. I don't have Haitians to jump ahead of, I just have ladies and troons and good luck jumping ahead of those in IT

>> No.52655975
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God I fucking hate Boomers. These are the same people who ship high paying jobs they grew up doing overseas. His wedding probably costs 1/20th of what it would now, and he would be angry and bitching if he heard young people are getting eloped or just not having expensive weddings. Back in his day, you could settle problems with a fist fight. These days, doing that gets you sent to jail, lost employment opportunities, legal fees, and social media shamed out of society. What a fucking retard. We are paying huge taxes towards his generation for benefits that won't be there long before we retire. I hope he gets raped by an illegal Mexican tranny who transitioned on his tax dollar.

>> No.52656055

Bro go on Craigslist grab your fucking nutsack and look up fifth wheel trailers for sale. You can pick one up for like $1500 and get Wi-Fi to do your little it job. The problem with millennials is they don’t want to work together and they want to figure something out unless it’s handed to them on a silver platter. They have no imagination. It must have been too much Minecraft I don’t know. Either way they have trailers for FREE on Craigslist go see for yourself. “I don’t want it it’s dirty on the inside” well fucking go to Home Depot and fix something for once in your life.

>> No.52656112

according to the millionaires "there's jobs everywhere!"

>> No.52656134

I’m actually about to quit my office job to focus on my retro gaming YouTube channel

>> No.52656142
File: 7 KB, 868x935, 658mms.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"AI" never advanced past pagerank algorithm
"AI" we see today is not AI but attempts to get past pagerank algorithm
We still exist in the dotcom bubble of unprofitable tech companies trying to solve problems physics cant solve cause physics field is long dead
Elon musk twitter and apple battle will be the straw breaking the entire fake tech economy and start the real market fall
Supply chains big tech companies like amazon rely on will be shaken too hard by market instability started by elon musk and chinks that they will crumble hard hence their desperation for automation and worker treatment change
Google will dissolve under the weight of collapsing digital advertising for latest junk product that cant be delivered easily
The welfare state will blow up and WEF will attempt to duct tape it with memes and fail
Pop up communities with localized communities will come into existence using bitcoin and monero
Frauds like dave ramsey and the entire finance streamers will be distant memory as the world resembles walking dead seasons 1-5 and not dystopia cause technology is failing and elon musk and his gang of paypal mafia are empty shells of dotcom bubble like SBF is to shitcoins and exchanges

>> No.52656153
File: 67 KB, 736x981, 106E6668-25F1-4C51-8A7E-03472C53947B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know what you’re about to say “they had little to no inflation and the greatest economy after world war 2 and a housing market so good you could buy two houses at minimum wage” Yeah I got so we should be even more creative then them right? Wrong. Instead we have zero inventiveness and transvestites roaming the streets. The problem is ourselves.

>> No.52656510

>typical boomer shame that solves nothing
>just live in ashithole and don’t ask for anything except more suffering
>slave at your shit job, no family, no expenditures for anything social, thinks spending money on Netflix is why people are poor
>has never had to do the thing they demand you do and will larp immediately when you accuse them
>has only ever known being in extremely early and dictating the awful fucking work culture they instituted
>talks a mad load of shit and cowboy talk but is obese, addicted to pain meds, and hasn’t ever done shit when someone just says “no”
>thinks he is the best with women even though he got married right out high school to now what can only be described as a demanding ham beast addicted to reality TV
>just endlessly complains or goes to tailgate rallies, has never protested or advocated for anything in person
>Carries a pistol on him at all times out of deep insecurity that someone might actually tell him to shut the fuck up in front of his hefferpig wife
>deliberately over spends on wasteful home items simply to gush to his friends about over and over in an awkward attempt for ego validation
>Tells every story with a massive amount of over exaggeration, doesn’t give a fuck if anyone is listening and is offended if they interject with their own opinion
>can’t handle even the smallest amount of criticism and will fly into a rage if given
These fat bags of hot air haven’t earned the respect and I’m not afraid to tell them

>> No.52656661

Only if you're a gay female minority. Anything else gets screened out by useless HR roasties.

>> No.52656668

A reminder Dave's parents were wealthy Real Estate agents that paid for his schooling, helped him get a job after school, and used their Bank connections to buy his properties and he still went bankrupt.

