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52546419 No.52546419 [Reply] [Original]

I literally hate zoomers and their attitude to work, if it isn’t 6.5 hours a week from home earning 100k then they don’t want to do it.

Why are young people so fucking lazy now?

>> No.52546440

>you must workerino because jesus died on the cross!
fuck off christcucks

>> No.52546462

I've never worked a day in my life, I mined 2k Bitcoin from my bedroom in the beginning and have been living off that. I just shit post, order take out and jerk off to face sitting jav

>> No.52546463

Increased automation and lowered expectations allow for a comfortable living without long hours. The industry doesn't like it, so now we get these "hurr the youth doesn't want to work" rhetoric to shame them into the 9 to 5.

>> No.52546482

Because wages aren't enough to buy houses and investments anymore, so what's the point?

>> No.52546498

Why yes I want to sacrifice my time and my health for peanuts so that some faggot can buy his third yacht

>> No.52546520

i'm a millennial. i used to bust my ass working rotating shifts in a factory doing hard, physical labor for $17/hour. now i make $98k a year working remotely (not a codenigger.) hard work used to bring success, before 1980 or so. now it's just a waste of energy. if i was low IQ with no other options, i would rather leech off welfare programs or steal than piss my life away making $35k a year before taxes in some shithole warehouse or factory.

>> No.52546524

good point
most of the economy is fake
it got shutdown because of the scamdemic and what happened? NOTHING

>> No.52546542

There are no material incentives for the oldschool work-ethic. This is a part of the fall of the middleclass; you will get a miniscule bump in wages for seriously working, but its not worth it, compared to just coasting and getting 92-95% of that while taking no responsibility. Alot of works are cushy in sense that you can choose how much effort to put in, and get almost same pay. Youre not gonna make a hyperspace jump to a new social cohort because of how hard you work, unless you are self-employed. So people dont work hard. I think Covid19 was a major shift in mentality here, at least for me. I never got up to speed after C19, not cause i was looking for intentionally slacking, but because im tired and the incentives i have, dont make up for the expense of energy.

For lowerclass, that isnt really the case. If you work at McD, and there is a line of 10 people, you will have to serve 10 people and that is that.

>> No.52546555
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Why work hard when women aren’t worth it, I rather silent quit than slave my self while the boomer gets all the profits while my health suffers.

>> No.52546556
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>Why are young people so fucking lazy now?
theres too many handouts i guess. optimally zoomers who thought this way would be dead from natural causes such as exposure to the elements or starvation but someone must be feeding and housing them

>> No.52546570



9 to 5 is fucking hangover from the Ford era. There is literally no need for it, other than for Boomers and Jews to have control over the Goyim.

>> No.52546578

this will help everybody in the future, based zoomers


>> No.52546579

>Why are young people so fucking lazy now?
They were born in a weird timeline. They are redpilled about certain things and bluepilled about others.
Not being modern slaves is one of their redpills yet they are still bluepilled enough to not realize it's the kikes that want them to be modern slaves.

>> No.52546618
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>> No.52546622

> Work hard
> For nothing
Get in the fucking ground boomer

>> No.52546671


tyvm exactly that

>> No.52546742

Hello Jay

>> No.52546805

100k now is like 40k 2 years ago

>> No.52546823

Seconded. It feels like everyone has taken a 40% pay cut in buying power since 2019.

>> No.52546867
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pay up nigger or we don't work and society collapses

>> No.52546907

Zoomer parents don't stay together anymore (generally). Both Mom & Dad have to work, So they lost the family unit. If you think zoomers are bad, the next generation will be even worse.

Let this shithole planet die, don't have kids & be reincarnated on this shithole.

All zoomers have done is prove that this is going to a shithole sooner than later.

>> No.52546909

Cant wait for all the boomers to drop dead so we dont have to pretend to work anymore

>> No.52546911

Go on Reddit and there’s endless posts of guys humblebragging how they “make 100k now”, or “just got a 3x raise last year”, at this rate the big brag in five years is gonna be a million/year

>> No.52546944

i >>52546520 barely feel middle class. i live in the suburbs of a large yet not too expensive city. 1 bedroom non-luxury apartment, compact economy car worth maybe $10k -- i live a modest lifestyle.

