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52559719 No.52559719 [Reply] [Original]

I am 32. I have 0 debt of any kind. I have $5,000. I have an associate's degree (I don't tell anyone it's in liberal arts). I make between $15,000 and $30,000 a year post tax. I have no bills and live with my parents.

Suddenly, you are me. What is your move to own 10 acres and a decent house in northern Michigan before your turn 35? 40? Are you laughing at how pathetic I am, or are you wracked by debt and jealous?

>> No.52559733

honestly just get a better high paying job, you are in a pretty good position considering you can choose something and complete your last 2 years of Bachelors in a good major

>> No.52559751

How much does 10 acres and a decent house in northern Michigan cost?

>> No.52559755

Dubs has it right. You can either finish a bs in basically anything that generates the I bc one you want like a career program, or you can get a few certs or licenses to do something on the side to build a bank

>> No.52559757

I'd get a good job. I own a house at 25 and make $110k/yr remote as a software dev. I too wanna buy a place with 10acres but that won't be cheap anon, so out definitely need to find a husstle that pays good or start a business

>> No.52559765

Consider West Virginia.
It’s a shithole but it’s rural and cheap.

>> No.52559796

I get a job in mining, meet a women on my travels. Use the money from mining to start your own business in something you enjoy, buy the farm and a vehicle, give your parents some money if they need it.

>> No.52559811

I am open to anywhere that can give me a few acres to live on that is rural so long as it has net.

Is a basic bitch associate's actually worth anything? I was under the impression that this degree was literally worthless. This is honestly the first time I've heard from anyone that it has any value at all. Lib arts associate's goes to what, like writing, humanities, history and shit? That's how I earned it, I had no idea it could be utilized for anything.

Anywhere from 10k to 2mil. depends a lot on where it is and what's going on. 10 acres for 10k is not going to be good land or by society i.e. swamps in nowhere.

>> No.52559825

Also stop posting asian women unless you are asian, if you are white then cringe.

>> No.52559831

take different classes that actually offer a career path, instead of whatever the fuck youre doing now..

>> No.52559832


>> No.52559835


easy as fuck

Put every penny you have / make over the next 2 years into crypto. get a second job or smth to make more.

DCA into a portfolio

easy 10x - or way more if you're not a retard and u can invest into lower cap coins

it's literally that easy. anyone who disagrees with me is poor

>> No.52559861


>> No.52559862

I've been done for 8 years. I got associate's, paid off debt then quit. Not in any programs.

This sort of response is exactly why I posted this on /biz/. Everyone tells me this sort of shit but it may as well be the same as telling some guy who works in glass shaping how to treat his soil for cruciferous veg. It is totally alien, do you even realize how schizo and crazy something like that sounds to normal people?

>> No.52559967
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Invest the $5000 into Fission 3.0 (OTCQB: FISOF) and sell it in late 2023-2024 for close to $50,000. Roll those gains all into a copper and gold miner like NorthIsle Copper and Gold (OCTQB: NTCPF) for another 5x gain from 2025-2027. Then roll the $250,000 into Bitcoin in 2027 just before the start of the next crypto bullrun and catch another 5x by 2029.

Total profits: $1,250,000

>> No.52560061

I don't know how to do any of that or what it means really. I'm a very simple person. When I was in highschool I had an econ teacher that was a hardcore boomer in the truest sense. He got rich off stocks. When I was in his class he invested a shitload into a copper mine in alaska andjust made bank, he got into it when it was like $0.0003 or some stupid shit

>> No.52560084

No no nothing but evil stupid hillbillies here def stay away

>> No.52560123

Fucking sad, 32 and 5k savings.

And you want to buy land and need guidance to do it. You are forever a wagie poorfag. This kind of post makes me realize I’m so in the wrong room.

T.31 yr old faang with size biz, yearly revenue in excess of 550k.
I really hate how your 30s you really need to separate toxicity from on the same path / as goals as you. How could you tuck away your 20s and get no where?

>> No.52560124
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Go all in a crypto project that you believe in and forget about it. DCA around current levels then sell in next bitcoin halving. In the meantime, go to a gym, get fit, and either go to school or try to get a promotion.

>> No.52560144

I don't believe in crypto, I think it's over.

>> No.52560154

It's simple enough that a dumb monkey like you can figure it out. Just open a margin account on Fidelity or TD Ameritrade. Or possibly a Roth IRA for tax free retirement gains.

