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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 595 KB, 1722x1722, 1629172433256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52483811 No.52483811 [Reply] [Original]

I lost 800$ on ftx.
That's half of everything I had invested.
It might be nothing for you but it's a lot for me. 50%.
I hate jews. "What do you want to do when you get rich anon" I want to start the 3rd reich.
1 whole year gone to shit because I was dumb enough to trust a jew

>> No.52483834

Jew here, are you from the third world or what? 800 euros is nothing

Also don’t trust exchanges that suddenly pop from nowhere, only trust exchanges that are 10 years old at least

>> No.52483845

Sorry for your loss, anon. At least your hopefully learned not to trust CEXes, especially ones that came seemingly out of nowhere and were created by some greasy Jew who sleeps on beanbags.

>> No.52483861

What about the Jews who lost money on FTX? You should stop generalizing and hating all Jews and instead hate 0.1% and their puppet politicians who allow this to happen. Btw FTX was a giant set up, this was done on purpose to strengthen the case for crypto regulation and usher in CBDCs. The SEC knew that FTX/Alameda was doing shady shit but gave them a pass anyway because the chairman Gary Gensler is friends with the CEO's father who is also a professor at MIT (they worked together). It's a big web of corrupt shit. If you want to hate a group of people at least hate Americans.

>> No.52483876

Sucks bro.
In the scheme of things you got out lucky.
Lesson learned, use DEXs >>52473726

>> No.52483891

fuck off jew
So it's all just a coincidence that everyone hates them for centuries and they kept being persecuted "for no reason whatsoever"? I don't think so.
The reality is if I ignored you and I listened to all the warnings my ancestors gave me throughout history, I wouldn't have been fucked by the jew. Simple as.

>> No.52483895

btw to make u feel better there are people who lost hundreds of thousands on this shit

>> No.52484135

Other people being down doesn't make me feel better.
It makes me hate even more.

>> No.52484146


Whale bro here. link wallet, I'll get you back, thirdie senpai.

>> No.52484171
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>> No.52484260

a cheap price for a life long lesson .. remember to teach your kids about it

>> No.52484301

The 0.1% are jews though. I get the average joe-heeb isn't in on this kind of thing, but as a whole the tribe is still the tribe and as long as they're allowed to remain in the west goyim will get fucked by them.

Don't give up anon. I'm guessing you're pretty young if $800 seems like the end of the world, but you can earn that back pretty quickly. You learned a valuable lesson early on and now you know who not to trust.

>> No.52484311

>$1600 net worth
>put half of it into a fucking Jew owned exchange

>> No.52484315

Holy shit, based!

>> No.52484324

$800 is like one paycheck…you can’t be serious oh wait you don’t work ofc

>> No.52484346

>reichposter is a total fucking loser
Like pottery

>> No.52484399

You lost what? Yesterday I lost $2000 because I said, fuck let's try this strategy. But I mean I made $45,000 last month so obviously I didn't give a fuck. Oh, yeah, sorry about your loss, kind of unfortunate.

>> No.52484649
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>You should stop generalizing and hating all Jews

>> No.52486568

not only did they steal your money but they were having orgies while doing it hahahahahahh

>> No.52486581

Imagine losing 650 million kek

>> No.52486597

>it's a lot for me. 50%.
get a job u bum

>> No.52486671
File: 53 KB, 1024x638, 1659879165290558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had some sympathy until you come out with this unwarranted anti-Semitism, I hope you lose everything gentile scum.

>> No.52486761
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>> No.52486807
File: 2.18 MB, 576x1024, Christcuck.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anti-Semitic cope, you just need to accept that your own failing are not the fault of the Jewish peoples.

>> No.52486866
File: 61 KB, 1170x737, 1668698313519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my "faults"
im not blaming anyone for those, im hating on fractional reserve banking, majority of taxes, circumcision, modern information skewing and the list goes on, rat

>> No.52486950
File: 106 KB, 1234x690, cd7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fractional reserve banking

Has made an incredible availability of money propelling millions out of poverty


Improves health, appearance, IQ, sensitivity, and general cleanliness

>modern information skewing
Nothing at all wrong with spreading misinformation, that's just the nature of selling news.

Lots of cope for only $800....

>> No.52487366

you caused both world wars
you are a plague on mankind
but yes you are right it is our fault, our failing is being too kind to jews instead of applying ruthless righteous brutality to squash this disease once and for all

>> No.52487579

Pajeet begging thread.
Wtf Lebanon the serial beggar is posting his XMR addresses as well someones fucking asleep at the wheel.
Also nigger I got cancer and no money and I work and pay my bills you have no fucking excuses.

>> No.52487773

don't let jews get in the way of hating your true oppressors - capitalist parasites

>> No.52487789

This is a foreign faggot begging thread literally american politics don't even effect this nigger fuck him and fuck Lebanon and fuck the XMR faggot trannies ruining this board and protecting serial begging niggers.

>> No.52487863
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>I lost 800$ on ftx.
Checked. Next time only trust your personal wallet. XMR can still save you

>> No.52487908

>fuck off jew

>> No.52488914

not your fizzles not your dizzles, take some responsibility.