>> No.52546976 [DELETED] 

Kek, stop wasting yar time anon, just check Bspin

>Safe, secure Casino with a wide variety of provably fair Bitcoins games.
>On going giveaway with $15,000 prize pool.
>Transparency And Provably Fair

>> No.52547136
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lmao this guy again

>> No.52547180

Yeah the productivity increased so much since that if we did not piss money away to
foreigners, jews, "minorities", huge bloaded up authorities, hohols, stupid professions like lawyers, billionaires, and so on and so on 18 hour week would be enought for a comfy livestyle with a own house and then people would stop beeing lazy during these 18 hours

>> No.52547270

>18 hour week would be enought for a comfy livestyle

no it wouldn't. capitalism continually pushes for more efficiency. greater efficiency means labor is worth less and less, which is why our standard of living is declining.

>> No.52547316

>greater efficiency means labor is worth less and less
No are you retarded?
Greater efficiency means labor is worth MORE
A Farmer used to feed 8 people, now a farmer can feed 50 people so his work is more worth.
A constructor same, etc
Are you a brain rotten commie?

>> No.52547317

why would anyone want to work hard just to still be not be able to buy a house and a car?
you can unironically scrape by just the same with or without a shitty wage job
on top of that every industry is cucked with red tape so that our (((masters))) always maintain control and profits
I'd rather sit back and watch the west die

>> No.52547333

Like do you get that?????
Higher efficiency means at average you get double the things done in the same time, so everyone can work half IF NOTHING CHANGED and get the same

>> No.52547357

what if i came to your house and woke you up in the middle of the night to ask you a work question? this is the exact behavior that you are defending. kys

>> No.52547448

work for what? it just isn't worth it. i'd rather live frugally and take it easy than work myself to death for nothing.

>> No.52547473

>boomers career:
>own office, minimum own cubicle
>no PC spyware that records your screen and inputs
>no meetings are screen-recorded
>no cameras+mics all over the office and in meeting rooms
>most effort they have to perform is figuring out how to open a pdf
>pay is so good and jobs are so easy to get that boomers dont even need to think about investing

>zoomers career
>every single action you perform both on your workstation and in the office is recorded
>work in an open office fishbowl where at any moment 50 pairs of eyeballs can be on you directly/indirectly
>expected to work fully engaged from 9-5
>expected to be on call and work extra hours after work for zero additional pay
>regularly expected to complete tasks outside the job description and at higher pay grades
>pay is absolutely dog shit compared to the boomer era
>boomers refuse to give substantial raises and there is zero financial incentive to stay at a company for life, yet boomers still have the mentality that zoomer should aim to do that

>> No.52547538

Sell signal.

>> No.52547579

what's a "face sitting jav"?

>> No.52547595

>Taking your break in the work area
First mistake

>> No.52547715
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i own a cleaning company. i pay wagies to mop floors. i pay them $12/hour. i invest in pic related. each wagie's output has now done a 10x. realistically would one expect the wagies to be given a raise to $120/hour? no. in fact, most wouldn't be given a raise at all.

now apply this to every other facet of automation and the value of wagies who operate machinery or automation technologies in general that require no/low skill.

>> No.52547826

>that require no/low skill.
100 years ago there were mass jobs that required no skill
Train stations had 50 people employed for easy tasks.
The difference was they were given good wages
I said, if nothing changes to back then
So you used to employ double the personal in the 70s, now you SHOULD still employ that number, let them work half the time but pay them the same since they get double the things done.
Im talking about an ideal development
But surely to say efficiency increase means wages decrease is some sick hypercapitalist joke.
Wages should keep up with productivity and all is fine.

>> No.52547833

>Wages should keep up with productivity and all is fine.
cool it with the antisemitic remarks, anon

>> No.52547847

>greater efficiency means labor is worth less and less, which is why our standard of living is declining.
Like do you see the contradiction?
If everyone works higher efficiency the standard of living INCREASES since way more work is beeing done.
In reality it may decrease because the worth of the labor (typical hitler phase) is beeing sucked out of wagies by
>foreigners, jews, "minorities", huge bloaded up authorities, hohols, stupid professions like lawyers, billionaires, and so on

>> No.52547870

>each wagie's output has now done a 10x. realistically would one expect the wagies to be given a raise to $120/hour?
Also yeah if wages keep up with productivity yes, you should give them 60/hour and the other 60 goes for costs of the machine
Also yeah something like that would have happened if not for mass immigration

>> No.52547954

>be xoomer
>be simultaneously slavishly obedient and subservient and perpetually butthurt

>> No.52548021

what incentive would capitalism provide for automation technologies if businesses had no expectation for investment? why would i invest $5-10k into a floor scrubber >>52547715 if i'm not going to increase my profit margins? i wouldn't -- no one would choose to do this. and because my demand is now 0, the "market" wouldn't endeavor to design and manufacture floor scrubbers. do you now understand the issue? capitalism drives efficiency. if you are a laborer (human capital) then the system is against you. it doesn't care to make your life easier because your life is irrelevant -- you are labor to be exploited at maximum production.