>> No.52560210
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>> No.52560240

>Anywhere from 10k to 2mil. depends a lot on where it is and what's going on. 10 acres for 10k is not going to be good land or by society i.e. swamps in nowhere.
So how much will it cost for the kind of land you actually want? The point of his question was to get a rough idea of how much you need, anyway from 10k-2m is a little too broad.

>> No.52560254

>DCA into a portfolio
If you had done that the last 3 years with only BTC you would be at -8%, worse if you went with altcoins

>> No.52560256

How is this? I'm 35 with MSEE, 10 years of controls, embeded design and in a lead postion for fortune 100 in Ohio making less than $90k. I do love my work and the no stress but pay is ass. I don't need to compete with Apus since my work is hands on and local. Besides ABAP for SAP why does anyone pay more than $40 hour for any software development as it is a trade skill? That's why I'm in embedded firmware, maybe I go to dark side of boring ol software level only. :(

>> No.52560281

I don't trust this stuff at all really. I have never known anyone in my life who does any of it or knows about it.

4 acres with a decent single house and a shed/barn can be as low as 65k for a heavy fixer upper to 250k~ for a solid place with issues. Flawless autobuy is like 500k~ but they usually lack land.

the guy is obviously coping out of his mind

>> No.52560300

You're seriously fucking up if you aren't pursuing the untapped entertainment industry industrial automation sector.
>t.work with Rockwell/Beckhoff/TAIT as a principal engineer with a fortune 500 making $280k TC

>> No.52560351

Sounds like you should shoot for 250k. Get a job, save 25k at minimum - preferably 50k - then get a loan for the rest. Keep living with low expenses while you use the money to fix the place up.
Though considering how insane inflation is and will continue to be you'll probably want to save more.

>> No.52560442

Sounds good! I just save my money, only started working recently. Lots of room to go from the income I listed up to 90k in a couple years. You pretty much told me to go with my intended plan, so that's nice!

>> No.52560490

Cool, good luck. The only other thing I would say is getting a home loan straight off the bat with no credit history (I assume) might be difficult, so in the meantime maybe get a credit card and take out some smaller loans, like for a car or something.

>> No.52560515

Get married and have kids you fucking seen piece of shit. Jesus Christ

>> No.52560523

shut up

>> No.52560543

we just had a pretty clownish bullrun of course everyone that got in recently is down.

>> No.52560544

love to read this

>> No.52560560

Yes, which is why DCA is not as good of a strategy as it sounds.

>> No.52560577

I am at a similar income, a year younger, and I'm back in college for my third semester towards a degree in the field I've been working in for the past 4 years. Your best bet isn't living frugally, it's getting training to make more money. I also had 40k from crypto sitting in the bank to throw at a degree, so this may also be retarded to go into debt slavery for you.

You could also suck 100 dicks for $500 each and get a large down payment on a house anywhere

>> No.52560697

DCA is excellent. it's just that since we're in a nigh recession things are fucking dead. we had not been in a long enough bear market to DCA when people did. people needed to exercise some fucking patience. also people are DCAing into pretty much dead and retarded fucking coin projects.

>> No.52560721

Nothing pathetic about wanting to do better, it's something we can learn from & eventually embody.

Love questions like this, so let's go.

32 yrs young, $5k, useless degree, $20k a year, no bills.

Objective: own 10 acres in a decent house in 3-8 years.

Besides the job you're working, you should learn a skill, don't listen to people with a defeatist mindset you are not old to not learn a skill. You must enjoy doing it though, otherwise, you'll might be dead at 35/40.

Look into learning a skill that will enable you to make passive income & to work from home.

To achieve that you must have the passion & consistency for it, wake up earlier than usual & ue that time to learn the skill. Nearly if not every time you have some free time spend it towards your objective.

Creating a project/company, working at a better job later on are long-term goals. With that extra money you earning you can use it to invest into stocks, crypto & yourself (health is wealth, especially when it comes down to WFH & an image you building if you want to attract clients if you're planning to do some freelance work or whatever with people).

Bonus: Attract a lot of women, and use them to build a network of clients or to climb up towards the higher-positioned people in a company.

Goodluck, if you really want it you should be able to do everything I described.

