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52603972 No.52603972 [Reply] [Original]

which L1s will survive the bear?

>> No.52604008

Eth, ftm and sol. All is risky but other than eth it has the most nft volume by a long mile.

>> No.52604022

I like FTM, who knows how it will fare though.

>> No.52604320

the ones im bagholding of course

>> No.52604357

By bet is on ftm.

>> No.52604358


>> No.52604374

Andre rugged everyone.
No one is going to build on the chain ever again.
All the devs have abandoned it for Eth

>> No.52604387

Only Avalanche

>> No.52604504

He literally didnt

>> No.52604531

How did you know?

>> No.52604539
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Not Algoshit that's for sure.

>> No.52604543


>> No.52604549

SOL. SAMO is the only dogshit worth holding

>> No.52604555

Terra/Terra Classic

>> No.52604577

>got astronomically fucked
>breaks down ever other week

>rugged (down by more than 97%)
>ecosystem is non exitent

>is great but cant operate without a scaling solution

Polygon is the only choice that makes sense here (im considering that non of you are retarded)
its the only chain that solves the listed problems and more

>> No.52604612

Only cardano

>> No.52604617

Polygon is a shit chain. solves nothing curry boy

>> No.52604634

actually you're in the wrong
>price action better than all coins mentioned
>rarely ever breaks down unlike solana
>one of the most diverse and rich ecosystems on the market
>super cheap
>super fast
literally solves everything just mentioned lol

>> No.52604639

how does it scale?

>> No.52604649


>> No.52604666
File: 170 KB, 1125x1395, superiority.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Polygon PoS (commit chain)
>Polygon zkEVM (zkSTARK)
>Polygon Miden (zkSTARK)
>Polygon Zero (zkSNARK)
>Polygon Hermez (zkSNARK)
>Polygon Nightfall (Optimistic/ZK)
>Polygon Avail (Validium)
>Polygon ID (zkSNARK) [Privacy Solution]
>Polygon Edge [Blockchain Framework]
>Supernets (built on Edge)

>> No.52604678

avail did fucking wonders for polygon. id argue that without it they wouldnt have been able to onboard this many partnerships

>> No.52604680


>> No.52604709

how is it a scam... no really ill wait for a reply
they have fortune 500 companies trusting them with billions of dollars.
keep in mind these are companies that have entire departments dedicated for risk assessment and making good financial decisions
but yeah sure, lets ignore all of that and take into consideration the pathetic opinion of some cuck on 4chan

>> No.52604731
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stay mad lol. lmao even

>> No.52604745

NONE of those shitty icons anon.

>> No.52604746
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>be Avalanche
>claim to be scaling solution
>somehow manage to fuck up and send gas fees up to $14

Polygon was faced with the same situation yet still managed to keep gas fees way below $1

>> No.52604754

MATIC is centralized as fuck. that shit will burn one day, mark my words.

>> No.52604765

centralized chains attract old companies
- news at 11

>> No.52604766

polygon secured so many major partnerships and developed a shit ton of new tech
what have the other chains in picrel done in the past year? nothing. at least nothing of significance

>> No.52604860
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With Polygon coming up winner but most likely having the smallest upside potential from here. ETH will go nowhere because it's essentially boomer coin now.

>> No.52604889

What bear?

>> No.52604891

It's all gonna burn one day. Probably tomorrow. But Matic will do a 20x before that actually happens

>> No.52604918

what's cardano?

>> No.52604938

For months bobos, it's been straight to goblin town, like tf is this even. Algorand and Link ain't ones to snooze on, but Elrond and its many milestones achievements having projects with the metaverse in cars, propelling its technology even further with its utility-based NFTs cloudbreakers mint first week of December as said on their official page.

