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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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52562227 No.52562227 [Reply] [Original]

Have we reached the bottom?

>> No.52562246

unironically think we're getting closer. might be another few weeks though or month even.

>> No.52562268

it's over
this is too brutal

>> No.52562281

>financial advice
Pick one

>> No.52562292

by the photo on that twitter profile I see is a very trustful financial advisor

>> No.52562296

the bottom was like 6 hours ago. all these people waiting to slurp are getting front run as we speak. they'll buy at 36-38k right before we dump back down to 11k.

>> No.52562299

based retard
its going to take years if at all

>> No.52562311
File: 295 KB, 1112x2048, 20221122_161728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



You haven't seen the bottom until off ramps start drying up and people are scrambling for the door or be stuck holding imaginary internet money.

>> No.52562333

thanks just added to my shorts

>> No.52562886

Coinbase, Greyscale, Gemini, Genesis and Crypto.com are about to collapse, so I'd say no.

>> No.52562914

What do all these companies have in common? They start with a C or G.

>> No.52562939

The bottom is in when a search for the bottom is over. This could very well be the bottom, but we need a long period of disinterest before claiming it's been hit. Will it take months? A year? I don't know, but I'm still buying around this price. Good luck everyone.

>> No.52562951

finally someone gets it

>> No.52562969

gemini fud is out of control. coinbase might be losing money but are probably at least solvent.

>> No.52562977
File: 73 KB, 512x576, 8F7064B7-E0E3-4753-9BDB-4F764B35E2AD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if:
>Crypto was invented by glowniggers as a way to crowdsource the tech that would be used to create CBDCs.
>And now they are ready to implement those.
>So now they rug the market by implementing a bunch of crushing regulations that scare away all institutions and normies

You guys can call this “fud” all you want.
You better seriously dwell on it if you are still bagholding.

>> No.52563023

>what if:
stopped reading there.

>> No.52563037

fuck i hate crypto roasties

>> No.52563129


>> No.52564126

Doesnt matter if its the bottom, iam sure btc we will see 100k and more in the future, everything under 20k is longterm a perfect price to buy.

We are now 20% under the last ath, that means next bearmarket in 2025/26 the low will be 40 or 50k. I will buy the next months with DCA until we reach this 40-50k, because we will likely never get lower prices again (and start to sell step by step at 110 or 120k...)

>> No.52564178

It's not over until the people who want it to be over have gone back to work jobs they hate hate and have written crypto off forever. Then you have my permission to buy.

>> No.52564211


what a dumb article

>> No.52564331

5x is nothing for the amount of risk involved in crypto. whales will dump sub 10k to get the highest possible multiplicator

>> No.52564355

since we fell by 80% that means that 80% got out already. considering that some retards like myself will hodl not everyone will need to get out. this market has been under severe stress already and those that cant handle it get flushed from the market. those that remain will take their share in the long run.
honestly from a long term perspective its great that FTX was one to go

>> No.52564459


As long as whores like this this are bullish we have a long way down to go.

>> No.52564503
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>4 year cycle is nothing for this faggot.
Get a load of this guy

>> No.52564525

Even if we don't see ATH's again (especially over 90% of alts) the idea that crypto is dead or will never have a bull run is retarded. Anyone buying today will be rewarded within a 2 years. Anyone who still holds from the last run (presuming you're up) will effectively retire within a few years if they're not genuine retards.

>> No.52564572

It's very possible but then what can you do? A CBDC is the end of free markets, which leads to unnatural outcomes and eventually failure.
It's like actually believing wokeness and having a military that's predominately black women is great. Until you actually have to go to war. That's when reality slaps you in the face.

>> No.52564592

We're going down another 80% aren't we?

>> No.52564638

She needs to shut up and make the sammiches.

>> No.52564640
File: 70 KB, 598x457, 20f88103f93d4777066bb1f5bf6a770b298271a885940227bc4bbe54b4c71633.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want white women so much brownbros...

>> No.52564683

white woman are white, blonde and beautiful because for generation after generation for thousands of years white men paired up with white woman. it only takes 1 generation of brown dna to ruin that. I think brown people that are into white woman understand this subconsciously and are getting off on that idea.

>> No.52564689

my theory is they keep funneling normans into crypto.com as long the world cup is going, and then after the finale on 18/12 they will either go bankrupt or dump mega hard on all the people who bought during those football matches

>> No.52564811

good thing that nowadays white man are befaggots and sissys.

>> No.52564975

how is that good. you need white men to create white women. everyone pretty much agrees that white genes are superior and you do too if you think that white women are the prettiest. its literally your genes telling you that you are looking at something superior and telling you to try to get a piece of that

>> No.52565124

>everyone pretty much agrees that white genes are superior
sure m8

>> No.52565148

Slavic* women are prettier. Fuck your white feminist whores.

>> No.52565211

this. the only bottom she knows is the bottom of a sack.

>> No.52566022

found the seething nigger

>> No.52566351

Sorry, I can't hear you over the sound of my favored biology