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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 395 KB, 800x800, CoinmetroCoinmetroCoinmetroCoinmetrov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52650289 No.52650289 [Reply] [Original]

>Coinmetro is the best exchange and Coinmetro holders are the only good people in crypto and everyone else is bad.

>> No.52650304

Please don't post tranny porn webms in our threads. This is a blue board.

>> No.52650325


>> No.52650409

LCX is a scam by the way.

>> No.52650499

Yeah but by forgetting to include the exclamation mark the post loses the nuance of excitation we feel at watching Bitcoin getting fucked. The reason I linked it was to offer a contrast on threads that aren't deleted.
>LCX is a scam by the way.
Wanna make out?

>> No.52650507
File: 1.50 MB, 849x1200, 9835C18F-A783-45BA-9548-06B533028CC3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whgy are youi speaking like a janny
being homosexual as a man is entirely a choice. Only weak men make that choice to indulge in sinister taboos amongst all kinds of filth
why did god put the male g spot in the prostate ? notice how when you're a coomer your spirit is overpowered by satan and you dive deeper and deeper into the most degenerate stuff imaginable, furry, futa, vore, etc and then when you're on nofap for extended periods your mind is totally un-altered and pure and you don't even have that desire anymore and just want to fug yhour gf
interdasting innit
It's like how you fantasizing about cartoon loli's every now and then doesn't make you a pedophile, irl action does

>> No.52650597

I never understood feet

>> No.52650676
File: 995 KB, 1024x1280, ea71b28b5bb8ea96af9434196dcd1030337ef679.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>being homosexual as a man is entirely a choice
>Only weak men make that choice to indulge in sinister taboos amongst all kinds of filth
why did god put the male g spot in the prostate ? notice how when you're a coomer your spirit is overpowered by satan and you dive deeper and deeper into the most degenerate stuff imaginable, furry, futa, vore, etc
I don't believe this is true and only an ignorant bisexual or an ignorant straight would make such a claim that they "chose" their sexuality. People won't wake up and decide they're going to be straight, and I'm certain that most pedophiles don't make a decision as a child that they're going to grow up to become a pedophile when they're big. A lot of fags never had that straight -> trap -> femboy -> twink -> bara pipeline and went straight for boys.
>and then when you're on nofap for extended periods your mind is totally un-altered and pure and you don't even have that desire anymore and just want to fug yhour gf
I've gone on several nofaps lasting longer than 30 days with ease. They do not change much if anything, but I might be the odd one out given my disinterest in sexual intercourse.

>> No.52650695

>It's like how you fantasizing about cartoon loli's every now and then doesn't make you a pedophile, irl action does
While I agree with the notion that you are defined by your actions rather than your attractions, this does sound a bit like a cope. For instance if someone has an attraction to lolis on occasion while it doesn't mean they're automatically attracted beyond that there's a likelihood involved that they are attracted to more than just adults, or at the very least would be if they did not find it morally wrong and choose to suppress such an attraction. Suppose your statement is still true if you define being a pedophile as an action and not an attraction, but someone physically attracted and morally repulsed by sexualization would still be within the definition of pedophile. There's plenty of people that are attracted to both children and adults though who choose to stick to whats legal either out of fear or out of moral justifications so arguably the definition of pedophile is probably a bit too loose in its claims to be about primary or exclusive attraction given that many adults would still be called pedophiles while having a primary attraction to adult females. But what about those that explain their pedophilic attractions started before their puberty? There are people claiming that they had an unhealthy sexual interest in x year olds at 8-12 years old. Regardless, there's nothing wrong with being attracted to drawings of any kind either way as long as it does not progress to delusion that a toddler is totally into you.

>> No.52650760
File: 25 KB, 533x300, 1669659990503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My guess is that he was molested as a kid and can't come to terms with how that makes him contribute to the statistics that suggest gays are only gay because of being molested and by claiming it is a choice is his way of coping. Usually I would agree with you that it is an ignorant straightfag or bifag but the footfag benzo addict thing makes me assume the most unfortunate choice is the correct one.

>> No.52650883
File: 256 KB, 850x1275, 1582749490424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quite simpl
they highlight the rest of a womans body beautifully
if you cannot worship or appreciate all parts of your gf/wife, you either dont love her or you're gay
also they produce pheromones, and being the lowest point in the humans body it's perfect for femdom
>People won't wake up and decide they're going to be straight
No shit, their weak minds when they're being overpowered by spirits chooses for them whilst they are straight
There is no going back lmfao, most homosexuals don't choose to get molested by their fathers / uncles so I guess you're right in that sense but they are still weak for ever breaking the balance. It is entirely their upbringing, and it's 100% a mental illness
Nofap only works if you have a girlfriend or wife, otherwise you're just harnessing sexual frustration, but you will end up cumming in your sleep as your body naturally recycles semen
when you're in a tall building and you feel a call of the void, does that make you suicidal ? when you have a feeling like killing someone does that make you a murderer ? Am I going to jail ?

>> No.52650903

but both male and female have feet whats the point like you are homosexual if you like feet bro

>> No.52650932

Good point, I didn't realize it was the benzo addict. Definitely got molested hard.

>otherwise you're just harnessing sexual frustration, but you will end up cumming in your sleep as your body naturally recycles semen
True, been there. Fortunately I no longer produce anything to leak at night and don't mind a quick session every now and then.
>when you're in a tall building and you feel a call of the void, does that make you suicidal ? when you have a feeling like killing someone does that make you a murderer
You don't think about a sexual attraction. You have it. Thinking about jumping of a bridge is a thought, not an attraction. Wanting to jump of the bridge, that's an attraction and yes you would be quite suicidal in the moment even if you did not go through with it.
>Am I going to jail ?
When you rob a gas station for more benzo, I could see something like that happening.