>> No.52604984

Algorand I dont trust in Turkish and Indians

>> No.52605069

>ETH will go nowhere because it's essentially
this is exactly why MATIC does indeed have potential
its the only logical replacement

>> No.52605099

sol is a time bomb
it's technically unsound

>> No.52605102

Best tech
Most /biz/
No annoying shills

>> No.52605156

So instead you trust a chain that fucked over their investors with APY
>hey guys! ultra high APY!!! stake now!!!
>oh you actually staked? lol
>so about the APY...... we're decreasing it drastically

i get why you wouldnt trust investing in AVAX considering they stole most of their tech from other chain, but Polygon is clean as fuck or no else wouldnt have seen this much progress and success even during a bear market

>> No.52605207
File: 170 KB, 784x1539, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes FTM very best!!! i love fantom!!! best money my brother!!!

shut the fuck up and pay your respects to your Matic overlords

>> No.52605222

what are you even laughing at? MATIC was at 2.9 ATH and now at 0.85...

>> No.52605229

Matic is in a MUCH better position that FTM
in fact it retained its price better than almost all other coin in the top 20
Matic down like 70% but FTM is down by like 98%

>> No.52605288
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Hey Charles, where are the dApps?
You said there would be thousands of dApps on the chain by now.
Why are there only 580?

Why does Polygon (a much younger chain) have more than 53,000 dApps? Why are you letting Polygon screw you like that Charles?

>> No.52605289

I am a dev working on the biggest dapp on Fantom, haven’t left

>> No.52605303

proof or larp

>> No.52605322
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Cardano is lead by a fat, lying, egomaniac that doesnt deliver on his promises
Polygon on the other hand has proven honor its promises mean that Sandeeps claim "top 3" is bound to happen

>> No.52605337

Like I said
>No annoying smelly pajeet shills
Instantly proves my point

>> No.52605462
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they're not annoying theyre just making fun of you cause you got rugged kek

>> No.52605467
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picrel should say everything
perfectly curated

>> No.52605592

>not annoying
this board smells more and more like hot curry feces every day

>> No.52605947

Why is biz infested with so many street shitters? We seriously need a range ban on India

>> No.52606787

matic is a pajeet tier scamcoin.

>> No.52606832

>Gets taken down by a sunflower game
>Literally solves everything!!!! Waooowww

>> No.52606862
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>> No.52606871

going all in on matic. How fucked am I?

>> No.52606889

Are you perhaps retarded? APY is sitting around 7.33%, with a median APY of 7.96% since the change. 14% was only available for three months because retards like you couldn't figure out how to stake.

P.S. 14% is still available on DeFi

>> No.52606943

>i get why you wouldnt trust investing in AVAX considering they stole most of their tech from other chain
What did they steal? You're a fucking nigger if you unironically say Ethereum.

>> No.52606944
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You do realize apy on a coin literally doesn't fucking matter, right? It devalues your existing coins. The switch to governance made it slightly better because you actually have to do something to earn the apy, giving you a very slight advantage. I can't understand why you think a coin giving out more of itself to everyone with no action required makes any kind of a difference. The foundation could (and I wish they would) simply stop giving out rewards and burn the rest of the tokens and it would unironically be better for every holder because there's less periodic sell pressure around the time governance ends.

>> No.52606971
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>> No.52607115

I dont understand this fud, most alts are down 90+% from all time high. At least FTM is still 9300% up from its all time low, unlike AVAX which has literally only made a 3.5x.

>> No.52607212

Avax has the best tech.

>> No.52608102
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>ctrl f
>no results

>> No.52608551


>> No.52608591

Avalanche remain the best among others, it will definitely survive the bear market, it supports gaming projects than others

>> No.52609544

extremely well, a centralized database has no need for scaling solutions, I'd be more concerned about why it runs backwards.

>> No.52609701

I dont know which one of these will make it through but Hedera shits on all of them anyway

>> No.52610537

Yea, it actually supported a lot of games during the bull market, but RN, no new projects are building because of the current market situation.

>> No.52610558
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bitDAO's L1 baby.

