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52513651 No.52513651 [Reply] [Original]

I bought ftm under 1c, and was a hardcore shill for it. Had around 2M ftm at my top. Got into tomb and Derivatives, and didn't sell at the top. Watch my coins fall lower than I ever thought possible. Used to own a mclaren 720s and a 2022 corvette stingray, and sold both to "buy the dip", only to keep watching it go down.

My portfolio is worth around 80-100k now. I'm not sure what to do besides wait for the next scam cycle and pray. I still believe in the tech, but I'm out of money and have been needing to sell coins (and far too many of them) to pay my bills.

I've cut out all costs, spend around 4k a month but 3.5 of that goes to my grandma, who I retired shortly after "making it"

So ask the most rekt dude in crypto anything. First time I've been on biz since 2019

Pic related is about 4 months ago for proof

>> No.52513663

nice larp

>> No.52513675

what are you accumulating now?

>> No.52513689

I don't really get it. If you get like a million out of crypto, why don't you just pull it out and cash in, leaving just a fraction there to accrue more interest?
I'm kinda new to this whole thing, mostly here because of the FTX memes, but it seems like everyone is aware that it's a very unstable market, where you gain money one day and lose it the next. I understand that you get into your head that this isn't the peak, it might get even higher and you'll get even more money, but shouldn't you also know how to quit when you're ahead before getting into a situation like yours? Risk management and such, I guess is the term.

>> No.52513695

Ask me for any proof and I'll provide it, assuming it doesn't dox me.
The same shit I've had for over a year. Fantom, tomb. I only deal in ftm and ftm alts since I believe it's the best chain

>> No.52513709
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>automatic corvette
didnt read your post.
congratulations or sorry that happened to you.

>> No.52513720

It was my first big cycle I'll admit. I wasn't as smart as I thought I was.

I saw that the fed sold all their shit they 100x'd on since covid and I said to myself "they're gonna miss out the bullrun"

I knew a bear market was coming and I paid a year of rent in advance, but it was so much worse than I expected.

I mean it's easy to say "yeah just cash some out" but

1) I didn't want to pay capital gains tax.

2) I didn't know what to cash out into. Everything was a bubble. You buy stocks? Just as fucked. You buy RE? Still fucked. You buy gold? Down this year.

Cash was the best option obviously, but hindsight is 20/20

>> No.52513727

Buy icp before its too late

>> No.52513742

I made the same mistake if it makes you feel better.
Too late to sell now, though I think there's more downside to the market.

Honestly dude, there's slim chance crypto will pump again.

Was is worth it buying those cars to begin with?

>> No.52513743
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That's what happens when you are a degenerate gambler who "invests" in the immoral crypto markets.

>> No.52513759

The cars preserved me around 400k in liquidity. If I didn't buy I would be beyond comfy right now. Don't let anyone tell you it's a waste of money to buy something expensive if you can afford it, especially if crypto is where your money is made.

>Honestly dude, there's slim chance crypto will pump again.

You're objectively wrong about this but I won't argue. Think what you want

The cars were incredibly fun and were probably the peak of my life living with them desu

>> No.52513806

cash and land is what I cashed out into. than I went into passive income investments. Bought 100 acres up for a bit more than i'd like but it's all mine now.

>> No.52513814

>Don't let anyone tell you it's a waste of money to buy something expensive if you can afford it, especially if crypto is where your money is made.
Makes sense.

I still hold the crypto, as I said, but it's becoming harder to believe we'll see even 10x from here. Hope I'm wrong.

>> No.52513837

It's always darkest before the dawn fren.

If it makes yoy feel better, I'm probably 90%+ sure we're in a bottom structure. Too many indicators for me to think otherwise. I wish I had capital to buy I would go all in now unironically

>> No.52513845
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>You buy gold? Down this year.
Oh no it's (((down))) 10%! You were correct holding your ponzi scams well into -90% territory instead.

>> No.52513850
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Based post man. How's your sleep? Do you suffer anxiety? Honestly, what's a day in the life like?

>> No.52513870

>not cashing out at least 20% of that 10M and putting them on an index fund
How does it feel to be a complete retard?

>> No.52513879
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loose some weight and cut your fingernails fren.

>> No.52513881

I'm not here to gloat. I'm fucking rekt bro lol. But at least I'm not bitter like you appear to be.
I don't believe anxiety is a real thing. I really don't. I was abused a lot as a kid so maybe that has something to do with it, but I generally don't believe in the mental illness cope that people believe in.

Usual day for me is I wake up around 8-9, and lift. Then I will lie in bed for probably 5 hours just existing, or I'll call my gf and talk with her a bit. Then I'll eat food, and depending on the day I'll go to the gym again, or I'll play some vidya to pass the time.

As gay as it sounds, I try to spend most of the time asleep as possible so that the days go by quicker. So if I'm exhausted I can sleep more

>> No.52513898


>automatic corvette

Financially retarded AND you can't drive.

That's rough, OP.

>> No.52513904
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Yeah I'm pretty dumb. But put yourself in my shoes. I was making 500k a month in my different defi protocols. I had more money than I could spend, was king of the world, and figured that I would go down to 5M or so at the lowest, and I would be at 30-50M by now. I was wrong. But there's next time

>> No.52513916

I think btc will touch at least $12.4k soon, so alts will follow. Then I'll buy some more.

Any advice on what to buy in the tomb ecosystem? I know it's risky, but what the hell.

>> No.52513921

>Then I will lie in bed for probably 5 hours just existing

Bro why not at least make some cash? If you're literally just laying in bed? Im glad you seem to be doing okay but you do sound a little depressed.
Thanks for sharing your diary post nigger

>> No.52513924

>I don’t believe in mental illness
>I lay in bed for 5 hours
You dumbass

>> No.52513923

how about a portfolio picture?

>> No.52513926

they dont make them in stick anymore

>> No.52513929

Harry is probably not gonna steal all your money honestly. I wouldn't buy tshare because lmao pretty obvious why.

Really I wouldn't buy anything in the tomb ecosystem right now. Tomb if you're forcing yourself to, but idk why it can't go to 1c or lower.

>> No.52513930

Will you 'un-retire" your grandma after the rest of your money is gone?

>> No.52513931
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sorry to hear that
you know what to do

>> No.52513940

how much $ did you start with?

>> No.52513953

Thanks for the honest advice. Hope we get those gains back someday.

>> No.52513967

I make a tiny bit from my current defi farms. But man, I just can't bring myself to get a normie job again. I know how childish it sounds but I'll shoot myself if that becomes my only option. I tasted freedom and I'm not going back.
I'm not doxxing and all my shit is in very tracable defi wallets and farms. Honestly if the right people looked they already know who I am too.
I'm doing everything I can to avoid that. If the time comes and I'm giga-rekt 6 months from now, I'll get a job at some Amazon warehouse and see if that's enough to keep her retired.
Around 10k from stimulus checks and waging while in college for a couple years. I was a barback

>> No.52513969

That's your problem. FTM is garbage and will die very soon. Diversify into Ethereum and buy Kondux - easy 10-20x over the next 6 months. Or be prideful and stay in your failing comfort zone. The choice is yours.

>> No.52513970
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>autotragic corvette
>not manual
you were NGMI anyways

>> No.52513985

Serious question, is this a bot or a real person talking. I'm leaning towards bot, but some of you guys are so autistic you might actually think this stuff works
They all come that way. You can make them manual, same with the mclaren

>> No.52513997

I think I follow you on instagram, nigga. Sorry to hear this man, was rooting for ya. Had high hopes for last run as well, but the ups and downs and fed were too hard to predict. Dubs and I DM u on insta kek

>> No.52513999

In march 2020 i had barely 4 figures in crypto and thought i set "unrealistic targets" at 100K, I made $1M at the top and then lost -95%, But the point is, Things get better way faster than you might think. Shit, Things turned into complete shit in a span of 2 months (Most alts crashed -90%), So it'll be very wrong of you to assume it can't happen but for the opposite direction..

