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52622589 No.52622589 [Reply] [Original]

are so happy despite making avg wages?

>> No.52622614

They are not happy. 90% of normies are under anxiolytics and antidepressants

>> No.52622619

Get to socialize with many different people and cuties

Teach kids, are looked up to, and feel like making a difference

Help people and are important for society

Easy to see why they are happy since their jobs are actually important unlike people in finance or programmers.

>> No.52622638

Nurses make the better wage out of the three, but some don't care and enjoy the job, some are married and their significant other's income matches or is higher than their own. Then some hate their job, none are the same.

>> No.52622664

I know this is bait but all of the above industries rely on programs and programmers to accomplish the tedious and otherwise difficult parts of their jobs.

Also all of those above jobs, they might work 1/2th the year. They're happy because they do little and don't want too much. They're content surfing on social media and aligning themselves with like-minded peers, just like anons are. The difference is there peers are less interested in posting green frogs and denying the holocaust, and more interested in what the advertisers subtly convince them to be interested in over time, within their budget. Or to their family, but that's truthfully getting less common in many areas in the west.

>> No.52622683

because ignorance is bliss. at 25 i was deadass broke and the happiest I’ve ever been. now at 35 with a 150k/yr job and 500k in crypto I’m the most depressed I’ve ever been. I know how insignificant i am now now and i have so much to lose now that I didn’t have before. I’d rather just go back to being broke and without anything to worry about

>> No.52623492

>programmers are to manage the tedious and difficult parts of aforementioned careers
Zamn nigga your program managed to sedate the toddlers?

>> No.52623498 [DELETED] 


You really going to miss this?

>> No.52623506

Donate your money to charity then

>> No.52623535

Do you think teachers are still calculating grades by hand? Theyre just slotting in grades to a program which calculates it for them, giving them more free time to babyshit retards in school. Programs are also handling their scheduling, reminders for school events, allowing quick communication between staff. You really didn't think this through, did you?

>> No.52623574


>> No.52624328

then stop complaining retard

>> No.52624378
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>> No.52624396

happiness is 90% internal factors you can control and 10% external factors like how much money you have. thats how.

>> No.52624404


>> No.52624412

Retail workers have to look happy in order to keep their jobs. Teachers are "strongly encouraged" to look happy and optimistic and seem to look miserable as often as not, anyway. No idea about nurses -- I don't socialize with people who work in medicine.

>> No.52624425

literally all 3 of those professions are suffering from severe staffing issues

>> No.52624456

Hi former teacher here k-12.
To preface, I loved being a teacher. The kids back then were too much sometimes, in a good way. The way kids use to be. Kek.

Quit teaching a few years back.
Kids these days are fucked, and I mean really fucked. It isn't even the teachers, the kids just don't want to learn.
If you fail them the admins get on your ass saying why you have failing kids in your class?
How the fuck do I pass a kid that doesn't want to learn or turn in assignments?
So you either pass them on to the next teacher next year or you get railed on by the uppers.

If it isn't the dumbass kids, its your fucking co-workers (mainly women).
They do the office drama shit day in and day out.
Like, fuck man, I just want to teach, alright? Don't bring me into your drama shit.
If you tell them off you'll get on everyone's bad side saying you are not a team player or shit like that.

Kids these days are fucked, and this isn't even with the social media shit too. That's a whole other story.

>> No.52624461

1/4 is on anti-depressants, 1/10 is an alcoholic, most are just getting by. What makes you think they are 'so happy'?

>> No.52624493

For teachers and nurses it's probably because they're still overpaid for how easy and stable their career choice is.
I don't believe retail workers are happy, they make less than average, and significantly less than teachers/nurses, so I wouldn't lump them together unless you're just trying to list any profession that is disproportionately women.

>> No.52624682

>Get to socialize with many different people and cuties
You don't "socialize" when working retail. You get treated like a servant by people. Those cuties see you as beneath them.

>looked up to
lmao ok this is bait.

>> No.52624689

because they have sex and are not imprisoned in a basement

>> No.52624710

Idk where you're meeting happy retail workers. Most of them seem angry these days

>> No.52625063

If you have to talk or deal with these people for longer than 5 minutes, you will quickly realize that this is not the case.

>> No.52625083

I wish I was a normie with an avg salary with friends and gf so badly

>> No.52625111

Nurses are some of the most savage, brutal, twisted, bitter, angry, absolute whores, of people i have ever met. And i work in the trades

>> No.52625126

>Most of them seem angry these days

Well yeah, because they get paid absolute peanuts to be bossed around by autistic NEETers and entitled boomers.

>> No.52625127

Ill take your money then, all your problems will be solved

>> No.52625177

I’ve heard similar from other teachers I know. We’re basically just passing illiterate children all the way through to universities now. Kek

>> No.52625183

I'm a nurse and I'm about to start a new job as a clinical nurse educator, I'll be on 120k cause I'm doing the after hours role and I get penalty rates. It's pretty ok

>> No.52625213

every day i thank God for not making me a normie
being poor kind of sucks though

>> No.52625261

the west is dead in 1 to 2 more generations.
we are not even at peak weimar yet

>> No.52625305

The most soul crushing of all unless you work in a mom and pop with a good boss.
Corporate retail? Forget it.
If only you knew how fucked their personal lives are...
The only educators that are satisfied are
-people that give hands-on education in a specialty/trade
-military instructors
-tenured professors at a university, and they only teach when they have to, they prefer spending their time doing research or academic work in their field
Work shit hours doing most of the legwork for doctors and have titanic rates of alcoholism. Personal lives also fucked, and spend their spare time at work fucking coworkers in the janitors closet or a spare room.

>> No.52625606

What do you think of warehousing anon

I have the 'tism so can't do retail anyway.

>> No.52625613

They arent

>> No.52625614

I’m a dishwasher with tism and I think it suits me well

>> No.52625630

Some positives and negatives to it over retail.
Far more soul-crushing as it is just one mind-numbing task after another. On the other hand no requirement to put on a mask of friendliness in front of customers which is a torture of a very unique kind.
I would say which is worse depends entirely on the person working the job.

>> No.52625675
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>> No.52625694

I wish I knew how to talk to the girls at my job :(

>> No.52625723

I recommend the Book of Pook, it really helped me emulate the chad mindset. and it works. it got me far enough to get laid a few times when everyone was drunk but i could never keep the act up long enough to get a gf.

>> No.52625737
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Antidepressants. Uncle Ted spoke about this. Also, they spend their time watching shit like this:

>> No.52625803


>Those cuties see you as beneath them.

Maybe if you're ugly. If you're at least 6/10 in the face and don't smoke on your breaks then the light exercise for 8 hours per day gives you a radiant aura.

I am 100% convinced that people working retail only hate it because they're ugly, and people treat ugly people like crap. Ironically, the only reason they're stuck working retail is because they weren't attractive enough to get a better job somewhere else. (It wasn't a lack of skills, those low end office jobs can be done by anyone 90+ IQ)

>> No.52625902
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You gon age in dog years

>> No.52625910

How do you think being a radiologist tech would be if I’m autistic