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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52556538 No.52556538 [Reply] [Original]

there's not going to be another bullrun, is there?

>> No.52556583

No it wont

>> No.52556622

yes there will what makes you think just because the price is going down now that it won't go up 4 years later?

>> No.52556753

relax, market has a very short memory and we'll probably get a sharp rally in the next 6-12 months
BUT when that rally comes, will you participate is the question, anon

>> No.52556955

I've been tuning into some heavy late 2018/early 2019 vibes on biz lately. Very eerie... Very curious...

>> No.52557001

>there's not going to be another bullrun, is there?
Correct. Sell now before you lose it all and be thankful when you watch everything fall -80% further.

>> No.52557025

Most of the "bull run" wasn't organic. It was ftx manipulating the market

>> No.52557088


>> No.52558974
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noticed the same

>> No.52559055

I'm holding this time, so we're going to 0.
thanks for playing.

>> No.52559208

>there's not going to be another bullrun, is there?

finally, the bottom signal

>> No.52559259

yes there will be anon so you better be stacking Matic before the next bull-run, because it will be taking polygon all the way to the top 3 next to btc and eth after flipping avax, shib, tron, dai, dot, and sol

>> No.52559363

They were shorting fucking everything and were totally insolvent on Bitcoin (sell three Bitcoin when they only had one) so really they were terrible for the bull run.

>> No.52559377

>finally, the bottom signal

yikes, this is a top signal

>> No.52559488

turns out no but at least we all developed a profitable hobby with our neet time.

>> No.52559519
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>> No.52559612

The same retards claiming that are the same retards who miss every bottom, not only in crypto but stocks too. Let that sink in. Some are goldbugs, others are wagies, but they all seethe day and night

>> No.52559649

There is, but it's happening in the /cmmg/ thread. They're getting 10x gains investing in real world commodities producers.

>> No.52559770
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no, the only bullrun is going to be a group of big bull dyke trannies running train on you after you pimp yourself out like a 2 dollah crack ho to try to pay your bills in the coming global mega-recession

>> No.52559840

it won't be another 4 years, probably 3 at the least

>> No.52559850

Humans have loved gambling since the dawn of time and will continue to gamble whenever possible

Crypto is the best digital gambling by a wide margin

>> No.52559950

yeah they were pumping bitcoin without buying or owning bitcoin. Crypto jewish magic.

>> No.52559983

Bro we might all die tonight. Who cares. Just stack what you feel like stacking. I think there will be another bullrun. It’s a long way off.

>> No.52559986
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because this time its different, literally, unironically

>> No.52560438

It's retarded to assume there won't be any. A smart time to accumulate some alts like Matic, Atom, Rail, also looking to buy some NFTs

>> No.52560479

"Bull run isn't happening again" threads are the biggest bottom indicator, i remember these threads all the time when we dumped to 3.5k back in the day. of course that assumes we actually do recover, if we ever go past 17k it's safe to say accumulation and the slow climb is beginning

>> No.52560481
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Everyone thinks crypto is dead until it isn't.

Lrn2basic Bitcoin cycles.

>> No.52560532

The usability of NFTs is becoming apt. For example Railgun is proposing to enable users to be able to trade and send NFTs privately. Institutions are adopting NFTs as well because they can be safeguarded on the blockchain and not get thrashed as jpegs as they used to be.

>> No.52560546

crypto is always manipulated in bear market due to low volume, the powers that be also want another bull market. All they have to do is keep prices afloat and "break resistance areas" so the dumbfuck normalniggers see muh crypto cycles and buy back into it. Newfags to crypto that weren't here for the last bear market know nothing, manipulation was literally 24/7 until we reached close to the previous ATH. Incredibly fucking obvious manipulation too like sell walls 50x the size of the average order on the books on binance that disappear out of nowhere

>> No.52560582
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>there's not going to be another bullrun, is there?
>there's not going to be another bullrun, is there?
>there's not going to be another bullrun, is there?
>there's not going to be another bullrun, is there?
>there's not going to be another bullrun, is there?

No, there will never be another bull run. I am sorry anon.

>> No.52560598

Matic is already a large cap, I'd go for a small cap like Sylo or IMX

>> No.52560734

Idk but I know this board has been dead as fuck apart from the FTX news coming out. Also Link is pumping faggots.

>> No.52560745

There will be but it’ll be 5-10x gains instead of 100-500x gains. So you need 100k-200k invested to make it. Poor fags are externally priced out of making it. Better luck next life

>> No.52560752

just keep buying you fucking pussy. you diaper shitting fags will stay poor forever

>> No.52560766

No commodity stocks are 10x ing you larping faggot.

>> No.52560807

It's truly different this time, though. Just like BTC never broke previous cycle top before, BTC will never go up again.

>> No.52561050

opposed to the last time it was different, literally, unironically?

>> No.52561140

Just can't tell when. Simply loading some alts with growth potential and real world solution like Ocean, Ens and Ore

>> No.52561166
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>It's truly different this time, though. Just like BTC never broke previous cycle top before, BTC will never go up again.
>It's truly different this time, though. Just like BTC never broke previous cycle top before, BTC will never go up again.
>It's truly different this time, though. Just like BTC never broke previous cycle top before, BTC will never go up again.
>It's truly different this time, though. Just like BTC never broke previous cycle top before, BTC will never go up again.
>It's truly different this time, though. Just like BTC never broke previous cycle top before, BTC will never go up again. (You)

chegged and kegged

>> No.52561184

they literally admitted it kek

>> No.52561198

dishonest shitposting kek
btc finally broke a decade long trend and you are coping hard

>> No.52561262

Only because of several black swan events you double nigger.
>Ukraine invasion

>> No.52561270

FTX = Democrats wanted to kill crypto.

