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52528646 No.52528646 [Reply] [Original]

How much should you tip?

>> No.52528653

for delivery? nothing
for a nice sit-down restaurant? nothing

>> No.52528678

I try to tip well because these kinda jobs suck and I’m blessed to have a much better one.

>> No.52528688

I only tip if the waitress is white.

>> No.52528694
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>man of my dreams
>by Quentin Faggot
a rope

>> No.52528701

>man of my dream
>rich guy
>woman of my dream
>hot virgin
Why are we humans such shallow creatures? Is is more of the same even in God's Kingdom? I'm no longer sure that we deserve Christ's sacrifice.

>> No.52528716

Nothing. Not my responsibility to pay someone else's wage. If the business expects me to foot the bill for their employees it's on them to include a mandatory gratuity charge on the bill so I know how much to expect to pay ahead of time. If they don't include the charge then I only pay as much as I owe.

>> No.52528735

After working several years in the service industry, I determined the perfect amount.

It's however much makes you feel good about yourself.

Tipping is kind of dumb. It's adding this unnecessary level to what should just be a standard transaction.

I eventually realized that the tipping is supposed to be an opportunity for the customer to express some symbolic generosity and in turn feel good about themselves. "Here boy thank you for your service." It's not about the actual money per se. It's another chance for the customer to feel important. If it wasn't voluntary it wouldn't be empowering.

>> No.52528743

The better question is why are women so retarded? You can literally maintain high sexual market value by being skinny and not fucking and yet every American women is a fat whore. You would have your pick of the litter if you just stayed skinny and didn’t get your back blown out 100 times by age 25 but they don’t listen

>> No.52528758

He’s already made it
This is the way to act

>> No.52528776

I tip either a flat 30% if I'm adding it to my card, or if I have cash I just toss however many bills equals 30-50% onto the table and walk out.

>> No.52528777

Wtf, %10 is more than generous, all they did was bring food to my table and pester me while I'm eating

>> No.52528793

Virginity is not shallow, being a whore doesn't take effort. It just proves you're not faithful and engage in hedonism.

>> No.52528798

If it's say 12.20, then I give 13
If it's 12.80, then I give 14

>> No.52528834

20% default, 10% if they sucked, and 30%+ if theyre cool. i never not tip because i dont wanna get hiv sores the next time i order, plus NOT tipping means i actually give a fuck about them.

>> No.52528851

desu you shouldn't bully the wagies.

>> No.52528873
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Self control is non existent in the 21st century

>> No.52528893


>> No.52528914

That would be great if tipping was purely out of generosity, but it's not. Tipping culture is expected in America because most tipped employees are being paid well under minimum wage by their employers. They EXPECT tips because that's literally the only way they can make enough money to live. People know this and tip, not to feel good about themselves, but so that they don't feel shit about contributing toward the pizza guy or waitress making $4/hr living in poverty.

Because of this there's an underlying current of emotional manipulation and coercion during every interaction with a wagie that lives off of tips. It's absurd, and I refuse to contribute to the perpetuation of that system. When businesses start paying their wagies a living wage and tipping actually becomes about generosity, something you give for great service, then I'll consider tipping.

>> No.52528922

If the order is 1-50$ I leave a $20 tip and if its $51-100 I leave $40 and at 101-151 its $60. once you make it this kind of stuff doesnt really seem like a big deal

>> No.52528926

Tipping a woman = simping

>> No.52528937

I tip 0$ because I live in a first world country that pays hospitality workers their full wage

>> No.52528947

What if other industries ran like hospitality where the employer pays barely everything and the employee has to beg from the general public to make ends meet. It's absurd. I just want a burger damn it, not to do some mathematics and to consider the socioeconomic consequences of not sufficiently bribing the wait staff.

>> No.52529004


>> No.52529138

Enjoying that tipping culture, Ameritards?

t. Euro chad

>> No.52529219

It’s kike bullshit like so much else.

>> No.52529228

0 because I don't live in a 3rd world country

>> No.52529320
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>> No.52529345

As much as they deserve.
So, zero.

>> No.52529373
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Pontificate the aromatic experience

>> No.52529774

It doesnt take effort to be a virgin, just take you for example.

>> No.52529779

i tip my landlord about 10%. would do more but i just cant afford it

>> No.52530357

Those disgusting hambeasts are just the product of the corporations-owned government. They are literal cattle being fed with junk food which makes 80% of the all the food in supermarkets. +1% body fat among the cattle is equivalent to +1% in the sp500

>> No.52530391


>> No.52530394

For a woman it does.

