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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52554334 No.52554334 [Reply] [Original]

The NEETs on here are no better than the redditors on r/antiwork

>> No.52554541

I fucking hate neets so fucking much

>> No.52554547
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Morpheus is not wrong here

>> No.52554564
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Funding your own demographic replacement is less respectable than NEETing.

>> No.52554618
File: 545 KB, 945x1175, 1668185071547815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what if I told you I dont give a single fuck what you cockroach think :)

>> No.52554647

>be corporate soldout, globohomo financier, and slavery enabler
>literally get paid to poison people
>make thread bragging about how respectable I am

>> No.52554677

why would anyone want the respect of the current system or anyone that holds high regard for that system?

>> No.52554714

>You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it.

>> No.52554772
File: 7 KB, 220x220, 22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

working for someone else is the most humiliating thing in life. holy fuck. kiss my ass anon or ur fired!!

>> No.52554781
File: 660 KB, 751x720, Screenshot from 2022-11-21 16-44-51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is nothing wrong with NEETing if you are leeching off the government that wants to destroy you. For most white men, this isn't possible. Nothing in life is free; forcing your parents to work into their geriatric years because you are a lazy fuck makes you lower than a jew.

>> No.52555492

like I care about some shitheels respect LMAO

>> No.52556476

nice wagie rage
thanks for the neetbux
now go back to cage
or sir goldsman will get angry
if you're late.

>> No.52556496


>> No.52556560

>There is nothing wrong with NEETing if you are leeching off the government that wants to destroy you.
Listen to him. Fucking based.

>> No.52556842
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My ultimate goal is to leach, raid and cripple the society in the most efficient way possible.
When i walk in to the streets, all i see is rats. Rats that run on wheel as fast as they can to entertain their masters so they can receive their crumb at the end of day/week.

NPC's deserve no respect.

>> No.52556905
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That's okay. I love you wagie; after all, your time spent in the cagie fuels my neetbux :)
Rest up; you got a week of work ahead of you!

>> No.52557101

comfy NEET here. i timed the top perfectly because i was watching a macro economist nerd. cashed out around nov 2021. fuck all of you i will never have to work again and before that i leeched of the gubermint and finessed them. cope more losers! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA

>> No.52557122
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>> No.52557301

We all work for someone else. If you own your own business then you're working for your customers.

>> No.52557376

It's feminine jealously. Crab bucket mentality. You can't be free from Jewish slavers so you are seething mad at those that are free.

>> No.52559220

Yes, and it still sucks, but the difference is you also have the option to fire them, because you have other clients/customers, and/or because you have them by the balls and their business depends on you. With enough leverage no one can disrespect you without consequences.

>> No.52559589

Are you familiar with the Pareto principle? About 80% of your sales will come from 20% of your customers. You're going to have one big client or and hand full of clients that will be your bread and butter whom you can't fuck with