>> No.52514013
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What i'm trying to say is PMs are the only things left NOT in bubble territory. And we've seen nothing yet. Prices' charts aren't telling the whole story. Did you pay attention to the SGE (Shanghai), LBMA (London) and Comex (NYC-Chicago)'s registered/eligible vaults lately? They are the physical places holding the collateral for PMs' ETFs and lending mechanisms worldwide. In just half a year, all those places bled between 30 to 50% of their collateral. They all are at ATL in term of supply. Price is down only thanks to paper IOUs, because the CME Group tanked it to allow whales to take physical deliveries for cheap. You see a -10%, what you don't see is for the first time ever, ALL central banks around the world are gold's net buyers. What you don't see are banks printing IOUs at a 200:1 (paper to real oz) rate so the contagion don't spread to retail. All the big players are pretending they hate gold/silver all while emptying every place of PMs.
Did you take a look at the spot/premium spread? It's decoupling HARD.

If one day (soon hopefully) you manage to rebuild your wealth, i hope you'll wise up into putting at least some of it into gold and silver. But we may only have few months left before the emperor is seen as completely naked.

>> No.52514033

It's a generic pajeet shill. >>52513969

So how did it feel having 10M? How is your gf taking it now that it's gone

>> No.52514036
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I honestly believe you're right man. Crypto is so volatile, in both ways. The lows are lower than anything you can imagine, but that's what make the highs so high.
Roll, fuck it man if you do ill respond lol

Here's a pic, you could probably find me from it but fuck it I don't even live at that house anymore, so I think it's fine.

>> No.52514044

She wasn't around at 10 thankfully. She got me when I had the mclaren about 2 weeks or so, and I had dropped to around 5 by then.

She honestly doesn't care too much bless her heart. But I also say it'll go back up again, so maybe she's holding out for that idk. She's not begging me for fancy purses or jewelry or anything, except a wedding ring.

Next Bull I'm putting a ring on it 100%

>> No.52514052
File: 66 KB, 900x488, photo_2022-10-10 19.45.39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't trade what do you think is the best chain. trade the most profitable chain. which is bnb. it is backed by the guy with the most money and influence in crypto.

>> No.52514090

You are down 10M but I still envy you the experience of getting that far. If I ever get to like 500k I will probably start going insane and cash out instantly. I hope you stay around here and succeed

>> No.52514139


Cut your nails, they're fucking disgusting.

>> No.52514151

Proud of you man, and I hope to be in your position and learn from your mistakes with all do respect. When I make it I'll have commemorative plaque that reads "thanks anon"

>> No.52514177

All Corvettes came in manual up to model year 2020, there is no point in owning a newer one since they are all cucked
>you can make it manual
Paddle shifters don't count that's like riding a bike with training wheels

>> No.52514194

>If you get like a million out of crypto, why don't you just pull it out and cash in, leaving just a fraction there to accrue more interest?
Everyone wants to play the hot hand fren. You'll get it when you get the hot hand.

>> No.52514216
File: 421 KB, 519x381, hi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what faggot I made 75 dollars today doing doordash
One of us is larping the other isn't.

>> No.52514222

all of you spergs reeeeeing about muh manual have never driven a modern sportscar. automatic is always faster, you are incapable of shifting fast enough or even timing it correctly to keep up with an automatic. i have driven stick all my life but you dumb faggots still sound like boomers to me.

>> No.52514248

whats the point of this thread?
you just found out the same fate every non-btc/non-eth investor experiences in 1 or 2 bear markets.

alts aren't designed for holding.

>> No.52514300


>dat McLaren

At least you got to experience it. 99% of all people, even in the US, never do.

>> No.52514332

Shill me on ftm. How much should I put in to hit the same numbers as you? I went balls deep in link as well but fuck Sergey that cock sucker. Also at what price did you accumulate?

>> No.52514352

Hello Alex, come back to Papa's group.

>> No.52514357

Alex you have nobody but yourself to blame. Every one of your friends told you to take minor profits to secure a modest home and some cash savings but you told them to kill themselves for being poor. You larp like an Instagram influencer and live like a nigger, now you see where that gets you, posting on biz for attention like some common thot.

>> No.52514378
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Lol you know this faggot?
I love being poor because at least I'm always at a base level people like OP become manic little kikes when they lose money.
TLDR OP invested in a shitcoin he couldn't cash out on now he's leveraged his life against something he betted on but never could even realize.
Don't be like OP.
Be poor crypto is retarded and full of faggot manlets who will always end up finding some goblina who will suck their money dry and they end up in a murder suicide or just suicide.

>> No.52514397

Is this guy an influencer who bought tokens and then shilled them to his followers?
How else did he 1000x in 2 years

>> No.52514398

You guys sound like fags

>> No.52514401

Uh oh, looks like OP's been found out.

OP, what in the entire fuck man, should've been mostly in blue chips or dividend paying stonks

>> No.52514424

Holy shit I didn't read OP just figured he's a larping faggot I lost 70k these last two years down to nothing again.
And OP lost 10m down to 100k holy shit he's absolutely fucked.

>> No.52514427

Yeah this dude is infamous in telegram crypto circles. He ran around being an arrogant faggot telling everyone to kill themselves for being poorfags. Meanwhile he larped as some instathot while everyone else took profits.

He continued doubling down all year buying le dip with cash he raised selling everything he owned that wasn't nailed down to the floor.

My favorite quote "Tomb is built for bear markers and will do well even if things turn bad. It will flip fantom market cap" - A.M. 2022

Biggest case of karma I've ever seen

>> No.52514431


>> No.52514458

Yeah I know I got cancer and these FTM faggots kept saying just that "Die poorfaggot"
I'm enjoying the market crash I might have lost it all but I'm still slightly better off than I was when I started crypto, I got a car at least and that's what was mostly important to me cause I can make money.

Karma is a bitch and I told this board many times sitting here wishing death upon a dying man (Height of the bullrun)
Was likely gonna end in a lot of people losing millions and being worse off than me.

Karma is the realest thing I can prove because my life turned rotten from doing wicked and saying wicked things to people.

>> No.52514473

Sup Alex Miller. KYS. You brought this upon yourself.

>> No.52514505

You guys need to seriously find a way to get me out of your head you mentally ill faggots.
Ya bro because I'm here asking for pity. Suck a dick whichever of you poor faggots you are. Even if I'm rekt for now I'm worth 100 of you in spirit and health.

Touch grass and have sex incel
I'm not an influencer. I was excited about owning 2 supercars because I'm 23 lol, and so they seethed daily about my success. They pretend I'm some dickhead even though I gave 6 figs in ftm away to people who got rugged (so around 3-400K USD worth) because they're jealous tiny people.

They run a telegram channel where they cum over people losing money and "its LITERALLY OVER" while also pretending to buy the bottom every week. No I'm not kidding
When I'm right I'm going to enjoy every bit of my beautiful life I built, all while you're crying and STILL poor because you're lazy, arrogant, and have no drive to succeed.

Maybe I'll give you some money one day

>> No.52514507
File: 115 KB, 828x693, 1647826389969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AGRS is the moonshot for you.
Has less then a 2 million market cap, team is for real and working on it since 2015.
Their website is Tau.net.

>> No.52514522

>oh no karma
still says FUCK YOU, DIE, POORFAG1!1!!
Bbbbut. k-k-arma. yeah buddy.. karma.

>> No.52514535

>didn't cash out
>didn't know what to CASH OUT to

fuck this place

>> No.52514541

I pity you man. I hope you find help, or make some money. There are plenty things you can do besides think about me everyday.

>> No.52514559

It only takes one post for you to drop your fake humility and revert back to the same guy who said he'd drink our net worth in champagne every night. Get a life bro. Get a job. Grow up

>> No.52514561

Kek poorfaggots aren't always dumb
I saved a frens net worth here from dropping below 1m and he was able to recover because I told him BTC was gonna hit 18k when it was still about 40k and he listened.

Just because someone's poor doesn't mean they don't have divine insight.

Karma is absolutely real and the biggest reason crypto failed besides the bad actors was because of shit like this.

Maybe next bullrun you guys could try humbling yourselves and then maybe just maybe you'll make it.

But if you give to the needy and don't have love then you're the one who's truly poor.