>> No.52656705

I also find it amusing how Boomers will sperg out about young American men getting aid during this recession but completely ignore the endless money funneling to Israel and Ukraine right now. Honestly at this point I've come to feel bad for Boomers like Dave

>> No.52656731

Sounds like you’re projecting real hard.

>> No.52656836

>I've come to feel bad for Boomers like Dave
Why? You think they'll suffer for their actions? They will live off of their accumulated riches and stay ignorant until the day they die. You're going to feel bad for people who will literally never feel bad themselves? Don't be a cuck, save your pity for the generation that won't make it.

>> No.52656896

They are living under the constant fear of uncertainty and realized they won't be sailing off into the sunset on their yachts like they originally played out but will have to eat shit like the rest of us in this nightmare timeline for the next 20-30 years

>> No.52656955
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No pussy = No effort

>> No.52657008

He's genuinely butthurt in this. ouch.
I agree that people are made to do some kind of fulfilling work, however it's clear that he just wanted to make a statement with this versus think critically.
I'm sure a couple million of those are basement dwelling smelly NEETs, but in a country with 300+ million I'm sure there's a few million that simply retired early or work for cash under the table.

>> No.52657082
File: 499 KB, 565x525, 1613267755699.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This grifting hack is completely out of touch with reality. Dave is a big hypocrite that coasts off the poors who aren't smart enough to deal with finances. Acting mighty and high will not end well for this judgmental "Christian"

>> No.52657106

I recommend everyone watch the living wage bit. Ramsey forces every new hire to have a budget that they agree upon to PROVE the amount he pays you is enough to live on and you don’t need more

Give credit to king boomer himself to innovate new ways to stomp wagies

>> No.52657155

Some boomers will suffer and deserve some pity, but not Dave. He got his and has nothing but contempt for you.

>> No.52657174

after a certain point it stops being about money and starts being about control

>> No.52657198

The bit about premarital sex being a firing offense is probably the most hilarious part. I can't believe people willingly allow Dave to crawl up into their ass like that. You get an employer AND a helicopter parent all in one.

>> No.52657244
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>why i don't
I have no wife, no children.
Parents are not nagging, i don't have friends, i only want to play video games.
>why i can't
I already have enough to live for 50+years at my current lifestyle, and interacting with vaxcattle repulse me.
>why i won't
I'm an accelerationist, and this jewified society need to collapse as fast as possible, and me contributing would slow that collapse.
We have all seen tax contribution by race and gender, i know who i'd support with my labour.

>> No.52657248

>priced out of land/house
>women are awful or obtainable
>half of income goes to niggers and a society that hates me
literally no reason to work

>> No.52657312

Just looked it up, not sure if this is it but it's hard to find a flaw with what he's saying.
>this is how much the job pays
>can you actually live on this y/n?
>ok prove you can live off this because I don't want to hire you if you can't and maybe you're too retarded to figure this out on your own

What I will say is I don't think he sees the relationship between the video that kicked off this thread about 'why 7 million men don't want to work' and what seems like a veiled way of saying 'we don't pay so good over here and it's your fault'.
At the end of the day the job market will work itself out. If businesses can't afford to hire people + make profit + pay their taxes they will close or they will leave and go elsewhere with different dynamics.

>> No.52657505

>Christians aren't allowed to say things that make me feel bad!

>> No.52657689

Imagine not killing Jews

>> No.52657690

It’s not the Jews dumbass. Your parents are gonna kick you out.

>> No.52657691

>A reminder Dave's parents were wealthy Real Estate agents that paid for his schooling, helped him get a job after school, and used their Bank connections to buy his properties
Every time.

>> No.52657729


>> No.52658049

It gets really tiring when every other news/tabloid article in Australia goes
>22 year old Thomas Dipshit buys their first house! Why haven't YOU bought one yet?!
and yet barely two paragraphs in, it conveniently mentions
>Mr Dipshit was able to pay for the deposit via a generous inheritance from his deceased uncle. He expects to pay off the mortgage using the $150k salary earned from his mail clerk job at his father's company.