>> No.52548026

Seriously. My position was paying $60k twenty years ago when houses were $100k, I make $110k now and houses are +$500k, why bust ass when you can't set down roots?

>> No.52548039

>economy is bullshit
>elections are rigged
>"why don't you work 60 hours a week for a pittance?"
I don't blame zoomies, desu x'ers should've lead the charge on this one but they inherited their dad's tinted rose glasses, and millennials fell into a techno-stupor to escaped out of this world to care
and now the walls are caving in
so when some floss dancing zoomie wants $100k for 20/hrs work per week, it's not them being entitled, it's you being out of touch with just how bad things have gotten

>> No.52548045

>Dude you have to slave your entire life away for illiterate boomer without any hope of ever being able to afford fraction of living standards that were taken as a given 40 years ago.

>> No.52548089

if its not helipad minigolf with my fratbros earning undisclosed amounts of offshore wealth i wont wanna hear about it
stay mad virgin

>> No.52548100

>capitalism drives efficiency.

>Laughs in diversity managers, corporate lawyers, Karen project managers, HR, and whatever else bullshit jobs there are.

>> No.52548121

>learn how to play poker
>earn scaling income
>work your own hours and take money from boomers

best job. live games are incredibly easy

>> No.52548126

>6.5 hours a week from home earning 100k
It's the correct for RPI, inflation and house price equivalent of a boomer earning minimum wage in the 80s working in the cafe and being able to 3 bedroom house, support a family and 'fund' a pension and 'national health service'

>> No.52548135
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The short of it is the social contract has been broken and most people (particularly men) have little to gain from working hard.
It's easier to find motivation when you have a family to provide for, know your work is benefiting the local community, and that it's all for something.
Women being encouraged to enter the work force and put off families (if not actively scorn them) devalues labor and takes away the prime motivator to improve your standard of living over bare comfort. Additionally, due to women raising themselves up in socioeconomic status and "yaaasss girlboss, need man like fish need bicycle" culture, trying to even find anyone to start a family with like pulling teeth.
Your effort goes to benefiting people you will never meet, while often destroying the local community due to the destruction of small business. If you're like most people, you're being bled by interest rates on loans you were told you need to get ahead.
>tl;dr: Society doesn't give people a reason to make working worth it

>> No.52548239

"Hard work" is unironically a plebian mindset.

It's like those old-school action films where a guy punches other men in the face for 1.5 hours and by the end he's rich, has met the love of his life and all his personality flaws are mended.
In reality, life is more complex.

"Work harder" is a simple, ineffective solution to the complex problem. No corporation that is the product of western capitalism is going to give you more money for "putting in effort".

>> No.52548278

You're a dullard. Technology is a force multiplier, a farmer growing food for 10 people instead of 1.1 people does mean 9 former farmers starve, if means the world now has the same amount of food PLUS the economic outputs of the nine former farmers, everyone, including but not exclusively the farmer, are better off. This is an iron law of productivity. A worker with a mopping machine can mop more floor, a company using the machine can do the job faster and cheaper, the worker gets more goods for his wages because the customer-company pays less for the mopping service and can therefore charge less for THEIR goods/services.
>b-but wages have gone down in real terms! technology must make labor cheaper!!1
We must import trillions of immigrants and outsource everything possible because technology has made labor so cheap! Dumb fuck. Retard.

>> No.52548596
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>yeah, but you can buy a flat-screen for $500 now! Kids these days need to pull themselves up by their bootstraps like we did. Look at this young man. Work ethic.

>> No.52548692


The 9-5 has always been inefficient, just think of how many coffee breaks or catch ups people fit in between adjusting their excel sheets. Think of how many “bathroom breaks” or time people take to go to smoke. I praise zoomers for just being honest with their contempt for their employers. And frankly most jobs simply aren’t needed due to automation. There absolutely are labour intensive roles which do require a lot of work but those roles must adapt to workers, not the other way around.

>> No.52548798

I am 38 and make 100k/year in a government job. I guess the benefits + defined pension plan is good but fuck I feel like a loser at this income level when I know there's others much younger than me making 2x my salary.

>> No.52548807
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And yes fuck christcucks

>> No.52548828

Why would I work hard when I don't get compensated for it? Are your lead polluted, boomer brains so underdeveloped to comprehend this?

>> No.52549185

how much do you have left ? spent any on expensive pizzas ?

>> No.52549205
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>> No.52549504

fuck capitalism
suck my dick, boomers/Xoomers, I will NOT pay for your medicare/social security (and I AM not)

>> No.52549602

I wouldn't sweat it. I'm in NJ and once you do 10 yrs in the state gov't you'll get that fat pension plan guaranteed.

