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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52656563 No.52656563 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a single anon on this board that doesn't hate their job?

>> No.52656598

I love my job. Medical device sales rep...work 4 hours a day, wake up at 10 am, make 6 figures if my numbers are good. absolutely brain dead job just have to be personable and attractive

>> No.52656613

yes i love my job. my boss left the company and i have had zero oversite for months now. i haven't attended a stand up meeting since my team got dissolved.

i've gotten very good at piano and automotive repair while getting paid $50 an hour, 40 hours/week. i'm in heaven

>> No.52656617

How do you get into that

>> No.52656625

Im a freelance blockchain dev. I make around $100k a year and some extra cash on fivver for $4k on my premium package. Literally learned to code 2 years ago KEK! Do I love it? Meh, the money is great and I dont have to leave my house. $100k really doesent feel like alot desu, taxation is theft.

>> No.52656632

I love my job as a lecturer, I just hate how the wages are so low.

>> No.52656643

agreed about taxes. the fuckers at the IRS and the Fed are making 100k feel like 65k this year.

>> No.52656646

c++ system developer, comfy as fuck 6 figs. most people are meming around, find something that you're good at and find meaningful and you should be good.

>> No.52656667

btw I work for a government doing GIS, and I don't hate my job, because there's so much free time, and I'm using it to learn to code and also learned Blender.

>> No.52656675

Look up entry medical device sales rep positions in your area and apply to as many as possible. You don't need a specific background in education and it's an industry you can move up very fast in. I used to be an attorney, but fuck being surrounded by uptight squares all the time and constantly having deadlines I love this field so much more and get compensated just as well.

>> No.52656706

Only in the sense that I don't really do anything meaningful or important. I'm a team lead, but most of my day is whipping South American contractors into writing more than 5 lines of code and not sitting on their ass all day. It's exhausting.

>> No.52656717

>Only in the sense that I don't really do anything meaningful or important.

You could say that about a lot of executives imo

>> No.52656720

I love my job, i work abord cruise ships siphoning boomer money while fucking prime philipino pussy

>> No.52656730

Me, I've never had a job

>> No.52656745

my job pays like shit but the work itself i enjoy

it's actually a good place to be in - just enough to stay above poverty, but lots of free time and healthy motivation without any of the crushing feeling you get from a bad job

>> No.52656814

I haven't had a real job in years. I honestly don't know how men with jobs can have children and obligations to extended family. It must be miserable seeing your children only 2 hours a day.

>> No.52656860

Most look forward to their jobs to get away from their children and wife kek

>> No.52656871
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I didn't hate my job when I was an alarm monitor. 88k a year after taxes to just arm and disarm the buildings.

>> No.52656949

back to redddddit

>> No.52657044

i'm at a remote mega-DoD-contractor job but in a civilian project / department, shit is pretty cash but the people here are a little stupid.
right around 6 figures a year out of school in a dirt cheap area. it's not bad at all. i'm only doing more than 30 hours a week a few weeks a year.

>> No.52657075

Did you attend a bootcamp? Just curious what skills your learned and how. Would love to do something like this

>> No.52657092

I'm a mechanical engineer. 110k/year and benefits and all that. I don't "love my job" but I enjoy it and feel good about it. I'd continue after I don't need the money.

>> No.52657144

I hate the concept of having to wake up when I don't want to to be somewhere I don't want to be (after the monotony that adds up over weeks and months and years of being in traffic) to do something I don't want to do and being exhausted and not being able to enjoy my life when I get home because of it
I hate my job because I hate the entire concept of working

>> No.52657157

My job is pretty neat, I basically BS with people all day and all my coworkers barring one or two out of a hundred like me. Just a generic on-site IT guy

>> No.52657171

I'm a federal employee (not glowie, I promise) in DC. I won't go into specifics but yeah, I like my job. High salary relative to actual work done.

>> No.52657178

based, I'm polishing my c++ so I can get out of webdev

>> No.52657271

Is webdev shit?

>> No.52657288

Literally all federal employee's are glowies, even if you just got hired yesterday faggot.
Also kys

>> No.52657293

My job is pretty easy and it pays well but no I don't enjoy doing it.
It's too client facing. Backend dev is comfier.

>> No.52657302

jealous? we run all 4chan boards btw

>> No.52657389

Security clearance?

>> No.52657391

Same job here, it's great because wfh and my company is in another country. I was promised I'd make what you make but commission left the table because I was being groomed to be in a higher position. Now there's a new boss firing people and he keeps trying to change my job.