>> No.52658160

Cry more, mr.boomer

>> No.52658201

what they have now is FUCKING WORSE than pagerank
i will search for specific words, and google will replace the words with what they think i fucking meant
unusable dogshit site ruined the internet

>> No.52658220

Dave is a whiny cunt. Pampered rich kid who got everything handed to him and given myriad opportunities. I feel bad for him because he will always feel an overwhelming emptiness inside of him and will only cope with this by blaming younger generations until the day he finally has a heart attack in his show

>> No.52658234

dave is such a fucking boomer ive heard him talk about his 1911

>> No.52658240
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>> No.52658262
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Millenials don't have any carrot and stick to motivate them especially when Globohomo brazenly tells them that they will own nothing. What we're experiencing right now is Boomers last "Fuck you" before they all perish within the next 20-30 years

>> No.52658300

>Pampered rich kid who got everything handed to him and given myriad opportunities
pretty much describes all these boomers telling everyone else how hard they have to work, easy enough these days to check "Early Life" sections lmao
>Ramsey received his real-estate license after he turned 18. Soon after graduating college, he stepped into the real-estate business. Since he had a few acquaintances at local banks, he easily acquired the funding required for his real-estate deals.
>The local bank financing Ramsey's real-estate business was sold to a larger bank. The new bank demanded the pending loan payments as soon as possible. Even though Ramsey managed to pay back a significant share of the debt, he was still left with a huge outstanding amount. He was eventually unable to pay the rest of the money and thus filed for bankruptcy in September 1988.
from there he goes on to start shilling "finanacial" advice to church groups.

>> No.52658328

Hire me, faggot.

>> No.52658343

I applied to dozens of jobs this year and didn't get so much as an interview, if you want me to work then hire me you senile boomer fucks

>> No.52658553

I applied for jobs I was super qualified for and made it to the second interviews, yet I am almost certain I was passed up for a woman or minority. This is a rigged fucking game.

>> No.52658594

This, i know i way around you just need to know people and politicans, all legal/gray

>> No.52658646

Respect to anyone NEETing out of principal but most NEETs are just depressed loser faggots.

>> No.52658774

useless cooming sack of meat

>> No.52658865

Unironically based and all you salty faggots are coping hard

>> No.52658874

The Jews want you to be a weak beta nu male and you think you are owning them by being one.

>> No.52658881


The problem is dave has no recourse once he gains the prospective employee's information.

Using information about their financial situation / family status / personal situation to rescind a job offer is considered a kind of discrimination and wouldn't hold up in a court of law, because of the kind of corner case abuse that over-reaching corporations get up to.
Of course he couches it in terms of caring for the person, but it also is hurtful for employers to have this information because then they have another lever to base their wage offers on aside from competing with other places in an open market.

>> No.52659004

>literally no reason to work

How about so you can have some money to buy some decent food instead of shoveling garbage into your mouth

>> No.52659015

Goyslop is expensive, food is cheap.
Cook, retard.

>> No.52659029

Boomers really do live in an alternate reality. Half of the country doesn't pay income tax and don't work. If your still wagie cucking in a dying country coasting on money printing; you're literally retarded.

>> No.52659031

I have a job, but I was thinking the other day how much more FREAKISHLY TOLERABLE work would be if it were four 8 hours days (32 hours a week) instead of 40.

Work 4 days, make some money. Have 3 days off to do the shit you want. Actual balance and actual sanity

And yes I realize part-time jobs exist but most don't offer benefits.

>> No.52659047

>Half of the country doesn't pay income tax and don't work.

Who are they? You should only include people ages like 20-60.

I mean I know half the country isn't on welfare.

>> No.52659054

they do not have free trailers on Craigslist, shut the fuck ul. You can't get a good enclosed trailer for $1.5k either. Maybe back 5yrs ago, not now.

>> No.52659084

You'd be surprised on how many people are on welfare. I don't know how modern western countries even work with so many parasites

>> No.52659090

Im working, hard.

>> No.52659091

how do I get on welfare?

>> No.52659110

underrated fpbp

>> No.52659136

I'd treat a guy who talks like Mr. Mackey like shit too

>> No.52659155

Be a native,single parent, troon out, disabilities or have relatives that work for housing. Many other ways, just have to get in once then set for life.

>> No.52659241

>Because they live in the city.
Why should we be forced to live worse than our parents or our parents' parents?

Yeah, I can fuck off to the middle of Australia, sleep under trees and dig up grubs for food. It'd be a miserable existence though.

>> No.52659294

it would take 5 years of working and saving every penny to "improve" my standard of living and then another 10-30 to pay for that "improvement." or i can just live at my mom's house and inherit her house which is now worth 2x my lifetime "wages" i would get at my "job" meanwhile i would get the same amount of sex (0) and endure an infinite degree more bullying from low iq grugs and golems. i'm surprised only 7 million people have figured this out.