>> No.52560956

sign up for a coinbase account and buy eth
then learn how to move it to your own wallet
bonus points for learning how to stake

>> No.52560970

shes so cute

>> No.52561063

You're based, anon.

>> No.52561074

Take out debts and bang japanese chicks now that their borders are open.

>> No.52561251

Thank you for this positive take! Much of what I earn is from my own talents, so this seems like it also aligns with my intentions. WHo knew posting on /biz/ would actually be helpful.

Sorry, I just don't know enough.

>> No.52561273



>> No.52561394
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Stay consistent, age doesn't determine a lot of things. You as an individual determine things, you got way more freedom as a 25 year old with kids, marriage going on & lots of debt.

Keyword is consistency & planning, hope you won't get caught in dopamine loops or some bs that will set you backwards, so please master yourself before others or events do that.

Peace, goodluck on your objective anon.

>> No.52561427

History repeats itself, don't give up on crypto & in general don't have all your eggs in one basket in life.

I believe nobody should invest into things, if they afraid to lose it or will get into financial & even mental trouble because of it.

>> No.52561493

Yeah if u sold right now at the literal bottom.... what would you be at if you sold the top earlier this year? Never change.

>> No.52562706
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You're literally in serious poverty at 32 with $5k in savings. You risk becoming a wage slave if you don't start stacking crypto. I'll advise you to put money into paying enterprises. They're progressing faster than I expected.

>> No.52562745

You make 15k a year post tax faggot, the only way you'll get anywhere is by gambling and taking risk. Retard.

>> No.52562748

Selling is never a possibility right now. When their token burn is finished in 2026, I plan to hang onto my Xpress until then.

>> No.52562768

I'd rather choose Dcaing and staking. In this bear market, this has actually kept me moving.

>> No.52562925

Sold my Solana at $40 and missed the incredible pump to $243. Never ever gonna make such a mistake in my life

>> No.52562934

Everyone does that. But the market is still just as horrible as it was. Still no chance of a reprieve just yet

>> No.52562978
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You lack the necessary patience. You probably sold that for a puzzy. I'm glad you're sage now.

>> No.52563009

Whatever the outcome, hodling is a profitable tactic. Just adhere to that to remain safe.

>> No.52563114

You sound like a very average normal millennial. You'll probably only be comfortable when you finally inherit

>> No.52563144

like rollercoasters and shit?

>> No.52563195
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>last reply by OP 3+ hrs ago.
well congrats on trying to find land in michigan. Also on the hunt as is my friend. Alot of areas are just shit if low price. You can get decent land under an acre for $10k or less but you want more land not less. Ive had the same problem in finding quality land and im only looking for 5acres min. good luck anon its shit in michigan in alot of ways. I just was scouting this nice area just outside of some industrial and learned that if you wanna residental it you gotta rezone it and there's a bunch of other stuff involved. dropped it instantly. I could handle a house on a road that big trucks go down but not if I have to drop another 30k to bribe the local city hall and whatnot.

And I legit want property thats out of the way and out of sight. I wanna be left alone and more likely to not be found or my place come accross. Alot of land here around me for that but you gotta pay for its worth.

>> No.52563377

We live and we learn. I have a lot of promising projects in my bag. Perhaps I sold because I didn't believe enough. Because I didn't research enough

>> No.52563402

My tactic is simple. Buy low. Hold for an insanely long time. Sell high. Rinse and repeat. It works like a charm

>> No.52563437

Become a fly in fly out miner and spent a couple years working overseas with all your room and board paid for. Stay at the site instead of flying out for breaks.

30 hr/10 hour days. 10k bonus. 300 per day, 1800 a week. Walk away after two years of that with 250k-350k depending.

>> No.52563976

I would recommend against Northern Michigan. Went to college at Tech and there's just too much snow. Had a cottage in Newberry and it's a fucking depressing place. The only decent city is Marquette and it's full of liberals. Everyone leaves these towns the first chance they get. The only reason anyone moved there in the first place was the mines and they have all shut down. The population has been flat or declining for nearly 100 years. You can enjoy the forests and land in the lower peninsula north of Clare and not deal with the lack of internet and extreme isolation and poverty in the UP. Look outside towns like Midland, Mount Pleasant, Alpena.