>> No.52650974
File: 115 KB, 1670x980, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It was a sucker's rally.
Relief for my sisters, when.

>> No.52651021

>True, been there
I have never had a wet dream. What's it like?

>> No.52651057
File: 1.20 MB, 1284x1690, c08d0b9c4c0e86e3079c77ea518fb1ff49f937da.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If by wet dream you mean leakage at night, my last time that I remember I was dreaming about non-sexual stuff and woke up with wet underwear. There was nothing sexual at all about the dream, probably because I was not masturbating at the time and was in avoidance mode. If by wet dream you mean literally any horny dream I don't believe you.

>> No.52651102

Having a wet dream means to ejaculate in your sleep usually but not always with an accompanying orgasm. I have dreamed about sex maybe 5 times ever. Unless I don't remember them. I wake up with diamond hard erections 99% of the time even when I don't need to piss which is weird too.

>> No.52651138
File: 89 KB, 1920x1080, YUdrAYp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>implying men and women produce the same pheromones
>both men and women have asses whats the point
>both men and women have breasts what de_point
>both men and women have armpit wot de poimt
how da fumk do you always know its me, should I bve worried
The first time I coomed as a little boy was wen I was browsing youtube and encountered a giantess mmd vid of a girl crushing a tiny man, I didn't even know why my peehole was tightening and what just hapeppnend but I did feel a deep shame afterwards. I thought i just pissed myself and i've been a degenerate ever since. probably explains why i'm into anime and femdom having the masculine role reversal as in reality its impossible

>> No.52651182

Humans don't produce pheromones.

>> No.52651228

yeah but women have bigger asses and boobs because they have a purpose feet is the same both male and female use them to walk the purpose is the same

>> No.52651278
File: 150 KB, 850x688, yuri succu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have dreamed about sex maybe 5 times ever.
I must be a pervert... Ecchi... Hentai... Everything is not daijoubu daijoubu...
>I wake up with diamond hard erections 99% of the time even when I don't need to piss which is weird too.
The male body does this to preserve the penis. It is necessary. Removing testosterone prevents this for the most part, but you will have unwanted consequences for your penis.

>how da fumk do you always know its me, should I bve worried
because you type like a benzoed out retard. I don't even mind it, but you really cannot spell and your mispellings are that of a drugged out person, not of a normal typo or poor grammar.
>The first time I coomed as a little boy was wen I was browsing youtube and encountered a giantess mmd vid of a girl crushing a tiny man, I didn't even know why my peehole was tightening and what just hapeppnend but I did feel a deep shame afterwards
I remember being really interested in the idea of being a tiny man and being inside a mouth with all the juicy liquids, but I had not yet fully discovered the internet fortunately.

You just need to do the womanly act of wiping your pussy juices on your neck as perfume and you have pseudo-pheromones.

>> No.52651435
File: 114 KB, 1280x720, 1669585537547319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kadena Babena!
Coinmetro is the best exchange.
Nobody forced the whiners to buy KDA and it is not as if they didn't know and understand what we were doing... :3

>> No.52651451

>>52651435 ID: (yOU)

>> No.52651468

>The male body does this to preserve the penis. It is necessary.
Erections in your sleep are normal but I have been told it is weird that I without fail wake up with one.
>I remember being really interested in the idea of being a tiny man and being inside a mouth with all the juicy liquids, but I had not fully discovered the internet fortunately.
Weird. For me it was wanting tiny women to use as living onaholes.
Me on the left.

>> No.52651533
File: 258 KB, 1920x1491, may.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fortunately I was nevr mo-loch-ested or harvested by canaan but I was raised by 4th channels since 2013
all it takes is the right girl to understang
bone structures are different (you can easily tell who has nigger genetics via their soles) like when you pipe girls doggystyle you would think have no ass but due to how a womans pelvic bone structure is designed it's always a surprise by how much of her vessel was hidden and is emerged by your cock pounding her
womens soles are very very different than a mans, if you cannot tell the difference you are a homosex sorri
idk dis is how i usualyl type as its comfi to mej as well as more entertainig
giantess is the patrician fetish. internet is the harvester of souls. if you are plagued in your youth, there will always be a part of you that remains a degen. there is no escape but you can do_your_best to mitigate teh hedonism

>> No.52651568
File: 353 KB, 2304x834, Screenshot 2022-11-28 at 20.19.52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Erections in your sleep are normal but I have been told it is weird that I without fail wake up with one.
You're probably just a bigger pervert than me and dream about sex every night and forget about it when you wake up. Yup, that must be it.
>Weird. For me it was wanting tiny women to use as living onaholes.
Inspect Element

>but you can do_your_best to mitigate teh hedonism
Like cutting balls off? It's a good treatment, but not a cure of course.

>> No.52651603

I meant adult women with bodies about the the same size as my dick not anything illegal besides I was underage at the time.

>> No.52651645

No fun allowed.
I thought she looked like a normal girl with those boobs, are they out of touch? Do they think all women have G cups?

>I meant adult women with bodies about the the same size as my dick not anything illegal
Well it sure is an odd idea, but I guess it makes a little bit of sense if you feel like you lack the confidence to bed a real adult and feel like a child compared to them. A toy-sized thing isn't kowai.
>besides I was underage at the time.
Nice save.

