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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52488751 No.52488751 [Reply] [Original]

Has /biz/ avoided the FTX rugpull because of antisemitism?

>> No.52488778

not because of antisemitism, but because i am a careful investor.

>> No.52488779

frequently used ftx to bridge between solana and eth but never traded on there due to predatory market makers (alameda)

>> No.52488784 [DELETED] 

With Jews, you lose.

Reminder the head of Celsius was also a Jew.

>> No.52488792

this desu
but also antisemitism

>> No.52488825
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I avoided it because of anti semitism and because I only use DeFi on Avalanche.

>> No.52488834


>> No.52488843 [DELETED] 
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>not because of antisemitism

go back kike rat

>> No.52488871

lol. I'm not Jewish

>> No.52488880

Yes. Once in a while we chuds do the right thing.

>> No.52488894 [DELETED] 

Yep, got into an argument with someone the other day about why I didn't invest in FTX but he did (and lost like 90% of his six figure gains after 2021).

Dude called me a racist and just I said that I may be racist but i still have all my money and you're broke.

I think that friendship is over

>> No.52488896

Shabbos goy is even worse

>> No.52488902 [DELETED] 



Always be careful when dealing with jewish, chinese, indian and third world businesses in general.

Greedy people are not to be trusted and you have to be very sceptical of the intentions of poor people.

>> No.52488912 [DELETED] 

Yes, fuck jews.

t. unmutilated penis

>> No.52488922 [DELETED] 

I knew Sam was a scammer as soon as I saw his ugly Jewish mug.

My kike detector is 100% accurate.

>> No.52488941

I never heard of FTX... Don't care

>> No.52488953

I'm Jewish but I was fine because I don't trust offshore centralized institutions in general regardless of who owns them.

Your friend is correct and is right to drop you as a friend. If you can't see how this is silly, on net, you're just dumb. Your friend is also dumb, but for separate reasons.

>> No.52488986 [DELETED] 

Why do jews get a specific category for grief against em? 'Antisemitic'
Not bunched in with racism, they need their very own selection of script to list you in. These chosen people...

>> No.52488989

I always saw solana as.overvalued ando artificially pumped given it halted frecuently and using the network was shitty compared to eth, polygon, avax or cosmos.

Was a user or FTX tho and i'm sad they'll no longer be up. Small fees to convert betwen networks, hardware wallet support for login. I used to keep a small number or stables there. Just for monthly expenses and withdrew as shit hit th fan.

>> No.52488996
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hope you get purged in the holocaust that will follow (this time for real), kike parasite rat
I will personally start hunting you subhumans after your shitty "modern" society collapses

>> No.52489035 [DELETED] 


im just shit posting to get a rise out of people lol, i don't have any friends

>> No.52489066 [DELETED] 

I'm not an anti semite. The jews are only a small part of people i hate. Mudslimes constitute a far greater threat to the safety of Europe than jews.

>> No.52489079
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If two thousand years of history hasn’t taught you anything

>> No.52489110

oh sweet anon, you'll get around it

>> No.52489112
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I just wasn't super impressed with their changed to blockfolio, and I've mainly used coinbase or crypto.com as my fiat onramp and kucoin for degenerate shit (sometimes kraken and coinmetro) so I never saw any point. Ignoring all that, I would have abandonded it all when sol started going down regularly. A network can't go down like that and be trustworthy. Was enough for me
>fell for Celsius bancor and scream finance for a combined worth of $50k however

>> No.52489364 [DELETED] 


Shoo shoo, back in the oven!

>> No.52489972


Yes. pretty neat huh? but pretty bad also, I dont like it that autists happen to be right about this. I do not want hitler all over again, shit was retarded.

>> No.52490261
File: 40 KB, 800x450, pepelaughz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My short story with FTX:
>poor anon looking for a gem to buy
>see a photo of a french influencer at a gala or smth with FTX logo
>look into it
>see jew face sbf
>feeling disgust but hey they always win money don't they ?
>come here to ask to kind anons
>they tell me he a kike, don't trust his fake monies but do as you like and token is not needed anyway
>i check FTT prices
>25€ at that time, too poor to buy, i'm europoor student
>mfw i escaped bagholding kike's token

>> No.52490340

Sometimes it’s hidden so you have to search on google XYZ Jew, or XYZ Israel to find them.

For example I was really surprised the owner of livenation ticketmaster was not a Jew.

>> No.52490598

whatever i dont recognize those terms

>> No.52490675

I avoided the rugpull cuz I dont store funds on exchanges and never have. its always seemed a bad idea and my thoughts of they can just take it when they want have been proven true time and time again. Has nothing to do with the "antisemitism" buzzword

>> No.52491120

i only messed with DEXes NFTs and kept everything in selfcustody. i didn't even understand what FTX really was.

>> No.52491409

OG from 2013 here
Just stay the fuck away from jews in crypto and youll be safe
Gemini exchange is also kikes, I doubt they will rug you but better safe than sorry

Binance like bitfinex, get in do your trades and get out to self custody