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52626224 No.52626224 [Reply] [Original]

Should I cancel my newspaper subscription?

>> No.52626235

you won't do shit

>> No.52626274

Where did you get this information!?

>> No.52626299


>> No.52626320


>> No.52626324
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this is some sick 1948 shit
they seriously want us to say sam bankman is some hero who's just down on his luck
this is enough to drive some people insane

>> No.52626336

meant to say 1984 but 1948 kinda works too kek

>> No.52626354

Like everything in this capitalist corporate hellscape world we live in, this media outlet is 100% captured by moneyed interests and is exclusively used as a propaganda tool to advance those moneyed interests. Every story has excessive spin. Every fact carefully curated to give the "proper" impression to the reader and shape the reader's perception in a way that the controlling interest desires.

>> No.52627287

You pay for your brainwashing?

>> No.52627308

how do you cancel a newspaper subscription? just forget to check your mail? lmao theres so many things to keep up with

>> No.52627313

1984. But yeah. We even have the screenshots where he says that his philanthropy is just a cover to get better public image.

>> No.52627316

>t. can't afford brainwashing

>> No.52627323

Lol yes, just look at what they caused on monday on OIL.

>> No.52627365
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*sobs uncontrollably*
i need to eat heavily processed foods, anon

>> No.52627376

>>52627308 #
>just forget to check your mail?
Then it goes to collections. Then some loser lawyer buys the debt and takes you to court claiming that he served you with papers. Then he gets a default judgement.

>> No.52627402

Larp cos no one here buys that shit but if you did I'd say yes and let them know why and tell them you're going to tell everyone you know what a rag it is.

>> No.52627417

Customer service can't change the company.

>> No.52627564
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>> No.52627573
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>> No.52627583
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>> No.52627594
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>> No.52627606
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>> No.52627612
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>> No.52628936
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>> No.52630643

Did any of you fucking retards actually read the article? It describes all the damage he did and ends with one of his self-incriminating quotes from the Vox interview. It does not paint him in any kind of positive light.
> muh jooooooos
keep it up guys

>> No.52630659

if only it were possible to take justice in our own hands

>> No.52630740

>Did any of you fucking retards actually read the article?
Neither will 99% of people which is probably the point of the thread. The focus of the article is the title and the title gives a completely different view of what is written after.
"Media" 101 just like you see everywhere else with clickbait nowadays: Title worded in a way to suit a narrative for subconscious manipulation and then the article so that you are legally telling the truth.

>> No.52630755

wtf anon don't you ever wash your brain? I heard if you don't you get brain cheese

>> No.52631040
File: 412 KB, 1000x754, 08206A30-3F96-4ADE-872A-B7EF4E59A315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know you meant 1984, but I couldn't help but think of this.

>> No.52631077
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yes sbf deserves to get fucked. but why wouldn't you read about all the things he's doomed too?

>> No.52631127

Source is when Kanye was and is still is chimping out you and your fellow stormtards have done jack shit. Yes this post glows idgaf lmaoing at your cuckold lives

>> No.52631692

*cough* downmagaz.net *cough*

>> No.52631758
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>It's fine it's just the headline

>> No.52631825
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>> No.52631852
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if they lie so brazenly about this one thing that you're in the 0.001% niche that understands what a big lie it is, ask yourself what else are they lying about where you're not intimate with all facts?

try to explain to your aunt or cousin about why these headlines are so fraudulent, they'll just brush it off as you making things up or getting upset about irrelevant stuff

now imagine all the small little lies they get away with on a daily basis, building up to a giant mountain of lies that goes unquestioned

now ask yourself, six millions, really?

>> No.52631877
File: 886 KB, 1125x1106, 114BF3E2-9B66-40DD-8313-4592C6B81A73.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lying Jews, nothing new. What do you propose we do? (Personally I’m moving to Japan)

>> No.52631896

Lol you people live in fear. I'm picturing you as an Italian from NY or a Jew but one of the poor, unlucky ones, with a really nasal whining voice

>> No.52632107

>lost $800
Do normies really?? Are we the insane ones to have 5/6 figures in funny internet coins?

>> No.52632123

Yeah, good idea. Destroy more countries

>> No.52632133

>Reading (((news papers)))

>> No.52632146

80% of people only read the headline. Of the 20% of people who start reading the article, less than half read the whole thing.

Headlines is where media outlets see their chance to shape the readers minds. If attacked, they can point to the fact that the truth is at the very end of the article so technically they are not lying

>> No.52632161
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>> No.52632168

>wall street jewrnal