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File: 290 KB, 1080x879, Screenshot_20221116_162451_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52461052 No.52461052 [Reply] [Original]

He's gonna run the scam AGAIN.

>> No.52461069

Lmao, literally Luna 2.0

>> No.52461077
File: 266 KB, 1079x997, Screenshot_20221116_162805_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the stupid goys will fall for it AGAIN.

>> No.52461103

He's lying, that's not what happened. He totally glosses over how he lent all his money to his market maker that was taking huge losses. I hate this lying rat so much it hurts.

>> No.52461107

Where is he getting this liquidity?
He already stole everything FTX had. He won't even get to his "next try" as he will be getting semt to jail way before that

>> No.52461123

I feel like crypto will never be legitimized and get real institutional adoption until someone who pulls some shit like this gets murdered by someone they scammed.

>> No.52461129

God damn, we're going to have to deal with months of FTT-classic shilling, aren't we?

>> No.52461131

are they just letting him get away with this? this can't be fucking real.

>> No.52461134

I'll have whatever this dude is smoking.

>> No.52461135

SBF if you're reading this every single american wants your head.
Come home and do 25 years prison time and we will allow you to go clean toilets
If you open an exchange I'll do absolutely everything in my power to destroy it like I did a few weeks ago.
I'm not kidding.

>> No.52461138

>biden sends $38B to ukraine
>sam finds $10B
Sam is the savior of crypto

>> No.52461145

I guess that means he got the all clear and confirmation that he is not going to jail?

>> No.52461153

He'll convince the FTX baggies to give him even more money for the hope it'll unlock their bags.
Same old scams, some old tricks. And still they'll fall for it.

>> No.52461178

You must be the first legit ftx baggie i saw in 10 days

>> No.52461180

Sam is legitimately a good trader he just got too cocky and went too far on leverage. I'd back him on a second venture.

>> No.52461181
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>> No.52461185

I forgive him. Lets goo. All in FTT. Pomp eeet

>> No.52461190

they dont send jews to jail. especially snivelling ones who hate goys. they'll sometimes send a jew to jail if he scammed other jews and if they arent quite so snivelling. if they send this prime example of a snivelling jew to jail it will be as if they sent israel to jail

>> No.52461220

Based. Sbf needs to bankrupt more kike trusting retards and redpill more normies on the Jews while pump and dumping BTC. I rate FTX 1.0 a ten out of ten can't wait to do it again.

>> No.52461279

How has he not been detained yet?

>> No.52461288

You realize Madoff died in prison right?

>> No.52461302

This is all staged, all US users are getting their money back in full.
Already said too much, mossad is en route to my locatio

>> No.52461323


Midterms is causing Congress to be slow, and they are still holding hearings about what bitcoin is. Once they figure that out they'll start talking about bitcoin exchange bank regulations for FY 24. The jew probably didn't commit any crimes, because cypto is funny money that is not backed by any guarantees or assets.

>> No.52461325

Can we talk about how FTX was the second biggest donor to the democratic party in the last election behind the George Soros organization?

>> No.52461339
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>> No.52461341

The FTX co-CEO donated millions to the GOP too.

>> No.52461345
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>> No.52461373

Is that supposed to be surprising? Blue Team is basically seen as "The Good Guys", so donating to them is the same thing as donating to the Federal Government.
Given the open level of corruption in American politics, it is no surprise a person with his level of aspirations would attempt to grease the DC Machine...

>> No.52461461

you realize he scammed several big shot jews right?

>> No.52461583

Kikes are probably drooling over that possibility, then they'd have moral justification for completely centralizing crypto and outlawing defi and un-cucked exchanges so they can see where every penny goes and every account has to be tied to a valid SS# and digital ID. Honestly seems like they're trying to draw out his arrest and prosecution for as long as possible to give the angry scamees as much lead time as possible

>> No.52461592
File: 17 KB, 100x100, peepocomfy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He's gonna run the scam AGAIN.
>And the stupid goys will fall for it AGAIN.
I'm here for the show, let's go.

>> No.52461651

he's jewish

>> No.52461703

That only happens to jews who rip off other jews. Bunch of zionist orgs and jew charities got wrecked by madoff. Not to mention all the individual jews who invested.