>> No.52549629

Even if I work 50 hours a week every week until my back gives out I wouldn't be able to afford a stake in American society without signing myself into debt slavery to some bank, so what's the point? I'm just waiting for the fools we elected to drop the bomb. Maybe I can start a business if I'm lucky and plan my steps carefully, but the state I live in almost seems to actively try and kill any small businesses that spring up.

>> No.52549792

>GI gen: we literally threatened to overthrow the missionary generation if they didn't give us the GI bill lol
>Silent: yes we bankrupted social security and got away with it, what are you gonna do about it?
>gen xers: bro office space bro office jobs are like slavery bro, we had it the hardest out of any generation
>millennials: I got this college degree and all I got was a mountain of debt, I just wanted a house and instead I won't even have a pod *flops over and dies rather than fight for his future*

Because work culture in America has been warped, boomers want people to be slaves so zoomer niggers went around the opposite direction and demanded shit for free.

Part of this is also because their parents (gen x, older gen y) were bad at being parents and just spoiled them, so where millennials got participation trophies and thus assumed a college degree would be the participation trophy of education/skill and guarantee a job, zoomers assume if they scream on twitter enough someone will give them free money because it worked for all the petty bullshit like fortnite and trans rights or whatever so they think shitting your pants will make people give you stuff to fuck off.

>> No.52549844

No incentives; why work harder than you have to, there is absolutely no way you will ever own a house or have a good pension unless youre one of the chosen code monkeys or born into wealth. There is absolutely no point in trying, this system needs a gigantic crash because there is too much saturation. As long as the current system plays out, young people will continue to do the bare minimum to lead an ok life, because not everyone can be part of the elite and not everyone is going to become a code chud.

>> No.52549845

It’s the overall society today (including you). The general public is just a bunch of arrested development morons who act like bad 10 year olds. Nobody should feel entitled to anything when the dollar you’re paying with is being devalued and nothing is being done about it. Shut up, worship niggers and eat the bugs!

>> No.52549855

Another part of it is that abortion only got legalized in 1973. Boomers were the first generation to get genuinely 'pregnancy trapped' because contraceptives besides condoms existed, so women would "forget" to take the pill or "forget" to get an abortion. Boomers got divorce raped and remarried multiple times. I've seen old guys with young wives with 10 year old zoomers who also have adult kids in their early 40s.

The boomer mindset is "I had to stop smoking weed and listening to woodstock hippie rock because I got a chick pregnant and had to get a job, so you should have to get a job too!". Necessity the mother of invention, necessity the mother of labor.

But millennials were told to get a job before having kids, so a lot of them don't have kids. Zoomers were told that women will rape them in courts with false rape accusations, so their birthrate is even lower adjusted for teen pregnancy rates over the decades. Zoomers don't feel a need to bust ass at 20, they have zero obligations compared to any previous generation. No wars (boomers had vietnam, gen x had Gulf 1 and 2, millennials had afghanistan, gulf 2 and syria), ukraine is a proxy war. Zoomers are told to work, but they are also not needed as a source of manpower. They are non-essential, but essential to flipping burgers.

It's a case of boomers telling you you don't deserve to be paid well, but also seething because they need you to work or no burger.

>> No.52549947

They sound based and redpilled. Fuck working. Work is literally cuckholdry, you bust your ass off so some bastard who hardly does anything can be rich. I agree I’d only want to work if I could make 6 figures working at home 1 hour a day from coding or something easy.

>> No.52550049

If I bust my ass at my job I get maybe a .25 cent raise a year. I got fired from my last job and got a 40% raise just by getting hired at my current job doing the same thing. When I want a real raise again I'll change companies because as I said I can literally only hope for max .50 cent annual raise, but can get hired somewhere else for like 20% more. Employers are retarded. I work a stupid healthcare WFH job btw.

>> No.52550063
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Wrong, without Jewish parasitism we could easily survive off 18 hour work weeks, people were able to achieve this hundreds of years ago without all the modern tech we have now.

Nice attempt at gas lighting you filthy kike. Better luck next time

>> No.52550090

That is such randomly thrown together load of shit, it's kind of insane that you think there is any connection.
Boomers got baby trapped lmao.
The main difference is that Boomers got born into a time where there was basically no debt and therefore debt was still a main lever of growth, you could just throw debt at anything and returns on that debt would be insane. Nowadays, whats left? The economies of the world are saturated with debt and the cost for capital is extremely low but banks dont lend to normal people because they know that they are risky and that the economy has to crash massively before new money can be minted.

