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52499405 No.52499405 [Reply] [Original]

Someone was dev'ing...

>> No.52499424

imagine dev'ing web2 things

>> No.52499445

imagine encoding and decoding base64 for security

>> No.52499450

Woah, is that visual studio code? You must be a coder. Wow dude.

>> No.52499469

You must be at least 18 years old to post here

>> No.52499473

visual studio cooode

>> No.52499482

next.js isn’t “dev’ing”

>> No.52499489

Add-Type -AssemblyName System.speech
$speak = New-Object System.Speech.Synthesis.SpeechSynthesizer

while($true) {
if (Test-Connection -Count 10000 -quiet) {
$speak.Speak("Buy the dip!") }
else {
$speak.Speak("SELL SELL SELL!") }

>> No.52499500

Web3 will never take off. Too many people will forever associate it with bad words like “blockchain” and “NFTs”

>> No.52499511

Based on the code, probably 46GB+ of npm modules sitting on that box

>> No.52499513
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>> No.52499522

what incentive do normies have to use it?

>> No.52499558

Blockchain. NFTs. Crypto. Metaverse. Web3…

>> No.52499614

> new technology will never take off
Retards throughout history have always thought that way.

>> No.52499624

Survivorship bias.

>> No.52499648

Why is it always lines of text?
Is it really the best abstraction for programming?
Can we swing 3d cubes in VR or something? Seems dated.

>> No.52499660

>he doesn't know

>> No.52499672

Every “visual coding” or “no-code” system I have seen so far is unfortunately just a more convoluted and annoying version of writing lines of text. Basically programming but with more steps.

>> No.52499684

You're right, the average joe with 0 understanding of those things has a vague negative view of them because of twitter and the washington post. Back to the drawing board guys, this blockchain thing just isn't gonna pan out.

>> No.52499699


>> No.52499705

>Not using typescript
>Decoding response before checking if it's okay
>Massively indented
>Using nextjs
>Not abstracting code into their own functions

>> No.52499714


>> No.52499739

this guy knows. i think we've found a rookie sir!
also, frontend dev is pure cuckoldry. backend is where its at.

>> No.52499748

> this blockchain thing just isn't gonna pan out
It already has. And it's only the beginning.

>> No.52499803

what if I hate coding and want to do frontend because it's easier
also doesn't frontend have much more room for freelancing than backend?
t. graduated 6 months ago with cs and still unemployed

>> No.52499920

I mean it can be easier and it can be a lot more difficult, just depends on what youre doing really. I just hate Javascript in general so I find frontend stuff miserable.
I've always worked as a freelancer/contract worker. Most of which were both front and backend, but the last couple years I've managed to only pickup backend roles. Theres a lot more frontend jobs, but also a lot more applicants.
getting your next ones are a hell of a lot easier. Having a nice looking blog/portfolio with some tutorial like posts goes a long way too for landing that first job.
Have you landed any interviews yet?

> t. self taught going on my 5th year now

>> No.52499931

system.out.println("hello world"); or some shit idk

>> No.52499973

why did you major in cs if you hate coding? thats like being a doctor but getting squeamish when seeing blood

>> No.52500013

I could easily write this shit, I just cant think of any cool web3 projects

>> No.52500204

I've had 3 interviews, one being technical. I got BTFO because I didn't know anything but I'm not upset about it. The problem is my resume, it's lackluster and I need to add some projects which I'm working on right now. After I finish those I should have more success getting interviews and then I can work on doing well in them so I can get a job. I might fake job experience because now there's a gap in resume, kek.
It's basically the only major worth the time + money commitment. There's no job with a better ratio of how little work you do/money you get paid. I don't plan on being a programmer forever but how I see it it's the best wagie job there is. Hating coding was an overstatement, I'm indifferent to it. More like I find it boring. At worst I have a decently paying codenigger job that covers my expenses.

>> No.52500261

I got lucky and I've only had 1 technical interview leetcode style and I failed it. Every other job I've had the interviews were more or less small talk and then talking about coding stuff i was interested in.
Not sure where youre at or what youre looking for, but I've had good success with some smaller local businesses. My main job now is doing work for a small warehousing company that luckily has been growing a lot since the pandemic. I've also done some small projects for doctors offices, a local online news business, and a local music shop.
Some of those didnt pay the best, but it got me experience that helped me land other better paying contracts.

