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52454938 No.52454938 [Reply] [Original]

Is there something wrong about a young person killing themselves? I am not taking 12 year old or something, I am talking nearing you mid 20s

Your personality is set for 90% percent, you already went through your formative years
Your default state will forever consist of indifference, dissociation and resignation

I am thinking about this question for some time

>> No.52454951

Why do you want to kill yourself. Are you fat?

>> No.52455042

You are wrong. I am now 31 and I am a different person than when I was 25. There is never and excuse not to grow and change.

>> No.52455049
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Had my bro kill himself earlier this year it sucks. Life is mostly suffering I think people have an unrealistic expectation of how life is supposed to be because of social media. Explore Catholic theology it’s pretty much hundreds of years of people trying to figure out why we suffer and how life is so shitty most of the time

>> No.52455060

Based walkchad I love wooolking

>> No.52455655


>> No.52455769

>I am thinking about this question for some time
You could slave away in a company. You could be productive for another person, enrich his wealth and in servdom, you may find peace until you die from old age. In poverty, alone, in misery but you did something with your life.

>> No.52455813

Different in what way?

>> No.52455844

life is a bullshit
deciding to live could be the biggest "fuck you" you can give to the universe, especially if you do good things because i think the universe hates that

>> No.52455849
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>I am now 31 and I am a different person than when I was 25
just because you dont like the same tv shows doesnt mean you are different.
people dont change, they just get older

>> No.52455850
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this is a demoralization thread created by an evil person.

>> No.52455865

>Knows his city like the back of his hand
>Walks the same route every day

something doesnt add up

>> No.52456125

>90% percent
>ninety percent percent
Who is teaching you retards how to use the internet? I just want to talk to them.

>> No.52456151
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>> No.52456169
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>> No.52456174

anecdotal, but still
I personally stated to get my shit together when I was 30
by 35 I was actually a socially skilled guy
I'm now living the best time of my life at 40

>> No.52456233
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>> No.52456241

What were you doing in your 20’s

>> No.52456256
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>> No.52456257

Literally a spam thread

>> No.52456276
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>> No.52456280

you can't seriously be this obtuse

>> No.52456293
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>> No.52456301

smoking weed and playing videogames :(

>> No.52456303
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>> No.52456317
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Are you a woman who expires in her mid 20s? If answer is no then no you should not kys

>> No.52456319

Life is meant to be difficult. Everyone finds ways to cope with reality. Just make sure not to live a life of inaction - regret of missed opportunities due to inaction is an easy way to make life suck more than it needs to.

>> No.52456323

I say disable yourself instead of suicide, its way more lolz

>> No.52456325
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>> No.52456343
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>> No.52456365
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>> No.52456379
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>> No.52456394
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10 (FIN)

>> No.52456486
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do it
but before you do plz buy my bags

>> No.52456622

Transabled people are outraged at your treating them like a joke.

>> No.52456774

You are a moron if you think you can't change yourself and that your fucking 20's is the peak of your potential and happiness lmao. Your 20s suck ass frankly. About 30 it gets way better pretty much overnight.

Shut up you glowfag.

Bros go workout or clean your room. Shut up and go you big sexy man you.

>> No.52456819

Literally why i havent killed myself

>> No.52456822

>Is there something wrong about a young person killing themselves?
Gee, I don't fucking know... What do you think you pussy retard? Ponder it for a moment...

>> No.52456875

I mostly feel the same. This is the reason why I have psychs and TRT on my mind, as a last resort of sorts.
I think psychs are the only thing that can bring upon profound mental change, and TRT physical.

>> No.52456921

>r u fat
>durr walk solve everything

Fuck I hate retards like you, always projecting like basic human tasks like walking or not being fat is unattainable and the reason why people are sad.

The only fat fuck is you.

Go ahead, tell us to drink water next, like it’s incomprehendable to you that people already do

>> No.52456969

I’m a walker but my heart sucks. Or it’s not great. Walking doesn’t do enough for my physical health, and the moment I get home, I feel tired again. I feel like walking is a bare minimum type thing, not a solution.

I also agree that life is mostly suffering, the pain in this world just simply outnumbers pleasure by a thousand fold.

>> No.52456999


>> No.52457013


>> No.52457048

Sounds like you need to walk and drink water more I never feel tired after a walk. What’s your BF%

>> No.52457051

right and wrong only exist relative to an observer. its not inherent to anything. its w/e you want it to be. this is true for all things. good luck!

>> No.52457068

Sounds like you need to literally dive off the tallest structure you can find, or stay on Reddit and not come here

>> No.52457095

Dude you are being irrationally angry lose weight seriously a normal person should NOT feel tired after a walk go to the doctor

>> No.52457146

Redditors want you to lose weight until you literally look like a starving African child lmao



>> No.52457182

Dude redditors enable fatness 75% of Americans are overweight or obese if you want to be a contrarian then be healthy

>> No.52457209

Delusional amerimutt calling anyone that tells him to lose weight a redditor. What a sight haha.

>> No.52457213

>people dont change, they just get older
you sound incredibly naive
you also sound like you are projecting hardcore