>> No.52651648

I look like left one

>> No.52651661
File: 627 KB, 652x610, 64993713_880988028966541_7477180489128738816_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only weakies do dat shiedt, nevr understood those oriental monks either, why desecrate gods temple
every coom is wasted energy and potential, all women are succubus by design, they thrive off of your sekshual energee and yhour seed
philosophers of the past used to camp out in caves to achieve higher levels of consciousness as to not be provoked by feelings of lust around any women
same raison why freemasons cover their gentitalia with an apron as all your future will and action upon the world is dependent on it

>> No.52651707

Oh I forgot to mention it wasn't consensual and they found it extremely painful.

>> No.52651749
File: 3.33 MB, 3737x2661, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you spend a lot of time on >>>/x/ or >>>/pol/ ?
Strike me as a bit of a schizo when you start talking about canaans and succubi and freemasons and what else.
This is just a guess, but are you teh one who posted about pedophile symbols on kadenamoe?

It just went from oh okay I guess that makes sense like a dominant inversal of my tiny man big woman submissive thing to an "uhh" moment. Poor onaholes.
This your room?

>> No.52651764
File: 771 KB, 2048x1506, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

schizobenzofootfag, is this your room?

>> No.52651835

The contrast between the pidgeon toed sad girl and the happy amputee girl is kind of funny and the cute picture of the guy and what I assume to be his mother is nice but no I am not a fan.
I grew out of that weird fetish by age 15 or so. I pretty much only like vanilla stuff now.

>> No.52651925
File: 69 KB, 1080x1074, 1604089976023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ufhJCspx is a weirdo
i've never been on /x/ and havbenbt visimted /pol/ since the /r/donald refugees invaded in 2016 (similar to how wsb refugees plagued /biz/)
I've just been awakened to the world of the occult, symbolism in absolutely everything and for some reason it always comes back to moloch-baal and child sacrifices to appease these death gods amongst other degeneracy
it is unfortunate that this realm we reside in is governed by satan, but we are still blessed with godness in the face of all this darkness
dat not me on kadmoe, but i guess i haff to check back
dat me

>> No.52652024

>I've just been awakened to the world of the occult, symbolism in absolutely everything
Did this coincide with your drug addiction exacerbating? Drugs can do some funny shit to your brain. I remember walking around dead sober after way too much seeing symbols and thinking that was a good thing, a source of power.
>and for some reason it always comes back to moloch-baal and child sacrifices to appease these death gods amongst other degeneracy
Seems a bit far fetched that everything would come back to that, but I guess the mind fixates on that. It's very possible to see connections even when they aren't there.

What is your belief on the women in pic related? Who are they and what led to this? And why am I jealous?

>> No.52652275

Shouldn't you be more focused on KDA today, cryptotranny?

>> No.52652306

I pwomise I not on dwugs
Im so anti pharma that even wen i had my wisdom teef removed I didn't use any paine medicashio
'avent been to any doctor in over 15 years eithr
once you are awakened certain undeniable truths its ogre. nothinge has chamged since the time of babylon. frequency, energy and vibrations are absolutely everything in this realm, these canaanites use symbolism to root itself within your subconscious mind, planting seeds of evil that lay dormant, slowly eating away at your soul until your inevitable demise
I assure you all this astrologonomogy stuff is real, study water if yhou want to learn more
>>52651925 is literally me (left) literally (you)((right)) and in the back is ufhJCspx but only out of pity

>> No.52652427
File: 91 KB, 441x552, e175af44ab68f345fd91f1338f00998eafb7067d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I pwomise I not on dwugs
>Im so anti pharma that even wen i had my wisdom teef removed I didn't use any paine medicashio
>'avent been to any doctor in over 15 years eithr
>once you are awakened certain undeniable truths its ogre. nothinge has chamged since the time of babylon. frequency, energy and vibrations are absolutely everything in this realm, these canaanites use symbolism to root itself within your subconscious mind, planting seeds of evil that lay dormant, slowly eating away at your soul until your inevitable demise
I'm probably very rude with this question, but do you have any diagnosed mental illnesses(probably not if you dont go to any doctor for that long)? Do you ever hear voices or see things that aren't real?
>I assure you all this astrologonomogy stuff is real, study water if yhou want to learn more
How do you study water?
>and in the back is ufhJCspx but only out of pity
rude, but also lol
The one in the back has the cutest hairstyle and probably the cutest face though from what I can see.

>> No.52652652
File: 1.51 MB, 640x426, goth ramen.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i somehow managed to dodge all diagnosis in my adolescence but I do still hear frequencies that others do not. something like an flashbang sfx that lasts momentarily, or random high / low pitch vvibrationz. when I really try lucid dreaming and I fumk thingsup the stages before you enter lucid dreaming is in sleep paralysis. I never see demons or anything, but I do feel extremely negative vibrations and feel like i'm 10k ft underwater being suffocated by the pressure. Its difficult to remember things in that state but I faintly can recall many instances in which im shouting at the top of my lungs to leave me alone and to get out of here or prayers and when i ask my relatives iuf they nherd any ytelling or screaming they always say no.. as for hallucinations only seldom when i'm in a deep concentration
water is everythinge. the sun, the moon, waters above, waters below
/I agrwee that the backj is the cutest, I just associated it due to ID color correlation
i fappepped to dis webm

>> No.52652675

I hate to be the one to say it but those are men.
The art style is very yaoi, probably drawn by a yaoi artist who in a daze of confusion accidentally drew girls.

>> No.52652686

yes I self insert as noodles

>> No.52652747

It's two girls from Rosario+Vampire baka.
I love vampires, though neither of those two are vampires.

She kinda looks like an anime girl.

>> No.52652885

The girl on the left is pretty cute in the series, but this piece of art is clearly two men.
The art style is yaoi.

>> No.52652908

Catholic church pumping out gays nonstop then.

