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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 265 KB, 1280x960, F3080435-D0FD-42D0-836B-8A9FC358E7C1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52500243 No.52500243 [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys, I’m the anon from
this >>52496583 thread.
My cat Beefy is gone.
He wasn’t looking any worse or showing more symptoms, but about 2 hours ago he started limping way worse, and starting meowing funny, fast forward and he stops moving. It’s been 14 minutes and he’s completely limp & cold. Seriously thinking of killing myself. I hate this fucking world so, so much.

>> No.52500255

And Ik this thread isn’t exactly ‘on topic’ but I figured somebody would want to know.

>> No.52500264

Don't care. Fuck furries.

>> No.52500298 [DELETED] 
File: 1.94 MB, 4000x3000, Fuckoff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off dude he's still alive how old are you?
Some zoomer faggot who made the thread I posted in about my cat is now spamming the catalog with cat pictures and apparently now larping as me this is cute.

>> No.52500306


>> No.52500311

why the fuck are you larping as me in my own thread? what the fuck did i even do to you? fuck off, seriously. maybe one day you’ll lose a pet and know how it feels.

>> No.52500322 [DELETED] 
File: 1.87 MB, 4000x3000, TunaSleep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No fuck off seriously dude there's maybe 3 people on this board currently and now you're pretending to be me it's very very obvious.
Just clipped this picture from earlier

>> No.52500354

You know what? I hope you DO lose something dear to you someday. Maybe then you’ll learn some fucking empathy. God fuck yourself.

>> No.52500457

All we need is one of you to give a timestamp.

>> No.52500465 [DELETED] 

Dumbass I know it's you I already posted in the same active thread that this is bullshit now jannies do your job.

>> No.52500473

He won’t because he’s a lying schizo loser.
I accept your concession ;)

>> No.52500489 [DELETED] 


You have to be the most pathetic piece of shit to have ever existed, I imagine you must look like some kind of mutated animal from new jersey to be this low, like I said I've seen some low things in my life but larping as someone else who was having a discussion about his dying cat has to take the cake.

>> No.52500507

Rip beefy. All cats go to heaven op.

>> No.52500516

>He won’t because he’s a lying schizo loser.
You won't either.

>> No.52500531 [DELETED] 

This is retarded but go look for yourself I clearly said in that same active thread that this thread is bullshit.
I posted the same picture he used in that same thread here.
Now use your power of deduction when I posted a new picture OP mysteriously doesn't have and use your brain.

>> No.52500545

I’m not gonna be treated like a liar in my own thread about my fucking cat leaving. What are you even asking for? a timestamp next to his body? I don’t care how many threads you make, you’re not going to succeed in goading or ‘trolling’ me.

>> No.52500565 [DELETED] 

Fuck off best case he's attempting to push my buttons which I can only assume I pissed this faggot off.
worst case he's using my dying cat as an excuse to beg for gibs by saying he died and posting a picture I already posted an hour ago as proof.
Either way he's alive and OP go fuck yourself.

>> No.52500588

how old are your cats? mine are about 6-7 old. i wonder for how long they are gonna live. i got 7 of them living with me

>> No.52500611 [DELETED] 

They should be fine he's around eight but was born with infections, his mother named was Gypsy some black cat I found pregnant had a terrible infection in her arm when she had the kittens and it burst, three of the kittens ended up getting the infection and almost killed them, Beef survived his brother died about two years later from a seizure.
I think they were born with some genetic issue because he used to be very healthy and fat and slowly these last few years he got weaker then this year he's looking really bad.
Other anon claimed it was a sinus infection but those would clear up this has been going on awhile it's something deeper.
That being said my oldest cat was 25 when she passed, my childhood cat is about 20 and he was looking rough last year but I was able to bring him back up although his hips are going slowly which isn't a great sign.

If you keep them indoor and feed them good food they should live at least 18 years.

>> No.52500633

Business & Finance

>> No.52500639

good to know.

one of mine was born smaller than the others. she always seemed problematic and i found recently she lost all her teeth, which happens to some of them. she is doing ok. funny thing is that she is the alpha of them all

>> No.52500679 [DELETED] 

Keep an eye on that he had tooth problems as a kitten which made me wonder if he had oral cancer.
But I got a few older cats who lost some teeth and didn't seem to effect their health.
I had my older cats molar just plop off onto my lap once it was pretty gross but the tooth looked fine.
Cats are based, op however is a massive faggot.

I've got two munchkin kittens as well they are tiny about the size of a 6 month old kitten but both are two years old they are the sisters of my cat who got killed in the road a few weeks back, they are pretty damn cute.