>> No.52660074

I'm about to resign from my office job so that I can concentrate on the future of payment processing. Portugal will soon join Benfica in accepting cryptocurrency payments. This is why I think payment projects will be the next big thing. UTK, COTI, XPRESS, just name it

>> No.52660109
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The unemployment rates in the US and Europe are unknown to you. It makes more sense to earn money passively over a reliable network. Do not wait for a job you will never get.

>> No.52660124

Kids these days are quite stupid jesus christ not gonna lie I am a nigro who cant even spell but godamn it your saying stupid shit son

>> No.52660221

Now insist all employers should play along and pay you a salary. If they don't, cancel them in social media.

>> No.52661389

Here’s the solution
Slash everyone from middle management, and up’s salary by 50% and pay the difference to actual employees who provide labor that creates value

>> No.52661430



>> No.52662175

>a kind of discrimination
Discrimination isn't illegal, it's only illegal when it's for a reason that's explicitly banned under federal law.

>> No.52662200

no incentives

>> No.52662245

the canceled that ai because it was bigoted

>> No.52662256

yea they got it from aws

>> No.52662311

One of my roommates is moving back with his mom next month. I think he's 37. He has a full time job too. He said it's to save money but he blows money like they're digital dollars with an approaching expiry date.
Personally, I just feel like if someone is in their mid 30s and living with 2 other dudes paying below market for a 3 bedroom and that's still pushing it for you economically then they have some really fucked up fundamental issue(s) that need to resolved.
You can save all you want but if you aren't increasing your income it doesn't mean shit because costs will creep up and saving 100% of low income is the same as saving 25% of high income.
The data showed, if memory serves me right, there 4 job openings for every 1 person unemployed so you could say there are a lot of jobs in that regard.
A job and a good job aren't the same thing though and more and more it's requiring higher levels of education / experience / credentials to land jobs that offer the same relative buying power as previous generations.
If you're an innovative person with an ability to tolerate and take risk there's never been an easier time to make money but if you're an average person, which by definition most of us are, then it's never been harder to do more than just get by.

>> No.52663175

Last company I worked for was connecticut based, over $700 per week.

>> No.52663190

Jobs aren’t hiring white men. So it’s not a matter of me not wanting to work it’s a matter of nobody will hire me.

TLDR racism.

>> No.52663194


>discrimination isn't illegal, only when it's illegal

Yes, which is what I listed is.


He can have all the good intentions in the world but when he requests the information he's not allowed to do jack and shit with it. If he makes a hiring decision with it, it becomes illegal.

>> No.52663579

That and the quality of websites in general has gone down drastically thanks to all the bullshit "AI" generated pages, widescreen monitors with vertical content webpages, infinite scrolling, giant gif ads, auto-play videos embedded in everything, etc. I dont know if its everywhere in the world but due to some limp wristed law about cookies I now get an extra full screen popup on almost every page notifying me that they use cookies with an "opt-out" that is hidden in fine print somewhere like playing where's waldo.

I almost miss the days of getting a half dozen popups.

>> No.52664601

Did you not read your own source?
You can request for financial information and you may use financial information obtained to make a determination about the responsibility and reliability of a potential employee.
What you aren't allowed to do is something like
>if you are gay and black you must have a credit score of 760 but if you are straight and white you do not.
You can absolutely discriminate based on finances if you are saying
>this job pays X dollars per Y period and you need to put together a budget I deem as reasonable to prove that you can afford to live on the wages offered for the job being applied to before the company will accept your employment.

>> No.52664632

Sounds like Tim Pool.

>> No.52665063

no wife?
no land?
I don't "work"
I will only make money (steal)

>> No.52665106

call of duty wagers and tournaments pay more than the "labor" he wants people to apply to lmao

>> No.52665199

No prime pussy (under 25, virgin) = no participation
>Simple as.

>> No.52665391

you can get that pretty easily. just don't be fat, ugly, old, autistic, or poor. if you are any of those things you didn't deserve 'prime pussy' anyway

>> No.52665474

lol boomer faggots would be killing themselves en masse if they were us

>> No.52666139

sauce on this?

