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52498770 No.52498770 [Reply] [Original]

>restoring my metamask seed
>accidentally type "bike" as "hike"
>accessed someone else's wallet
How are seed phrases even supposed to be safe..?

>> No.52498841

Ackshually "hike" isn't a BIP-39 word. The words were chosen in a way to prevent confusions like this.

>> No.52498853

"like" is though.. I guess they weren't perfect

>> No.52498856 [DELETED] 

i have a small penis and medium sized balls. and i feel uncomfortable being naked in front of women so i always turn out the lights and quickly put a condom on and finish quick and put my underwear back on. ive never had a gf very long and i think thats why : (

>> No.52498879

hi guys

>> No.52498913

>accessed someone else's wallet
only a mathlet would believe something this retarded

>> No.52498946

More likely OP accessed an unused wallet and thought it's someone else's. Or just shitposting the same old jokes.

>> No.52498974


>> No.52498983

i have been generating new wallets instead of mining for over a year now and i know it will make me more than mining ever could, pray i wont find your wallet.

>> No.52499007


>> No.52499236

do you think *ike is one too?

>> No.52500942
File: 127 KB, 951x1280, 1651731994602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ticker: BITCOIN is always SAFU.
one year anniversary bitch

>> No.52500950

may i see? i wont laugh or judge you :)

>> No.52501634

I typed 'kike' 24 times and accidentally hacked FTX.

>> No.52501678

Hi lol

>> No.52501686


>> No.52501701

what are you using to generate wallets?
if you're doing this, what makes you think others aren't also doing it and will ensnare you in their ploy?

>> No.52501715


>> No.52501716

Someone should create a pol seed word set kek

kike nigger tranny janny polack

It shall be named POL-39

>> No.52501721

dude just generate wallet keys over and over and youll eventually find someones who has money in it@@@!!!!!

also buy lottery tickets

>> No.52501730

ok this would ok this is this would be epic i think

>> No.52502026

whatsup big boy?

>> No.52504181

Hiya, pal

>> No.52504210
File: 60 KB, 788x745, 1649350978142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey fren