Words are a funny thing they are very similar to magic and when wielded without recognizing what you're doing can cause you to drive the sword into yourself.

>> No.52514562

you made a thread? and when people talk about your thread and the things you said, you come up with; stop it?
what are you on about? i said: karma
chill a bit. i know outrage feels good sometimes, but... chill the fuck down. i do not know you. you are irrelevant

>> No.52514573


>> No.52514583

>this nigga just samefagged
Lmao forgot to change your IP?

Anyways, the thread is fucked now, so I'm hopping off, hope I gave some people some insight

>> No.52514587


This x3. Didn't know who he was. Thought it was cool some random anon got a McLaren. Not so much anymore.

>> No.52514608

>yeah i am christian
>why should believe or do anything that is written in it?
>continues to sperg like bitch he is.

welp, such is youtj

>> No.52514618

How did you have ~$10M AUM and not put some of it in SPX, let alone dividend paying stocks or fixed income?

>> No.52514621

Insight into not what to do when you are able to grift yourself into millions
I don't feel an ounce of pity for nearly anyone of you.
Greed brought this upon you and if you think it's over I can tell you it's just beginning I warned you guys in 2021 they were arming for regulation and they were going to pull some shady shit to get their way and crash the market.

I told you guys to prepare for what's coming afterward my words fall on deaf ears because I'm "poor"

But I'm also dying and I saw visions of all of this in 2014 and it's playing out to the fucking letter.
I believe god gave me insight, but gave me an expiration date and my life mission was to humble the rich and remind them to prepare for battle, spiritually and physically it's coming.

>> No.52514632

They spiritually killed most of you through murdering your hope for a better future, now they stole your money and are arming themselves with it.

>> No.52514661

why the fuck would you buy something named tomb

>> No.52514675

cut your nails bro are you a woman? Fake and gay

>> No.52514678

This is a good thread so many story ideas!

>> No.52514729

I was early to LINK, FTM and QNT (and a few others but didn't pump quite as much). Got to 10M at the top, started thinking I needed to derisk but was so certain we'd go to at least 100k that I figured I could wait a bit longer before selling (the complacency shoulder being higher than the top back in ~June 2021 absolutely fucked with my mind). The market nuked so much harder and so much faster than I could've imagined, we literally had around 11 weeks straight of red candles on ETH, I had to sell a bunch of shit on the way down to cover some loans. I'm low 6 figures now, I can't fucking believe I was set for life and now so much older and poorer than I was before. I've thought about ending it many times, I understand the feeling of not being able to work anymore, once you taste freedom it's hard to go back. Anyway thanks for reading my blog post, point is there are others like you

>> No.52514747

It'll get better friend. I always like to say that these periods are when we earn our gains so that people don't get to call us lucky.

What comes up must go down, and the opposite is true for markets.

>> No.52514759

Reminder: 10 coins out of 10,000 from 2017 came back to new highs this cycle

>> No.52514765

didn't you leave? alex, stop bullshitting us. go to bed

>> No.52514766
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You're still a faggot.
And a narcissist faggot which is even worse.
Alex Miller is a pretty gay name as well.

>> No.52514820

maxi here, aka CEO of THVGS N SLUGS.

Yo Yo Yo its hump day! What I need you to do is tag 3 big dick ass niggas under this tweet right here. I need some more niggas to do this "BustThat Nut' challenge with. And I'm also giving away another hunit free subscriptions to my only fans.

>> No.52514827


>> No.52514854

Your mothers a group, bloody benchod

>> No.52514867
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>I'll get a job at some Amazon warehouse and see if that's enough to keep her retired.
This is not feasible. Amazon warehouse is like 3200/month before taxes.

>> No.52514874

Life isn’t easy and it’s time for rent seeking retards to get a reality check. Your coins won’t go back up. You already saw your lifetime ATH in net worth. You won a lottery but didn’t cash in the ticket. Now you have to work like everyone else. Deal with it.

>> No.52514876

>But I'm also dying and I saw visions of all of this in 2014 and it's playing out to the fucking letter.

So how does it all end?

>> No.52514887

why does that mcclaren look like a toy car??

>> No.52514892

>female hands
kys whore

>> No.52514896

>I still believe in the tech
What are you worried about then?

>I only deal in ftm and ftm alts since I believe it's the best chain
Hahahahaha I was only joking. You're an idiot.

>> No.52514908

Why didn’t this guy cash out? Was it greed? Crypto is for making the money once you’ve made it cash out and diversify wtf?

At 10m you were long supposed to have cashed out bought a house all the crap you’ll need and contacted multiple wealth managers , accountants and a lawyer

There’s no hindsight 20/20 here plenty of asset classes are doing just fine multiple currencies, bond classes even mineral stocks

So why didn’t you cash out and diversify? You fucking blew it

>> No.52514914


He fucking blew it. That was his chance. There’s no next cycle for him

>> No.52514926

and now he's going to Khs

>> No.52514945

fat on his hands

>> No.52514958

With balls of chaos floating in linear patterns destroying any mammal it comes close to, like a black hole destroying time and space and nothing can seem to escape them.

>> No.52514969

That's after a nuke explodes and the sky fills with fighter jets.

>> No.52515002
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Crypto really does create the most undeserved wealth, like this fucking chino OP.
At least there is justice in the end and just like white trash lotto winners, they all lose their wealth in a few years.

Fuck you OP. Cunts like you who helped SBF run his pump and dump deserve actual gas Chambers.

>> No.52515006


Haha you'll be dead in 2 years.

What a fucken idiot

>> No.52515017

Bro you're literally me. Fantom made me a millionaire and I squandered the opportunity and now have a portfolio worth barely 100k. I feel so dumb. Dumb tomb into deus at least is my advice.

>> No.52515023

Are you talking about the US or the whole world?
Not that it makes much of a difference...

>> No.52515037

Everyone gets psyop'd into thinking they need to hold their bags to the moon. Ask yourself, when does the risk become a liability?

>> No.52515071

In my dreams it was the US but I saw fighter jets having dogfights and I remember seeing them as Chinese and Russian jets fighting I didn't see American jets but it was pure chaos.

>> No.52515077

>10k to 10 million

Let me guess, you bet it all on some doggy shitcoin and lucked out?

>> No.52515110

From that perspective money seems irrelevant. I guess not much time left.

>> No.52515120

Nope it's completely irrelevant why I told people to buy things they need and help other brothers out of their hole so we can fight to survive the incoming changes.

It's a bit late now but take what you have and start prepping, prepping ten years ago wasn't wise but now is better late than never.

Get food, tobacco, ammunition, and possibly battey chargers things you can get ready and use incase the grid goes down.
In my visions we had no power the only illumination on the roads were from cars on fire.

>> No.52515142

Mind you in my dreams this was midwest united states meaning fighter jets had penetrated the coasts, the sky was as black as it could get with thick dark clouds shooting lightning out but never touching the ground just rumbling in the skies as jets were littering the skies.

>> No.52515153

>bought FTM
yup, you dug your own grave up then
your only chance is to swap for some Matic right now

>> No.52515170

You get one more chance at this with ICP.

>> No.52515191

Damn, I wonder if Europe will fare any better?

There's no coming back from that, I mean it's the end of civilization as we know it.

>> No.52515196

I lost $2.5k in crypto just hodling. Take note I'm a third worlder and it's months and months of wagecucking.

>> No.52515208

for you i feel pity. anyone who wants to help this "pajeet"?
Alex? Here's your chance for karmapoints

>> No.52515212

Yes it wasn't good it starts off with a nuke in the southern united states maybe possibly the gulf of mexico/florida area
after seeing Desantis and others disobeying the elite during 2020 I can see it being Florida.

That's when the end begins and it is going to start either this winter or the beginning of 2023.
Funny enough my old house number I grew up in was 2023.

It's all a simulation by the way nothing is really organic everything is fixed.

>> No.52515226

Fuck off everyone just lost everything I'm a first worlder with nothing to my name and terminal cancer.
Money doesn't matter anymore get your house in order you'll make 2500 faster working than begging other formally richfags who are now posting their cope.