>> No.52666174

Because the debtmaxxed like a retard and got btfo then rice and beans his way back to wealth. He'll tell you how he fucked up by being a debtard.

>> No.52666255

you don't understand negotiation
if "society" wants something, it better deliver on the demands
now get bankrupt by a 4% rate increase lol

>> No.52666268

Being on trad welfare isn't parasitic. Your carbon footprint shrinks substantially, you spend way less on luxuries, your net cost to society is way less than bougie yuppie jet-setters. Zombie companies and consultancies are the real parasites.

>> No.52666291

Anyone who's worked retail and tried to get a decent office job without a reference knows why no one wants to work. One encounter with an entitled, miserable middle-aged Karen at your job with CVS and you'll know.

>> No.52666322

>Personally, I just feel like if someone is in their mid 30s and living with 2 other dudes paying below market for a 3 bedroom and that's still pushing it for you economically then they have some really fucked up fundamental issue(s) that need to resolved.
Sounds like, if this is such a widespread issue that you can generalize about it on a carpet laying enthusiast imageboard, it's a problem with society, not the individual.

>> No.52666356

>A job and a good job aren't the same thing though and more and more it's requiring higher levels of education / experience / credentials to land jobs that offer the same relative buying power as previous generations.
No one wants to train employees anymore.
>If you're an innovative person with an ability to tolerate and take risk
You say this like it's a skill or a decision, when really it's a product of circumstances that are often outside an individual's present and direct control. "Risk tolerance" is a term that tries to make personal what is really a social matter; it has more to do with what outside resources might be available to help you should you fuck up, which, again, is someone else's decision, not yours.

>> No.52666361

are you suggesting men should withhold their labour until the government forces young women to fuck them?

>> No.52666400

Kek same

>> No.52666493
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You're supposed to have a job so that you can make money to provide for your family. Jobs are the modern version of hunting and gathering. You hunted and gathered to provide for your family and your tribe. People didn't just live out in the woods by themselves, hunting and then eating entire deer alone. This simply isn't how people are motivated. Historically, the only people who did crazy shit like that were monks and ascetics who did it for God. Today, it is genuinely more difficult to get married and have children for all kinds of reasons (mostly because of technology). It's not just nazis/incels/etc who can't get girlfriends. Normalfags are also struggling to form meaningful relationships. This is why people are less motivated to work. What's the point? So you can buy the most powerful gaming PC? So you can buy a car? For what? Materialism and consumerism are totally hollow and more people are waking up to this fact. I expect to see a sharp rise in the suicide rate in the next 10-20 years as the generation of sexless zoomers come of age.

>> No.52666578

>Google will dissolve under the weight of collapsing digital advertising

God I hope this happens so bad. I would cum hard.

>> No.52666869
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Fucking lazy millennials just sacrifice more!

>> No.52666972

The problem is societal, how a person chooses to react to it is individual.
Going back home because you only make ~$70k/yr and can't figure out how to increase your income in a meaningful way is a lot different than say starting a business and committing everything you have to it so you go back home because you're putting literally every last dollar you have back into it.
Investing is 100% a skill and a decision. How is taking risk not a decision? What are you even saying? It seems like everything you say comes from a place of deflecting responsibility. Take ownership of your life and do something about it instead of blaming everyone else and maybe it won't suck as much.

>> No.52667341


>> No.52667469
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Have they considered offering these men a higher level of compensation for their work?

>> No.52667637

>They are living under the constant fear of uncertainty
Even as a zoomie I feel bad for most of them, in England I won't be surprised to see 70 year's old going back to work getting yelled at by some one half thier age just for making the mistake of trusting the government.

>> No.52668329

>The problem is societal, how a person chooses to react to it is individual
All this means is that there's a chance one can change their circumstances. If this is you, it's fine to take that tack. But you also can't judge outcomes based on individual choices if the problem is systemic. Individuals bear no responsibility for failure but deserve any and all accolades for success.
>How is taking risk not a decision?
Because it can be coerced. Also because not taking a risk can be the result of unconscious reactions in the interest of self-preservation. You're assuming no agency where there likely isn't any, net-wise.
>It seems like everything you say comes from a place of deflecting responsibility.
Correct. I'd like to solve these problems. That can only happen once society accepts that they're society's problems and responsibility, not any given indicidual's. People who preach self-responsibility for systemic issues are either deluded or don't want the problem solved.