>> No.52653098
File: 150 KB, 635x1050, 5dfecb6e9c1e158fd847c5f9f79ccadfc5df5b19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The girl on the left was my favorite too because she was quiet. I liked the quiet ones, plus she's cute. It certainly doesn't look like a yuri artstyle so you're probably right. If you mix yuri+yaoi you get male women making out?
Here's some more by certainly the same artist, but not tagged any artist.

>> No.52653138

i have not masturbated in months why should i start now

>> No.52653447

>my favorite too because she was quiet.
Good taste!
However, I'm not going to click yaoi imagery.

That's a crime, shouldn't be allowed.

>> No.52653465

imagine simping for an exchange.

>> No.52653486

Is this thread worth reading anonies

>> No.52653611
File: 856 KB, 2464x1723, 85189477285d2de09f215133abd09a601d9bcfc3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you like drugs, schizos, childhood sex fantasies, anime, perversions and feet, then sure.
Lower than average crypto post count. BlockFi bankrupt LCX still a scam yadda yadda etc etc. Previous thread today was disappeared https://archived.moe/biz/thread/52647850/, but not much of value was lost.

>> No.52653720

I only looked at the images.

>> No.52654316


>> No.52654826
File: 1.48 MB, 1424x1070, vlcsnap-2022-11-28-23h32m24s934.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Q**** is 1/10th Thorchain circulating marketcap and half the FDV of Thorchain's marketcap.
It's rather unfortunate that it uses a mobile app and only has a web wallet though, unless you wanna store an ERC.

>> No.52655103

I love you

>> No.52655142
File: 323 KB, 1920x1080, fnae I can no longer see you as my chair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't

>> No.52655153
File: 342 KB, 1920x1080, fnae You're hereby demoted to the stock department.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

know you

>> No.52655348

none of yous anime sperging fags are going to attract new baggies to xcm by acting so gay, post some infographics, why is coinmetro the best exchange?

>> No.52655901

Someone needs to inform Kevin about RVP. It needs a listing fast before it takes off.

>> No.52656056

Kevin got rejected from MIT due to bad grades. He will never allow a project partnered with them on Coinmetro out of spite.

>> No.52656094

Do you have some infographics for the anon two posts above?
The only way I can shill coinmetro is that it's the cheapest way to get crypto for HRT compared to other exchanges with high deposit and withdrawal flat fees, but that's not very inclusive shilling for the 0.1%.

>> No.52657477


>> No.52657804

I wouldn't even know what to put in an infographic. Use this exchange because all other non boomer exchanges trade against you and want you to lose sounds like a schizopost.

>> No.52657929
File: 161 KB, 1280x750, 1669694466617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I got mad that the last thread was deleted and made a new one even more off topic than the last with the same op image. We can start having a normal thread from here if you like.

>> No.52659911


>> No.52659922
File: 117 KB, 1024x1024, 423432432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ngggghhhhhhhhaaaahhh Baaaaabeeeeeenaaaa!!!!!

>> No.52660007

How can Coinmetro hope to survive when exchanges with 100x their volume die.

>> No.52660382

Is coffee good for you?
you do, dumbass.

Appeal reviewied and deniewied

>> No.52661192
File: 121 KB, 800x839, D58C6ADB-0294-4E63-8CCC-1A3BCE7C216B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.52661296

KDA is a scam

>> No.52661350
File: 449 KB, 802x1110, average coinmetro thread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want something done right you do it yourself

>> No.52661421

Sauce on the stretched out pic at the top?

>> No.52661451

got it from here idk https://soundcloud.com/moeshop/tokyo-chopp-edit

>> No.52661466
File: 370 KB, 255x204, 1669284470937.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is made by paid discord shills they want to scam you!
Do not invest in any coins they recommend, do not engage with them and do not support them in any way. They are only here to get as much liquidity as possible from gullible retards. They have astroturfed /biz/ for over 2 years by now and scammed a lot of clueless /biz/ anons.
Thank you for your attention.

>> No.52661490

Never mind I found it here >>52650289

>> No.52661513
File: 1 KB, 1920x960, 0E687B8E-CE9A-44C3-B987-EF712AAC75AE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the sauce https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transgender_flag

>> No.52661529
File: 401 KB, 1170x706, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52661593
File: 209 KB, 1424x1070, uwu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm confused.

>> No.52661793

do we think kucoin going to collapse this week or only by the end of this year?

*pats head*

>> No.52661821

Is there any biological women in this thread holding XCM?

>> No.52661824

my future gf

>> No.52661900

Sad to see Bitfinexed turned into a retard, I think they were credible in the past.

>> No.52661961

Not really. The term "tether truther" was made up to descrive him. He sold sub 1k thinking tether was about to blow up and never bought back in last tine I checked. That was years ago.

>> No.52662058
File: 30 KB, 291x371, 150511A9-E434-4FA1-95D5-70D0556B5DD5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really follow Tweeters at all.
Tether has a lot of shady secrets and it's good someone is trying to shine a light on them, but acting like an absolute idiot discredits Bitfinexed a lot.
We could use more good actors in the industry, we don't need more retards.

>> No.52662092
File: 230 KB, 1667x1269, aaf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its fun watching scams collapse though, like pic related

>> No.52662180
File: 6 KB, 217x250, 4chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coinmetro roasties larping on Biz. You guys are gonna follow butfinex soon, unless you have some assets on AllianceDex, you will forever remain drowned.

>> No.52662280
File: 273 KB, 1663x1104, 3FF078F1-66C8-4F5A-B6BB-6CA10D30CCE8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this bot actually read the thread?
You've piqued my interest, tell me something more about your AllianceBlock DEX, why should I use it over any other DEX?
Additionally it seems the AllianceBlock DEX is available on Polygon Mumbai, that means the ALBT token not needed.