>> No.52515254

Damn Alex you fucked up big time but hey at least you got a taste of freedom and Mclaren lol I’m far too much of a pussy to buy shit like that with my gains.

How many FTM you holding right now?

>> No.52515289

I'm actually just flexing, I have $10k savings in my personal bank account and my family's networth is around $15 million, all I'm saying I didn't went all in like a retard but still losing $2.5k is no joke for me, but compared to OP I laugh.

>> No.52515302

Yeah, we know, the computer is faster. But that shit is gay and makes for a neutered experience. Analog > computer control, every time.

>> No.52515322
File: 1.81 MB, 2822x1372, 1666249512969348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bless you based schizo anon. your suffering will mean naught when you are beyond the material sphere

>> No.52515351

May God have mercy on our souls then.

>> No.52515359

I think I'll get to join in the festivities and likely won't even die from my cancer but instead saving others like I saw in my dream.
I was driving and rescuing people I knew and other people.
And one of my black friends was riding a motorcycle and had two sawwed off shotguns.
It was a very specific dream also I never dream ever.

>> No.52515386

were you the guy that made a thread about biggest missed opportunities?

>> No.52515416

He will, it's the end happening in our lifetime.
I wish I was wrong and believe me I was hopeful and an optimistic poster here during 2021 and kept posting after losing it all.
But too many things have come to pass that I've seen in my mind and dreams.

And the awakening is happening right now which is the trigger that starts unraveling everything.

The evil fuckers in this world couldn't step meddling and they want this, I saw it myself what their intention is and I tried for years to sabotage anything I could and wake others up to what will come to pass.

Love you frens probably going to bed now but take your positions while you can there's going to be no more crypto for awhile if ever.
And I'm not a bobo I was optimistic again just a few weeks ago but the SBF thing showed me yet again there's no winning they won't let us.

>> No.52515432

All I want is enough money to spend the rest of my days playing guitar and pursuing cheap pussy

>> No.52515441

I was a ftm influencer on Twitter I wanted to warn all of you to stay out of Harry’s scams but I couldn’t say anything… you should have read between the lines when the silence was deafening from some of the respected protocols on Fantom

Atleast you aren’t going to jail like that dummy roosh

>> No.52515450
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>> No.52515455

Roosh going to jail?
Kek he insulted me multiple times and told me I didn't know anything.

>> No.52515479

>Even if Im rekt

Bro, Im not the guys you are responding to, but remember that you still have 100k left. That might not be a lot relative to the 10 mil, but its still more than what most people have and its enough money to start all over and make it again.

I have like 15$ in my bank account and its still 11 days till next month.

>> No.52515490

why does your grandma need 3.5k a month

>> No.52515498

Oh this is Alex miller? Fuck this guy.. you acted like a pompous fucking asshole on telegram..

Literally fuck you, you piece of shit. I tried to be nice to you.. fuck you scum

>> No.52515510

>retard niggers 10000x his wagie money on doggy coin
>is going to immediately lose it all
>at least he bought a 500k corvette though

>> No.52515550

that 100k is just numbers and not liquid, it's over for him.

>> No.52515557

>lower 6 figures
>want to end it all

Bro, dont forget that you are still better off than about 70% of the population in the US. Certainly better off than 95% of the pop in the world.

What I am saying is, you are far from being destroyed or rekt just like OP. Yes you lost a bunch of money and it feels bad if you keep comparing what you have with what you could have had.

But if you snap out of the emotional trauma for a moment and take a sober look at your situation, you are still better off than most people. The amount of money that you have left is still enough to start all over from scratch and build a new life.

Maybe not the shitcoin casino this time. There are ways you could invest the money responsibly, start a business or do something nice with it.

You are still in a very good position over all

>> No.52515565

>putting a ring on some gold digging whore
lole i bet you never got laid before you bought that mclaren

>> No.52515584

Yea its greed + refusal to accept sunk cost. You were at 10M, now you are down 9M, it hurts to cash out because you believe surely it will go up again, it cant keep sinking forever right? It keeps sinking now you are at 8M, 7M, 6M, 5M, bullets of sweat run down your cheeks as you realize yo lost half of your money and you cannot accept such a painful reality. You start coming uo with plans to make it all back, illusion takes the better of you, and you just keep playing and keep losing until its all gone and you KYS.

Its a known phenomenon in gambling. Thats how casinos make money. In fact its so strong that people who know all baout still cant resist it when it happens.

>> No.52515588

again. its not liquid money. it's monopoly money. worthless (if really everything went into ftx)

>> No.52515603

Couldnt he just swap his shitcoin to some other crypto and cash out?

>> No.52515605

dude if his money was on FTX he has 0 dollars

>> No.52515611

But he could just cash out his crypto, couldnt he? I mean, no one would buy a coin that is impossible to be cashed out resliably?

>> No.52515623

But he said has he still has a $100k portfolio

>> No.52515627

well, the fallout talks a different language

>> No.52515683

You're not wrong, stick is more fun. But if you ever go racing you are going to get btfo by a guy driving the same car as you.

>> No.52515686

>I love being poor
Nice ambition, faggot

>> No.52515688

Thanks, that's why I haven't totally lost hope but I'm exhausted to continue playing this scam market. Then again a part of me does believe that some projects will come out on top and eventually provide great returns, I think nothing would hurt me more than selling the possible bottom only to watch what I had left moon into millions without me.
And I guess that's why I might lose it all. I'm really wondering if it's even possible for the average person to make it from crypto unless you're a degenerate like me willing to risk it all.

>> No.52515737

That mentality is exactly what got you here in the first place. This is pure gambling addiction at this point

>> No.52515841

Brother, I had a similar dream a few months ago and it was disturbing. I also saw visions of fighter jets and everything was in chaos. In my dream I had to fight in WW3 and was captured by Russians. They took me to an underground facility for interrogation. It was bizzare because they took me to a room and I saw powerful people/leaders bowing to satan.
Satan had three faces and he looked at me and was angry that I tried to reveal to people that this was all a simulation. In the dream I found out that this world is a "created artifical reality" by Satan. He then banished me and I was teleported to another world. I woke up shortly after that.

>> No.52515862

>>automatic corvette
Fag. No one cares you drive a manual slower than an automatic.

>> No.52515914
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lol wtf is this gay poetry, shits gonna be alright

>> No.52516060

It happens, some people keep raising the bar for what "life changing wealth" means to them, some people are worried about taxes and keep procrastinating on the problem.
This isn't my first cycle so I kept a disciplined yet easy to follow plan of rolling half my profit into boomer etfs like vti bi monthly and doing solid tax accounting. I'm down a lot but still have life changing wealth to show for it.

>> No.52516136

>doesn't sell because he's afraid of losing ath
>doesn't believe in anxiety
Kek. Biztards are truly retarded. No wonder you are poor again.

>> No.52516178

You have a ladies hands my lord!

>> No.52517010
File: 20 KB, 552x556, images (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You continuously shit on the people that told you to at least buy a house or some property during peak bull market but you trusted barry's gaping anus that tomb was more resilient than property during bera.

You were cocky against the people who were trying to help you. After you lost most of your money and those people said "told ya" you started to sperg out and left the group. Like you leave every group when confronted with reality. Even in this thread you act like a childish retard and say "I'm leaving".

Fuck off one last time eh?

For the other readers, this faggot still holds tomb. And we're not even in peak bear market yet. He claims he still has 100k, that will be wiped out too in a few months.

Papa, china merchant, maxi, dutchfags, billy were right.

Fuck niggers and fuck kikes. Fuck jeets and fuck gooks. Fuck trannies and fuck faggots. Fuck dimitri and fuck alex. Fuck harry and fuck andre.

>> No.52517133
File: 57 KB, 976x850, 1658750964413958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can have some fun with your friends by organizing game nights rather than being a loner. You can utilize the interactive platform on GameStarplus for fun game nights. Having friends around in times like this is underrated.

>> No.52517162

Tomb is risky but worth investing on since it is on Fantom network. You can also diversify into Avalanche as there are lots of potential good tokens like GSTAR launching them. Just keep tabs on them and throw in a few bucks when you see a good buying opportunity.