>> No.52550169

>there was no debt
The USA was deeply indebted, it was the end of the cold war that balanced the budget for a while plus the expansion of the tech sector. Kill yourself faggot redditor.

>> No.52550197
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There is literally zero reason to put in any effort in todays world
>Feminism has destroyed marriage and family
>Jews have destroyed the economy and ownership
>Nobody will even respect your achievements, because success must mean privilege

As a white male, why should I put in any fucking effort at all, what do I gain from it?
Working my ass off for mr shekelstein for 50 years so I can be replaced by a female nog who twerks on my desk? FUCK THAT

I'd rather just chill on gibs and investments

>> No.52550256
File: 91 KB, 1080x1035, Screenshot_20221121_182836_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut the fuck up you dumb nigger. Debt to GDP even up until the 80s was roughly 40% before that it was even less, now its 130-140%. And that is with all the bullshit methodology that they now use to pretend GDP is actually growing. This means that boomers got to reap all of the benefits of easy profits and easy returns on debt, do you fucking realise that you little incel nigger? This means that for every dollar you could expect 3-5x more returns than nowadays. Does that fit into your little shithead? Sorry that I didnt entertain your incel theory of pregnancy traps

>> No.52550275

Are you fat? I bet you're fat. Post a pic of your belly and moobs, I bet they're hot.

>> No.52550805

dont blame the zoomers , blame the jews and their degenerate ideologies. zoomers have been negrofied. that's why they act like niggers and instead of talking normally they speak like they are a nigger mumble rapper

>> No.52551052

>so I can be replaced by a female nog who twerks on my desk
That's kinda based, actually.

>> No.52551159

The social contract has been destroyed. How did they think there wouldn't be consequences? Neurotic Jews all drunk and hyped up on Talmud anti-gentile doctrine seem to think "well, what if we just stopped paying everyone and still made them work for us...think of the profits! mehehehe!" while not recognizing that's slavery and no amount of pilpul is going to allow them to dodge around that or dress it up appropriately enough to fool even the dumbest goy. It doesn't matter how much you call someone a racist, entitled, lazy, or whatever. If you starve them and still expect them to fight your wars for you and die, you have hit the point of delusion and bad shit is on the horizon for you. That is where we're at right now. The powers that be should be downright delighted people are still going along with it and making a joke out of it rather than getting angry and violent.

>> No.52551491

Anon tell me more. How did you start playing? Where do you go to play?

>> No.52551535

Based and truthpilled

>> No.52551732

>How did they think there wouldn't be consequences?
The market specifically selects for ignoring long term consequences in favor of short term growth. Why give a shit if you can just cash out and move to a tax haven?

>> No.52551899
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i FUCKED UP and learned mahjong instead

>> No.52551926

unfortunately, this
its gonna get worse before it gets better

>> No.52552009
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The fact of the matter is, working more than 3 hours a day is UNNATURAL. Hunter gatherers only worked 20 hours a week, so did peasants in the middle ages. Only during the industrial revolution did an 8 hour workday become the norm. If you accept this crime against humanity you must be the biggest mental cuck ever.

>Yeah I don't mind spending 8 hours a day working some shitty job so I can come home to feel too exhausted to work on the things that actually matter to me

Oh that's right, wagies can't think of anything that matters to them besides their eternal submission to society.

>> No.52552097

Women working is the natural state of an industrialized society. The only time they didn't was the brief window after ww1 and ww2 when the value of labor was sky high due to the entire non American world either being undeveloped and feudal or a smoldering bombed out crater. Before then women worked like third world women work now - 16 hour days in clothing factories, dying at 30 from the dust lung or whatever. This isn't some moral failing or whatever, the boomers just genuinely had a golden age where they could afford luxuries like homemakers.

>> No.52552216

I just hate how they all work retail and talk about "worker's rights" about a job you shouldn't be doing in your 20s

>> No.52552243
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Re evaluate your life, nigger.

>> No.52552297

Get used to it, the era of cheap credit and cheap labor is over and unsurprisingly the plebs will start asking for things like rights and fair compensation when you can't just immediately hire someone to replace them the second they complain

>> No.52552415

absolutely agree

Current day jobs are a waste of human life and time. Don't get me wrong, I understand the importance of working, but having to work so fucking long for a large portion of your life is demoralizing and just seems pointless. On top of that, most of the value of your work will go to your employer (assuming salary or wage contract) and you don't have much control how much work you get, or how you do it.

idk, it can be better and i wish normies would fixate on something that dictates a majority of their life rather than some trivial shit like divisive racial politics or licking the feet of some celebrity

>> No.52552444

>Zoomers young and bold enough to call out bullshit
>Companies and boomers respond by complaining

>> No.52552457

because the average neet already got all modern comforts why would you work your ass off, more toys? bigger house? a bitchy wife? fuck that

>> No.52552473

>hurrr why wouldn't you want to work 50 hours a week and still never be able to afford anything outside of bread and circus subscriptions without going into debt!
Retarded cunts like you probably wouldn't even notice if someone found you and shot you in the head. You'd just keep posting.