>> No.52662373


>> No.52662394

When you're so bad at pretending to be one of the posters of this board that people start to get interested and look into the scam you're paid to shill. Pure genius.

>> No.52662471
File: 128 KB, 715x1000, 8A8AF83A-DB05-4E01-9AD0-212A6DA651F7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52662887

New thread coinmetbros

>> No.52662967
File: 591 KB, 1200x2000, Ayane.(Nagasarete.Airantou).full.241655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Asian women are cute. Get over it.

>> No.52662997

>I don't really follow Tweeters at all.
Me neither. I tried reading up on tether and all the articles praised him as a misunderstood genius insider to cover up that they have basically no real evidence Tether are doing anything wrong. Everyone knows what tether say makes no sense and it is retarded nobody has managed to prove it yet. He is basically the same as the r/buttcoin losers but on a different team.
>Tether has a lot of shady secrets and it's good someone is trying to shine a light on them
That should have been the feds over 5 years ago so they could have blown it up before it got big.
>We could use more good actors in the industry, we don't need more retards.
Most of the good and bad actors are all retarded.
Asian men make the cutest girls. Get over it.

>> No.52663301
File: 246 KB, 1920x2179, Kuro24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitfront, a Japanese crypto exchange that seems to be designed to facilitate lightning payments to some popular social media app is shutting down very shortly after liquid Japan and FTX Japan shut down. This got me thinking, 99% of all crypto companies that aren't rugpulls are dependent on VC money to stay afloat. As VCs get rekt plenty of small local companies we never heard of are going to have their supply of VC money shut off and will have to quiet exit scam. Pretty much all regional exchanges fit into this bracket. None of them can possibly be profitable even during bull markets.

To make matters worse it looks like lots of them like Bitfront were staking customer funds for extra cash.Kevin mentioned that the only countries with clear laws regarding crypto in 2017 were Estonia and Japan. Doesn't that imply that if the first regional exchanges shutting down are in a country with very strict regulation that the rest of them are also probably doing the same thing and being less transparent about it? It is hard to find information about regional exchanges anymore since search engines are worthless and googling "best UK exchanges" will give you a link to a pajeet referral link website saying to use Binance but I know there are small exchanges that only are licensed in their country of operation in pretty much every Western country. How many of them are solvent?

>> No.52663409

Ok, how can you not see GME is legit (or wall street is scared to death of it) with a thread like this. Look at the other hate outside this post too. Lol do they really expect you to think random retail just coordinated this push? This freaking post, with all its comments is all the proof you need. No way I am going to take my time to post in another thread about a stock I have absolutely no interest in.

Just think about how much of a little hitcu you would have to be to do that? And you really believe there are this many just waiting to jump in a post like this? These guys are idiots. Just absolutely spoiled kids who have never been told no their entire lives. Daddy paid for everything and daddy even got them their position at the company. Because daddy did everything for them always, the spoiled kids made the dumbest bet ever and are now losing everything lol! These spoiled kids were never told no and now they don't know what to do when someone is telling them "no you can't keep your money, it's qll about to go to the poors haha". Just laugh at the little spoiled brats kick and scream. Laugh at the desperation these kids show by posting this stuff.

This is the greatest show on earth. You get to watch the most spoiled pieces of shit you could ever think of, lose everything to a "dying brick and mortar" video game store. Watching them cry is better than any amount of money you take from these pussies. It's priceless. Daddy can't help them this time. Hell, daddy will probably jump with him

>> No.52663430


>> No.52663528
File: 91 KB, 374x474, tumblr_9a03d4f39fb2ea5cd30078194f7979af_165d639e_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>more good actors in the industry
no such thing as a bad actor, all structures at scale in life are necessarily biased. this is relative. there are definitely better method in understanding consciousness, but antagonization is not one of them.
not stirring up drama, op's tasteless doubling down on maximalism shows the extent of self-deception.

>> No.52663583

>no such thing as a bad actor
What is your opinion on Bitconnect?

>> No.52663599

You should refrain from using the term "bad actor" because everything is relative.

>> No.52663601

>no such thing as a bad actor
I would literally pay above €1k to have you transported to the headquarters of a major crypto project for a single day, you need a hard wake-up call

>> No.52663701

He needs a rape correction. The lack of self awareness required to turn a discussion on dishonesty in the crypto industry into an ontological argument on understanding consciousness and implying everyone not currently talking about the thing you currently feel like talking about is doing something wrong can't even be explained by mere autism. You need to make a conscious choice to be that annoying.

>> No.52663727

I was so strong always. But for the first time ever I can't stop crying now and tears dropping off my eyes

I have 250k stuck in Blockfi. My life savings for 12 years, and my family's and siblings savings are part of that. I'm not a rich businessman, I'm just a basic employee. I collected every 1$ of it since being a grad student. Days I ate at McDonald's bc I wanted to save money to pay my loans. Days I didn't go on a trip and stayed home for Christmas times bc I didn't have money since I had no job. Days my father had a heart surgery and I was collecting money to spend for him. I didn't buy my favorite car just bc of 10k. And now our 250k+ life savings is in jeopardy. I feel I'm not alive and it's all dreams.

This is the voice of many of us. And I'm sure each of us has a similar story. I hope Blockfi folks see this post and try hard to recover our funds.

I'll continue to stay positive, hopeful and strong as they get back to business after bankruptcy and let us have our funds back.

>> No.52663794

>I have 250k stuck in Blockfi
How do people not wake up and withdraw after lending platform after lending platform collapses? Do they really think they found the only honest lending platform with 10% apy for no reason?