>> No.52517201
File: 53 KB, 599x599, bf5a7e05ce7c8471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I EVER hit 1 million with crypto I will sell it all for fiat and then put that fiat in divident etfs. Then I use those dividents to accumulate crypto again, reaching 1million watching it turn to dust would fucking kill me.

>> No.52517269

>As gay as it sounds, I try to spend most of the time asleep as possible so that the days go by quicker. So if I'm exhausted I can sleep more

You sound chronically depressed my man, you shouldn't wish life away

>> No.52517271
File: 128 KB, 1178x2048, EF66CD23-C983-4A46-B3FB-23FE9EC25E39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alex, I told you and a few of the Tomb whales that Harry was fucking you kek
That and Roosh was being taken out by Andre and co because he was too much of a threat
All you had to do was sell the FANTOOOOM PUUUMP

>> No.52517359
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>> No.52517453

What is your background . You sound very ignorant.
You simply don't seem to understand what cash out means.

>> No.52517618

Get a job you fucking sponge. What, you think you’re too good to work and make an honest living?
You’re on the same level as any other nigger/NEET.

>> No.52517648
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>> No.52517666 [DELETED] 

Haha, u're wasting ur money on the shit and then cry on 4ch on every topic. Be smarter, kids, check Bspin

> Strong casino with a BTC as the playing currency.
> Coming giveaway with $15K Prize Pool.
> Transparency and Provably Fair

>> No.52517707
File: 22 KB, 365x365, 1658146672688182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigger car

>> No.52517732

t. bitter poorfag

>> No.52517936

Why still hold if you think there is more downside? I'm doing the same. What's wrong with us

>> No.52517981 [DELETED] 

Use Bspin BEST crypto online casino

>Strong casino with a BTC as the playing currency
>On going giveaway with $15,000 prize pool
>Level & Rewards / Increased cashback / Exclusive promotions

>> No.52518034

I'm with you. Feeling really dumb and defeated. Anyone here who went through this in 2018 ? And how did you do this time? Are we fucked

>> No.52518040

>You buy gold? Down this year.

You literally lost 99% of your net worth you retard. No one storing value in gold would be anywhere close to that loss.

You never were meant to have money, you won the retard lottery badly trading on shitcoins that by pure luck paid out.

>> No.52518180

>untrimmed fingernails
>flexing his whip like a nigger
>playing a literal coon toon called Gorilla
>fat hands
>still living in his parents suburb

So this is the result of WAGMI. I hope every single person on this board gets fucking heemed

>> No.52518234

Why are you so mad

>> No.52518364

>he doesn't know about Kadena
Anon, save yourself

>> No.52518371
File: 1.70 MB, 1290x2070, CE3228A5-7C14-461D-B996-CC3A6FBD540E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Strong instathot energy

>> No.52518390 [DELETED] 

fellas, throw away your ideas. They're trash. take part in Bspin.

> Strong casino with a Bitcoin as the playing currency.
> Huge Giveaway with 15,000$ Prize pool.
> Fast deposits with variety ways

>> No.52518477

imagine having 10M to spend and driving a corvette.

>> No.52518520
File: 168 KB, 2557x1113, Screenshot 2022-11-19 152059.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same bro, legit had 5 million $ at the top, pic related is ledger live, you can't even inspect element in it.
Now at 450k.
You should've sold fantom, only reason I didn't sell my linkies is because us linkies are more in it for the stockholm syndrom and abuse than the money.

>> No.52518524

Somebody knows how to use image search

Likely op is larp and just stole this pic

>> No.52518531

Oh and I don't even have a car kek

>> No.52518532

What price did you buy at and why didn't you tell me

>> No.52518538

I'm thinking about DCAing again at $3.80

>> No.52518547

>116 followers while flexing this type of lifestyle
Even at that you're failing, OP.

>> No.52518552

if it was your car you would not take the picture from the passenger seat

poorfag larper

>> No.52518601

link? started buying in 2017 , my dca is probably at 45c or something, just because was too late for the ICO and too early for summer 2018 when it went to 17c, so bought most of it in dec2017-Q1Q2 2018

>> No.52518602

That's greed, imagine starting with 20k and then earning your annual salaries every week. You don't want to stop. Why not cash out at 100k? Because he wouldn't get to the millions he did. You can cash out a million and retire, or hold for a few more months and retire your whole family and make generational wealth. But I agree that OP should have been cashing out in safe increments

>> No.52518620

>why didn't you tell me
nigger we were blasting /biz/ everyday with spoonfeeding threads and memes where were you, and in 2019 I swung on Fantom myself and wish I kept the huge fantom stack bought in idex, would've been worth like 50 mil at the top in 2021 and I would've certainly sold

>> No.52518657

every single modern supercar is automatic you imbecile, do you think you're cooler because you shift gears in your honda civic?

>> No.52518673

Damn nice. My average is like $10

>> No.52518691

That would have been crazy
I'm a newerfag
Came when the anon called the sharp drop from the first ATH in 2021 thinking this board was full of insider knowledge

Since discovered it's mostly shills and morons

>> No.52518708

How much did you actually manage to cash out in USD?

>> No.52518819


>> No.52520179

>international athlete
>30% bodyfat

>> No.52520210

>some people are worried about taxes and keep procrastinating on the problem
crypto to crypto transactions are taxable. these morons SHOULD be worried already lmao.

>> No.52520489


>> No.52520519
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>> No.52520564

im in


>> No.52520584

I'm not sure which would make you bigger loser.

a) being a Pajeet shilling some whatever coin.

b) this being real and you being a fat and pathetic poor who just rented those cars for 6 months before having to dump them back into market.

The pajeet actually has a better chance of making it.

>> No.52520595

>Honestly dude, there's slim chance crypto will pump again.
Wow you're new

>> No.52520611 [DELETED] 

LOL. I can't believe the TOP system in this WORLD! So-called Bspin.

>Strong casino with a BTC as the playing currency
>On going giveaway with $15,000 prize pool.
>Huge amount of partnerships and funders.

>> No.52520644


>> No.52520740

Yeah investment will definitely be fiats in the future but nothing happening in this shit eco imo

>> No.52520828


>> No.52521102

Same guy will be FOMOing hard when it ticks up past 50k.

>> No.52521132

HODL anon. It's safer.

>> No.52521616

>because you're lazy, arrogant, and have no drive to succeed.
didnt you just say you sleep for hours to make days go by faster kek

>> No.52522525

price prediction

>> No.52522541

what should i be buying rn to become wealthy in a few years anon? any moon boy plays

>> No.52522620

bro just sell your shitty ftm tokens and go all in on matic, it's the only coin on the market that is CLEARLY headed into 2023 strong as fuck and ahead in every race, from defi, to zkevm, it's got the whole market beat.

>> No.52522656
File: 88 KB, 859x1024, Women_Hate_How_Little_It_Takes_For_Us_To_Be_Happy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Idiot, should have purchased a Tesla model X plaid... it would have appreciated in value

>> No.52523725

Bro.....you are pathetic.....that is an unironically pathetic existence. You have no purpose, no skills, no identity, no wife or kids. What value do you bring? Time to look yourself in the mirror.

>> No.52523764

Lololol. Time to acquire some real world skills and become a man. You're so blind you can't see that your answers to this AMA reveal you as the biggest nignog on the planet. You. Are. Pathetic.

>> No.52523880

I know this is my 3rd post but the more I read the more I am in awe of your utter delusion. I'm telling you this because you need to hear it. You. Got. Lucky. and if FTM pumps anywhere its previous ATH, that will be luck too. You did not acquire that amount of money based upon skill. Had you, you would not have lost it. It was simply gambling.

To sit there and sleep 85% of your day away in some sort of hibernation until the next bull run, that may or may not come, and if and when it does come, may not result in a FTM pump, is utter disgrace and dishonor to your ancestors and family name. Which brings me to my next point, let me guess, your dad wasn't around when you were a kid? Right? Because clearly, no one taught you how a man with honor behaves.

>> No.52523899

Stop punctuating fucking every word you absolute nigger this board needs fucking flags and phoneposting/proxy bans so god damn badly it hurts.