>> No.52668349

no, I can't afford a house in the middle of nowhere

>> No.52668508
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I have a finite amount of savings and have tried to cut costs to a minimum. Probably fucked next year if things don't change but holy shit no pay bumps in jobs this year but everything costs more? Fuck boomers and fuck jews.

>> No.52668537

That's called being a boomer. Not only do old people have bad advice in every era, the boomers in particular are 1 part "when I was your age I had 2 houses and 2 wives who didn't even know each other existed and still had money left over for hookers" and 1 part he kind of realizes shit is fucked but he couldn't give a rat's ass about you except that you choosing to either not work or work smart by taking advantage of loopholes in the system to make things a little easier for you means that boomies like him lose money, which makes him seethe.

So out of touch and self-serving, worse than 'normal' old people were 30 years ago when you at least had WWII guys who earned it. Boomers gave nothing back and will leave nothing but a ruined society of mutts in their wake.

>> No.52668831


>> No.52669202

Fuck you, pay me.

>> No.52669289
File: 22 KB, 277x340, index (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read the book
Paid off $16,500 in debt
Never going back in debt again
Life is good.

This book is the Red Pill for money - read it and ignore the poster who attack me for saying this.

>> No.52669320

Shut up, Dave.

>> No.52669395


Unrestricted land -$5k for a quarter acre in some states, and $30-50k in utility setup costs.

>> No.52669408

>le debt is bad
Fucking genius and original. What's next Mr Prophet? Cooking with fresh ingredients is healthier than eating every meal at McDonalds?

>> No.52669710

i need one more good year and i can lump sum pay off my entire mortgage, are you proud of my Dave?

>> No.52669777

>he actually gave money to this charlatan

>> No.52669942

christians aren't supposed to act like him
of you're ok with it you're part of thw problem you israel loving cuck

>> No.52669989

I work constantly, 10-14hr days, make around 15,000$ per month…. Take home around 9 after taxes.

I pay more in taxes than most people in this fucking country make. It’s total bullshit. Why should I work my ass off just to pay for blacks and Mexicans to breed?

>> No.52670321
File: 428 KB, 1144x2154, A56BEDB7-FFDE-4B12-ABFE-2ACF3C85D368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely fucking checked

>> No.52670662

No pussy = no work

>> No.52670680

One of the biggest setbacks North America has done to itself was convince boomers and genXers that children should be kicked out of the house at 18 to start life on their own and that living at home as a millennial is "shameful."

Instead of dropping tens of thousands on rent a year, that could have been saved/invested/enjoyed.

>> No.52670830


>> No.52670935


I would love to see him go pick up a hammer and go work at a construction site.

>> No.52670952

So accurate.

>> No.52671009


>> No.52671168

>Every time.
Because it remains true every time. Do you not understand how facts work?

>> No.52671228

Why should I participate in a society that's determined to kill itself?

>> No.52671256
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can someone please post the meme of the jew broadcasting over TV broadcast lines to the army of NPCs?

>> No.52671349

This is how America tries to get NEETs to get a job.

>> No.52672350

>I work constantly, 10-14hr days, make around 15,000$ per month…. Take home around 9 after taxes.
Dave is the kind of dude that will use christianity to justify how right he is, while having zero self awareness or people he sees as equals turning that on him and checking his own behavior. Dude thinks because he has money and a business that he's God's gift to USA. He thinks that having money makes his opinion on everything he has an opinion on right. Totally insufferable.

Read about how shitty it is to work for his company. It's as bad-or even worse-than you'd expect from his boomer commentary.

>Guy has let his ego grow to middle-eastern dictator levels
He seems to only get worse over time. I remember when he just used to be a guy I'd pull up a video on where he cracks some jokes about going $80k in debt for a degree in playing the tuba. Now he specialized in giga boomer rants. Sad

>> No.52672728

It's just Boomer evangelicalism. They kiss the asses of women and minorities. Men are told to "man up" and "respect authority."

