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52658615 No.52658615 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.52658621
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>> No.52658635

joe is a game changer ngl

>> No.52658668
File: 30 KB, 500x500, 500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stake all 3 and make huge gains
>invest gains into new ICOs and IDOs and tokenized asset classes (ILOs, IFOs etc.)
>PROFIT and 100k% your money

>> No.52658722

Faggot >>52658621
faggot. Your shit is going down faster than double spend and Joe is CEFI a centralized exchange hosted on aws it will be turned off after regulation. You faghits have no idea that your shitchain just moves tokens around and your nfts point to a man Amazon web service site.

>> No.52658727
File: 166 KB, 1331x589, 63CD0C91-F96F-45FB-A321-AE82027F9A39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder. I told you guys to go all in on 2 coins.

Now I’m telling you to go all-in PRQ.
And you will still miss out

>> No.52658738

seethe more ranjesh

>> No.52658752

Trader Joe is the best DEX in crypto.

>> No.52658780
File: 80 KB, 419x480, bigCruise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's joe?

>> No.52658797

this one?

>> No.52658814

the JOE token, its from the best DEX in crypto (its on Avalanche) and the Joe team build a new AMM that blows everything out of the water.
JOE token is needed so you can stake JOE into sJOE and get paid from swapping fees (you get USDC).

>> No.52658819

You are literally the only person shilling PRQ and you never have any info about it, just the calls you've made in the past.

>> No.52658821

Screen capped. see you in a year when I laugh at your useless bags from a cefi exchange that’s worthless that no one remembers- imagine thinking ‘joe’ is going to miraculously bounce back. What a faggot you are.

>> No.52658833

It’s the only dex you’ve used, that’s why you think it’s good- go ahead, name 4 others on different chains? Literal faggot tier

>> No.52658842

>imagine thinking ‘joe’ is going to miraculously bounce back.
of course it is, all the trading on Avalanche happens on Trader Joe and its literally the best DEX (because it runs on the C-Chain), its also an improvement over existing AMMs.
screencap all you want but dont kill yourself when JOE leaves you in the dust.

whats in your portfolio? tell me and I will tell you why you wont make it

>> No.52658845

joe momma

>> No.52658852

>name 4 others on different chains?
literally all trash with shitty tokenomics, Trader Joe is the KING.

>> No.52658923
File: 107 KB, 1339x555, 41ECC6C5-CE70-4608-8F7C-ABB39F0EDD59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then why hasn’t the price stayed relevant? Because less people are using it. Why are so few people using it? Because shitcoin season is over and that’s all AVAX can do. I’m sure Joe is coded well- but Joe is literally playing the flute on the titanic- c-chain- b-chain roach chain they’re all quickly going to zero use case

>> No.52658937

Ah’ so we’ve got a true moonboy faggot here with nothing to add. Go get em king!

>> No.52658951
File: 35 KB, 1200x631, 1647713836170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based portfolio, ygmi

>> No.52658961
File: 100 KB, 1699x1226, ICPisgarbageforpoorpeople.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Then why hasn’t the price stayed relevant?
Thats a good question, so why is ICP dumping and never recovering?
what was your entry price? can you tell us or are you ashamed?
nobody uses ICP so it will never recover, meanwhile shitcoins will come back and they will all trade on Trader Joe not on some non existent DEX on ICP.
sorry but somebody had to redpill you.

>> No.52658974
File: 4 KB, 241x194, checked777joest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks fren, I call it the "Kingmaker portfolio"

>> No.52659210
File: 223 KB, 1284x1276, FC9B50F7-CD26-465A-9DD4-05BFFAA47F6B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Icp was future traded by a nefarious actor that attempted to destroy several projects that threatened Sol and AVAX market cap- this shitty little kikes name is SBF. This is all known you disingenuous fuck. Everyone is using Icp- check the growth and dev charts you fucking faggot

>> No.52659228
File: 113 KB, 1914x1068, ICPisgarbageforpoorpeople2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cool story bro but its not gonna recover and your fanfiction storys dont change that.

>> No.52659243

>doesn't know a J-shaped recovery when he sees it

>> No.52659251

its not gonna recover, what was the seed round? 3 cents?
you still have a long way to dump.

>> No.52659277

Recover? What do you mean? Who bought at $2500? if this thing goes to $30 it will be a knockout success and sustained due to tech- imagine being a faggot and not understanding that the next bull run will be made by technical achievement

>> No.52659312

How's 2000 dollars sound

>> No.52659363

>Who bought at $2500?
plenty of dumbasses so probably 99% of all ICP holders.
>if this thing goes to $30
wont happen
how does 3 cents sound?

>> No.52659400

sorry best i can do is 2k. you can buy my bags after that.

>> No.52659414

it goes to 3 cents, then you sell and drag your miserable ass to the shitting street where you beg for change.

>> No.52659432

It only goes to 3 cents after you buy my bags at two thousand united states dollars (plus tip)

>> No.52659470

>It only goes to 3 cents
yes and it will stay there, forget about making it because with ICP you wont make it.
take another look at the ICP chart.

>> No.52659525

Icp bagholders need euthanizing holy shit the arrogance of them thinking it's a relevant coin not a complete failed shit show. Your coin is dead. Get over it. There's always a thread for you. Why? Why isn't there a Waltonchain thread? It's in the same class. So many baggies ..

>> No.52659535

>Icp bagholders need euthanizing
dont worry, they will kill themselves once they figure it out LOL

>> No.52659551


>> No.52659560

Looks like a textbook J shaped recovery to me

>> No.52659569

arent you worried about Binance having the same fate as other big failed CEXes of the past?

what would a poorfag that only ever lost money on his shitty ICP investment know about TA?

>> No.52659614
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>> No.52659615

Actually I own 1k ICP under 4 dollars.
Classic. J. Shaped. Recovery.

>> No.52659621

>I own 1k ICP
how does 30 dollar sound? sorry man its the best ICP can do.
but you are used to poverty anyway so no big deal.

>> No.52659654


The fuck is joe.

>> No.52659668

here >>52658814