>> No.52663875
File: 1.25 MB, 576x1024, Richard Heart.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Institutions did it too.
>only honest lending platform with 10% apy for no reason?
If Hex can offer triple that and well respected BTC maxipads can say stuff like >>52657929 why should you be concerned?

>> No.52663876
File: 26 KB, 878x121, very professionally backed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Nexo APY is currently 15%.
CoinLoan reduced withdrawals to 10k daily a couple weeks after Celsius collapsed after saying they wouldn't. Some weeks ago this was reduced to 5k daily. https://teddit.net/r/coinloan/comments/yt7jih/we_are_temporarily_rolling_back_withdrawal_limits/

>> No.52663898
File: 2.32 MB, 480x852, Richard Heart.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I accidentally posted a mislabeled webm but it kind of works. I meant to post this.

>> No.52663909
File: 365 KB, 1920x960, 66807813_734e3f8821e7343f1e737cd923113dc0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blockfi had the best design out of all the scam lending platforms. That alone would make me trust them. Celsius, nexo? are you out of your fucking mind, blockfi though, now that looks professional!
All the same though, they knew what kind of risk they havd and still went through with giving all their client funds to a guy called scam bankrun fraud just so they can fund their extravagant coke binges. Anyone who thinks they are not bad actors needs correction. >b-but you don't know if that's tr
It's true. Most do it. Some just are lucky enough to get away with it and others get bailed out.
>Institutions did it too.
This whole thing had taught me that no one knows what they are doing, most people ITT are more competent than the biggest crypto funds in the world. While saying that sounds cool, it's actually rather scary.

>> No.52663936
File: 313 KB, 1125x2436, coinlol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Institutions did it too.
I think they were just too afraid to admit they made a mistake and withdraw everything and cancel it publicly. Probably easier to just wait for the inevitable and go oh oops we lost all your money, but it wasn't our fault.
As for the lending platforms, they probably wanted a couple more months to hide their wealth and live relaxing before their reputation is ruined and the courts begin.
>and well respected BTC maxipads can say stuff like >>52657929 why should you be concerned?
Well respected BTC maxipads are not immune to taking money under the table to shill scams. In fact, they're the most likely to do so as their word is most valuable.

>> No.52663957

the whole hex thing being this big throws a wrench into my professional website theory.
It looks like someone tried to imitate a shitty scam website and got bored halfway.

>> No.52663974
File: 464 KB, 1136x891, Diamond.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean come on

>> No.52663995
File: 1.72 MB, 1110x833, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the one I remember.
I did not invest.

>> No.52664037

>Well respected BTC maxipads are not immune to taking money under the table to shill scams.
Roger Ver was somehow still widely respected for years after being on camera saying Mt. gox was fine just before they exit scammed. Then he decided to do a scam fork of Bitcoin leading to this
Check the he testimonial page. The target audience don't read anything and https://richardheart.com/ is a little more professional than the main website.

>> No.52664042

I used to say bcash all the time, people got so mad

>> No.52664088
File: 47 KB, 797x736, Screenshot-2018-05-17-at-13.13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had to trawl through a lot of incest porn when trying to track down this screenshot.

>> No.52664238

>I had to trawl through a lot of incest porn when trying to track down this screenshot.
That must have been hard for you :(

>> No.52664318

I'm not an incest fan in general but mother-son is the worst possible hetero pairing.

>> No.52664384

I like that he calls himself a self made millionaire not once, but twice. Then he asks the interviewer what his company grosses per year, less than a million dollars? You don't know how to run a successful business.

I personally think father daughter is far more sinister, but obviously the best ones including gay are sister/brother or sister/sister -- with brother/brother almost as cursed as father/son. Aunt/Niece is pretty good when the age gap is relatively small. Uncle/Anything is extremely cursed.

>> No.52664401
File: 108 KB, 540x557, tumblr_7449b3c88373044240e089f25748ab3c_b8d3e529_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never heard of it
not saying coinmetro isn't better than alternatives, but scaling a project entails exposure to competitive pressures from internal and external entities, potentially deviating it from good original intents that are easier to sustain at small scale. a strong culture for open-mindedness is desirable which were the initial intuition behind my non-conformism views within this threads. sorry i struggle with autism and it may not read like it, but i'm grateful for everyone's work and wanted to help

>> No.52664423

*Pulls brim of fedora down low
*Menacingly hoverhands hilt of katana
Which is older?

>> No.52664450

>brother/brother almost as cursed as father/son.
Why is brother/brother bad but sister/sister okay?
Shut up faggot we are talking about incest.

>> No.52664460

>Shut up faggot we are talking about incest.
Meant for >>52664401

>> No.52664488

sister/brother same age >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Please stop derailing the thread we are talking about incest.

>> No.52664566

A mentally retarded faggot doesn't know that a native token is still relevant for projects launching on multichain.

>> No.52664631
File: 89 KB, 640x480, b59cc3043690f227f423d6ef2dc49a03bcdfb67d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Which is older?
Preferably both are close in age, but either or is fine with a small gap depending on their personalities. A slightly older caring sister is good too, and why not a slightly younger sister to dote on?

>Why is brother/brother bad but sister/sister okay?
Obviously the fact that I like yuri and have brothers. I admit it's subjective and biased decision making. It's natural for a sister and a brother to be more curious about the others body than those with similar bodies, and women are more social for in-groups and as such have more reason to experiment with their sister to confirm that they are indeed the same and can bond over that and progress into something more. Boys being more individualistic should instead fight over who has the best and strongest toy figure or who is the best video gamer.