>> No.52563990

Good morning sirs. I will breed this woman

>> No.52564007

I havent explored the UP at all for places. Its overrun with libs? I dont mind the desolation or isolation or even the large amounts of snow. I do mind people that have views that hold or push back progress. I even planned on getting some places up near the mines to enjoy some quiet get aways but man that sucks if true. how bad is it?

I'm already looking to buy up omar and twinning (property in these super shithole smallest towns so I can skip the UP completely if I need to.

>> No.52564093

just start sucking thousands of ducks

>> No.52564145
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Making a higher income should be your first priority. Consider the following. You have $1,000. You double this, the double again, the double once more. You have $1000 to $2000 to $4000 dollars to $8000. Still not much, ay? Now you have $50,000. You double it the same way; $50,000 to $100,000 to $200,000, to $400,000. The percent growth is the same, but due to higher starting point, one puts you in a good spot, one puts you poor class. Hence the importance of high income, to build that initial stack to grow on.

Also, cut all expenses. You can easily get a house for $50k in Michigan, due to being one of poorest states in country. Example: make $30k a year. Save $20k. From 32 to 40, you've saved $160k; plenty to buy property.

>> No.52564308

Who is she?
A-asking for a friend haha

>> No.52565144

You can get 5 acres in Christmas Valley Oregon for $5,000.00.

>> No.52565432
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>I work remote as a software dev

>> No.52565505

Learn to weld.

>> No.52565780

>Northern Michigan
Do you live in Marquette anon?

>> No.52565781

I will first invest on a monthly basis, 30%of my income on DeFi projects to keep earning passively by finding good DeFi tokens with massive potentials

>> No.52565912

Why should gambling be an option when you can invest in good projects and earn passively?
Gambling is risky and a waste of time and resources.
I started investing into defi last year, and now, my little funds are now huge capital, so turn down that gambling mentality if you don't want to loose all your funds, DeFi is the way

>> No.52565934

despite what (((faggots))) here will tell you, having 0 debt is good
cunts here are leveraged up to the eyeballs and getting rekt all the time because they can't manage debt
OP actually has a brain

>> No.52565945

Get a better degree and then save for a down payment for a house while living with mommy.

>> No.52565954

picrel crazy eye

>> No.52566083

I'm caught in a dopamine loop, bros. How do I escape? I literally can't stop fapping and playing video games.

>t. 30 YO boomer trying to turn his financial life around

>> No.52566165
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Easy, I did 2 worthless degrees and played video games and watched anime for 10+ years, didn't want anything out of life. Now I'm 32, single in debt with no job. Eh.

>> No.52566249

I would apply to laborer trade roles on oil fields and in super remote places.Trade a year of your life to bank some solid capital so you don't have to go in debt to upskill. they're desperate for guys with at least average IQ and without drug addictions

>> No.52566737

How do you get the right defi that will last the test of time?

>> No.52566939
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I'm of Northern European lineage. I have a Japanese gf. She pours my beer for me in the sushi restaurant. Not sure how it could be better.

>> No.52567096

Save up a whole lot of cash by living like a bum, way more than for just a down payment. Look for old shitty houses on a small lot of land and check to see if they are repairable. Should only need new plumbing, relevel, and new roof at most. You need to save money to cover those repairs. It's best to use cash to repair a house than a home repair loan, because the interest on those is extreme.
Next, look up county records for land next to the property and find a place that is next to 2-10 acres that isn't being used and is going to waste (make sure its not in a flood zone or part of some sort of corporate use or landbank.)
Look up county appraisal of the land to see what you can afford and base your offer on that. You'll need to offer a little over what the county values the land to make it worth their while. Don't forget about calculating property tax into your hypothetical expenses.
Send a letter in the mail to the land owner with your offer, and asking if they would be interested in selling the land (don't forget to include mineral rights). Include phone number and email for contacts. Be honest with your intentions with the land and the house beside it. If they are interested and accept your offer, then it's time to move to the next phase.
Since the house is in shitty shape, you'll have to get it on a conventional loan. Conventional loan isn't so strict, unlike other loan types. If it appraises badly, you can use this to re-negotiate a lower price on the property with the seller.
Make as small of a down payment as allowable without it affecting the rate by too much. Keep saving if you have too, to later buy the land beside you. Stay in contact with the land owner every once in awhile so they don't forget about you.
Don't get a loan on the house with balloon payment or pre-payment penalty. Stay away from HELOC's or ARM loans. Stick to conventional fixed rate and pay it off as soon as possible. Don't play games with your money (i.e. day trading or crypto investing.)