>> No.52610896
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>> No.52611143

if fantom foundation delivers then they won

>> No.52611187

Not really, not withstanding, projects are still building with the market situation, I heard gamestarplus will be launching their gaming project on avalanche, I'm waiting to see how this goes through

>> No.52611475

Fantom is best so far

>> No.52611539

You can say that again, I think this is one reason gamestar+ opted to launch on their chain, they have the best tech so far.

>> No.52611878

Remove Monero completely. It will never gain mainstream adoption. Move Polygon to A and ICP to S.

>> No.52612002

Railgun over monero anyday anytime.

>> No.52612410

I just looked up Railgun and something like that would work. Any type of privacy coin or mixer will need to be able to provide documentation for tax purposes and government regulators.

>> No.52612595

What games are there having here, is it video games or nft games?

>> No.52612892

AVAX to the moon

>> No.52612909

Government will attack it seriously when it is time

>> No.52612934

Not a video game platform, but more like a streaming platform for board games, family games and other social games, but the rewards will come as NFTs.

>> No.52613053

it's a fucking multisig currychain and has the same decentralisation as FTX you absolute fucking mongaloid

FTX had huge backers as well, you don't honestly think investors do DD anymore, do you? they throw a shitload of cash at anything just anybody else

>> No.52613312

clearly the red koin, ahead all of that crap

>> No.52613316
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we all know the answer

>> No.52613324

Probably only AVAX and FTM. MATIC has no chance

>> No.52613348

>Literally the current status of all crypto. Even though FTM still sucks and fuck you
At this point it doesn't know what the hell it is, something more like a trannie is what it seems. An L2 that sells itself like an L1, disgusting

>> No.52613477


Avalanche is the one obviously surviving winter

what the fuck is ftm doing there? that shit is going to die soon

>> No.52613557

True, Railgun is a better option for a privacy protocol. Unlike most privacy it uses relayers which are more secured.

>> No.52613600

They support the projects building on them as well. I will love to see the impact of the enormous board game industry on the blockchain once it goes live.

>> No.52613615

AVAX is one of the best bear surfers. I honestly feel sorry for those who have said SOL. Good luck with that.

>> No.52613633
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How valuable will these NFTs be? Aside from using them to buy in-game assets as most other games do, I hope they can be traded on a good marketplace for cash.

>> No.52613703
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Isn't it obvious, anon?

>> No.52613745

Algorand, Avax, ETH, EGLD and more. But then L2s like Azero and Root Network shouldn't be snoozed on. Some damn solid fundamentals.

>> No.52613786

Not all cryptos will survive the bear market. But AVAX will undoubtedly do.

>> No.52613886

>Some damn solid fundamentals
This count. This is where true sustenance lies, unlike meme coins that keep screwing D. Most projects are illiquid, and that sucks.


What made you think Avax will survive considering the fact that many competitors are emerging with a better solution to chains?

>> No.52613908
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the answer is clear. Avalanche. that one is the most relevant among these lol

>> No.52613947
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Something you should know is that most NFt are shit and some rewards in games are just so negligible to deal with. P2E games are for retards who don't know what to do with their precious time. I like games when their reward is quite encouraging; otherwise, they are complete shite.

>> No.52614164

sol definitely not, that already went to shit.
ftm or avax will survive for sure.

>> No.52614272

That's the most retarded answer I've seen in this biz. If you can't give me a clear reason that will suffice, I don't think it deserves my bucks.

Although chains are good investments, I also consider payment gateways as one that might emerge. I admire what Xpress, Coti, and Fuse are doing in this aspect.

>> No.52614330

FTM didn't even surviva the bull lmao, were you not there when it crashed

>> No.52614334

Yea, bringing board games to blockchain will be an innovation that is very rare

>> No.52614348

What makes AVAX different?

>> No.52614373

Everything is still in the building level, I think the nfts will have other features that will make it unique, and you can swap it to their native token; GSTAR, and as well, use it to access other incentives in the platform

>> No.52614458
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From the experience so far, I think Gamestar+ will have the best rewards, and you can decide either to be a gamer or content creator, either way, you earn some rewards in NFTs too.