>> No.52461763

Astute observation, my good sir

>> No.52461767

This is my attitude

>> No.52461833

biz dumps on reddit one more time

>> No.52461920

Did he ever address secretly funneling ftx money to his cumdumpster?

>> No.52461969

I thought this faggot was "detained" how the fuck is he tweeting?

>> No.52462003

He will be in jail for 20 years before any of this happens

>> No.52462029
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Lawyers, anon. Lawyers at the breakfast table.

>> No.52462037

Why aren't his lawyers breaking his thumbs to prevent him tweeting this shit?

>> No.52462088
File: 700 KB, 629x393, 3F81510B-DF97-4410-9DA8-27D5535F2230.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the FUCK is this happening right now?
>1) WHAT
>2) IS

>> No.52462105
File: 124 KB, 720x480, 436D5BC6-5E8E-43EF-8226-35911D99B2B9.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit he’s making all of this all about himself where he thinks he can swoop in as the savior and redeem all of the people’s money that he stole from. And he was the Democrat’s largest donator whew lad, one in the same I guess. Everyone who trusted him deserves to lose everything they had

>> No.52462128

Fraud is still a crime.

>> No.52462155

I heard SBF dad is pretty upset over this. Lost a lot of face since his son is a fraudster, gonna be hard to show his face around Stanford kek.

>> No.52462161

no fraud. just a hidden, poorly labeled internal bank-related account.

>> No.52462167


>> No.52462170


Kek, oh man our bad trades wiped out all our equity. Oh, thank god I found this account with the extra 10 billion we had in reserve I forgot about, let’s double down on that trade.

A coincidence of kikes.

>> No.52462201

>Fraud is still a crime.
only if youre not protected by the political elite.
keep voting the same people.
keep voting democrats.

>> No.52462268
File: 135 KB, 550x535, 0192C916-CDB6-48DA-BEFE-E383A127BC7D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

8 billion in liquid? Didn’t he see someone stole it all off ftx the other day?

>> No.52462284

So basically the Jews told him he’s not going to jail so he thinks he just needs to manipulate r3dditors into thinking it was all a big misunderstanding and move on.
The jews will run stories for him too, and reddit will end up believing it. Guarantee he makes a come back and picks up the pieces.

>> No.52462343

bro thats a negative. negative 8 bn

>> No.52462346

kek baggie

>> No.52462543

He doesn’t seem too worries about the fact that someone stole all his money lmao. And if he took it why doesn’t he just give it back. Does this kike think he’s fooling anyone

>> No.52462989
File: 6 KB, 275x183, E5F8B421-D51C-4785-95EF-BECB395EDCDE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52463418

hes the modern day jordan belfort, but he's his own category. in the future there will be a leonardo di caprio movie directed by Scorse where he's sitting on a beanbag chair smirking, smoking a cigar watching his gf twerking to a synth wave tune while the room flashes blue and red

>> No.52463476

real life minecraft

>> No.52463488

Meth? Stay away from that buddy

>> No.52463491
File: 45 KB, 512x512, DF8B729E-D3E0-470B-A2C8-DAEF78DC3EFA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jews Never Lose.

>> No.52463535

GTFO, he could see the trades in advance and STILL MANAGED TO FUCK IT UP. Meanwhile CZ is the phantom bitcoin whale dodging murder at every meal.

>> No.52463565

He donated 400 million to politicians before he "lost" it all.

He'll be fine.

>> No.52463608

Hahahaha... And you dumb yanks thought Trump was the problem.

You got raped so hard by the elite controlled Democrats.

>> No.52463631

lol no one wants this regulation pushing faggot to be influential in crypto again

>> No.52463650

He's a rich kike AND a CIAnigger, what were you expecting?

>> No.52463671

and there's nothing you can do about it

>> No.52463946

>gets murdered by someone they scammed
will you be the neet to do it?

>> No.52464042
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>> No.52464106
File: 78 KB, 900x708, FhQYfN4XkAAFqhw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They Operated a Sex Cult in the bahamas.

>> No.52464250

what's the blue D logo?

>> No.52464284

Democrat Party