>> No.52552492

I have seen this posted everywhere I don't think there has ever been anyone that agreed with this picture and have instead made fun of this guy

>> No.52552539


Participation trophies aren't something new. The boomer participation trophy was a goddamn letterman's jacket, and it got you laid.

I got mine my Freshman year for swimming. I was a chubby nerd that sat at the Magic the Gathering table who was only in swimming because his parents made him. Turns out if you show up for practice, take creatine+caffeine you'll make enough progress to letter your first year. (If your races are sprints, that is).

And that shit actually has a time requirement. Everything else is literally just show up. Might take two seasons since nobody walks onto varsity.

>> No.52553176

Someone post the thread where a 15 year old doing construction help in the 70s earned the equivalent of $40/h today.

>> No.52553411

They just aren’t physical. I’m Gen x. I’m 45. I have comfortable money for my family, however I hate sitting at a ducking computer. So what I do? I build fences for a while. After that, I’ve taken up a delivery job for Amazon. 3 days a week. Don’t care about the pay. Sweet and work gives you life energy as a man. The pay is ok enough so if I was in my 20s, 30s (without a family) I’d do this job 5x a week and be proud of it. We live I. This backwards shit time, where sweat equity isn’t valued because kids are hooked up to the fucking matrix 24/7. We need to get back to that physical work kind of thing, atleast for a burgeoning portion of men. Not expecting even close to all. Or half or a quarter, just some. Get out there and sweat - building something, making something and then see how you feel under the sun. Or in the cold, as it is now. Just get off your fucking ass.

>> No.52553458

you’re 45 and wrote that long blog post to brag about being an Amazon delivery guy? What the actual fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.52553535

Imagine being a sanctimonious wageslave hahahaha

>> No.52553572

I’m not bragging man. I’m just saying the work is the pay. You feel it as you’re doing it. Not even Amazon, (it’s extremely physical but still) — build a fence. Or make a garden, dig, use your muscles for something other than working out. Try to create something. That’s what I’m saying. We’re all beholden to this absolute bullshit world management supreme fuck up - money might not be worth anything in a short time - so get out in the real world and be active. Maybe the world rewards you in other ways for doing so.

>> No.52553626
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>> No.52553660

>if it isn’t 6.5 hours a week from home earning 100k then they don’t want to do it.
fuck yea. get fucked boomers

>> No.52553686
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Difference there is the nature of the work being done and the culture surrounding it, I highly doubt women working in sweatshop conditions were being told or believed it was better than having a family.
Furthermore, those working arrangements were required to keep the household afloat. Now many "girlboss" jobs are self aggrandizing positions used to fuel a lifestyle that views familial responsibility as a burden.
You're right in that it's more complicated than "women at work bad", but my central point about the breakdown of the family unit and lack of motivation for men still holds true.

>> No.52554594

you should ask google

>> No.52554817

boomers holding the wagie bag lmao.

>> No.52554873

Everything sucks ass. It sucked ass after the GFC and it sucks 10x harder now.

>> No.52554936

I mean I can't say I blame them, not much motivation to work for anything in this doomed hellworld. At least millennials like myself got to experience the good times, it's just been nothing but shit for them since they were born. That being said I enjoy what I do and I like my job, so I'll never work a day in my life (‐:

>> No.52556002

Zoomers know intimitately that planned obsolescence is equivalent to artificial scarcity and that technically they already have everything they need. All that's required is their sentiment reaches a critical mass before it becomes troublesome to vanquish it without military effort, which would reveal The Hand anyway.

>> No.52556057


>> No.52556101

The people feeding and housing them are the people who are still working despite there being no point.

You can choose to become part of the problem or choose to enable the problem a bit longer.

>> No.52556181

you should go outside more and try to strike up casual conversation with the people you see working (eg serving you). Ask them how their day’s been going. If anything weird happened in their lives this week. Talking to another human in your community will always be more impactful than anything you read on here

>> No.52556231

lmao what's up Mike Rowe?

>> No.52556732


It's less that they have what they need, and more that there's zero hope of them ever affording anything major that they might "want".