>> No.52561890

not really a black swan anymore if it keeps showing up...more like a regular swan

>> No.52562870

You're in this for the long haul. You'll look back in five years and be sorry you didn't sell your kidney to buy the dip. Buying Eth, Matic, shib and Xpress give me hope for my long term hodl

>> No.52562919

I think a low cap with working products might see a pump in the next bullrun. I like Xpress and Utk. They will, in my opinion, significantly lessen the complexity of DEFI.

>> No.52562926

Probably not on this scale. Instituions really came, but they got scammed and now packing up.

>> No.52562961

>>significantly lessen the complexity of DEFI

I wonder how long it would take before a person finds crypto easier to use than the traditional financial systems

>> No.52562997

This is the mistake I made. I should have understood that crypto investment is just like any other investment, and it needs time and patience.

>> No.52562999 [DELETED] 

Play in only the trusted casinos! Like Bspin.

>Casino with BTC main currency.
>Coming giveaway with $15K Prize Pool.
>Up to 20% CashBack bonus and the coolest benefits.

>> No.52563054

I believe that is it. We require initiatives that successfully connect traditional finance with crypto payments. But it is tough to find one.

>> No.52563082

If you understand, it's never too late to make a decision especially now

>> No.52563475

It's not just about connection. You gotta make it easier and better for the average user to pick crypto over the traditional financial services in place. There's a still a lot of work to be done

>> No.52563606

We would likely have another one, but it might not be as impressive as the previous ones. Or we might have pockets of pumps, with Blockchain projects like FTM or atom pumping, payment solutions like Xpress or Coti pumping. Metaverse projects like raca or sand... you catch my drift?

>> No.52563612

Where do you stake MATIC? Any recommendation?

>> No.52563686

Dubs mean the top signal is actually a big bottom siggy!!!

>> No.52563704

See if I died that would actually be helpful

The fact that I have to wake up every morning to a lower price and exist through the day is the real issue

>> No.52563864

Sylo has a working product. The wallet has quite some adoption so far

>> No.52563946

>there's not going to be another bullrun
Don't give up, ranjeet. There's going to be a bull run and when it comes, it'll last longer than the previous ones. For now I enjoy playing and earning from game titles such as Scene It?

>> No.52563973
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Be like myself: exit the market and explore GameFi where there are some freaking incredible projects on the Avalanche alone, such as Avaxtars and Gamestar+. Axie Infinity is also hot. There's hope.

>> No.52564027

Crypto platforms are struggling with problems that traditional fiance solved millennia ago. SBF proved even the biggest players are bumbling manchildren who can't be trusted to even write things down intelligibly let alone keep accurate books.

>> No.52564078

XRP wallet numbers and acoomulation is accellerating.

Part 1 of the White Swan is when Bitfinex CFDs goes down.


>> No.52564150

Interestingly GameFi is now exploring in-car entertainment using VR

>> No.52564154

halvening is still a year out

>> No.52564207
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Sorry anon. It's ogre.

>> No.52564486

That's going to be huge. I know Holoride to be ahead with that. Also getting board games industry into the chain via gamestar+ will be lit.

>> No.52564614
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>> No.52564650

stop acting like BTC is the only blockchain out there. it ain't 2012 anymore, broski. y'all stuck in the past. Major corporations just signed deals for projects on Polygon/Matic and other blockchains that have jackshit to do with BTC.

>> No.52564973

Holoride is already doing that. They launched their VR headset recently. I learnt Honda is partnering with Playstation

>> No.52565314
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Don't just accumulate but also try to stake. ATOM, LOOP and EVMOS.

>> No.52565338

BTC was floated through its entire lifetime on near zero interest rates

>> No.52565339

The most utility I have seen with NFTs is staking. Only a few platform offers that utility and making them unique. I'm staking the Juno bears.

>> No.52565438

Seekers NFTs too has some nice utility. it could be used to run nodes

>> No.52565443

It's always best to stay around. I will only look out for entertaining games and not some cash grab because there are a lot of shit in defi.

>> No.52565455

in 4 years bitcoin will hit 300k

>> No.52565500

I've played lot of combat games onchain and not board games. I think they might worth it though since board games have lot of traditional players out there

>> No.52565572

How can NFTs be used to run nodes. I know a bit of programming but never come to that. Staking is a good utility though.

>> No.52565591

zoom out bro and check the 5 year candles. we are still bullish

>> No.52565610

by then a coffee is gonna be $50 so what difference does it make.

>> No.52565862
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Who gives up has lost. Just relax and play games. Spend more time with families.

>> No.52565918

bullish thread

>> No.52566087
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Anon finally bought everything listed under the thread. They are good picks though. Some good gaming tokens here but I'll always do my research.

>> No.52566127

the amount of bot shills and complete utter retards ITT makes me think we are in for another giga dump...

>> No.52566291

NFTs future is based. Immediately I saw Allianceblock talk about NFTs bridging, I knew it was gonna be like a merger for DeFi utilities. Don't keep larping same thing on every Biz thread.

>> No.52566427

Have you black swan calling retards ever stopped to consider that it's kind of odd that multiple le black swans happened last BTC dropped in price? Hmmm it's almost like BTC dropping under certain prices triggered these events and not the other way around.