>> No.52524671

>post proof ob being rich with a corvette and 2010 dp
>is a she in the passenger seat


>> No.52525063
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>> No.52525807

It almost killed me. Hold and don't give up.

>> No.52525893

My wife told me today that I’m not getting a corvette. As if it was ridiculous that I want one

>> No.52526487

cause they're shitty cars

>> No.52526622

Just forget about it for a year, continue waging and DCA on Bitcoin and a promising shitcoin.

>> No.52527191
File: 327 KB, 750x1077, 287FF9F9-97C1-4A56-A8E1-8394B0174BC6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You went through what most first timers went through. The old “don’t wanna pay capital gains tax” is common place for first cycles.

I did the same in 2017 but didn’t have as much as you. I went from 140k down to 9k…then bounced around 20-50k for the bear. It was tough but I promise you it’s what we all go through the first time. This lesson helped me during this bear

During the bull I had 4.5 million. I also had 100k FTM and planned on selling my stack at 9. We had Andre and Dani…things were looking good…until it all went to shit. I’m pretty sure Andre and Dani dumped their entire stack on us.

Anyways it’ll come back to new heights next cycle. You just have to be patient and you can’t walk away from the space.

All my other friends in walked away in 2018 and I stayed with it and now I have my house paid off and 600k that I’m building up for next cycle. I should reach 5 million again by 2025.

You flew higher than most. You’ll get there again. Keep at it

>> No.52527330

how old are you?

>> No.52527358

Found the faggot flat lander who doesn’t know how to drive properly on windy mountain roads

>> No.52527436

I’m old. 40

>> No.52527720

Everyone in this thread is delusional. The biggest catalyst for any growth or 100-200% daily gains will be mainstream adoption.
People will be highly skeptical investing in this space after over 10+ years of zero adoption.

>> No.52529223

I also made a shitton off FTM and QNT and went from 3M down to about 200k now. It was my first full cycle, I'm still in it with 6 figs and going to take profits properly next time. I've learned a lot of lessons on the way down. It seems like the most common story in crypto among the mega whales who've made it, took a couple cycles to learn all the lessons and stop bleeding during bear markets.

>> No.52529867

OP, it's okay you have learned from this.
Only thing you are doing wrong right now is, selling your crypto to feed yourself and care for your grandma.
You should consider doing ride-share for now to keep yourself afloat till the market work itself out. It would help you take care of your grandma and gvine you a few extra cash to invest.

>> No.52530148

How does your grandma (presumably a boomer who could buy a house for 10k) need 3.5k a month? I have a family and we spend less than 1k each month. I live in western Europe and land is far cheaper in the US. If I had just 100k, I'd never work again in my life.

>> No.52530180
File: 28 KB, 640x516, 1668941487373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I generally don't believe in the mental illness
>I will lie in bed for probably 5 hours just existing
Probably one of the funniest things Ive read on 4chan in a long time kek

>> No.52530325

He's got a nigger brain anon, actually rich people take profit, fucking retards think their luck is a special skill and will just continue forever

>> No.52530421

You made the thread faggot, set up an onlyfans for your granny and she can support you instead

>> No.52530444

IDK, my BFF Jill?

>> No.52530447

How do I profit from this?

>> No.52530484
File: 3.00 MB, 3678x2511, alien harveters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could it have been Houston? Read this shit

>> No.52530495
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pt 2

>> No.52530505
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pt 3

>> No.52530533

lmao, lucking out on a gamble and then losing everything is not success nigger, its just luck

>> No.52530575 [DELETED] 

self made

touch grass bro you just won the lottery

>> No.52530703


He should goto the gas station and buy some more lotto tickets.

>> No.52530720

He's literally a simp for his granny, I bet she doesn't contribute ne penny to her retirement

>> No.52530773

Thanks for sharing. I'm learning the hard lessons now from this cycle. What do you recommend now for 2023? Just keep holding or move some to cash and dca?

>> No.52530783

Grandma's are the best so there is no better women to simp for

>> No.52530849

Grandmas whose retirement plan is draining their grandchildren dry are in fact the worst anon, they are literally what is wrong with the world

>> No.52530858

I'm sorry your grandma didn't love you anon

>> No.52530862

this is what happens to all poor people that win/steal money
look at lottery winners.

>> No.52530871

>didn’t sell above $3 like everyone that actually left /biz/ and made it
like you say you’re a total loser ftm won’t be around for the next pump market it does like all ponzi scams when the team sold and left

>> No.52530887

why do you think most big ftm personalities aren’t around anymore?

even their social media people left and others stopped covering it it’s a ponzi

>> No.52530953

My grandmothers had pensions for themselves and their husbands who worked and never required to be supported by their grandchildren anon, they weren't american so they weren't just worthless old whores with five ex-husbands spending all the inheritance on goyslop and holidays. I'm sorry your country is such a jewified shithole that you think that's normal

>> No.52530996

there is always a bigger fish in the sea anon. shouldve taken yiur 1M and ran

>> No.52531032

because they killed themselves, female to male trannies suicide ratio is like 50%

>> No.52531035

I'm sorry your grandma didn't love you anon

>> No.52531148

>is such a chump he will simp for literally any pussy available, even the old whore who sold his future down the river
>seethes that other people actually had functional families that didn't leave them in generational debt in a banana republic that is now 40% white
You are projecting anon, you have never and will never experience love from the SSRI addled sluts that won't even reply to you on tinder, your whore of a grandmother was no better, she wouldn't have swiped on you either. Work harder and maybe one of the sluts will let you pay for her offspring

>> No.52531180

> You are projecting anon

>> No.52531191

Pretty rational purchase desu. Spending more than 2% of your entire networth on a toy is retarded.

>> No.52531290

> complaining about Link when Link is the very reason why FTM hit the ATH it did.

I was going to recommend something but please anon, make sure you're in FTM by the end of the year. Please do.

>> No.52531333

>Thought it was cool some random anon got a McLaren.
Now that I think about it, what random anon would be shallow enough to pick up a sportscar?

>> No.52531556

I appreciate the reference

>> No.52531817

>man worth $10M chooses to be a rentoid
>doesn't know how to cash out into less speculative investments before an obvious bear market

>> No.52531980

Based. My dad has a C7 Z06 autotragic. Fucking thing is always upshifting. In 8th gear at 1500 rpm at 60 mph. You can't hear the supercharger or the exhaust when it does that. Fucking soulless. I always put it in manual mode and use the flappy paddles to downshift to an appropriate RPM.

>> No.52532093



>> No.52532105


>> No.52532115

I'm not super interested in talking much atm because there's a glownigger lurking around outside this thread but it's very possible it was Texas I live two states right above texas and in my dreams I was facing directly south.

I didn't even consider Texas honestly but it would make more sense geographically to myself.

>> No.52532378

They're DCTs you nigger which are two manuals in one case shifted by paddle shifters.

>> No.52532552

>Not being a 100% bought-in system shill

Into the trash it goes

Also, OP, check out Alpaca Finance. I'm a CAKE/BNB guy but they have leveraged farming on Fantom as well.

>> No.52532985

similar situation, except for me the top was only $850k, and now i have sub 6 figures. i quit my job at the top expecting the bull to keep going for a while longer, and was going to search for a good exit to cash out half. Turned out we started dumping literally the day after i quit working and i was too stubborn to ever cash out. still not working. supporting a family on my meager crypto stack. i'm like 1/3 of the way through it now, and will probably have to get a job soon. fml, /blog

>> No.52533047
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>do you think you're cooler because you shift gears in your honda civic?
Tacoma, but yes.

>> No.52533140

Same situation
But umm you need to start working now to preserve your stack
This is the worst time to be pulling from it

We will get back there next run

>> No.52533236

i know bro, i'm brushing up on my tech knowledge and getting a few more certs before i start the real application process. Basically using that as my excuse to continue taking it easy through the holidays with my family. Another huge dump would be extremely painful for me, but my portfolio is already down 90%, which in the past has been a bottom signal. i am hoping that is the case now.