Totally cucked culture

>> No.52672782


God you’re pathetic. 70k is more than enough to live alone almost anywhere. Stop being a bitch

>> No.52672815
File: 40 KB, 392x327, [SubsPlease] Urusei Yatsura (2022) - 07 (1080p) [0CAAB255].mkv_snapshot_02.14_[2022.11.25_23.14.29].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boomer: Why won't men man up and work, they're not men otherwise
>Boomer learns that the majority are minorities
Boomer: Ah well, we can't expect EVERYONE to work who have been disadvantaged by the system, we should put more taxes to programs

>> No.52672880
File: 89 KB, 775x898, 1325D793-1513-4D84-9F8C-465BA08C75CE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brodie got the motherfuckin anklet thoooooooooo and now they know where he at where he goooooo

>> No.52673206

Neets are so cringe its actually unbelievable.
Imagine leeching from parents, contribute absolutely nothing to society, eat food made by other people, use products of their labor, and still not feeling tremendous guilt of being absolute blackhole of community. Imagine this is your life in 25+??? I literally cant comprehend.

>> No.52673668

Don't forget your monthly booster.

>> No.52673953

meant for >>52654834

>> No.52674020

Too busy party rocking

>> No.52674050

That is what marriage was up until the 1960s or so.

>> No.52674270

Even my own mother can't admit that we have it harder. It's like some sort of allergy to perception. She was complaining about people getting maternity leave, citing " what about us old folks? what do we get?"

It's fucking maternity leave. Why do you need a matching handout? And then all these other sad old fucks bitching about student loan forgiveness.


Go fuck yourself you dumb boomer faggots. Get vaxed again you fucking retards

>> No.52674401

>physics cant solve cause physics field is long dead
Physics isn't dead it's just hyper specialized.
You need an expert level understanding to even identify potential problems to work on.

>> No.52674416

>it's either rent or live your mothers basement for most millennials. 90 percent of jobs don't pay enough to afford a house
So glad I just barely dodged through and managed to buy my nuke bunker stone wall house just in time. I was running on vapours for a decade plus.

I'd offer up it's safe haven and financial security to some zoomer teats. I might even let her zoomer brother live in the loft, like a squirrel. If you're male and a millennial..... I've got some bad news.... I think you can guess what it is.

>> No.52674450

>You need an expert level understanding to even identify potential problems to work on.
It's not that difficult.

Optical ram. For instance.

Now go blast me a PhD thesis together on that and give me 50k.

>> No.52674479

No kidding, I can identify boomers literally just by their driving style and get it correct.

I can also do it with bidding styles. Here's how it works.
>item cost £200 new
>likely resale price £42
>what's this? Enter Start price?
>I know, I'll throw em a real humdinger by setting it to 99p. That ought to generate some huge interest
>don't want to be greedy but let's call it 250, fair price
>item approaches ending
>current price £6
>item demister
>item relisted
>the boomer has discovered the "reserve price" option after some intensive Internet research
>relists at 99p
>item sells
>refuses to post it out insisting it should really have sold for more
All so predictable

>> No.52674487

>No kidding, I can identify boomers literally just by their driving style and get it correct.
what are some boomer driving moves?

>> No.52674509

Slows down as approaching crossing whilst someone is waiting, but not slow enough to make it safe to cross; I.e. wasting as much time as possible.

Waving people across when there is oncoming traffic in the opposite direction.

It's like they live in a bubble where other people don't exist. They've all started going on about how they
>feel invisible
Now they realise life doesn't revolve soley round them and the concept of mortality

>> No.52674561

>Slows down as approaching crossing whilst someone is waiting, but not slow enough to make it safe to cross; I.e. wasting as much time as possible.
lmao that is terrible

>They've all started going on about how they
>>feel invisible
I had to google this. boomer faggots are really eager to find something in self-centered cringe land

I really don't know what created boomers. It's easy to say just lead poisoning or just easy economic times, but they're seriously mental pieces of work that someone that hasn't met one would be startled by. they're jarring as humans

>> No.52674690

I will be soon. Still, wages are not at all compensatory. I do not blame anyone for not working (unless they're not white, fuck niggers)

>> No.52674705

Bump (yes I'm bumping a reply)

>> No.52674787

no pussy, no work, no peace, no taxes, no vaccine

>> No.52674945

Chicken and brown rice is cheap, anon.

>> No.52675060
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>> No.52675410

>Slows down as approaching crossing whilst someone is waiting, but not slow enough to make it safe to cross; I.e. wasting as much time as possible.
That pisses me off so fucking much. I'd rather they just speed through than waste time like that.
Many boomers have this habit of trying to look helpful, but not actually accomplishing anything. Some of the younger generation do it too, but it's much more prevalent among boomers.