>> No.52500269

back to /g/ nerd

>> No.52500310

the real reason is you can't copy paste 3d cubes from stackoverflow. A billion roasties would get fired on the spot.

>> No.52500340

I just thought of some new slang.
People used to say something like "go soak your head" or "go fuck yourself". How about "go call a method".

>> No.52500369

yeah I'd much rather work at a small company over some FAGMAN corp. Hoping to land anything though and finally start getting some cash flow. I haven't put in nearly enough effort into looking for a job ever since I graduated, basically been enjoying my NEETdom playing videogames like its high school. But enough is enough, I can't waste my time forever.

>> No.52500392

Can you fags please work on your fud? Like I get it's a bear market and sentiment is low now but you have to put more effort into it than this. I have wasted so much time reading fud that's not even decent. You guys can do better.

>> No.52500399
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I'm also slapping together code to have an MVP to show.

>> No.52500483

I could easily think of some cool web3 projects, I just can't code that shit

>> No.52500536
File: 1.25 MB, 854x480, [L2JS] Antharas Test 01-eksIn3pAOlQ.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not even typescript

>> No.52500559

Here you go https://esolangs.org/wiki/Piet

>> No.52500680

give me some ideas so I can start and never finish another project

>> No.52501296

itll just be considered the internet

>> No.52501472

>Im devving


>> No.52502021
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Although I don't have any experience with it, I can recall that the Xpress team hired developers to improve their one-stop shop and expand their network. Dev things.

>> No.52502070
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> js
> not jsx
> not typescript
> this is your average learn to code monkey

>> No.52502078

I've programmed several high end projects but I am too embarrased and socially akward to put them on the internet/blockchain

>> No.52502198

>weak hands
post your onions

>> No.52502218


>> No.52502240
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Jeet tier shit or masochistic faggot.

>> No.52502261

Daam I love a nice backend

>> No.52502283


>> No.52502324

first line i read is dogshit, line 140 fixed:
>const _singer = signer ?? await connect()

>> No.52502348

Lol at all the retards in this thread seething about next.js and js in general
>front end bad
>js bad
>next bad
>backend good
Literally R*ddit tier programming discourse

>> No.52502351

programming time

>> No.52502435

Javascript is a subset of Typescript. Imagine being given all the tools to succeed and still act retarded.

>> No.52502444

Imagine have a real job

>> No.52502476

Ok have dm fun staying poor aspie

>> No.52502482

No shit moron, I write typescript everyday, but there’s still plenty of jobs writing new code in js and some people prefer the flexibility of a dynamic typing systems. It’s not automatically bad to write vanilla js just because typescript exists. Thinking so is the mark of a novice. Good code is code that’s readable and works, language circlejerks are childish and pathetic. The vast majority of people doing so like yourself probably don’t even code much.

>> No.52502499

Here we are for another episode of:
>Juniors trying to act like real developers
In this episode, we'll see:
>pajeet level code hygiene
>worst practices in the field
>meaningless wagies trying to justify their shitty life choices

>> No.52502559

TS is unsound.
> as any
And people pretend that this language helps to avoid bugs, lmao.

>> No.52502565


>> No.52502581 [DELETED] 

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>> No.52502655
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It always amazes me that so many people know this stuff.

>> No.52504496


> frontend
> easier

Dude you must not have done much backend. I've been doing frontend for years, started doing fullstack this year and holy fuck, the backend portion feels like Piccolo taking off his weighted cape.

It's just logic and CRUD, no CSS dark magic, no browser compatibility issues, no worrying about responsiveness, much slower churn of constantly evolving libraries and tools.

>> No.52505036

>the internet will never take off too many people associate it with bad words like "crypto" and "viruses"

>> No.52505105

this. been neet for 2 years last couple of months was tough and a week ago i more or less randomly inherent a cool 6 figure sum. i keep calculating how long different types of wagies take to earn it with their wage. fuckin years dude. decades even haha

>> No.52505136

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>> No.52505174

Only Rust programmers can call themselves developers, rest all are script kids or autistic boomers

>> No.52505328

>no semicolons on some lines.
>semicolons on others.
Either use them properly or don't use them at all.

>> No.52505381
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While you were "dev'ing", I was studying the blade