>> No.52530399 [DELETED] 


>> No.52530403
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Holy fuck women are insufferable. Luckily that dude is probably really good at scouting these types and she'll be back in the streets in a couple weeks if not sooner. She probably hasn't secured commitment and she's a plaything for him.

>> No.52530423

>employees are being paid well under minimum wage by their employers.
No. And are you retarded? That would literally be illegal fuck off back to r*ddit.

>> No.52530436

I'd rather not

>> No.52530448

americans are unironically like gods
the whole us is full of these goddesses

>> No.52530477
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Basically, I'm just not gonna tip them (the wagie). I know! Ugh... I know. I'm sorry!!! Ita just that I'm not tipping them is all.

>> No.52530542

I work as a waiter and we have regulars that never tip. Fucking waste of skin all of them. I make sure to make them wait as long as possible. Sometimes I scratch my asshole and gently rub my fingers inside their drinks. It makes me feel good.

>> No.52530543

kek always read the author's name

>> No.52530560

i dont get how a man can get angry and mock another man for valueing virginiry. dont you feel nausea thinking another man used to spread his sperm all over your wife body? why would you allow yourself to be so low?

>> No.52530574

Sounds like a good way to end up in jail. Have fun.

>> No.52530707

you shouldve demanded more wages from your boss but unfortunately you dont have any balls so you took it out on people who cant fight back.

>> No.52530743

The law literally makes an exception for food service you mongoloid
They’re paid like $2 an hour because of tipping shit

>> No.52530766

>grrrr don’t these faggots know they should be paying me for my service? What? My employer pay me? Fuck that

>> No.52532249
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Nothing is wrong with humans; we are just fancy primates. What is wrong is our kiked culture and society. Original Sin is a Khazarian Psy Op.

>> No.52532284

Based. You don't own two houses from over-tipping wagies, even 10% was too much.

>> No.52532620
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>That would literally be illegal

>> No.52532687

Sheboons != Americans

>> No.52532693
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>Am I overreacting
Kek, women, not even once.
Or well once for a short time for fucking purposes but dump your bag immediately after rewards.

>> No.52532734

They have to pay at least minimum wage if the server doesn't get enough tips.
But I'm not familiar with American law, there could be a "they don't have to if they don't want to" clause in some state.

>> No.52532753
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The correct amount is zero.
0.00000000 BTC

>> No.52532815

This is why United Statian resturaunts deserve no business. Kill this faggot's industry.

If his or her boss doesn't establish a no-tip policy, I'm not doing business with them.

>> No.52532974

just for the record, both people in the OP img are degenerate NPCs and don't give them space in your mush bucket desu

>> No.52533001


>> No.52533018

with regard to the photo the man in question is obviously an asshole and not worth dating unless you're just a fucking whore

>> No.52533057

can you ask for a white waitress in usa?

>> No.52533071

I tipped our waitress 20% yesterday, it's the minimum for good service

>> No.52533157

So you only tip 1/10 times??

>> No.52533174

>I'm no longer sure that we deserve Christ's sacrifice
We never did, that's the point.

>> No.52533206

Yeah, that's the point, businesses just straight-up fire anyone who doesn't get enough tips and they have to shell out minimum wage for.

>> No.52533251

>fatten them up like cattle
>don't use them as a food source
Literally, LITERALLY what is the point? I don't understand why corporations are doing this, it should be equally possible to make their food addictive without making it fattening.

>> No.52533291

>he thinks articles made by attention whores for attention whores on a platform catered almost exclusively to attention whoring nowadays is indicative of the entire human race off screen

>> No.52533308

You have to be 18 to post here

I used to work in service industry, the bartenders and servers made significantly more than I did. My pay rate was 15/hr to sweat in the kitchen in 2013, and the servers/bartenders were pulling $1k a week easily. The meme that "THEY ARE PAID LOWER THAN MINIMUM WAGE" is just that, a meme. If you ask servers if they'd rather get tips or hourly wage, 95% are gonna say tips.

Anon, you know who benefits from hourly over tips? Shitty workers who don't give a fuck. Know why? Because they suck at their job, and their tips reflect it. I remember this one server man she was fucking annoying, she literally cried over the dumbest shit literally anything and she was always bringing out wrong food or grabbing shit she shouldn't and then when she would get reprimanded she would just cry. At least once per shift she would come flying into the alley with tears in her eyes because "the lady said the coffee I gave her was bad!". Anyway, her tips reflected her workflow. She was unable to multi task, unable to handle customer criticism, and unable to manage her emotions. She is the server who benefits from hourly wage anon. Not the good server, in fact the good server now suffers. Now she loses money. Now she is earning LESS than what she made with tips. So either she is demoralized and quits or sucks up the fact that her and crying bitch over there are now on the same level.