There used to be midrange consoomer goods available for purchase. There's no better way to truly feel this than to compare a "Price is Right" showcase showdown from the 90s to one today. You used to have ski boats and motorhomes as prizes. These were things affordable by the middle class not too long ago. Used to be some shiny toy or boomer gadget to chase.

All that shit is out of reach. People will chase things they want, but that all seems hopeless now.

>> No.52556735

"you have to be available for your boss 24/7" is peak ameritard goy slave mentality. this shit doesn't fly in europe, and I think it's even illegal if you're made to work outside what's stipulated in your contract

>> No.52556743

WTF, I love zoomers now

>> No.52556759

>slaving for shekelberg is the REAL reward!
You are a pathetic excuse of a man. Young don't want to work hard because hard work doesn't fucking pay. Full stop.
>t ups driver, 20yrs ago wages were $21hr now $41/hr while everything has 4x-5x in the same time
Why does no ones went to werks?! It are mystery! Kill yourself faggot.

>> No.52556907

sporting bets are unironically less risky than poker.

>> No.52556973

>there's others much younger than me making 2x my salary.
200k/year is top 6% income in the US. it's no small feat at all.

>> No.52557142

What opportunities does a young white man have in this society?

>> No.52557285

physical, unqualified work is worthless in 2022. if you're a highly skilled welder or something you'll always have worth, but if all you can do is drive a car around you're almost literally human trash who can be replaced in a heartbeat by some afghan refugee

>> No.52558020
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>10 year old zoomers who also have adult kids in their early 40s
little bastards already figured out time travel and have kids 30 years older than themselves

>> No.52558510
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Mainly this. Why would i need to put down the work of hours when i can just make as much money if not more by doing some little two hour works or less while accumulating easy investments like crypto that doesn't even need my participation or that i know what the fuck am i investing on? As automation grows fewer and fewer persons will want to actually work, that's the life we're creating for ourselves. I mean im 21, i regularly have to check dextools, invest in the next big thing, stake a little bit and boom, i make 1k per week, it isn't a lot but 4k while doing nothing of work per month is comfortable, maybe i could do more and earn more and im sure people are doing it, i just don't want to. That's it for most of the youth

>> No.52559550

But the labour theory of value means that increasing production diminishes the value of his work exponentially in conjunction with his efficiency.

>> No.52559643

cuz whats the point?

>> No.52559826
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>> No.52559913

Once you realise that it cost the supermarkets more than it paid out to pay people to man tills then you realise…
>take stuff for free, it’s priced in.

>> No.52560017

The retarded slavic management of my warehouse fucked it up for me and fired me for taking 3 days off sick during my probation period. Slavs and Baltic faggots are truly the lowest form of European, Hitler was right.

>> No.52560068

> Paid shill shilling

>> No.52560086

>I make 1k a week
Might wanna check in with bankmanberg

>> No.52560096

Mutts have subservience bred into them
Their dads gave up on unions.
Their grandfathers gave up.

>> No.52560129

The other day I was on lunch, lying on my back on my office floor with the lights off, phoneposting on 4chan. And the fucking IT guy barges in without knocking, because he wants to check if my computer is connected to the network.
I was very pissed. Get the hell out of here, dude. This is my relaxation time.

>> No.52560150

LToV is fucking retarded and makes no sense
We live in the 21st century. Stop using 19th century cotton mill economics.

>> No.52560571

may the universe bless you, I'll take this as inspiration.

>> No.52560723

Unironically my dad gave up on unions but was a staunch supporter. Everyone was in the 80s and 90s. Now people worship Elon Musk, the man who is a billionaire and hates unions. Fuck this gay earth.

>> No.52560747
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You can just ask for the image.
You don't have to make a thread pretending to be one of the people diametrically opposed to your life.

>> No.52560772

Jew system you older generations were retarded niggers to accept then watched get worse and worse whilst doing nothing about it. You failed your race and left behind a worse off world.

>> No.52560795

Man that one sucks.

>> No.52560811

You’re right, Monetary theory of value is the superior, more advanced insight into this power discrepancy.
>t. Read some schizo posts many years ago about there were quite a number of people having bank accounts in the trillions of dollars including many chinese nationals.

>> No.52560830

Because the guy is utterly retarded, how the fuck do you not use the GI bill after being in the marines?

>> No.52560848

Imagine if someone educated him. He'd want to kill himself, but he could do a LOT of good with his training before that.

>> No.52560884

Scamdemic definitely opened up Pandora's Box. Wagies suddenly had their jobs taken away and most we're paid substantially more to stay at home and jack off for 2 years than they ever got clocking into work. Boomers act surprised now to see these people say "lol fuck your job"

>> No.52560926

No wife, no house, no kids.
Men don't work to get a family, they work to provide for a family.