So in a way, I loved my job, I still kinda do but idk wtf now. Should I ask for a raise? It sounds like they really want to keep me, talking about buying me new equipment and training me to make the product while also selling.. not actually getting commission though, like I was promised in my contract.

What do??? Do I ask for a raise? it's a start up, we barely hit a million last year but with this new guy changing things up, we might hit more.

>> No.52657402

just boring and predictable, job is comfy enough though

>> No.52658009

ask for a raise, but also start shopping around for new jobs. maybe the latter before the former. you need leverage

>> No.52658063 [DELETED] 
File: 27 KB, 512x507, apu crying in disgrace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate even being alive. My dad already had a first son, I'm just the second he made to run away from his old life. He never made it and I don't feel like I'll make it either.

No property. No employment. No role model. I hope to just die in my sleep.

>> No.52658087
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you will make it my fren, it's time to get closer to the machine and get rid of these silly attempts of abstracting the code to a an abc pop-up book of bloat and dependencies.

>> No.52658093

There's a director of a company I'm well acquainted with, as well as a few others there, they had a job posting I could've filled that came up and went a month ago. I made a whole email and just drafted it... This was the company my CEO worked for as a high up before going off and making start ups, so I don't know if it's too sticky of a situation. Was going to just say "Hey anon, it's been a while, I hope you've been well yadda yadda.... I saw a job posting by your location a while back and was wondering if you successfully filled it. *Hint that I want a job there, or straight out ask*"

>> No.52658100

Why did you quit?

>> No.52658131

Didn't like the location, it was also somewhere I was stationed in the military so felt like I was retracing old ground.

>> No.52658169

im a neet and i like it. mostly play video games all day

>> No.52658174
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I don't hate my job.

>> No.52658321

Watch Patrick Collins videos

>> No.52658887

>Is there a single anon on this board that doesn't hate their job?
I have a good, high paying job. I'm just bored with life desu

>> No.52658895



>> No.52659108

Auto sales. The hours are horrible, it's stressful as fuck, dealing with the public is demoralizing, and you work with a constantly revolving cast of degenerates, but at least the money is there if you're good at it. Made 140k last year but worked so many hours the rest of my life suffered a ton.

>> No.52659134

congrats on the successful data mining thread OP

>> No.52659167


>> No.52659172

>personable and attractive
That's most jobs dumb cunt. Keep wage slaving away while you pay for my neetbux

>> No.52660182

I love my job
>Small Business
>20 years employed
>Pay is not amazing but can do what I want most of the time and come and go as I please
>COVID - WFH full time
>Now home school
>Wife WFH as well
Family time all day. Everyone is happy under my guidance

>> No.52660301

IT system engineer, working 25h a week from home. It’s actually very comfy and money is still plenty.

>> No.52661053


I despise work, i am miserable all the time. Most of my life was shit because i hate work.

But now with wife and baby i prefer stay in the office. Both of them are annoying. I long for my days playing video games and getting drunk alone

T. 37 year old married white man

>> No.52661066

I like my job. I make roughly 70k euros with boni and have 41 days vacation. Unfortunately taxes are high as shit and the country is flooded with Arabs and Blacks
t. Kraut

>> No.52661070

That shouldn't have made me laugh so hard

>> No.52661072

I like my job. Even close to loving it.

> Director of Developer Experience in Web3

>> No.52661168

What job?
t. also Kraut

>> No.52661322

How'd you get into this?

>> No.52661341

Working as a recreational diver. Making 110k a year. Actually like my job anon.
Only bad thing about it is that I have to live in a shitty town I don’t like.

>> No.52661392

I get paid around $170k to do fuck all pretending to code and attend a daily 10 minute meeting. I fucking hate it, I miss actually feeling like I’ve accomplished something and I miss the camaraderie of working well in a team of people whose company you enjoy. Life is easy and simultaneously pointless and shit. Some days I don’t even leave the house

>> No.52662943

how do you get this job? do you have to major in GIS? ive always been fascinated by maps lol. im in commercial real estate now.

>> No.52663017

>crypto multimillionaire
I love my job. Just last week made 200k helping liquidate a retard whale

>> No.52663044

I'm a Purchaser for big tech company
I make less than a code monkey but the work is comfy and low stress

>> No.52663204

second job now

>> No.52663207
File: 1.20 MB, 968x722, thxforplaying.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work at the Solana store. It's great.