>> No.52533305

Same. I'm prepared mentally in case we do get one more big dump. We are close

>> No.52534160
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>ITT: Autistic retards who got lucky on gambling regret not cashing out
Your coping sounds exactly like many of the faggots in my city (Vegas) who drop their paychecks into slots every 2 weeks

>> No.52534204

Some lessons I learned from 2018-2019

1) don’t leave the space during the winter. Keep watching and pay attention. This is actually easier this time around because there is so much news (Instagram, reddit, Nike, fidelity, etc). In 2019 it was just dead.

2) if you’re a wagie like me keep DCAIng into your favorite projects during the bear. The good ones are easy to spot in the winter. Just look at how much good news LINK ETH and MATIC have coming out.

3) reduce risk. Self custody as much as possible. Reduce smart contract risk (so remove tokens from DeFi protocols, LP positions, bridge back to main chain to remove bridging risk). Unless the APY is greater than 10% I think it’s not worth the risk. Don’t leverage trade. This is how you “survive the winter”

4) you’ll be able to “spot” the next bull run coming. Prices get better and the space becomes more exciting the closer we get to the next halving. Begin adjusting your risk profile

4) at this point I usually start looking towards accumulating make it stacks of new projects that are low cap or moonshot category (sub 10 million market cap fully diluted).

5) this lesson is the hardest and I haven’t done it well, but take profits from any moonshots back into ETH. I typically will watch a moonshot go 25x, think it can go 100x, and then watch as my profits evaporate. Next cycle I’m going to just take 50% out any time a project 10x and put that back into ETH

6) DCA out back into cash. I did this poorly too and paid off my house after my stack fell from 4.5 to 2 million. I should have been taking profits when Chainlink org and the Ethereum foundation sold. They know how to time it better

Overall, losing everything thickens your skin for the next winter. This one doesn’t seem as bad to me because I already lost everything once. It’s true when they say that the losses you have in the first cycle are your “tuition”.

>> No.52534386
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You fucked it all up by not taking profits. I learned this early in the game. Have a clique of smart traders to connect with and share ideas. I and folks keep our minds and communication fresh by organizing constant game nights on GameStar+. You will learn a lot from others, never isolate yourself in this space if you want to make it.

>> No.52534421

Post a picture of your cock

>> No.52534445

DCA into AVAX instead. With it being tipped to be the next top gaming project, there are a lot of gaming projects there to also keep an eye on.

>> No.52534457

Makes a lot of sense. I'm saving this to read periodically. Thanks again anon

>> No.52534496

remember anons, greed is good but too much greed is not good.

>> No.52534613

>When I'm right I'm going to enjoy every bit of my beautiful life I built, all while you're crying and STILL poor because you're lazy, arrogant, and have no drive to succeed
haha holy fuck hes doubling down! i dont know anything about you or your incredibly faggoty story, but you are definitely a total loser and will always remain one


>> No.52534811


because 99% of people who "Make it" in crypto (Like OP) have no actual business having wealth. They didn't get it from being intelligent or creative, but simply lucky. It's the same reason people who win the lottery end up broke in a couple years.

>> No.52534858


>every single modern supercar is automatic


A ZL1 smokes the vette and comes in manual. GT350 does as well depending on your trim

>> No.52535140

2010 is a shit year, faggot.

>> No.52535329

Get a job, wagecucking is not that bad

>> No.52535334

>I still believe in the tech
you're emotional and ngmi

>> No.52535350

>there are a lot of gaming projects

>> No.52535437

So my question would be... are you actually a dude? Because your hands look like from a whale cow

>> No.52535913
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why are retards telling people to buy FTM ???

have they not seen the chart?
If someone told you to buy and you are reading this please don’t
it’s a ponzi check this out https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/fantom/

>> No.52536422
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I feel you man.
>had 160 btc at one point
>listened to tone vays after the crash
>sold at 3000, believing we were headed to 1500
>waited way too long and jumped back in at 12000
>lost like 15btc after aping into bytecoin and getting rugged
>got into harmony one and traded my way up to 20mil tokens and toured europe for a month without really looking at charts
>held it for like 18 months as it kept dipping, and eventually sold it for like 70k. within 3-4 weeks, the same stack would have been about 2mil
>made a few good trades on bog, and shib and was back to about 350k, then held shib as it plummeted
>still trading my way out of that fiasco.

>> No.52537062

Sorry was away and needed time to read this.
Absolutely spot on and I saw this all in my dream short of the actual enemy that was shrouded.
I saw what looked like ships being hidden in the clouds and they weren't alien they were giant war blimps, I later saw Lockheed had made this exact blimp that I saw in my dreams except it was a prototype, I shit you not nothing I'm saying here is a larp.

The orbs in my dream did appear to be dismantling mammalian species specifically and ignoring the natural environment.

If people are taken by these orbs then I know in my dream me and most other people aren't and we end up staying and fighting for our lives.
The dreams I had took place over the course of a year and picked up about once every three months finalizing in the ending where I saw the orbs.
Funny enough there's some "meme" of garfield knocking over some orb that rips time and space, this blew my mind and I can only find the image first posted in 2018 it's like someone saw what I said and made some obscure meme about it, or a shared vision of some type it's all too much of a coincidence.

The bomb I saw going off I only said could be florida because it's south of me.

But interestingly the gulf of mexico/texas is directly south of me to the point on that map you showed, I didn't even consider texas for some reason but it would be placed precisely there if I was to go directly south of where I saw standing at the time in my dream.

The "blimps" looked like giant floating cities but I knew this wasn't some alien invasion this was all planned to a certain extent and we've been building everything I saw over this last decade which tells me a lot.

It could be "aliens" although if aliens exist they are some version of us that is thousands of years beyond our evolution at least that's what makes rational sense to my mind.

The fact me and others have had a shared vision around the same time tells me either we are in a simulation or some

>> No.52537141

Some kind of divine entity is planting these future memories in our heads so we can collectively prepare to fight whatevers coming.
Those posts make sense I knew as an early child we likely did have an evolved version of humans at some time on this planet and we are much dumber than our ancestors, if we are a farm planet then we have to wake up.

I believe crypto was a way to spiritually drain us and weaken us and have us infighting before the big event so we can't have a collective force to buffer the coming changes.

I wish I was healthy and had the resources to prepare but I'm going to work again god willing and instead of investing I'm going to save as much as possible to get my guns back and get ready to protect my family.
I think we will see some massive major event this year, I always knew when this happens it will occur in the start/deepest part of winter which is usually December but considering he said it wasn't December/Christmas then likely the new year which again 2023 my old home number, it was telling me from the start as a child when the end would begin.

I was always cynical as a kid like I knew this wasn't my first time here, and while all the children were happy and laughing even older than me most my friends were three years older, I was very cynical and upset that I had returned here.

Once I started speaking like an adult at 6 the schools didn't know what to do with me so they locked me into a room, I believe the elite use the schools to single out future threats and try to scramble their minds/health so they are neutered to help others like they are called to do.

>> No.52537787
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newfag cope. i had 50 BTC which i bought @ 8$ in 2012 and sold them @ 12$ --> profit 200$

then i bought 100 ETH and 100 XMR for like 2$/each and sold them for 4$ --> profit 200$

then i almost bought 100 000XRP @ 0,005$ but i only bought 10 000XRP, but bought 100 000 XRP more @ 0,20$ and holding them since.

i also had 100 000 FTM and sold them at 0,07$

but now i only have 100 000 XRP and some other shitcoins and now i'm just holding.

it's only money, tho. but definetly it has affected to my mental health as i've been drinking heavily since i sold my BTC. also think i have ADHD but now i'm just holding everyhing i have, my 100k XRP and 1000ICP it's all i have left.

>> No.52538010


>> No.52538043


>> No.52538065

I'm down like 30 million this year, but I still have like 30 million

how fucking dumb are you

>> No.52538117

>im down 10 million
why do you think i have questions for a loser? what can you teach me? how to lose 10 million in a year?

>> No.52538355

Thanks for a very constructive advice. how would you approach investing with 7-10k? Is it even possible for me to get to 6 figures with that? I thought BTC, ETH and what you said in point 4 about new projects

>> No.52538392

Retards like OP believe they're fucking geneius during a bear market and become greedy thinking they can turn the 2 millions to 10.