You didn't answer her question, benchod.

>> No.52664718
File: 1010 KB, 1318x1080, D9A28895-1F17-4D69-992D-00357887AA0C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's step-sister/step-brother (100% unrelated by blood).

>> No.52664866
File: 1.94 MB, 1748x2480, C5F2F5CE-3096-48A1-9370-1D3730243A9C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no such thing as a bad actor
Even uttering this nonsense makes you a bad actor.
Throughout time humankind has had morals and laws.
Coinmetro holders are the only good people in crypto and everyone else is bad.

Do more dominos need to fall before people will allow themselves to be convinced they have been scammed, or will they only accept it after their own domino falls?
I find it amazing.

Man-hater detected.

>> No.52664910
File: 540 KB, 779x758, 1669527858761807.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Preferably both are close in age
I thought the whole point of incest was age play.
>(100% unrelated by blood).
But is it better if they know this from the start or not? What about fringe cases like the Monogatari series where his younger sister is actually a cuckoo phoenix demon thing that was birthed by his mother but has no blood relation?

>> No.52664993
File: 223 KB, 990x1124, c4b71d2ebcf85b375ec7eb21ac50d1795aa54a9f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>For me, it's step-sister/step-brother (100% unrelated by blood).
That's quite good too! It makes for better anime as well.

>Do more dominos need to fall before people will allow themselves to be convinced they have been scammed, or will they only accept it after their own domino falls?
It goes back to users having shilled the fuck out of the platform they used and their own ego being bigger than their self preservation for wealth. It's more important that they were right than it is to not lose literally everything overnight and they will bet all their money on their ego rather than take a step back and de-risk with a slight hit at their ego for having taken such big risks or fallen for a scam. I don't think anyone is really immune to this, but the only people who are still using lending platforms are the ones where this is completely true.
>Man-hater detected.
I might be slightly biased, but I have outgrown hate for genders.

>I thought the whole point of incest was age play.
It's the taboo. The shame and secrets! Similarly what makes yuri/yaoi in japanese set manga where most people are somewhat homophobic or the fact that they can't even get married and they are at risk of ostracization at school or their workplace or family, at least historically and certainly many of the older mangas.
>But is it better if they know this from the start or not? What about fringe cases like the Monogatari series where his younger sister is actually a cuckoo phoenix demon thing that was birthed by his mother but has no blood relation?
Not knowing from the start makes it better in my opinion. The twist! The shock! The sudden taboo no longer quite as such, but still somewhat unacceptable. Delicious.

>> No.52665622
File: 227 KB, 1419x1080, hl2_8jxbzKQEju.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to be intimate with a girl in a non-sex related way, not sure what the problem is if she's my sister or not, officer.

>> No.52665905

Fortunately sibling incest is legal in some countries, besides you're both just roleplaying...

>Under Canadian federal law, incest is defined as having a sexual relationship with a sibling (including half-sibling), child/parent or grandchild/grandparent, requiring knowledge of the existence of the blood relationship. Everyone who commits incest is guilty of an indictable offence and is liable to imprisonment for a term of not more than 14 years and, if the other person is under the age of 16 years, to a minimum punishment of imprisonment for a term of five years.[37]
United States of Freedom
>Laws regarding incest in the United States vary widely among jurisdictions regarding both the definition of the offense and penalties for its commission. The laws regarding incest in the United States article summarizes these laws for individual U.S. states and the District of Columbia.

>> No.52665918

>In the United States, the District of Columbia and every state and inhabited territory have some form of codified incest prohibition. In most states, sexual activity between a lineal ancestor and a lineal descendant (parent, grandparent with child or grandchild), siblings (brother-sister) and aunt-nephew, uncle-niece is penalized as incest. >However, individual statutes vary widely. Rhode Island has repealed its criminal incest statute,[40] and only criminalizes incestuous marriage.[41][42] Ohio "targets only parental figures",[40] and New Jersey does not apply any penalties when both parties are 12 years of age or older.[26][40] The most severe penalties for incest are in >Massachusetts, Virginia, Texas and Oregon, which punish incest with up to 20 years in prison, Georgia where a penalty for incest is up to 30 years in prison, Wisconsin where the penalty for incest is up to 40 years in prison, and in the states of Colorado, Nevada, Montana, Idaho and Michigan where a penalty of up to life imprisonment for incest may be given.
>In some states, sex between first cousins is prohibited (see cousin marriage law in the United States by state for cousin sex, as well as cousin marriage, being outlawed in some states). Many states also apply incest laws to non-blood relations, including stepparents, stepsiblings, in-laws and people related through adoption.[43]

Based Japan with reasonable laws
>Consensual incest between adults is legal in Japan.[52] However, Article 179 of Penal Code stated that a person who "commits an indecent act upon" or "engages in sexual intercourse, etc." with another person "under eighteen years of age by taking advantage of the influence arising from the fact of having custody of that person" is punished in the same manner as prescribed in Article 176 ("Indecency through Compulsion") ie imprisonment for not less than 6 months but not more than 10 years.[13]

>> No.52665955

China China Yes Legal (if both over 14)
Estonia Estonia Yes Legal No:Grandparent-grandchild or parent-child
France France Yes Legal (since 1791)
Israel Israel Yes Legal (if both over 21)
Netherlands Netherlands Yes Legal

Norway Norway No Illegal

>> No.52665978

Sibling incest seems legal in both Mexico and Estonia. Kevin, is this a coincidence?

>> No.52666393
File: 372 KB, 954x768, 0C9F04C1-DC94-4A97-B780-41E82EA36764.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about twincest though, there is no age difference or power inbalance, they're exactly the same.

