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52548634 No.52548634 [Reply] [Original]

little interest from investors given they are begging people to check for eligibility. Theres a twitter post like every other day at this point. Feels a lot like Smartcon.

>> No.52548645

Staking: not stakings*

>> No.52548665

>little interest from investors
unironically bullish

>> No.52548686

maybe they should organise another dance off where the dancers just shout "staking" instead of "Chainlink"

>> No.52548688

Nobody gives a shit anymore after losing 90% of their net worth in one year

>> No.52548705

after seeing all the threads on here there are a lot of legit anons that have a problem with the locked tokens being part of the deal
i cant blame them for this sentimen

>> No.52548707

This, they sound extremely desperate.

Also still posting about integrations in december 2022 screams scam. None of this shit matters

>> No.52548734

Ironically, those dancers performed better than Chainlink have this year lol

>> No.52548770

Reminder: these threads are curated to fud you out of early access staking.

>> No.52548772

true, it would have been more true to the project to have all of them crash into each other and fall off the stage

>> No.52548788

Yep. Considering how fucking gimped v0.1 is why the fuck couldn't they have released it last year? Makes absolutely no sense. At least releasing a gimped version of staking during the bullrun could be appreciated as the team clearly trying to generate some hype and reward the holders. But for the team to release a gimped version of staking that honestly shouldn't be called staking at all, it's just insulting at this point. Chainlink has had a problem of coming across as completely tone deaf for a while now. Their initial SmartCon 2022 pricing was an absolute disaster, not to mention how pathetic it ended up being with them begging anyone to come with multiple discounts. I seriously hope they're recruiting for a new CMO. I'm not saying marketing will fix all their problems, but fucking hell they really need someone who knows how to work their messaging in an effective way that isn't completely out of touch with reality. I feel more and more resentment every time they tweet something out at this point.

>> No.52548837
File: 121 KB, 1588x1031, A96E9BBA-2DBA-4573-ABF0-0CDFFC3A93AC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember to check your eligibility

>> No.52548936

lmfao... the guy shaking his crouch in the face of holders, only to be folllowed by 45 minutes of buzzwords where Sergey just casually mentioned at the end "uhh uhh oh yeah staking coming December". What a slap in the face. It was almost like an afterthought to him.

>> No.52548954
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how hard would link have dumped if this guy broke his neck here?

>> No.52548981

it would have pumped, gladiator slave spectacles are bullish

>> No.52549024

>price dumped to shit smartcon
hmm wonder what will happen when staking is released

>> No.52549056

Seeing this performance live made it easier to accept paying for a ticket to this trash. The 0.1 period will see LINK fall even further. They were desperate for SmartCon attendees, and they're desperate for 0.1 stakers

>> No.52549260

Noticed that aswell. Personally, I couldn't give two shits about staking 0.1. Sergey will continue to dump millions of link while we are supposed to lock our tokens for peanuts.

>> No.52549275

coordinated discord thread

>> No.52549279

Nooooo don't be like that! haha your tokens are so cute when staked!

>> No.52549280

hes going to be dumping directly into our wallets anon

>> No.52549337

He knows what he's doing. There's almost no weight on his neck there, he's buoyed by his enthusiasm for chainlink

>> No.52549370

Day after day it becomes more obvious to me that you guys have never worked a professional job a day in your lives. I work in tech and all the things you guys are nitpicking are literal nothingburgers that are standard practice in literally all tech start and scale ups.
>Muh promoting their first big in-person convention, how desperate!
>Muh integration tweets while the price is down, how tone deaf!
>Muh reminders to check eligibility for maiden launch of big milestone, how desperate!
>Muh Sergey casually mentioning staking at the end, what a slap in the face!
I hope with every fiber in my being that Chainlink will never moon as long as you fags still hold bags.

>> No.52549386

they don't hold bags retard

>> No.52549387

You sounding pretty desperate yourself.

>> No.52549454
File: 208 KB, 1536x864, chainlink-economics-2-bringing-web3-to-the-world-1536x864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't checked discord recently.

This the new attack? It worked well with smartcon.

"Haven't sold out smartcon etc"

>> No.52549472
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>they don't hold bags retard

>> No.52549496

God I can't wait for the Economics 3.0 whitepaper.

>> No.52549500

> I work in tech

Your entire industry crashed horrifically this year so maybe the "standard way" you guys do things is wrong. Ever consider that? Every tech company was massively bloated with worthless employees. Are you in denial about how desperate Smartcon tickets were? Here's a tip for you: when a company has to cut the price on something over 50%, there's a problem.

Who the hell cares about 5% passive income when the underlying can crash 30%+ within weeks. I'd rather just leave cash in my checking account, even with this inflation. Also the fact they can't give details about how long the lockup period is is ridiculous. All of this from the team that goes on and on about truth and trust in their presentations. They can't be forthright about anything.

>> No.52549517

Same, I dgaf about chainlink anymore. Yea I will probably stake but I consider it a failed investment by now that won’t do anything for the years to come. My respect for the team has been long gone. The only supporters left are a bunch of retards on biz that think everything is a conspiracy and nobody should even DARE to question the team

>> No.52549524

Yeah kind of laughable to flaunt being from tech as an example of sensible practice just as a real world example of a major tech company improving as it shitcans 75% of its workforce happened.

>> No.52549542

yeah there's not doubt they spent top dollar on the best bucketband in the city. I'd love to know how much the team dropped paying these guys to play. Thank god we'll have regulations soon that give us transparency on what all these crypto companies are spending on.

>> No.52549545
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>he's buoyed by his enthusiasm for chainlink

>> No.52549566

> ESL chainlink labs shiller enters the thread

>> No.52549662
File: 20 KB, 400x400, 1645444377391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just found anons statement funny nigger tranny.
Keep your schizo fantasies inside

>> No.52550050

>Your entire industry crashed horrifically this year
Cope, sour grapes etc. The niche I'm in is booming and we closed a 9 figure funding round not too long ago.
>Ever consider that? Every tech company was massively bloated with worthless employees
Which is why they are laying off massive amounts of workers. The company I work at is hiring like crazy and so is CL. I wonder why that is?