>> No.52489702

I'm Jewish and while obviously FTX/SBF are pieces of shit, this mentality you're moving to is probably just going to lead you to remaining unsuccessful in the long run. Mtgox, BTC-e, Bitcoin Savings and Trust, a million other scams and ponzi schemes and tricks were all run by non-Jews.

Statistically, one has to take multiple things into consideration. Jews have, for millennia, been forced into finance and barred from nearly all other professions by rulers of nations. Over time, this means Jews are more likely than other groups to go into finance. Since the base rate of Jews in finance is higher, then even if Jews were hypothetically actually less likely to scam, you would still expect to see a lot of Jew-involved scams just due to the base rate of Jews. If a lot of crypto stuff is scammy and a lot of Jews are in crypto, even if one were to assume that Jews were less scammy than other groups, you'd still see a lot of scammy Jews.

In general, you just have to assess organizations by how they're run and the people in them. FTX had weird red flags for ages, as did Mtgox and pretty much everything else that collapsed. Wanting to join the KKK after a black guy robs you or wanting to become a Nazi after a Jewish guy scams you is just extrapolating the emotions of an awful personal event to an assessment of the world, which is probably the biggest bias all people in history have succumbed to regarding everything ever.

>> No.52489717

Uhh lemme stop you there Mt Gox was run by jews actually so everything you said after is invalidated nice try.

>> No.52489792

>I'm Jewish
>procedes to lie

every time

>> No.52489848

are csrq and usdr real
how do you explain all the money being siphoned
cashless society, cbdc etc
it all clicks
i know it can easily be faked
but i still seems strange that you guys arent entertaining the idea

t. anon trying to save all of you

>> No.52490166

Didn't read not selling

>> No.52490419
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>forced into finance

it was a proto-holocaust

>> No.52490501
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>3rd reich.
A Reich is a 1000 years of German history, you can't literally start the third Reich you poser.

>> No.52490518

>Jews have, for millennia, been forced into finance
Forced by renowned anti-semite, the notorious ‘Manuel La’bor’

>> No.52490534

>wouldn't have been fucked by the jew. Simple as.
European history is literally nothing but wars and revolutions, war tore really.
Jews just make money off you.

>> No.52490559

>Improves health,
You're a women, have to be.
My dick is constantly in pain.

>> No.52490571

Hey man, sorry for your loss. But that's a relatively cheap price to learn this lesson -- count yourself lucky.

>> No.52490588
File: 29 KB, 307x660, 1611656019141.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you caused both world wars
Technically, no.
This is when Europe started getting retarded.
Also Monarchies tend to devolve too.

>> No.52490671

>want to start the 3rd Reich
Better buy a time machine then, The 3rd Reich is still an existing legal entity chud.

>> No.52490691
File: 199 KB, 627x1024, 1569792734924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, like no one has killed more white people than white people.
They literally invented war.

>> No.52490792
File: 989 KB, 1024x862, 1649975778295.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wanting to become a Nazi after a Jewish guy scams you
No, fag...
Because Hitler.

>> No.52490844
File: 59 KB, 624x434, chpp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the reason you're such a loser is because you choose to blame others for your own failures

>> No.52490855

Stop fucking bumping a begging thread idiots.

>> No.52490871

>crying about how he lost money on crypto
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

>> No.52491033

Ww1 would have ended in 1916 with Germany as the victors if jews didn't scheme to bring the Americans in, in exchange for Palestine.
So yes, they are responsible.
Ww2 it's even worse, they are the ones who started it all by boycotting German goods.
You talk about the French Revolution to excuse them but that's comical since that's when the Rothschilds cemented their power by scamming everyone and profiting out of war.
Even while knowing all of this I thought to myself "nah, surely it's not all jews, I shouldn't be a racist" like this silver-tongued worm >>52489702 is trying to convince me of, but I was wrong. There are so many signs that jews are a tumor on mankind yet we fail to excise them. At last, I see.

>> No.52491045

For the last fucking time stop bumping a literal pajeet begging thread you blind nigger.

>> No.52491459

Based take

>> No.52491642

I make more than that in 1 day of work unironically big yikes bro
Get back work

>> No.52492132
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Don't make the same mistake again

>> No.52492169

XCM faggots bumping a very clear begging thread where OP posted his address over 5 hours ago and it's still up.
GEE makes you think.

>> No.52492197

Sorry to hear. I’ll send you a penny of BSV if you drop your HandCash.

>> No.52492336

>didn't even lose $8k
get a real job then come back here sport

>> No.52492645

lol you sad loser. maybe if you keep pooosting on this childrens cartoon forum your retarded loser dreams will come true

>> No.52494706
File: 170 KB, 980x742, 1601765055490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You should stop generalizing and hating all Jews and instead hate 0.1% and their puppet politicians who allow this to happen.
This would work if 99.9% of jews didn't reflexively defend the 0.1% every fucking time. They're all in on the grab.