>> No.52567146

You probably won't have the cash to afford land any time soon, so will just have to keep them on the line.
Get the house first, then pursue the land later.

>> No.52567228

You decide on a project base on either the utility, community or partnership, but the utility must be topnotch, the likes of CAKE, EVMOS and LOOP are good DeFi projects to invest

>> No.52567672

this won't be fast, anon, but you can do it by 40 and not be fucked after that if you follow these steps, or roughly stick to this sort of plan.
if you don't have one, open a roth IRA ///today/// with your 5k and have that be your down payment "nest egg" so to speak. you're neet, so you don't need your 5k, and the market is a touch low right now, so you want your money doing whatever work it can for you. invest 100% of it in $VTI and DO NOT cash this out under any circumstances until you are literally about to walk a bag of cash to a lender for your down payment.
do everything you can to put $500/mo into that IRA from now until you are 62 years old. your annual legal limit for that account will prevent you from depositing your $500/mo in the twelfth month of the year. with that twelfth payment, buy something nice for your parents for the holidays in December. that nets you $5500 every year.
do SOMETHING to increase your income. go to night school and finish your bachelors in something not useless; pick up a second job; sell drugs; i don't care what but you HAVE to earn more than you currently make by a mile before you can afford the mortgage, taxes, and upkeep of a serious piece of property.
do this for 5 years starting in January. you will be socking away 5500 per year into your IRA, which comes out to 30000 assuming you fuck a few payments up. the market will probably correct by then so you could be looking at substantially more, but let's assume merely 30k. in 5 years that could easily be 40-45,000 which is a great down payment for a $250,000 house. that 10-15000 growth is the secret to this plan.
you HAVE to have your IRA for 5 years or more, and the withdrawal HAS to be for a house down payment, but everything here is legal.

the longer you save and wait, the more likely you will succeed at this plan. but talk to your parents first, because they may not want you around that long. that said, them seeing you execute on a plan will probably impress them.

>> No.52567749

He wants land. Why do you want him to lose what little money he has?

>> No.52567860
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40k out of 250k is 16%, which is nothing to sniff at. follow this anon's >>52567096 advice regarding knowing your local area very well, including their mortgage law. and follow his advice on what type of loan to avoid.
financing 210-220k on a 30 year fixed rate mortgage should net you about $1000/mo in payments. that is why you HAVE to figure out how to increase your income between now and then. you want to be bringing down 4k/mo by then.
after 5 years, spend your free time looking at zillow, realtor.com, etc to find good deals. travel to places to see the land, talk to neighbors, get to know a real estate agent in the area, etc. and be PATIENT. the longer you wait, the larger your nest egg grows, which means the less you pay per month OR the better property you can afford.
you are gonna make it, but it will take a lot of work, patience, and diligence.

>source: 33 years old, own 15 acres, bought for 250k, used this model. i just got a 10 year head start on you. nbd

>> No.52568000

You should be able to save more aggressively if you have no bills and live with your parents. I’d finish a BS and get a better job

>> No.52568064

That's hot. Almost as hot as the fact she was blacked and dumped to raise a mulatto alone

>> No.52568297

I know evmos & cake, is loop a new project?

>> No.52568364

Then why the fuck are you even on this board, faggot retard.

>> No.52568462

Not everyone is as brilliant and amazing as you apparently. Why would you get angry? You likely had complete financial assistance where others did not, or settled on your career long before others did. Who gives a shit? You aren’t better than anyone

>> No.52568606

gonna need you to prove that happened to her and itsn ot just some chang no wang jerkoff material

>> No.52568898
File: 101 KB, 640x640, kys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not your board, bitch, gtfo. this is business and finance. not crypto baggies board. mcfucking kill your fucking self.

>> No.52568993

>saves kys images unironically

nigger kys this is not your planet, bitch, gtfo.

>> No.52569070

Community college cs courses - > internship at a company -> return offer -> make six figures -> buy the acerage

>> No.52569179

I have fucked and came inside of over 400 Asian women across the PNW, SEA, and east Asia. Cope, ricel.

>> No.52569330

Loop is a new project on cosmos ecosystem under juno network, aiming to nft to defi via nfts staking