>> No.52500729

sometimes i find some teeth around but she lost all of them. thought it was over for her but they manage to live just as fine. quite a few anedoctes on the internet about same thing. her salliva was always worse than the others in smell.

i have one that is literally low IQ. recently another appeared with a very ugly corneal ulcer but he's already fine.

i hope that by making it i'll be able to afford quality wet food though, as i can only feed them dry food. (i got them from the streets)

>> No.52500763

>takes side arm from back of shorts and empties magazine into sky
Peace out yo beefy

>> No.52500764 [DELETED] 

Don't believe the /biz/ lies about dry food is the only food some male cats need wet food like Beefy he prefers it because they can have crystalization issues with their urine but if you get Iams or something good they won't have any issues.
All my cats found me except for my childhood cat.
And most of my cats who didn't find me were from pregnant mother cats who found me.
I think they know I'm a good owner, I still have an outdoor cat named Yellow big orange guy he's been with me about 11 years couple of his teeth fell out but he has no issues.
Sounds like hers were probably infected and good they came out otherwise could be causing massive amounts of pain when eating.
Get her the kitten food for Iams it breaks up real easily and even without teeth she could probably eat it.

>> No.52500766

Wtf is the cat dead or alive?

>> No.52500774

Sorry to hear man

>> No.52500793 [DELETED] 

He's alive OP is a massive faggot trying to beg for money using my cat's picture from the thread I posted to either annoy me or get money.

>> No.52500800

Rest in piece, Beefy. it's never too late to make the world better for other animals

>> No.52500815

Kill yourself already you fucking stalker. Stop larping as me and pretending my cat isn’t gone. You must have a reaaally pathetic fucking life if this is what you consider amusing.

>> No.52500828 [DELETED] 

This is what happens when /biz/ gets taken over by children.
I feel like I'm playing in a game with thirteen year olds who are laughing hysterically with food flying out of their mouth.

Whatever happens in your life you'll eventually think back to this time and wondered why you decided to be such a shitty person.
My question is what do you gain out of this?

It doesn't bother me that you're trying to annoy me but what would bother me is if you're trying to psyop me and others into giving you money for an animal that you've never even handled or seen when I literally raised this cat and removed his placenta as a kitten.

>> No.52500831


>> No.52500848


>> No.52500890

RIP beefy.
I remember the thread. OP was trying to get gainz for vet bills and seemed like a decent dude with a big heart

>> No.52500892 [DELETED] 

No idea why the threads still up, I proved it with my post in the other thread linking this one to being complete bullshit but if OP comes here pretending to be me when I'm asleep know he's not, he took my picture as a screenshot on his iphone and made about 9 threads with it including two claiming my cat died the other didn't get any responses.

>> No.52500912 [DELETED] 


You can stop pretending now OP.

>> No.52500923 [DELETED] 

Err meant to post this at the top link

>> No.52501291

>the cat a log


>> No.52501388

This is peak bear market content

>> No.52502431

No this is why this board needs mods that range and perma ban trolls and shitposter like OP or just be nuked, there are already 5 /b/ boards

>> No.52502786 [DELETED] 
File: 642 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20221024_191456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the cat dead or not?

>> No.52502825


>> No.52503151

Did jannies just ban based cat anon and let the shitposter off the hook. What a pathetic team of janitors and mods. this board is dead

>> No.52503217

As I told you last night, stop feeding him canned tuna.
They get hooked on it and it’s poisonous if you’re feeding it to him every day.
My cat went through the same thing and when I cut out the canned tuna, she made a full recovery.

I feed her little packets of chicken now, which is the same consistency she as used to with the tuna.

>> No.52503552

I'm sorry about your cat, bro. This isn't the best place to look for empathy, though. Just turn off the screen for a while and mourn him properly.

>> No.52503949

So WTF. Is the cat OK or not?

>> No.52504107

RIP Beefy

>> No.52504471
File: 64 KB, 480x411, 1523539979696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God rest Beefy.

>> No.52504591

They absolutely did the "shitposter" here is obviously part of the janitor team.
/biz/ is dead we have underage tranny jannies allowing shitposting faggots to pretend like they are someone else trying to fuck with people.
OP is a phoneposting nigger as well.

>> No.52504669

so you couldnt sell your pc, phone or anything to stomach a vet bill? instead you just let your cat die a slow death looking at it like "uhhh sorry bro but i need this phone to get karma points on r3ddit"
legit kill yourself you useless subhuman

>> No.52504704

What a confusing saga, what the fuck is happening. Is that a pic in OP of a dead cat? The one on the left?

>> No.52504824

No the cats alive OP is a phoneposting schizophrenic who took the original posters images and started spamming the board with them claiming the cat died.

>> No.52505268


>> No.52505304

Unless you're the same faggot who keeps bumping this scam thread which is really fucking shitty it shouldn't even be up now sincerely kill yourself today.