>> No.52495155

why people incentivize working so much on this board? We should find ways to parasite from this stupid society without having to lift a finger

>> No.52495180


> I lost 800$ on ftx.
> That's half of everything I had invested.

top motherfucking kek

post sharpie in pooper with timestamp and a eth address and I will give you your $800 back

>> No.52495229

Nigger it's a begging thread and you wouldn't even follow through if you're baiting him into posting address to get banned he already did 9 hours ago and this god damn threads still up.

>> No.52495270

They know it anon, they know it all and they participate in it. They gaslight and lie about it 24/7. I grew up amongst cryptos and Im a quadroon.

Never relax!

>> No.52495272


I will willingly and quite literally send him 800 hundred american dollars in ETH if he posts pic with timestamp.

>> No.52495327

He's long gone I could fucking use 800 though I lost 12k last month and 800 could honestly keep me afloat till I get a job.
Are you 100% not bullshitting cause I'd do it if you're serious.

>> No.52495347

>crying over $800

>> No.52495360

With Jews you always lose. Consider your $800 dollar life lesson cheap.

>> No.52495462
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I dunno why life has brought me to this point but here's your entertainment for the night.
Possibly worth $800 possibly just my pride but there's not a lot of pride left in this oldfaggots chest anyway so here you go buddy.
I even gave you the girthy sharpie cause I'm a big guy for you.

>> No.52495506
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>> No.52495518

Oh I know kek I don't really care it's boring as fuck in here anyway so figured I could least make someone laugh.

>> No.52495553

sent ;)

>> No.52495558


>> No.52495570
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>> No.52495573
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>the $800 asshole

>> No.52495591

Honestly worth making a few faggots laugh and a three day ban my god this board has just been unfunny bullshit for too long, least someone can get a dopamine hit from my antics.

>> No.52495598

Go draw literally 2 furry commissions and get it back op, or go sell pics of your feet.

>> No.52495600
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>> No.52495608


>> No.52495609

Pfft I do it for free nigger get on my level.

>> No.52495616

fuckin' legend

>> No.52495617

>this asshole is worth $800
More than mine desu
Anon delivered his end (lol) hope the other guy delivers

>> No.52495624

cheap lesson
most dumbasses drop 100k on a 4yr college degree to end up slitting their wrists at stargays

>> No.52495628

bottom signal

>> No.52495635

yeah but im poor as fuck and need money for btc :(

>> No.52495637

Kek I don't expect it but if this assholes worth 800 that has to be the highest standard for an americans asshole especially as hairy as mine.

>> No.52495652

Nobody is giving me money faggot I'm just making a few anons laugh, we all just got fucked the generous anons aren't here kek.

>> No.52495662

is it really true we have all just been talking to eachother forever and none of us had made it, just won and lost a bunch

>t. ATH 20k

>> No.52495664


>> No.52495670
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toasting in epic bread

>> No.52495676

Very likely we might have had a few rich anons pass by early 2021 but 99% of us still here didn't make it.
>t. ath over 60k

>> No.52495689
File: 396 KB, 1287x1195, 1668519404488973.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i feel you fren, hopefully this is the one where we make it :) start opening ur positions

>> No.52495712
File: 1.26 MB, 360x270, 1657508285636.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek no positions to open faggot why you think I posted my asshole haha.
But you guys will be fine and I'll probably be back someday maybe.

>> No.52495765


>> No.52495780

You didn't let me down because I don't believe anyone here ever, but think of those poor frogs who wanted to see something epic besides my hairy asshole.
Shame fren could have at least baited a few others to join in so we could enjoy some old times, we might not see this board the way we did last bullrun again.

WGMI frens maybe not through crypto but we have the skills to forge a future and if we lose it all there's always sharpies and your asshole.

>> No.52495789
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Based and bottom signaled

>> No.52495793

Don't expect low IQ cattle to understand basic economics, my jewish brother

btw, what are you reading lately?

>> No.52495795 [DELETED] 
File: 889 KB, 1111x597, 876876876.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is betty poop falling on sd card wallet thread levels of epic

>> No.52495796

I hope you learned your lesson.

>> No.52495805

The next bull run won't be as big as the last one because last bear market sharpie in pooper begging threads had like 15 submissions of desperate anons shoving things up their asses, now just one.

Take notes.

>> No.52495825 [DELETED] 

betty boop falling on sd card was signal of end of bull
sharpie pooper signal end of bear

>> No.52495883
File: 29 KB, 500x375, 1541556060125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

put me in the screenshot

>> No.52495898

What the fuck

>> No.52495912

What do you guys mean when you say you lost $800? Do you mean you were keeping your coins on exchanges, or that you were invested in an FTX proprietary token, or both? This whole thing seemed very jewish from the beginning so I never even bothered to invest in or use the platform lol

>> No.52495931

Haha this is very funny and all, but you faggots know the rules: OP delivers, you pay up. Sharpie in the pooper aint free.

>> No.52495961

Kek Nobody is gonna pay up I wish could actually use it and not gamble it but least I got a smile out of you guys.

>> No.52495969

deary me

>> No.52495977

Contain yourself.

>> No.52496001

Contain your butthole hahahaha

>> No.52496016

If someone follows through I'll put three multi colored up their to symbolize our clown market.
Only if someone follows through thou.