This post is a joy to read.
You seem very enthusiastic and knowledgeable about the subject.

Maybe a bit too knowledgeable...

>> No.52666562
File: 83 KB, 686x322, tumblr_e1b56e34f5ce36aef3c591192c37e778_febb302c_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Throughout time humankind
every single mass atrocities and wars throughout history have been carried on the basis there is such thing as "bad actors" who must be destroyed

>> No.52666589
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>> No.52666607
File: 106 KB, 250x320, 5B640C5C-F06B-424F-84CA-A0C809BF5157.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow wow wow, no need to be antisemitic about it.

>> No.52666625

>You seem very enthusiastic
Incest Romance is my favorite genre, doubly so for yuri incest as it's combining the shame and secrets of homosexuality with the shame and secrets of sibling incest.
Recently played Tsui Yuri ~Okaa-san ni wa Naisho da yo~ https://vndb.org/v13107, its Twincest Yuri if you're interested.
>Maybe a bit too knowledgeable...
I had to look it up out of interest. Fortunately I have no sexual interest in my brothers so it's completely acceptable for me to be knowledgeable and interested in the subject.

Throughout time bad actors have used bad actors as reason to commit atrocities.
Hitler was a bad actor who proclaimed the jewish people as bad actors. Are you saying hitler was not a bad actor?
Are you mayhaps a nazi sympathizer?

Wtf thats what I was writing.

>> No.52666662 [DELETED] 


>> No.52666668

Based stutter nazi anon

>> No.52666832
File: 32 KB, 296x509, tumblr_adba746d626e9f4d4741d81156161089_d5783d6a_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not sure if you misread my post, but these are harm reducing ideas. h*tler hurted jews based on his belief he thought they were bad
it's a radical metaphysical concept. the entirety of god acts on the fundamental principle of goodness. all of the universe is nothing but god trying to understand itself. it doesn't mean some perspectives can't be retraded in a relative sense, such as h*tler. but antagonistic behaviors are no solution and may propagate fears and division in circular ways. concepts of good and bad are very limited and tricky to get right for finite perspectives, which is why such labels must not be used carelessly if ever at all
you're going to far in your quest to demonize me. don't attribute me literally the opposite of my points

>> No.52666853
File: 497 KB, 1280x720, [SubsPlease] Bocchi the Rock! - 07 (1080p) [D9ACC05A]-[04.19.384-04.22.471].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you're going to far in your quest
My only quest is getting a cute tomboy gf, how dare you assume a 4 word post is part of my epic, dare I say legendary quest. I spit on you non-believer.

>> No.52666876
File: 285 KB, 1920x1080, is it so.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hitler was not a bad actor, got it.

>> No.52666934
File: 338 KB, 668x841, 8BA2B262-C7A4-4E93-AD9E-26B43D5BB783.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did you censor Hitler?
>no such thing as a bad actor
Isn't it true there are no bad actors?

I thought you and me were in this anti bully alliance together but you just had to single out poor little Hitler.

>Wtf thats what I was writing.

>> No.52666981
File: 276 KB, 774x529, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe he really did nothing wrong after all

>> No.52667119

The question is, would he hold XCM?
>Coinmetro holders are the only good people in crypto and everyone else is bad.

>> No.52668664
File: 429 KB, 750x1000, 7e95849703bed9c1a7b059d676fd89f1c1ac8c41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52668733

..is just a number.
Prison is just a room.

>> No.52670281

Allianceblock is based. Impressive what it's doing along with Ore network

>> No.52670291

Just don't. It's fucking over for you if you do.

>> No.52670333
File: 180 KB, 750x750, pleasee respond.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, what is it doing? (benchod, please respond).

Why is it over if anon masturbates?

>> No.52670409
File: 490 KB, 488x304, CFC281F2-F08C-4213-8B93-EA83131296F9.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

d-don’t consider myself in the anti-bully alliance anymore. it’s impossible for autists like me to talk about cognitive bias without seeming “triggering” since such effect is often the essence of these biases to begin with. for example i may have underestimated how unpleasant my first post were >>52663528 by overfocusing on straightforward abstract communications while overlooking tone and context. i’m sorry
i’m terrible at expressing myself. i’m not pushing the blame. but sincerely i feel hurt by your upside-down understanding and reaction to my previous posts. concepts of good/bad have endless layers of trick but it’s just semantics. google has dropped the “don’t be evil” slogan for the right reason.
eventually having to live in constant fears the universe may somehow be against you seems horrible, which is why i thought it would be helpful to share my cringe spiritual views.
i’m in the “love, forever” alliance naw. everyone is in.

>> No.52671288

You still don't seem to have considered that everything you said is obvious and nobody cares about discussing their subconscious biases on a cryptocurrency board. In fact I would say every incest poster in this thread tries to think about all their subconscious biases before they buy a cryptocurrency to try make an objective and informed decision. You are then arguing with people better informed than you that all their decisions are biased because of their crypto holdings.

Instead of trying to psychoanalyse people who have made a decision and are sticking to it you should just buy some XCM and stop posting.

>> No.52671366

Look up the cortical homunculus. Note the proximity between the regions of parietal cortex associated with feet and with genitals. It is very easy and common for those areas to get crosstalk.

>> No.52671737
File: 117 KB, 736x776, D793E854-8EA1-4161-A577-FD645EBA2BB6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if i’m like a tiresome mother who constantly reminds of what you already know to be healthy. i’m sorry
i really should just take care of my own consciousness, but the crushing solitude of the void just makes entertaining distractions and dramas so much more appealing. i don’t have the strength to deal with existence alone.
i’m sorry i will contain my posts to more appropriate places from now