Point is, I hate people who say the shit in your comment, because it fully displays "I've never worked in a kitchen, I have no idea how it works, I have no idea that the service industry is like, but the internet says I should have this observation so I do"

>> No.52534291
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Hi I'm here for the monkey thread.

>> No.52534311

wtf? they treat the servants very well on downtown abbey.

>> No.52534359

Also I always tip 20-30% unless the wait staff is rude or awful. I give more for exceptional service. If you do well financially you should reward those who have to work shit jobs.

>> No.52534452

Why not skinny black women?

>> No.52534463

Lol, you're stupid af! Try Bspin. it is easy even for u.
>Online Casino with BTC main currency
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>> No.52534529

Corporations can't get away with directly stealing your money, so they create problems and have you pay more taxes to solve them, these taxes going to private contracts or gibs (which is spent at corporations).

>> No.52534542

I'm not reading all that kek

>> No.52534659

I make $150+ serving for a three hour shift at a average dining experience

You WILL tip or you WILL be humiliated by your wagie server
Honk honk
Pay up you larping faggots

>> No.52534736

This is literally the most subhuman comment someone can make. Just don’t comment next time faggot
>look at me I’m so cool I can reply to a long post and say lol I’m not reading that
Peak zoomer comeback

>> No.52535772

cope wagie , by the time you realized i didn''t tip i'm already gone

>> No.52535861

it would be incredibly rude to ask for it openly, but there are certain 'euphemisms' you can use to make yourself understood.

>> No.52535902
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>> No.52536222

most niggers cannot defer gratification. on top of that being a women. yeah not happening

>> No.52536333

Imagine not living in WA where we have a high af min wage + tips do NOT count towards wage
Kek, lol, lmao
You could pay all bills JUST with regular min wage and on top of that still live in goymerica with heavy tip culture
Get fucked substates

>> No.52536645


>> No.52536661

>peak zoomer comeback
People have been making too long didn't read memes since like 2003 you fuckin melvin

>> No.52536670

>tipping the worst servers
OK bro, enjoy your cold dinner and the attitude

>> No.52536683

I will never in my life tip anyone. Cope wagecucks.

>> No.52536777

Conceptualize the boutonniere of the bouquet.

>> No.52536801

fuck amerimutts
fuck tipping wagies
they should ask their fucking boss for an actual wage

>> No.52537863

I always tip 20%.
If the food sucks, I talk to the manager about it, but I never ask for a reduction in the bill. It’s not the waitresses fault if the food is bad.
Never treat people poorly, regardless of who they are.

>> No.52537894


>> No.52537938
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Cogitate on the olfactory sensation.

>> No.52537971

>paying for a service twice
Do americans really?

I don't give a shit if you work minimum wage, find a better job retard

>> No.52538153

Christ is King.
A man needs to earn his value over time with daily effort whereas a woman is born with her value and just needs to not screw it up.
I hate modern women so much it's unreal.

>> No.52538186

>fuck with the people that handle your food
Always a wise decision.

>> No.52538623

>most tipped employees are being paid well under minimum wage by their employers.
Literal fake news, most non-fly over states the minimum wage is the same, and now days waitstaff makes $15-$20/hr(even more in HCOL areas) + tips in cities

>> No.52538669

That's federal min wage you dumb nigger, most of the pop lives in states with higher min wage and no expectations. Dumb fuck, kill yourself

>> No.52538841

Quentin, huh? Who cares what fans think?
Nice creative writing assignment, home. You won't be a remembered writer. Nobody will read a single one of your works even 10 years after you die.
I looked up Etrian Odyssey 4 party info and I got 4 pages on Google. 4 whole pages fora hardcore ass jrpg. Now I know damn well 10 years ago I had more results. So you just figure how few results your writing is going to bring up when it doesn't even service a game that people need help with.

>> No.52539322
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>that would literally be illegal
>fuck off back to r*ddit
you should do that

>> No.52539570

>finally I've found a financially responsible man who meets the minimum standard of owning 2 house
>wtf! He doesn't give away money for free!

>> No.52539614

low iq
high iq

>> No.52539813

The restaurant industry is dying and it needs to die faster.

>> No.52539965
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You do not become rich by literally giving money away, arbitrarily, to lesser human beings that cannot achieve.

>> No.52540032

If I DoorDash and notice I’m not getting enough money for the mileage then it’s obvious I got little to no tip and I’m just gonna decline

>> No.52540049

>not tipping on a date
That's like a reverse shit test