>> No.52538429

>i believe in the tech

kek, baggie.

>> No.52539895


he will teach you to suck cocks for 15 dollars under the Queensboro bridge

>> No.52539911
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Imagine still trading and not fucking off and living your best life after the first few million.

KYS faggot

>> No.52540961

The gaming sector is gaining adiption in the crypto space anon. my attention has been caught by a platform that uses VR glasses to give backseat passengers on car rides the gaming and memetaverse experience for entertainment

>> No.52542381

Yeah uhh What's it like being fat? Lttle fatty mcfatso. FATTY MC JIGGLE BUTT!!! CHUNK OF BLUBBY WUBBIEZ. I hope u die in a car crash u fat peice of shit!!!

>> No.52542752

>reduce risk. Self custody as much as possible. Reduce smart contract risk

Important tips to note if you want to stand the test of time in the crypto space, quite advisable to make use of middlewares like SpoolFi to achieve this.

>> No.52543219

What is this picture from

>> No.52543232
File: 444 KB, 1059x1069, Screenshot_20221120-204446_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Normies can't understand the thrill of pinning the weasel. Night spent chasing an over amphetamined Caroline around the bean bag forts. Her squealing and gibbering, pouring sweat and on the verge of seizing. Your friends build up an intoxicating, delerious state with Talmudic chantings at the sidelines, hitting the Caroline-toy with brooms if she tries to escape. Sam would be giggling and laughing as the waves of methamphetamine pleasure seem to harmonize with the droning herbrew verses. He runs through the bean bag maze fat and portly, with his viagra powered penis a divining rod for the weasel. Sweat gushing down his face around his unfocused eyes he laughs and chortles until he gasps "Found you!". The Mathsweasel screeches defensively but Wankman Bankman is upon her in seconds. His penis thrusting blindly into her flank, leg, stomach and ribs unconcerned about anything but the motion. Eventually serendepity finds her mouth and the Cocktube Rodent is placated, suckling contently on Bankman's dehydrated dick. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1vAqaUwLg7g

>> No.52543271

the only way people earned this type of money is by the risk management that cost them all of it. any sane person would sell well before 1000x profits, under the principle they could make that profit again somewhere else.
this is like the lazy investment strategy. never adapting, put money in, never sell, always goes up. that doesn't really work though, hence what we're seeing in crypto now.
i do not regret missing out buying bitcoin for two reasons. one it's useless as a general currency exchange, shown by the technical/financial risk that has wrecked all these exchanges (mt gox lol). the second is that if i made 100x i would have sold half, then at 1000x sold half again, because the only way to get rich like this so quick is to have absolutely no risk management and refuse to sell.
we're gonna remember this shit like the roaring 20s and stocks rofl

>> No.52543348

based. i vow to pin the weasel some day.

>> No.52543360
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Holy shit you guys are so fucking dramatic. Your corvette is gay, mclaren legit. Anon, hopefully you learned a valuable life lesson about staying away from these crypto fag groups. They are toxic and that energy will spill over into your life.

I was far from your level, but close to 1 mil. Thing is, I have a tradie job that pays well. I have a 6 speed bmw m3, a jdm car that appreciates, and a “race” project car. I only cashEd out about 30k. Current crypto worth is sub 6 figures.

Still work, and started accumulating again. I am 15k in debt now after having close to a mil.

God speed OP, you seem like a young nigga who was not prepared for what came. Take care of your grandma (I can relate highly). Grow away from social media and toxic crypto fags. Take up an instrument. Get sun, keep exercising. And stay up.

Also, get the fuck out of those shit coins. Btc/eth/link/matic are the only shit you should be holding. You don’t need moon shots, just time. Link is likely the best to hold in bear market.

>> No.52543375

i dont think the guy in the corvette gives a single fuck what the pleb in his poor-mobile thinks of him

>> No.52543397
File: 334 KB, 1280x958, 4B53549F-796D-49BE-BB14-31EB0B51D53D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A mclaren is the only acceptable “super car” that isn’t over a mil. Real thugs roll around in 6 speed bmw sedans, and manual Porsches, and old school cars they could only drive in gran tourismo that appreciate in value.

>> No.52543399
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>based transmission
>based color

>> No.52543456
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>> No.52543479

Ty anon. I’m sure /biz will think it’s a gay color, it is the best and most valuable combo in a f80. I also specifically sought out cloth seats and a totally base model besides the competition package

I get triggered by new car fags. But I am a late 30s boomer who has never owned an automatic car even in burgerstan. All my cars see the road course of drag strip. I build motors and do ecu re-mapping my self as well. As you can tell it brings me pride.

God speed all you broke niggers. I went from working 50 hours a week, to 20 a week for a year and some change. “Semi-retired”. I am back to 50hr a week getting overtime, paying off my debt and dca’ing every week.

I Am grateful for the life lesson, I am grateful for the time to improve my self and some of my vices that wouldn’t have self destructed me had i quit my job.

>> No.52543554

>DCA into AVAX instead.

Done that already, focused on projects building on Avalanche now with AllianceBlock being top on my radar.

>> No.52543611

Thought to check out Morphswap DEX and Token? No VC money, launched month or 2 or go, having a good run right now considering. Small MC and 100m max tokens. Morphswap Dex looking like possibly the future of a CEX-free market, as you can swap any token on any chain (as long as there’s liquidity) to any token on any other chain natively. BTC chain integration looking like end of this month/early next and has been tested, which is a huge plus. Monero integration coming soon as well. No more need for CEX’s to swap ETH to BTC very soon is gonna be unreal.

>> No.52543662
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Stop trying to be smarter than everybody for an extra possible 40% in gains I caught the tail end 2 cycles ago and the OG boomer fags were right.

I am 98% in link. Starting to grab GNS.

>> No.52543718

How do you currently swap your Link to BTC/ETH/MATIC or whatever, if you wanted too, in all their native forms without using a CEX.
I understand exactly where you’re coming from, and am not a fan of shitcoins at all, but trust in CEX’s is currently low as fuck. The ability to swap your crypto chain to chain natively while staying off a CEX and keeping your coins in your own wallet is the future. And can do this right now bar BTC, but that’s close.
Morphswap has a use case and probably works, and right now it’s something the crypto space needs.

>> No.52543804
File: 47 KB, 640x480, 717926D1-F2E0-45A6-A7EE-633539CC1FA4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is the future
>the vast majority of people still hold crypto on coinbase

What is wirh deeper understanding need to realize more often than not, is most of this shit is unnecessary

>kucoin Has fairly high withdraw rates via a vpn as non burger. No KYC
>there are dex’s you can use, wirh big money, slippage can be an issue
>just use a fucking cex. I use kraken to onboard/off board. I filed my taxes for last year (didn’t have to pay shit on 30k as my wife and i fell under the 160 total income of whatever the long term capital gain rule was.

When you are dealing with large amounts of money, just use A cex slowly. Give the kikes their 20%, and live knowing your Rich’s are tax cleaned.

You don’t need to trust a cex. Send 10%, use exhange, withdraw back into cold storage.

If only there was. Crypto coming out with revolutionary cross chain interoperability solution releasing in the coming months.

>> No.52543906
File: 292 KB, 1280x958, E998B58F-3DE4-4287-8F5D-AE021C9BFF24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To add, this “use case” you speak of would not be something I, of any if my cryoto peers would use. Tnh this reminds me of atomic swaps. Another fad. Companies and normies use a cex, crypto fags use dex’s. As. Westerner you will not avoid a cex if you want to cash out USD. and why would you?

The other option is to buy gold bullion with btc and get to know your local coin shop. Wirh premiums you will taken a 10% or so haircut, better than 20% filing for long term capital gains

You have been in this market long enough to know enerything is a meme. You also have the option of opening up an llc and getting a business level Accoung in kraken ect.

Picrel is a sam5 ak I am liquidating to get some vacation cash and buy some more link. Weird feeling. Good luck fren

>> No.52544518

at least you still have liquidity
im in debt
goodluck OP

>> No.52544560

How the fuck is this thread still up