>> No.52675692

I'm not the one who's moving back home you illiterate faggot.

>> No.52675889

Your time worth nothing. If u had no internet, u wouldnt be neet.

>> No.52675987
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If I did what society told me to, I'd be over $100k in student loan debt & be a completely sexless incel.
However, I saved up all my money from working a shitty union job at 18-21 and have been living off of that in a swamp in Asia where I get pussy every night for free.
I will not be a cagie for a boomer fuck anymore. I refuse to be a rat for boomer. Women in America are just fat, ugly, and evil.
I destroyed my body for those 3 years of waging 12-16 hour shifts and I invested in Bitcoin, Digibyte, Microsoft, and Amazon. I never need to work and have more respect as a foreigner than I ever did as a local in my own country.
Fuck you, Dave.

>> No.52676025

>spend 12 hours a day busting your ass working and be desperately poor
>do nothing all day and be desperately poor

Most people will choose option 2.

>> No.52676153

>Get a job

Meanwhile kikes are openly excluding white men from employment
> according to his Manhattan Federal Court lawsuit, and was stunned when CEO Nitzan Pelman allegedly proclaimed during a retreat “that she adamantly refused to hire white people into senior roles at Climb Hire.”
>When McWilliams, who is black, asked whether she meant to say she was “trying to build a diverse company,” Pelman, who is white, allegedly snapped back, “I know what I am saying, and I know what it means. I will not hire another white person at Climb Hire, especially not in leadership.”

She's also the Social Capital Entrepreneur In Residence at LinkedIn

>> No.52676222

Boomers made zoning laws for this exact purpose. Good luck plopping a house down in your own land without dozens of permits and inspectors lol.

>> No.52676283

Based. Can you post some pics of the puss you get for free please

>> No.52676888

He actually said "you dont feel alive when there's no risk" when trying to say people need to go work a job. There's no risk I'm going to work and collecting a paycheck. You stake nothing and just get paid for your time.

>> No.52676965

Does anyone her listen to his show live? I'd love to hear home one call in and say they're just not gonna work next time he goes into a rant about it, if the lines are open on air.

>> No.52677063

giving like 20 bucks for that book isn't as bad as wasting time reading it. yeah no shit debt is bad.

>> No.52677472

Kill yourself newfag.

>> No.52677536

>16,500 paid off
All boomer accomplishments are a fucking joke.

>> No.52677632

>and still not feeling tremendous guilt of being absolute blackhole of community.
What glorious community are they supposed to be contributing to? Black people on welfare are basically neets but they don't get shit. Only Asians/whites are expected to be good slaves.

>> No.52677668

>Many boomers have this habit of trying to look helpful, but not actually accomplishing anything.
Every boomer I have ever met will always promise help and guidance and when you ask it's suddenly a pain and you need to figure it out yourself lol. It's fake. But they still expect asspats for offering fake help.

>> No.52677714

What exactly does this fat fuck do besides farting into a microphone? The delusional fat fuck probably thinks he works hard for his money.

>> No.52677760

Says the guy who's probably never replaced a shit pipe in his life.

>> No.52678041

So in my many interactions with Das Ewige Boomen I've learned this: their entire lives required virtually no knowledge to succeed and there was rarely any risk of failure, so they aren't actually valuable people.

Offering you help merely achieved the appearance of looking charitable. But they haven't the first fucking clue how to actually help you. That was never in the cards.

I asked my Boomer uncle for help finding a job, you know what he did? Sent me a job website. Cool, thanks for nothing.

I asked his Gen X daughter for help, you know what she did? Referred me to the appropriate HR recruiter in her company and got me a job interview relevant to my skillset.

Both of these people believe they provided me equivalent levels of help.

>> No.52678169

>why wont you lazy men get to work?
i have a job, but don't expect me to do any work, i spend my days playing games and browsing the internet, i just keep delaying deadlines, i don't give a shit, employeer can't even fire me because of socialism

>> No.52678718
File: 390 KB, 750x1183, 3D6A3D48-1A9E-419A-AD87-5B22612DD66C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is housing getting impossible to buy is a better question

>> No.52678731
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>nephew asks for help finding a job
>send him a job website


>> No.52679406

Same, let the precious immigrants do the work.

>> No.52679491


>> No.52679515

Sad that this is what it has come down to for most men, but based for figuring it out so early, anon.