>> No.52614694

ALGO has more potentials, especially with the ongoing FIFA World Cup as they recently partnered with them

>> No.52614703

Which one still have chances to do well?

>> No.52614717

The chain supports more gaming projects via GamingonAvax

>> No.52614813

Avalanche, is much more secure and scalable than others lol

>> No.52614818


thx for coming to my ted talk

>> No.52614845

Hard to tell, but I'd say just AVAX and FTM. Many like MATIC and SOLANA I don't think will survive

>> No.52614970

You ain't sure. This clearly shows the game is not yet live. I bet you are speaking based on what you think might be the outcome. It's best if I put my time into developing myself in all aspects, including trading. Search for possible areas for a break through before the bull market sets in years to come.

>> No.52615030
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>Polygon is the only choice that makes sense here (im considering that non of you are retarded)
>its the only chain that solves the listed problems and more

>> No.52615037

Avalanche and Fantom but I trust more in Avalanche and its innovations

>> No.52615059
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The problem MATIC has is it's tokenomics. It's already at $11B market cap and price is under a dollar. Gotta give Polygon credit for what it's achieved so far but chances of this even doing a 10x is incredibly low.

>> No.52615102

>I don't think it deserves my bucks.
it's the opposite retard, (You) don't deserve to own avax.

>> No.52615343
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one L1 to rule them all

>> No.52615533

No working product

>> No.52616282
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https://cryptoleaks.info/case-no-3 Burn rate going to zero because no one uses that roach chain. You failed again and you won't get paid. Fuck Turkey and India!

>> No.52616769

>no one uses that roach chain
TPS is up though. Burn rate went down because subnet scaling caused gas fees to plummet.
Avalanche has increased it's on-chain activity while lowering gas fees, thus it's the only chain that has provably scaled while staying decentralized. Also I should mention that since ETH went PoS, AVAX is now the most decentralized smart contract chain. No MEV to worry about either since that's also turned ETH into just another centralized shitcoin.

>> No.52616826
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C'mon Jeet. There is no point in trying to be derogatory in this case. Your shilling for these won't make me get one. You want me to pump your bags, right? Hell no. I want it to dump so that plebs like you will fall back to the street, where you belong. I'd rather stick my finger in my ass than get one.

>> No.52616834


>> No.52617077

AVAX and ETH are the only real options, the rest are cope shitcoins filled with nigger hands and it shows

>> No.52617099

SOL took a big hit but seems to be holding out still. AVAX took a big hit in May, but appears to be holding great in this redwave. The others are difficult to tell at this point.

>> No.52617110

>ctrl + f
>only a few mentions
This is probably the one I should buy?

>> No.52617111

the usuals. some anons are talking about eth, ftm, avax and atom. and I think they're right.

>> No.52618277

There's only one coin that is useful, the red one

>> No.52618364

Do the opposite of what /biz/ says.

>> No.52618448
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Yes. Most people ITT are seething about it silently, but Algorand has successfully skipped the entire fake scam Tether run on purpose, securing it’s rightful place at the top of the upcoming USDC run. I’m holding my make-it stack (at least 50,000 ALGO) until 2030 no matter what.

>> No.52618582

Someone wasn’t around when the Fantom Fudder and Funny Number Tranny was shitting up /biz/. Go back to plebbit

>> No.52618717

Fantom. Scholz is a monster.

>> No.52618740

>which L1s will survive the bear?



FTM (maybe)

the rest are shit tech wise

>> No.52618748
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>https://cryptoleaks.info/case-no-3 Burn rate going to zero because no one uses that roach chain. You failed again and you won't get paid. Fuck Turkey and India!

>> No.52619402


>> No.52619529

Yes, the launching will happen soon, but from what I've seen so far in the community and with their partnerships, I'm sure it will be a good one for sure

>> No.52619568

please learn tokenomics during the hour of internet time your village allows you per week.