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52609580 No.52609580 [Reply] [Original]

>The Greek inhabitants [of Constantinople] are very rich in gold and precious stones, and they go clothed in garments of silk with gold embroidery, and they ride horses, and look like princes. Indeed, the land is very rich in all cloth stuffs, and in bread, meat, and wine. Wealth like that of Constantinople is not to be found in the whole world. Here also are men learned in all the books of the Greeks, and they eat and drink every man under his vine and his fig-tree.

Is Orthodoxy and the Byzantine rite /biz/ approved?

>> No.52609600

This is precisely why Byzantium fell. Decadent cunts. This is also why the western world is doomed. We need a war so cataclysmic or a depression so full of despair to fix our societies of decadence.

>> No.52609619

It fell because Turk population was 10x more than Greece. And Western Europeans are useless and did nothing to help

>> No.52609627

Yeah, why do you think the Turks outnumbered the peak of human civilisation? Why do you think western economies literally have to be propped up by immigrants? Fucking imbecile. Birth rates dropped due to extreme decadence. Why find a wife when you can coom away at a whore house with your gold? Why find a husband when your parents leave a mountain of silks for you?

>> No.52609650

Shut up and read a history book you clown. You are retarded

>> No.52609674

Whats that? You don't have any arguments against mine? Shame. Must be hard living life as a petabrainlet

>> No.52609696

Christianity of all forms is only one step below atheism

>> No.52609731
File: 751 KB, 620x453, 22why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Birth rates go up with financial abundance. Mils and zoomers are childless because boomers hoard all the wealth.

>> No.52609802

If birth rates go up with financial abundance, they why do poor people have far more kids than rich people?

>> No.52609969

>5 oghuz family tribe had more population than settled civilization
Is this the new greek cope now ? I never seen this one before

>> No.52609986

lel its the complete opposite

>> No.52609987

>Birth rates go up with financial abundance
lol fucking retarded bullshit

>> No.52610024

Never cast allegiance to any group, religious or ethnic, just stick to friends/family. This is something the goyim should learn from Jews. Jews build their networks across personal connections not religion/ethnicity. They just happen to know a lot of other Jews because they're Jews but they're happy to work against other Jews if those Jews are outside of their network of friends/family.

>> No.52610183

How so?

Boomers had more kids than the following generations.

Because those are the singular cases, ,you are not looking at the whole generation picture.

>> No.52610237

Birf rates go up if young people are both incentivized and can afford kids. The boomerized structure where you wage for a pittance waiting for boomie to retire is why no one can afford anything.

>> No.52610244

>Birth rates go up with financial abundance. Mils and zoomers are childless because boomers hoard all the wealth.
False. It's actually the opposite.

>> No.52610341


>> No.52610553

how? rich boomers banged their wives and made lots of children.

>> No.52610761
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>> No.52611984

What an absolutely gay existence, everyone dressed up in “fine golden garments” acting like faggots

Yeah that sounds real great

>> No.52612201
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>And Western Europeans are useless and did nothing to help.
Forces the west to convert to Christianity, then does nothing to help us against those barbarian germs and you even ban the relic worship. And you still wonder why you got fucked. Long live the Latin Empire.

>> No.52612278

Putin looks pretty good for his age

>> No.52612721
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Too bad they got brutally BTFO by us, gg

I have to say that Constantine XI was a based guy though, he died in battle with his people

>> No.52613390

Why aren't you shilling A VAX?

>> No.52613498

Eh Ottomans saw themselves as just continuing Rome, and If you didn't pay jizya you paid zakat so it evens out.

>> No.52613570

How's lira holding up nowadays? Still can't afford bread?

>> No.52613643

I have worked a healthcare office job for ten years now. Half of those WFH. I have never learned a single function in xcell. I enrolled in an excellent training for like 5 hours a few weeks ago and spent the entire time reading books. Whenever the topic comes up I make jokes about how I know nothing about it and other managers look at me confused. I'm just not gonna learn it is all.

>> No.52615704

Most self-professed Excel wizards spend the majority of their time going cell by cell manually fixing the shit that their fancy functions messed up. You have to become an actual Excel wizard, essentially making Excel your hobby, and deal with enormous amounts of data for it to be worth learning Excel beyond an intermediate level.

>> No.52617355

>Excel wizards
In a few hours, you can learn every shortcut key and function that Excel has.

>> No.52617437

>decadence is the issue, not population

>> No.52619088
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It's Late-Roman you dolt.

>> No.52619295

Fuck off doomer loser.

>> No.52619368

Constantinople fell because a door in the wall of the jewish sector was mysteriously left open by accident... Those same jews then became the new tax collectors for the regime. If Constantinople hadn't been betrayed, we would still have the Eastern Roman Empire today.
>It was the jews. Just another coincidence.

>> No.52619430

In even shorter time you can learn the ten or so keywords you will use in any programming language. Doesn’t mean you’ve learned to program.

>> No.52619864
File: 32 KB, 668x770, 1668326116869256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is precisely why Byzantium fell. Decadent cunts. This is also why the western world is doomed. We need a war so cataclysmic or a depression so full of despair to fix our societies of decadence.

>> No.52620542

There's nothing othordox about a political tool of the Byzantine Empire

Only Traditional Roman Catholics agmi