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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52466033 No.52466033 [Reply] [Original]

Kadenasisters, it's over isn't it?

>> No.52466054


>> No.52466053 [DELETED] 

you got scammed, tranny. enjoy the rope.

Now fuck off

>> No.52466086

>"Oh no but I thought muh kadena would be the amazon of Crypto"
Shut the fuck up nigger. No one wants to hear about your tranny support group.

>> No.52466347

Had to recuperate a bit before being able to reply.
Racism and sexism in the very same post, that has to be a new low.
Before you post, please take a step back, reread your post and think about how others are going to receive your message.

>> No.52466351


>> No.52466366

what is this anon?

>> No.52466370

You know reverse psychology is most effective on the internet right?

>> No.52466411

Do the Kadena team have any sort of... plan? Anything?

>> No.52466463

This years roadmap is still valid for next year.

>> No.52466550

We never had a chance to begin with...

>> No.52466884

not until every miner is turned off
and that simply wont happen

>> No.52467096

best post itt.

>> No.52467599

why is she serbian

>> No.52467902

I dont feel so good KDA bros...

>> No.52469081
File: 150 KB, 745x1390, 47AD4127-D133-4814-9775-DE26C06A06F4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

c-certainly over for me. i’m financially babena’d. sorry kadena devs for all the poorly formatted criticisms and fud i wrote

>> No.52469878


>> No.52469974

it's all your fault

>> No.52469989

I was just sitting here thinking about making a post about how we're all going to make it off Kadena after looking at the current price.
It's like ez mode or something.
And I took out a massive amount of loans before when it was at $1.50 to go all in(well, more than all in really...) .
But now we can buy it at $0.8. Gift from god more or less.
It's all right. Everyone likes and appreciates you.
Don't worry, I'll take care of you when I'm ultra wealthy ad you can live and code in paradise(in solitude if you choose it).
If it wasn't for you I probably would have never gotten into Kadena. But it's probably the most interesting thing I've found so far in my life. So thanks to you and a few others here. But I can only really identify you. Maybe a couple of avatar posters from last summer too, but not sure.

>> No.52470020

Have an upboat

>> No.52470022

*by last summer I meant 2021 I guess technically 2022 would be last summer. Time flies...

>> No.52470194

>stutter anon rekt
Bro I thought you were larping.
>Muh cheapies
I thought the shit about KDA fags using student loans to buy was a meme holy shit kek.

>> No.52470236

>I took out a massive amount of loans before when it was at $1.50 to go all in(well, more than all in really...)
We are so far from the bottom.

>> No.52470256


>> No.52470269
File: 141 KB, 785x847, 1668532282450481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for the cheapies niggerfaggots!
keep selling
the tranny era is over, the time for hetero cis male investors has come

>> No.52470288

Post loans amounts apr and apr.

>> No.52470300

I'll put aside 1 full KDA for you specifically.
Next bull run, when you want it just post in one of these Kadena threads saying:
>FucuxR00 wants his 1 KDA you owe me
And I'll give it to you.

>> No.52470349

The last time someone said this exact thing to me it was about FLOW kek. I am owed like five different shitcoins by overconfident retards.

>> No.52470451

I bought Kadena at 0,5. I held through everything. did not sell 1 kadena. thought we might crash to 3-5$ at the bottom of the bear market at worst. we are back under 1$. I dont feel so good. I really dont feel so good

>> No.52470455
File: 49 KB, 467x643, 523654y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was the first loan anon still holding

>> No.52470468

No apr since they're loans from family members for 'going back to school'. Pretty significant amount overall since what was supposed to be living expenses are included.
Also I'm probably a lot older than you might think due to the 'school' thing(which also means my living expenses are higher). But if anything my age made it easier to get the loans.
No one is going broke though either way so it's not as bad as it sounds.
Although I'm not proud of it in any context outside of this board, surely it will work out unless something insane happened that resulted in people unable to work on the project. And even then I'd offer to hire Nuwu to fork it, and pay her a huge salary to make it even better(if she wanted to).

>> No.52470471


>> No.52470597

How is it any different? How is this not almost 10x better than it being at $5?
What has changed to make KDA any worse?
If anything, things are better because a lot of actors in the crypto space who are unproductive and provide zero value for Kadena are gone.
The weak, who desite being weak can still siphon value from KDA, are being weeded out. And the token is cheap enough that even the slightest breeze of positivity and progress will bring things back to an even better state than a year ago.

>> No.52470664
File: 519 KB, 1226x1754, 1667334193813452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you nuwu even though you called me a racist homophobe :(

>> No.52470768

Dumb frogposter.

>> No.52470793

Everyone loves nuwu.
I want to make a NUWU coin where people compete to purchase as much as they can to buy her love and attention.
It would have to have some interesting mechanics like very large amounts burned on transfer(unless was to a whitelisted address, like her own or something), maybe debases and decays over time too as if it was ephemeral. Maybe it could only be minted by the whitelisted address so you would literally have to earn it in that sense.

>> No.52471908

bow down to your frogposter overlords, and apologize

>> No.52472514

70y6Tb3O types too much, slow down, go outside. Everything will be fine

>> No.52472948

Slow down, yes. Go outside? Not happening.

>> No.52473575

>the same anons that were laughing at the anons that sold during the top whilst making ludicrous claims like triple figures EOY, bagheld to the bottom still think they are market experts and can call bottoms
Lol. Lmao even
bottom is in