>you're not entitled to all that
And you're not entitled to my labour.

>> No.52560957

Just quit a job at an ISP for 55k a year after only a month of survival.

Please tell me what you would do..
-expected to figure out and use a bucket truck to wax a mother of a sat dish while powdered on!!
-expected to help with sales and driving to local businesses or apartments for site surveys, as filler work..
-expected to do all levels of TV, Fiber, DSL and phone you name it tech support. Sometimes just a dirty gpon fiber connection.
-expected to make sure the porn channels work and about 100 others, plus local for all of NY state.
-expected to perform central office new location installs in old rental apartment units.. Fiber backbone shit...!
-expected to help my backup oncall buddy, (who was dicking me around and not waiting for me to arrive in my personal car.)
-expected to be on call every 5 weeks.
-when on backup all call expected "grab the bull by the horns and do nightly maintenance work upgrading firmware., Etc. because god forbird the internet goes out for 5 sec at lunch.-( Industry standard plus tip!)
- Encouraged to eat at my desk with no privacy or thr ability to leave.
-not given the tools, training and a truck or gas card, which Im still curious how they wanted me to haul a generator without, lol
-not given keys for buildings 200miles away.
-expected to maybe get electrocuted because we gotta get this done to move onto other tasks!
All for maybe 800 a week???

Last dude had a stroke a month before and "needed to free the beast get off of light duty!"--I kid you not.

What is wrong with people?
40 hours and I'm going home for health reasons or I'm self employed. Period end! Fuck the boomers.

>> No.52560995

That's true, what's the point of working long hours doing repetitive task that can be automated. I'm trying to start a business but it feels like everything is oversaturated and we're entering into a recession.

>> No.52561826

>you will get a miniscule bump in wages for seriously working, but its not worth it, compared to just coasting and getting 92-95% of that while taking no responsibility
>Youre not gonna make a hyperspace jump to a new social cohort because of how hard you work, unless you are self-employed
These lines really nail it. Middle-class comp has flattened out so much that an ass-buster and a box-checker invariably end up living the same kind of lifestyle anyway. They'll both collect similar sub-inflation pay raises every year (if they get raises at all) and they'll both get passed up for the next big promotion when the company decides to bring in an outside hire. Only one will feel like an idiot when it happens. And it won't even be clear that the "lucky" winner is all that lucky after all, given the fact that it turns out they also live a very similar lifestyle to their two new subordinates but with the added headache of a whole laundry list of extra responsibilities. The next actual lifestyle improvement is a few paygrades above all three of them, and they're so gatekept by an un-meritocratic whirlwind of politics and HR social activism and bullshit that the idea that getting there by working hard is possible would probably make most people laugh if you ever got them drunk and honest enough to really discuss it.

>> No.52561847

It's illegal to just build things, you need a property which zoomers cannot get.... Also licences and other permit crap

>> No.52561876

Yikes. Most non npc wagies hate this. Just let them do the job so they can go home.
>Ex wagie now neet

>> No.52562644

>build a fence. Or make a garden, dig,

>> No.52562884

you think you make me jealous? I am sad for you, all that wasted potential. You got the money to buy your own f1 team, or at least part of it, then you could live it up like a pay driver like latifi, always in last place but having fun driving a super fast car around a track, crashing sometimes, but then getting back in the car next weekend because your money is keeping the team alive.

or something of that sort, instead you do the same thing my unemployed roommate does, except he actually brought over a slampig for the weekend, so hes got you on that.

>> No.52563025

Woah fucking based

>> No.52563185

>I’m Gen x. I’m 45
Exterminate your existence

>> No.52563214

living the dream

>> No.52563569

Cope and seethe, I could buy your sister, mom and brother

>> No.52563944

No. I did that for over 8 years and it accomplished nothing but brought near ruination to my life. Fuck everything you said, it's all a fake sense of happiness like the delusions a tranny has. Live forever killing yourself, Anon. Praise your own suffering, narcissistic gaslighter.

>> No.52563953

what does god have to do with anything.

>> No.52563985
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well yeah everybody wants a job with as little work as possible and as much pay as they can get

also wfh jobs are comfy

>> No.52564604

I wont work because america is brown and I didn't agree to that.

>> No.52564620

Anon, i kneel to you

>> No.52564657

>Why are young people so fucking lazy now?
You can't afford a home, education, or a family with most jobs. Not to mention moving into managerial positions involves a lot of stress for relatively little pay

>t. turned down a manger position that only paid $3/hr more so I could keep being lazy at work